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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    Turbo fire HIIT 20 and Les Mills Pump Flow...... Yoga at 10 this morning, Sunday and Monday. Then, operation time..... So forced rest. We had some freshly baked bread with caprese salad (Claire you have been inspiring me all week!!!) and purchased some lemon, balsamic and rosemary infused olive oil.... Ummmm.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    Walked at lunchtime yesterday, inside our beautiful state Capitol.

    Up early this morning and will get out for a nice long walk in a bit.

    Farmers Market opens at 7 and I'll time it so I finish my walk there.

    Nothing compares to farm-fresh fruits & veggies! 

    Mary, glad the mystery is solved, hope you heal quick.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    (edit for spelling)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2012
    Mary so glad your mystery is solved.  Did 15 minutes of Combat class this morning then popped next door and did a 1 hour spin class with one of my favourite instructors, yesterday evening i walked on the beach BUT I had an unfortunate accident as I was walking along the shoreline my foot went into a sinkhole and bam down I went flat on my face fortunately I was wearing a wrist brace because of my fall in Chicago so I didn't do too much damage to my already sore wrist mostly just hurt my pride, damn those kids who dig holes and don't fill them in jut letting the incoming tide cover them upEmbarassed
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    OMG Cheryl, sorry to hear that and glad you're mostly OK.  It's deja vu all over again (Yogi Berra) except this time on a beach vs a city street. 

    My pedometer decided to switch from miles to kilometers so I'm having to convert km to mi.  This morning I walked 7.42 km = 4.61 miles.  Got some yummy veggies at the Farmers Market, including those wonderful tomatoes yay!

    Thunderstorms rolling in so better log off & power down.  Can't gripe too much, we need the rain.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    And I Yup another 90 minute vinyasa class. Feels good!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2012

    I got in my 30+ miles cycling and then hit the BBQ.  Great time, and then home for some work.  Will do tomorrow's ride PRIOR to my 11 AM meeting as will be too hot later.  Still need to get in my swim, and think that 90 degree temps just might be the occasion.

    Walked the half mile each way to the supermarket.....cooling down now.  Gorgeous cooked prawns were on sale, so guess what I'm having for dinner?  Will be amazing with oak leaf lettuce, tomato and cucumber, fresh beans, and some avocado.

    Will make curry mayonnaise for the prawn salad.  Got some Pinor Gris to have with.  Also on sale. - Claire

    p.s. Blackberries were amazing.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2012

    Good Evening All,

    Just came back today from a great week at the beach! Lots of swimming and walking. Cheryl: I know all about those sinkholes. Sorry you fell and glad that you're okay. 

    I witnessed a turtle nest "boil." The mama loggerhead turtle crawls out of the ocean at night, digs a hole in the sand, lays her eggs, covers them back up, and then crawls back to the ocean. The "turtle people" protect the nests as the eggs grow. The eggs hatch at the same time and all the turtles "boil" out of the nest at the same time. It was awesome! 61 little loggerhead turtles crawled out to sea to start their lives. 

    Now back to the real world. Back to being laid off from the job I had for 22 years. %*&^)# 

    Plus, I have only 3 more weeks of taking my Arimidex. Then treatment is over.  

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited August 2012

    Hiked for four hours at Mt Rainier. Just tooled around Paradise, up the Skyline trail, then I saw it kept going up and up to Panorama Point, and I said, "Ok, enough." It was cool until about noon, then the heat started even at 5400 feet. Didn't want to stress my LE arm.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    Gorgeous cool morning after yesterday's storms.  Walked for 45 mins.  Would've gone longer but MIL's 80th b-day party is today and we need to get going.  4.5 km = 2.8 miles (so far) for today.

    Happy Sunday everyone!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    T-minus two days to ooph. Went to yoga this morning and am going again tonight!

    Cheryl- feel better!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited August 2012

    Hike and run in the woods.  It was super hot today so went slower than usual.  

    wonderland  Great to see the turtles, they're so amazing aren't they?  I hear that the mama turtle comes back to the same place to nest year after year.  Growing up in Florida, I once found a baby turtle headed the wrong way, not towards the ocean but the other way.  Took the tiny turtle and swam it out as far as I dared into the ocean.   

    cheryl   Those holes should be out-lawed, too darn dangerous!  Hope that you're feeling okay today.   

    Hope that everybody has had a good weekend ~ 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2012

    Hi All! DH and I had a nice 'mini vacation' exercise for two days but walked about an hour yesterday & did 60 minutes of toning today when we got home. It has cooled off here, temporarily anyway, so I'm enjoying having all the windows open and the AC off.

    Cheryl, yikes, watch your step!

    Wonderland, do you have any job ideas?  I have about that many Arimidex pills left too. I am more nervous than excited about being done.....

    We start school August 20. I am going to go over tomorrow and start putting my room together. Yikes, summer has gone fast!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2012

    Got out early and did 26 miles of cycling prior to my 11 AM meeting.  Very funny was that I got there early.  WHY???  Because I am now FASTER than ever, so finished sooner!  Made sure I hydrated.

    Meeting ended with lunch, where we sat outdoors, and heard, but didn't see, the Blue Angels.  Thought I deserved Eggs Benedict so that is what I had.  Afterwards, a stop for tomatoes and then a swim in Lake Washington.  Still feeling cool from it.

    I have the horrible task of needing to eat up the cooked seafood in my fridge, which I will do with more tomatoes, avocados and cold cooked beans.  Plus, make a dent in the blueberries.  Already had fresh blackberries and a peach.

    Leftover Pinot Gris to go with the cold seafood.  Will watch the sunset as I indulge/imbibe.

    Tomorrow, cooler temps so will eat the fridge veggies that require real cooking. Plus tackle some more work as list has been expanding lately and I have a couple of deadlines looming. - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    Yoga with the crazy bad ass Baptiste teacher again tonight in 100 degree room. Every muscle achesfrom yesterday, but getting back at it!!

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited August 2012

    Shoulder day today. EZ curl bar raises, and bent over raises for the deltoids and rotator cuff external and internal rotation work.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2012

    Back to weights/crunches and walking today.  Butt hurts....must have sprained it swimming Tongue out

    Cooled down last night just before sunset, so temps near 80 today.  May still do a swim.  Will have to see.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    5.5 km today = 3.42 miles.  I am liking kilometers, looks like more although it isn't. Wink

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    And my last Baptiste yoga class before the birthday OOPH tomorrow. It kicked my tail. Have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. Blech!!!! We did amazing ab work in the last two classes. My abs will be sore going into the procedure......

    Cheryl, I cannot stop thinking about your mexican cookies!!!!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited August 2012

    Good luck misswim! I thought it was a pretty easy surgery. Just listen to your body.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2012

    Good luck from me too!

    Man, am I tired! I went over to work at school this morning (workshops actually start the 20th). My room is on the second floor with no windows & no AC. So it was hot, hot, hot. After the janitors clean in the summer, they just leave all the tables, chairs, desks etc. in a jumble in the middle of the room. So the first task is to physically move them back to where they belong. I then spent the rest of the day climbing up on the said tables and chairs while putting up posters, putting things where they belong, dragging out the books/worksheets etc. I worked until 4:00, went and visited my dad, went at meeting that lasted until 8:30 pm, and then spent half an hour arguing with myself; whether I should exercise or collapse in the recliner. Exercise won so I did the treadmill for an hour while watching the Olympics....I now am collapsed in the recliner!

  • Cateyesjc
    Cateyesjc Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2012

    Hi All,

    I been very confuse on when and what excerise I can do after being diagnosed with Stage IIb BC with left breast with  Mastectomy surgery on 2July2012.  

    I just started my first chemo yesterday 6Aug2012, and the first day after chemo I dont feel any SEs yet... I had taken the anti-nausea during morning as per instructed by doctor to prevent the awlful nausea feel.

    My question l like to bring abord is, should I start exercise during the chemo treament period (last abt 6mths) or should I start execerise after my treatment as by then our immune system should have already bulit up and recover most so I can go out do excerise?

    If excerise needed too during the treatment what type of excerise recommand (indoor or outdoor)? 


  • hipline
    hipline Member Posts: 72
    edited August 2012

    Mile swim today. You have to listen to your body regarding exercise. There is a fine line

    between pushing when you're not ready and not pushing enough. I did not have chemo so I cannot respond to those that did but I know I recovered from my MX quickly by being in shape. Walking is always good and if you live in a climate where you can be outside, even better. I think walking and swimming are the best aerobic exercises for those over 50 combined with the resistance exercises of Pilates and yoga.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited August 2012

    Cate, you should exercise during chemo, if you are at all able. Even a walk around the block is better than nothing.

    Studies show that exercise helps counteract the fatigue you tend to develop over the course of the chemo.

    In general, keeping your circulation working well will help any number of other SEs as well.

    If you lost lymph nodes during your MX, I strongly recommend that you go see a PT who specializes in mastectomy patients for a consultation. The PT will give you specific exercises to do and can advise you on what exercises to avoid etc. I have started some light weight work, but I wear a sleeve and gauntlet to the gym.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    good luck today, misswim!

    welcome Cateyesjc, I had chemo and walked as much as I could each day, even if just up the street and back home.  Drink drink drink your water especially the day before (to plump up your veins), the day of and the days immediately after tx (to get it out of your system ASAP).

    I did try to avoid crowds of people during the nadir (mid-point of the cycle) because of my immune system being low. 

    Best wishes for getting through chemo with few SE's.  You can do this!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2012

    Wonder - the turtle nest sounds amazing - what a sight to see.  Claire - I feel your pain at having to eat that yummy seafood!  Tongue out  Cheryl - be careful!!  Joy - I love fresh berries too.  We had tons of wild raspberries at the cabin this year - I threw them in everything - waffles with fresh raspberries stirred into the batter before cooking - yum!!  We froze some as well, so we're continuing to enjoy them. 

    I envy you ladies with your AI countdowns - I'm in a final year femara countdown - 11 months to go as of August 1.  I even put a recurring appointment on my calendar for the 1st of every month just to track the countdown. 

    DH finally figured out why I've been so tired this summer and have had such trouble getting up in the morning to exercise - it's all the Nationals fault! When they were a bad team, it was easy to turn off the game in the 5th inning and go to bed.  Now I'm up watching till the end just about every night!  Between that and the horrible heat, no wonder I've been battling fatigue all summer.  So, I've decided to just give up morning exercise for the most part, and sleep in that extra hour.  Instead, I'll start hitting the exercise room after work.  

    30 minute run on the treadmill last night.   We've signed up for a bunch of 5Ks this fall, so I need to get back into the swing of things.

    How about that 15 year old Olympic swimmer, Katie Ledecky?  She's local here so we're all quite proud.  And of course Michael Phelps is a Baltimore boy, so we Marylanders are quite proud of him as well! And gymnast Gabby Douglas is from the Virginia Beach, Virginia, so in a bit of a stretch, we in the DC area are claiming her too!  Laughing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,531
    edited August 2012

    Welcome Cate, I also walked during chemo and did exercise DVDs for toning. First with no weights and then slowly working up. Do what you can. On good do more, on bad days less, but it is important to keep moving. Both to help you get through treatment better, and so you will bounce back faster after you are done.

  • phillybird
    phillybird Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2012

    I've been exercising, just not posting.  I think the weird post rads sensations are diminishing.  Weight training is getting better.  I've even been biking along the river again.

    Good luck with the surgery misswim.

    Welcome Cateyesjc!  As others have said, exercise is good during chemo, if you can, because it really does make you feel better.  If nothing else, try a good daily walk around the block.  Stay hydrated, wear sunscreen and hats!

  • Cateyesjc
    Cateyesjc Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2012

    Thanks ladies for the replies :)

    My center just called me today to check up how have I been after my first chemo and the nurse also told me to do some exercise like walking for half and hour or less each day will be better then not moving at all and stay home.

    So I will be going for short morning walk around my block with my parents every day 4am ( -.-.. That's my parents usual morning exercise time) then back home rest and have some sleep again :p

    Hope I can continue this morning walking thru out my treatment.



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2012

    Hi Jane.....I cycled throughout chemo on weekends, and walked every single day, a minimum of one mile.  Plus, I did my weights and crunches routine.  However, I did not have a mastectomy.  When I exercised, I got oxygen into my system, and felt ever so much better.  True, I was dragging some days, but my feeling was that I might as well be exercised and dragging as opposed to just dragging.

    I trained for cycling events during radiation, doing two 45 mile events the weekends immediately following.  Not quite my usual pace, but I did them!

    I would definitely take this approach again.  The big benefit was that I kept my core fitness intact, so didn't have to rebuild following active treatment.  I did have to rebuild some of my stamina, but I was basically fit and strong.

    My own take is that exercise helps with almost everything during this journey.  The NHS in the UK agrees.  Here is their article urging exercise intervention throughout treatment as well as after. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2012

    Jane - do what you can - a half an hour a day of walking would be great.  For me, I worked out daily after the first few treatments, but the effects were cumulative for me and I was able to do less and less as each cycle happened (I did 6*TAC).  By the end I was doing very little exercise, even walking, as I had severe fatigue and it was all I could do to drag myself to work and back.  However, two weeks after my last chemo treatment I started a gentle yoga class and hopped on the elliptical for the first time in weeks.  I was only able to stay on the elliptical for 5 minutes that first time, but I kept at it and gradually my strength came back. 

    So do what you can during active treatment, but be kind to yourself as well.  Everyone is different and the side effects hit everyone differently.