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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    Thanks girls.

    Wecome Chemoangel!

    Love the link, misswim. I also believe that exercise IS the magic bullet; improving health and quality of life in every circumstance. So we all are going GOOD!

    Heat index is going to be 105. I feel bad but I'm not dragging my elderly father over for the picnic and festivities, I'm thinking that I don't want to kill off more than one family member in a week.....

    Have a fun day whatever you do!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2012

    50 minutes Sprawl and Brawl- alternating standing kickboxing moves with plank variations, mountain climbers, burpees, mixed in with some abs......OMG, it is torturous! But what a good workout. Then did 15 mins Tapout XT abs.

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited July 2012

    Upper body workout and some crunches, followed by a breakfast scramble with sweet potatoes, tomatoes, sausage, and chimichurri sauce. 

    Oh and a banana, blueberry, and kale smoothie. I'm going to be so healthy I won't be able to stand it.

    I should go on a bike ride later! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2012

    hi ladies and welcome chemoangel.

    Ruth, sorry to hear the sad cat news. Cry

    Esther, my docs didn't tell me many things about my dx and tx.  Maybe they thought it would put ideas in my head.  IDK but it really frosted my cookies.  Good luck in Colorado!

    Did the 5K walk in 49:13 not bad for a middle-aged broad on a hot sunny morning.

    Walked there and back so total mileage for the day is already 5.1 miles (11,000 steps).

    Hometown fireworks tonight, headed to GB tomorrow.  Happy 4th!  ((hugs)) to all

  • chemoangel
    chemoangel Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2012

    :) Thanks for the welcome everyone. :) I am going to Newport TOO! I can't wait! I love to walk the cliff walk. It's always a must do whenever I get a chance to go there. :) We are also spending the day in the cape! :) Lots of beach walking, and beauty to surround me. :) 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2012

    Welcome Chemoangel and misswim thank you for directing us to that link as that is one amazing accomplishment.  Ruth guilt lives on and on, a month later and I am still mad at myself for not bringing Fluffy into the garage the night she disappeared. I knew that the coyotes have been on our street and in the school yard behind our house and then two weeks ago when our Samantha passed I knew she should have been euthanised but she wasn't mine she belonged to Hannah and she wasn't home and so I just held and loved her talked to her till the end I did the best I could but I feel guilty about it.

    Went to the gym this morning and did 20 minutes on the stairclimber at a level 6 and then 30 minutes on the treadmill and then 30 minutes in the weight room and I'm going to walk down to the beach and watch fireworks, hopefully we'll be able to see them as it's 2pm and we still have a heavy marine cover.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2012

    Chemoangel- we are kindrid spirits. I love the cliff walk. DD goes to college right there. So beautiful. We will also be visiting the cape in August.

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited July 2012

    Just got back from a 12 mile bike ride. Ooo-rah!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2012
    Ruth: Just read your news about your dear cat. I'm so sorry. Thinking of you. 
  • chemoangel
    chemoangel Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2012 weird how "Connected" we are! LOL That's so cool! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2012

     Did the first 25 mins of Tapout Legs and Back. Walking to work this morning, so will get two miles in; Two miles home tonight and then the last 20 minutes of back/legs. I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 4 lbs! Love this is a bear but I've been doing it for 9 days and I have lost 4 lbs! And I am literally dripping sweat all over the keyboard after 25 mins...... jump squats with a resistance band, plank jacks, push ups with punches, running in place with the resistance band.....ugh!!!

    Hope all had a great 4th!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2012
    Yesterday I went to the gym instead of a backyard pool workout,and found it very empty at 4:30. Looks like summer holidays are for the gym as well.Laughing
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2012

    Still crawling out from power outages and debris left by the storm that hit DC last Friday. Finally have the yard cleaned up and the spoiled food packed away to be tossed tomorrow when our garbage is collected.  I hate PEPCO - the power company that serves DC and Maryland.  They are nationally recognized as one of the most unreliable power companies in the entire US. 

    Oh, and the abdominal lump I had?  It abscessed last weekend so I ended up in the ER getting it lanced.  That cleared out the infected stuff, but unfortunately, the basic lump that started it all is still there.  Saw my PS Tuesday - I was hoping she'd agree it was probably related to my DIEP and take on management of it, but given it's location, she is pretty sure it's not related to any surgery she did.  So I'm back at square one looking for another local surgeon.  She did say that sometimes these things will abscess, and once they are cleaned out, it will gradually go away.   She suggested giving it a couple more weeks to see if it goes down.  So, I've now seen 4 different medical professionals, including 2 surgeons, and no one is terribly concerned.  But lumps of unknown origin still worry me.  The last lump I found in my right breast didn't work out so well for me . . .

    Between the abscess and the heat, very little exercise for me in the last week.  I've been eating too many summer goodies as well.  Now I just feel yucky.  I need The Voices to get me back on track, I think.  You all sound like you've been so good the last week!

    Badger - thought of you - we were at the Nats game yesterday - 11am start time and close to 100 degrees - and the seats were in full sun at that time of day.  The seats next to us were occupied by a young tourist couple from Colorado, who were originally from Appleton, WI!  As you can imagine, they were a tad hot.  They lasted about 5 innings before heading off to try to find some AC and shade.   You did much better at your game with us - lasting the whole 9 innings!  Cool

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    Mary, do you have good GP? Sometimes going back to a family doctor works better than to specialists who just know their own thing.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2012

    Mary, I thought of you yesterday when I crossed the finish line at the 5K yesterday red-faced and dripping with sweat.  You described yourself as such after a race one day, except of course you were running.  It's nice to have an 'official' benchmark to beat.  Now I'm looking for 5K walks to do and keep improving my time.  The Voices will help me do it.  Can you hear us now?

    My DH should thank you for renewing my interest in baseball.  Sat willingly through a entire Brewers game on TV.  Said to DH let's see a game at Miller Park and he said let's not, we have better seats at home.  :-(

    Didn't realize you were in the no-power zone last week.  Sorry to hear of your docs "What Me Worry" attitude.  Alfred E. Newman MD.  Ruth's advice is good (as usual!).

    Got out and walked for an hour early this morning.  Went 3.55 miles so better mph than yesterday but still not my fastest time.  Headed to GB this morning so see y'all in a few days.  ((hugs)) to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    Mary, this thought came to me just now on my 'get out there before it gets too hot' walk:

    Ask for an ultrasound. If the lump is vascular in nature, then you want it out of there ASAP. If it is not, you can safely wait and see if it goes away on its own.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2012

    Ruth - you and I are on the same wavelength - I'd already decided to go back to my PCP on this if there's no significant decrease in the next few days.  She and I were both hoping the PS would take it on, but it was not to be.  And you should be a doctor - the PS did suggest an ultrasound.  I did have a quick US in the ER, but that was just done to make sure that the abscess really was just that - the ER doc wasn't doing an ultimate dx, but just taking care of the emergency.  Badger - yep, red-faced and sweaty pretty well describes me after a 5K - congrats on finishing.  And you probably got a cool t-shirt out of the deal, too!

    I'm extra grumpy cuz the lump and abscess, along with the miserable heat, have flared my truncal LE as well - grrrrrrr.  Yell

    I think I may hear The Voices in the distance, wafting softly in the breeze . . . I need to listen harder!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2012

    Hot 'n sweaty after a 40 minute walk/run with DD.  Off to make dinner for my dear Dad.  We leave in 2 days - it's been so nice to be in the States for the past few weeks, especially great to celebrate the 4th with family.   

    Happy to get a negative report on an endometrial biopsy - woohoo!  This one had me worried.  Undecided  

    Mary - sending good thoughts and gentle hugs your way.   You've had quite a few weeks.   Can you hear the Voices wafting from the warm breezes of Florida?  

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2012

    Oh Mary, I am so sorry for all you are dealing with. What a pain! Even the voices would say you deserve a break.

    I think your electric company must be in competition with CL&P. 2. 7-10 day outages here in CT last sept and October.

    I hope tomorrow is the beginning of lots of good news for a change.

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited July 2012

    Did upper body workout this morning, and going to do some crunches and leg lifts tonight. 

    Low 70s in Seattle, just sayin'...

    We'll get our share of heat later this summer when it gets 88 and people are ready to call the National Guard. 

  • cfdr
    cfdr Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2012

    Ruth, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I was crossing my fingers she would reappear in a couple of weeks as though nothing was wrong. :-(

    It's been in the mid-90s in Minneapolis, so we went with daughter and son-in-law and baby and dog up to Duluth. It was a cool 67 when we got there yesterday, but hot even there today! Nonetheless got a TON of walking in. Even the bottoms of my feet hurt. I think I can safely say that the B12 deficiency is what was causing my fatigue, as I've been quite a trouper on this trip. Tomorrow is still supposed to be hot, but I hear the biggest mall in America is not to far away so maybe I'll do some walking there!

     Natsfan, I was thinking of you tonight. I'm not a baseball fan but my husband is a HUGE fan. He is excited that Mets are second in their division, and asked who was first, and he said Washington. I thought "Oh boy, that will make Natsfan happy!"

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    Hi girls. Oh, what a long, sad day I had. Three years ago one of the teachers at our school was diagnosed with a rare cancer of the appendix. Despite really dreadful, dreadful and prolonged treatments, the cancer returned and she is now on Hospice. One thing she wants to make sure of is that all the material she collected, made, and developed over the years (as an excellant teacher, she has scads) would not just get tossed out, but be put to good use. So 4 other teacher friends and I met at the school today and went through everything for her. Very hard and emotional.

    Went for another walk tonight with a friend just to clear my head. It is suppose to rain tomorrow, and I sure hope the weatherman is right, because we sure need it!

    Hugs to all!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2012

    ((((Ruth)))) you sure have had a rough week.  Nats I agree sometimes a GP is a better bet as they have more of a puzzle mentality they're not just looking a one thing but at a big picture trying to figure things out.  Misswim today I woke up at 4.30am and turned on the tv and saw the Tapout infomercial, it looked killer - those burpees and mountain climbers oooeeer, girl you are fierceCool.  Tonight I did an RPM class and boy did my legs feel it, that stairclimber yesterday really worked my hamstrings/glutes and I sure knew it.

  • chemoangel
    chemoangel Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2012

    Went to the casino and walked for hours...phew. It's amazing how much exercise you can get there. :) I even worked out my arms pulling the lever on the slot machines. :O) 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2012

    Ruth- sorry about your friend. What a generous spirit she has to be worrying about school stuff at a time like this. I am sure she appreciated your effort!

    Heading to a lake today so going to try some swimming. Gotta get this frozen shoulder moving and the water is nice and compressive for my LE. This heat is causing some swelling.

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2012

    Good morning.  Happy to report I am off the wound vac and was given the OK to run.  So, did a 48 minute walk/run combo.  My surgery was 5/17 and haven't ran since 5/16.  It wasn't has bad as I imagined.  The heat was no fun though.  Now to catch up on the posts!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited July 2012

    Yesterday I had a long post but forgot to hit the send button. I think. Oh well, need to exercise more.

    Chemoangel, that sounds like a great exercise combo: walking and lever pumping! Cool   Belinda, congrats on your maiden run post-surgery!

    Did Zumba on the Wii last night. My DD wants me to do some Wii yoga exercises and has it all planned and programmed for me. We shall see.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited July 2012
    Lots of ladies at the gym today.AC was pumped up high.Just stuck to the machines and weights.Now I can head to that barbecue party tonight without any guilt.Laughing
  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited July 2012

    Wore my Voices shirt to the gym today for my 50 minutes on the stationary bike and 10 minutes of lat pulldowns. It's my least favorite hour of my workout week, being there in that testosterone-driven environment, so I figured having good thoughts of my friends here would help. Then I continued with my PT regimen at home and did another 45 minutes of the remaining exercises. Bands, tubes and dumbbells, oh my!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    We actually got  little rain and some cooler temps today. I will try to will them on to all the hot, dry places. Did an old FIRM DVD, Total Body Light, which was lighter than I remembered and not very satisfying. Oh well, I was in a tired,  grumpy mood; so it was more healthy than sitting and eating a tub of ice cream......although the day is not over with yet!