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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2012

    Greetings from stormy Florida!  Have had a few days catching up with family, doctor's appts. Tongue out and shopping.   The weather has been windy and rainy with tropical storm Debby - I think that it will clear in the next day or so, I hope!

    Went for a walk/run with DD this afternoon.  It wasn't quite at the pace of week 3 of C25K, where I left off - but I felt good at getting out there and back to it.  With the overcast skies it wasn't too hot to run.   Also got in 30 minutes of pilates mat.  

    ruth  Hope that your kitty finds his way back!

    misswim  Wow - broken foot and hot yoga - you are dedicated!   

    Mary  Received the sisterhood shirt - and I love it!  Thanks again for organizing! 

    Welcome hipline 

    Hope that everbody's week is going well.   Hugs ~ 

    ~edited to add the thank you~ 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2012

    Tnanks guys....its my pinky and fourth toe, and a hairline fracture to one of the small bones right righr below the pinky. But it is pretty well protected so it surprisingly was not too painfuls.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2012

    Firstly I have a correction to make .... I didn't place 4th I actually placed 3rd in my age group in the mud run, I still can't believe itSealed.

    Welcome Hipline. Ouch misswim but there's no keeping you down is thereWink Wonderland be sure and stay hydrated when that heat hits. Mum hope you are feeling better. Ruth all the stories of cats coming home are very encouraging so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.  Welcome home to the US Joy

    Last night I did a one hour Spin class and tonight was Body Step class.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2012

    hi all, got out for a lovely morning walk, the heat descends today. Maybe 100 tomorrow. Tongue out

    The Voices help motivate me to roll out of bed a 1/2 hour early to give me time to walk.

    TriChick, I had a mocktail party at work when I was done with chemo.  Virgin Marys, sparkling apple cider, etc.  Those people saw me through a lot and I wanted to celebrate not feeling like crap.  Def let us know the date and we'll hoist a glass in your honor.

    Mary, how's your tummy?  Thought of you the other day when I discovered we have a family of bunnies living under our lilac bush, the babies are soooo cute. 

    Have a great day ladies!  Yoga class tonight - yay!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2012

    Ruth - if you get the feeling the cat may be hanging around, you could set a humane box trap and bait it with his favorite food, and you might catch him that way if he's too frightened to show himself when people are around. I sure hope so. TriChick - DH arranged a virtual Chemo Graduation Party for me - I was too fatigued for a real party, but he encouraged everyone to send me congratuations emails, and some co-workers even left a big Congrats Graduate card signed by everyone and an oversize Congrats Graduate balloon.  It was really fun and encouraging.  Cheryl - 3rd in your age group - hooray!  Did you get a medal or award for placing 3rd?  Misswim - broken foot - yikes!  CF - congrats on that first haircut - it's a milestone!  And Badger - you'll be ready for that 100 degree heat after your experience in DC! Joy - cool that you finally got the shirt.

    I have an appointment with my ps next Tuesday afternoon to check out the abdominal bulge that apparently is not a hernia.  The arrogant surgeon I didn't like thought it was probably related to my DIEP, so I'm going back to Hopkins to have my DIEP ps  check it out.  I trust her a lot more anyway.     

    I took Mikey the Min Pin for a 2 mile walk yesterday, and it was an all time record Bunny Day - I saw 10 bunnies, plus a bonus deer (who just looked at me as she calmly stripped the flowers off my neighbor's hostas).  Mikey is backsliding a bit - apparently he's been stealing the Molly the Chihuahua's food when he can for the last few weeks, and has gained a pound.  The other night we thought Molly looked a little thin and Mikey looked a little plump, and we finally figured out what's going on.  Molly is 18, and apparently doesn't defend her food bowl well any more, so he's been getting away with it. So, back to diet and exercise for Fat Mikey!  And DH's back went out Sunday, so he's been in bed zonked on muscle relaxers since then - it's always something!

    2 mile run this morning - an all time record pace (for me) of 10:15 minutes per mile. I usually run a 12 or 12:30 mile, so I'm not sure what got into me today, but it felt great!

  • cfdr
    cfdr Member Posts: 308
    edited June 2012

    I got my 4th B12 shot yesterday, so I should be back up to normal levels now. Hurray! Haven't tested it yet with any vigorous exercise, been too busy getting ready for a trip to Minneapolis to meet our new granddaughter. Hoping to get in an hour a day of walking while we're there, even if I have to do it in 20 or 30 minute blocks. We're renting a place right across the street from a big park, so there will be lots of trails to explore. Been keeping up with my yoga and my PT exercises. We have access to a canoe with the place we're renting, and I used to be an avid paddler, but between my husband and I we only have one good shoulder, and that's the one on the side where I have truncal lymphedema. So I don't know that canoeing with be part of the program.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited June 2012

    Hello all! Somehow this thread fell off my favorites list, probably fat-fingered it on my ipad... for the life of me I couldn't understand why no one was posting here! Or so it seemed to me... anyway, I'm so way behind on what's been going on, I won't even bother trying to catch up. Though I did see that Misswim's toes and foot are broken and that Ruth's kitty is missing... Cry Hoping for quick healing and a happy ending for both!

    I may not post much, but I did want to say I think about all of you all the time, especially when I run. When I get to the hard parts, in a speed workout or in a race, I focus on my thoughts on all of you still going through treatments and various struggles... and it helps me get through the tough parts a little easier. So please all know that I've always got good thoughts coming all your way!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    We become part of each other's and hard parts both. Hugs to you, Esther! (And all you runner types have gotten the rest of us going too with signing up for walks, mud runs etc. Who'd have thunk it! Cool)

    cfdr, congratulations on the hair cut. And if you won't like the color, you can always do what I do...DYE, BABY, DYE! My present 'natural color' comes from a wig I tried on just for the heck of it during chemo, I didn't buy it because I wanted to get something as close to my 'normal' color as possible (more of an ordinary brown). But I kept thinking of how much I liked that color so after my hair grew back, I went with this color (after coloring my hair purple., just once, just because I wanted to and I could......I think everyone should do at least crazy thing they never would have done before as a post-treatment celebration....)

    Mary, glad you are going back to your good doctor. No way it is a hernia if you are running 10 minute miles!

    Did 30 minutes Pilates, now going out for coffee with some friends. I'll do something more later.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2012

    Hi all- just back from the onc- had a great check up. Had full court blood work as this was also a check-in for the Metformin trial I am on. Onc was pleased to tell me that tumor markers are on the low, low end of normal.Laughing So happy about that! Bone Scan results from two weeks ago ( I will have one annualy) were totally clear, except the spot of narrowing discs in my back which we knew about. So, what a relief. I can really enjoy summer.

    Had my toes and the upper part of my foot splinted and taped today. Looks funny, but feels pretty good. Going to yoga again tonight.

    Mary, I hope the PS can figure out what is going on with the not-quite-a-hernia!

    Esther- so good to hear from you! You are missed and I think about you alot.

    Ruth- I'm sending good thoughts for kitty!

    Cheryl- That is awesome coming in third in your age group. You go!!!

     Hugs to all.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2012

    Another walk/run with DD - not quite up to where I was with C25k a few weeks ago, but getting there.

    Good to hear from you, Esther.  Thanks to you, I started a running program.  In Ruth's words - who'd have thunk it??           cfdr   Safe travels - enjoy the new grandbaby!        cheryl   woohooo on the mud run!  

    Enjoying being back in the States - especiallly air conditioning, the shopping mall, Five Guys burgers, and most of all seeing family.    

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    Air conditioning is good!

    Congratulations on our checkup, misswim. Getting an 'all clear' there kind of puts the broken toe in a different perspective doesn't?!

    I didn't get back to any formal exercise but I have been working like crazy the last few days. At Christmas DS moved into an apartment, taking his bedroom furniture with him. I've had an empty bedroom since then but wanted to wait until I had time to do something special with it. I've have an antique brass bedframe that had belonged to my parents in storage for the last couple years, and I wanted to use it and two beautiful quilts, one made by my mom and one given to me by a favorite aunt, as centerpieces for the room. So all this week I have been scouring every antique shop, collectable shop, goodwill store, along with furniture stores, Kmart etc. etc. to find what I wanted.....and, not counting the bedframe and mattress (which were as cheap as I could get them as it will be the second spare bedroom), I have furnished it just how I want it for about $150 dollars! My big purchase was an old, very worn (which is what I wanted) antique rocking chair (the seller remarked, "I'm sure this chair has rocked many babies.") for $50. I draped one quilt on it, and the other is, of course, on the bed. Also found a small table made out of an old sewing machine ($30), a Monet reproduction with just the right colors ($5 at Easter Seals) etc. etc. So between shopping and dragging things downstairs and arranging and rearranging the room (do not try to drag old brass beds around, I really am sore!), I believe I have gotten my exercise in!

    OK, I've rambled. I am now going to see if I can put an old picture I have (with a very heavy and broken frame) into Walmart frame, and save myself more bucks (as opposed to bringing it to a frame shop). 'Night All!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2012

    It certainly did put the miniscule broken toe in perspective , Ruth, you are so right!

    I have just ordered an MMA/Kickbox program called Tapout XT. Did the first of 12 workouts that come in the set. SO hard. I got a great workout! Cannot wait to do more.

  • hipline
    hipline Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2012

    You all inspire me! Yoga and a 4 miler today. I will live vicariously through some of you- like hbcheryl and that mud run. What a blast. And very curious about the Tapout misswim!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2012

    Misswim congratulations on your great onc visit, I have seen that Tapout infomercial and it looks fierce, I love martial arts. Nats so glad you are going to see your PS maybe she can figure out your bulge, it's sad when the alpha in the pack ages, naughty Mikey and yes I'm supposed to get a medal. Ruth your room sounds delightful and how lovely you get to use the quilts, I'll bet they bring you happy memories. Cfdr have a great time in Minneapolis and enjoy that grandbaby. Good to see Sandee and Orangemat. Hipline 4 miles and yoga you inspire me.

    Tonight I did Body Combat class and boy it was a hot sweaty workout and I loved it.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited June 2012

    Great news, misswim! Hope the foot heals fast - you'll be needing it for Tapout-ing. Looks very interesting, indeed.  Mary, hope the PS gets to the bottom of the bulge.   Cheryl, congrats on the medal! I want one, too!   Joy, will be thinking of you in my non-airconditioned gym.

    Did Week 8, day 3 despite the heat. Now I just have to run 5K Cry (Sweating not crying). I will do 32 minutes for my next run and see how far I get. That or just run outside for however long I can.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2012

    hi all, love reading about everyone's workouts.  This is such an inspiring group!

    Walked this morning in the already-80's temp, gonna be a scorcher today.

    Sending good thoughts and ((hugs)) to all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2012

    Ruth - the room sounds wonderful!  I bet it gives you pleasure just to walk in and look around.  And with the antique quilts, your other "finds" are the perfect complement. 

    Hooray for the good check up, Misswim!  

    2 mile walk with Mikey today - a 7 bunny day, but no bonus deer today.  However, I noticed that my hosta flowers had been nibbled sometime this week so I guess the deer had already hit my house.  Going up to the 90's today, then near 100 tomorrow and the weekend.  Sound like familiar DC weather, Badger??   

    Found a great quote from Nora Ephron about aging in her obit yesterday:  "“I spend time getting into shape, then something breaks.”"  Ain't it the truth!  Tongue out

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    Another great Nora Ephron:

    "Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim."  

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2012

    Tapout extreme abs for 30 minutes this morning- and my abs already hurt. I was sweating and my heart was pumping- not easy! Hot yoga tonight if my toes are not to achy!

     The Tapout-XT program is fierce. Finding I will have to modify some moves, but these are hard core workouts so I am sure I will reap the benefits. And the instructor does not annoy me like Tony Horton in P90X. 

    Good job on week 8-Heidihill!

    Hipline, that is inspiring!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    Walked for an hour, ran into a neighbor I never see, so walked another half hour with her and her dog and caught up on what we've been doing this past year.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited June 2012

    Well, I had and interesting afternoon. I was running errands, about to make a right turn (after slowing down and using my blinkers) when a car rear ended me (hard) and then sped off!!! Unfortunately for them, but fortunately for me, the guy behind them took down their license plate. He said it looked like a kid who was going to fast and not paying attention. I am OK (sore in the neck and wrists) but spent the rest of the afternoon at the police station, insurance company, and getting repair estimates. Pretty minor damage, I'm just mad because of the 'leaving the scene of the accident' aspect.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2012

    Oh, ruth, glad that you're okay.  Bummer about the accident, and hope that you're feeling alright in the days to come.  I'm sure that the guy will be found and he'll get just punishment, for speeding off!  

    Another doc visit today - was told that I have pernicious anemia and will need B12 treatments.  Maybe that's why I'm so tired lately?  

    Had a long walk this evening with DD - too hot to move any faster.   Might need to find a gym with a/c .......

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239
    edited June 2012

    Hello everyone, I'm out of town, so have not been posting lately but I got brief access to a computer.  I wanted to let y'all know that I was able to hike 6 miles today with my family! 6 months ago it took all I could muster to walk 3 blocks, sit on a bench to rest, and walk the 3 blocks back home and today I was able to do something I wasn't sure I would be able to do again so soon!!

    Ruth, so sorry about the rear ending!  Glad you are ok and I hope they catch that bugger!!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited June 2012

    Ruth- that is so frustrating; glad you are ok.

    Joy- I get a b-12 shot monthly. It helps fight my fatigue.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2012

    Ruth!  What a PITA - little twerp was probably texting or something.  Glad you're OK.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited June 2012

    Ruth - So sorry this has happened! Badger is right, the little twerp was probably texting.

    Mall walked tonight. At times it was "fast and get out of my way" type of walking. Even ran in the parking lot because I was late for something. So I exercised at the mall and bought a bathing suit on a good sale!

  • phillybird
    phillybird Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2012

    Glad you are okay, Ruth.

    I have been making progress with my phys therapy and feel more confident that I will work my way back up to heavier weight training.  Should soon be biking along the river again.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2012

    Ruth glad you are okay be careful tomorrow as you'll probably be sore and how lucky that the driver behind got the license plate.  NWArt what a great achievement you should be proud of yourself.  Tonight did a Body Step class and the theme was dancin' it was a fun filled hour.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited June 2012

    Oh Ruth, so sorry to hear this happened! Glad you're OK though, and that the worst was just the annoyance factors.

    Great progress for you, NWArtLady! 

    I had my last physical therapy session yesterday. I'd been delaying stopping for several months now, guess I still wanted the security of being cared for there? But I knew it was time to leave the nest, so to speak, so a couple weeks ago I told them I wouldn't be continuing into July. And so now this past year of surgeries, recoveries and rehab is finally officially done!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368
    edited June 2012

    Oh, and so glad to hear you're running, Joy! Enjoy the gift, as many runners like to say. :)