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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    Walked and did pilates.

    Fun picture, Claire. No doubt Badger is droliing over the wine! She is another wine person. I've learned to say, "I'll have a glass of whatever she's having" when we get together.

  • cfdr
    cfdr Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2012

    Looks like fun in Chicago! And yum, that wine looks good. I drank enough alcohol on vacation that I'm abstaining for the rest of the summer. At least trying to....I had a beer the other day at a party because the only other choice was soda, and I'm not a big soda drinker.

    Did a 40 minute walk yesterday; 15 on the treadmill this a.m. after a late start at work after my B12 shot. Also been starting up my exercise DVDs again...I have a series from SELF magazine that I like. Only doing the first 15-20 minutes of each so far (they're about 35-40 min long). Have not done my yoga DVD since coming back from vacation...too groggy in the AM. Hopefully this B12 shot will kick my butt up earlier!

    Oh, and doing my 45 minutes of PT exercises every night. With all these arm exercises, you'd think I'd be a bit stronger by now!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2012

    Two and a half mile walk including the ski stairs-300 plus legs are screaming. Here's the view from the top!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012


  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2012

    Nice picture misswim. What a view!

    Good evening everyone. It's still hot and humid but I went out for a late night walk around the neighborhood anyway. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

    Going to the beach this Saturday for a week. Can't wait!

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited July 2012

    Will someone pm me on how to post pictures ? I tried to do mine via Photobucket, but it wouldn't work.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    I use Piscasa. If nobody comes on with Photobucket information, I can tell you a way to do it from Piscasa.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2012
    Lovely picture Misswim.  Tonight I did a double header Body Step followed by Body Combat and Adey when I was doing speedbag I was thinking of youWink have to say I didn't jump around too much in Combat as it was hot as you know where in that GGX room, the fan is broken add a hot flash .... you get the picture!!!!!
  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2012

    Just copy the address from Photobucket into the tree icon here.  Works like a charm except you can't resize.

    Back from the wine bar, and the yummiest dinner ever Chez Claire.  Fresh basil, tomatoes, and mozzarella w/avocado and wax beans.  Food for the gods.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2012

    Being all heart, I need to mention that I am wearing a SWEATER, and there is nothing wrong with my body thermostat.  Temps are in the mid 60s.  Glorious sunset.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2012

    mornin' glories!  Love the pic misswim!  Got out for a walk in the lovely cool 65 degree pre-dawn day.  Hard to believe it's supposed to hit 100 later today.  Last night was margaritas and Mexican food; tonight is yoga class.  Have a great day ladies!

  • my3sunz42
    my3sunz42 Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2012

    Badger - I got up at 5:50 hoping to get my run in before the heat ... unfortunately when I let the dogs out and looked west I was enlightened by a beautiful light show and thunder. I'm hoping these will role through quick and I can get my run in around 8:30. We need the rain, so no complaints here ... there's always the treadmill :-)

  • cfdr
    cfdr Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2012

    Interesting article in the NY Times about shorter, more frequent bouts of exercise. Encouraging for those of us whose exercise efforts are hindered by fatigue or other issue...essentially says that three 10-minute bouts of exercise can actually be better than a single 30-minute session for blood pressure control and other issues.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited July 2012

    Thanks for the link, cfdr. My fractionated walks with DD today added up to 1 hour and then 2 classes of water aerobics added up to 2 hours. Lovely view, misswim!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2012

    The NY Times article is splitting hairs. 

    While this may be true, the point is to keep moving, so if easier to schedule 30 min to 1 hour, that is what you do!  I have found I need to do about 10 miles of walking plus 50 miles of cycling per week to keep all in tip top shape.  Plus my weekday weights/crunches routine.  That is how I think.

    Yesterday, I walked a brisk 1.5 miles to the bank as was getting late, so had to move to make closing.  Then to the market for basil and tomatoes for my caprese salad.  Again, I had to buy prior to closing.  After that, a couple of hours at the wine bar, and on to World Market to redeem by $10 off if you spend $30 coupon.  Got olive oil, a couple of types of pasta, Greek eggplant appetizer, and a small can of pate.  Fun stuff for the larder.  Cheap good olive oil is a good thing to have as planning to make and freeze pesto this year.  Didn't last year, and missed having it.

    I have some thinking and planning work to do today, so planning some time in my "outdoor office" (rooftop deck).  Panoramic view of the Puget Sound in bright sunshine.  Will do a walk later, and have an evening meeting.

    Then about one mile home, dragging the stuff.

    Happy exercising everyone!  I still need to do my weights/crunches, but that will be after another cup of tea.

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited July 2012

    Still doesn't work. Maybe it's time to dump Photobucket? 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    Look under Forum: Comments, Suggestions, Feature Requests Topic: How to get a picture posted on the forums

    I just bumped it so it will be in the active topics. See if it makes sense. If it doesn't, I can tell you how to do it with Piscasa.

    45 minutes of Denise Austin toning. Off to a three hour meeting. Frown

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2012

    yoga class tonight, next week is the last of this series but as I learned last weekend, I can do yoga out on the lawn!

    my3sunz, did you get out for a run before the heat descended? 

    Mary, as I'm sure you know, the Nationals play the Brewers this week Thurs, Fri & Sat.  I can't talk DH into going to Milwaukee but we'll be watching on TV.  Don't tell him but I'll be rooting for the Nats!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2012

    Went to the gym but didn't get to workout as there was a power outage.  We were waiting in the spin room and they came in and evacuated the entire gym and closed up shopFrown

    Just realized that 4 years ago today I received the dreaded phone call, you know where you hear the words "you have cancer" and your stomach drops to your feet but out of the ashes I have found that I have amazing friends who went on the "ride" with me and I have made some wonderful friends here on BCOKiss

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2012

    Cheryl: Congratulations on your last 4 years!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2012

    Thank you Wonderland

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    Congratulations, Cheryl, and I like your new picture too.

    It was so nice and not humid that I walked for 30 minutes after my meeting.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2012

    Thanks Ruth, they're my shoes and socks after the mud run, I was so proud I finished it I took a picture!!!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2012

    I missed the bivale mud run here!!!  But saw pix of friends on Facebook slathered in mud Laughing

    Need to get me some of those bivales too!  Thinking fried oysters which are dead easy to make.  But after my date tomorrow evening for the FREE jazz concert a few blocks away.  Will be able to see the sunset over the Puget Sound, eat interesting items, and do some wine tasting.  Perfect evening.  Will have to add in some additional walking to do the mile or so I normally do.

    But that is after all the stuff I have going on earlier in the day.  My brain is fried!

    Got out and did my walk, but focusing on Saturday's ride of ~50 miles.  New area, so exciting to see.  I think a beach is involved so may pack by swimsuit for a dip afterwards.

    Made a salmon dinner with chard and eggplant saute.  YUM!!  Chard is the perfect veggie to have with salmon.  Who knew??  I needed to use up and someone else bought up the beans.  Heated up the leftover farro as a starch.  Have leftover everything, which is good.

    Off to bed now.  Sun is setting earlier, but summer veggies and fruits are getting tastier and tastier.  Can't wait for local tomatoes.  Putanesca sauce on top of pesto.  I can't believe life's bounty.

    Hence the need to keep moving. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2012

    Half hour run today - got it in before the heat starts up again - highs of 100+ again today. I AM SO SICK OF THIS HOT WEATHER!!!!!!!!  Yell 

    Claire - your postings always make my mouth water!  Cheryl - congrats on the 4 year mark - woohoo!

    Yep, Badger - it's the Brewers v. the Nats this weekend - should be a good series - and shhh!  I'll keep your secret from your DH!   Wink

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2012

    Checking in after a few weeks away of vacation.   Lots to catch up on, looks like everybody is active as ever  Smile    Love the Chicago pics!

    I now have a whole new appreciation of mountain hiking, as we discovered the Dolomites of Italy - via ferratas, steep climbing and scaling of rocks.  Beautiful scenery that took our breath away - super fun trip and we hope to get back really soon.  

    Had visitors for several days, now back to the routine.  Today had an hour walk/run with DD - first time running again for several weeks.  I'm trying to follow the C25k program, but today just did what felt good - about 30 minutes running and walked the rest. Thankfully the temps have cooled down here alot - maybe the dreaded heat of the summer is over for us??  (Fingers crossed!)  

    Hugs to everybody ~ 

  • my3sunz42
    my3sunz42 Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2012

    Good day ladies! I was able to get my run in yesterday morning after the rain ... was a perfect 4+ mile run ... I saw 1 hawk, 2 cardinals, 4 finches and a very brave chipmunk who didn't budget as I trotted by. 

    Got another 4+ miles in this morning after last nights storms. Was beautiful, but only saw 2 squirrels.

    Off to lunch with some work friends - preparing to head back to work on Aug 6th.

    Enjoy your day! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited July 2012

    walked for an hour

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited July 2012

    Congrats, Cheryl! Nice shoes.

    Welcome back, Joy! Would love to see pics of the rock scaling.

    Swam in the lake. Got a hefty fine for being illegally parked. OK, this was a lesson for DD that it is better to take the bikes than the car.

  • fearlessfoot
    fearlessfoot Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2012

    Hi, my first post on this thread.  I am jogging my regular 5K (3 miles) route as early as I can every morning -- which I try to do as long as it is not raining.  I usually get in 5-6 days a week.  I do it in 35 minutes now (improved from 40 min 3 weeks ago).  I also try to do 40 situps every day (arms crossed over chest and knees bent and feet under object for leverage) and some arm exercises with 3 lb each hand weights (I am trying to get rid of chicken wings/bat wings/flabby underarms).