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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    got up early to walk as hot weather was forecast, and darn it they were right.

    5.63 km = 3.5 miles for the day

    oceanbreezes, my mom is in Ft. Myers Beach so we are watching Isaac too.  She and a couple of her lady friends have some kind of a pre-paid deal with an inland hotel.  When they have to bug out, they call ahead and rooms are ready for them.  They've used it a few times in the past and it's good peace of mind, for them and for us.  Her challenge this time will be carting her 20-pound (!) cat. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited August 2012

    Welcome Hils, eating 1-2 ounces of at least 70% cocoa dark chocolate every day is actually GOOD for you. It reduces blood pressure....I am not even making that up, so you can eat it and not be bad both!

    DS is down in the Tampa area on a vacation. He flies back out Saturday afternoon, so I hope he is gone before Isaac shows up!

    It is still 91 degrees at 6:30 pm, so I am weighing my options!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2012

    Welcome to everyone new. Good evening to all.

    Hoping Isaac turns and goes back to sea.

    Ruth: too funny about your eye!

    I just got in from push mowing the yard for over an hour. I'm dripping wet and in Great Pain b/c once again I was swarmed by yellow jackets. Dh and I thought were got rid of them. Much to my dismay, we didn't! I was yelling, swatting, and running all at the same time. My ankle hurts like a mother! Yell I was stung 5 times.

     Going to hobble into the kitchen for a glass of wine to ease the pain. Tongue out 

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2012

    First time posting in this thread...Hi All!

    I am struggling with energy 16 days post DD ACx4 and moving into taxol x12 next week. Exercised my whole life, yoga being a favourite but lately just need a boost.

    So reading this thread I vow to walk at least 35 mins soon as I log out. Guess it is time..

    Thanks for the inspiration Smile

    edited to add : came back to say I just completed my 35 min walk, beautiful day for it...and have to say THANKS for getting me out of my rut LaughingKiss

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited August 2012

    Good job, whaevah!

    I also finally dragged myself out for a walk and then did 15 minutes of 'this and that' toning while watching a TV show.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152
    edited August 2012

    Ruth just read your posting about your eye test - that is too funny, even funnier as that is what I do for a job and trust me alot of people do what you did. Plus I took your advice and ate some chocolate today Smile

    As we are heading into Spring 'down under' I have spent the day sprucing up the house and garden. Cleaned all the windows (inside and out), mowed the lawns, shifted 250litres of bark nuggets around the garden, weeded and tidied up the camelia bushes. So about five hours of physical excercise. The gym will seem easy tomorrow (lets hope).

    Have a great day and keep excercising

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148
    edited August 2012

    Thirty-minute stationary bike ride followed by 5 minutes stretching.

    Wish i could add more, but it's just that, this, and the tv. 😳

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    Good morning ladies and welcome whaever. 

    Going to walk around an art gallery this afternoon, looking at angels.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited August 2012

    Forty minute hike/run on the trail this morning - woohooo.  Break in the weather with mid-70's this morning, hope this lasts. 

    welcome whaever 

    Hope that everybody has a good weekend!   

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2012

    30 minutes weights/resistance/core this morning.  Off to the cabin this weekend.  The weather is supposed to be a bit cooler, so we're hoping to get a hike in sometime. 

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited August 2012

    Sounds heavenly, badger.  You're welcome, whaever.

    Is anyone sad about Lance Armstrong? He gave me SO much hope. Anyway, maybe they should be studying how doping and blood transfusions may help keep his mets from progressing.

    Taking it easy today as just had eye surgery. It was an emergency procedure to save my retina from tearing. I really had to keep my eyes open for that one. Smile (Both eyes wide open)

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited August 2012

    Hils, New zealand is such a beautiful friendly country.  I had business In Aukland 3 years ago, and then hubby and I rented a car and drove North to south.  It was winter, but absolutely gorgeous!

    Ruth, my DS is on vacation in Tampa too, but his flight is scheduled for 3pm Monday!  Probably not happening.  He starts a new job Sept. 10, so if his flight slips a day or two it's no big deal.

    Got my 30 minute walk in at lunch yesterday.  This morning I was running a bit late, and decided to skip classical stretch, but then I heard the voices (really, my first time hearing them Smile), so I did classical stretch for 15 minutes and still beat the contractors. Thank you ladies/voices.

    Got my gym bag in the car, so headed there after work.  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012

    Hi Hils, I'm just commiting to regular exercise but I'll admit my biggest motivator is a negative one-- I'm hoping the studies suggesting it greatly reduces recurrence risk are correct

    When I want to avoid exercise out of laziness, I can motivate myself through fear.   I hope over time it will become such a feel-good habit for me that it will become natural to do.

    Not much to report the past couple days-- I did 1/3 of a mile walking around the track after chemo yesterday.  So far today I made it to the mailbox and brought in the recycling bin.  I may take a slow walk around the block later.  But it's mostly gonna be a day of napping. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2012

    Ann - I did 6*TAC as well.  For me it was cumulative, and by the end a walk around the block was about all I could manage on a good day.  But once it's done it does get better.  Two weeks after my last treatment I registered for a gentle yoga class and hopped on the elliptical for the first time in months.  I managed 5 whole minutes on the elliptical, and it kept blipping off because I was so slow. And I was only able to do about a quarter of the yoga poses before getting exhausted.  But that was a start! And I just kept going from there. 

    Be good to yourself - your body is going through a whole lot to deal with the chemo.  Whatever exercise you can manage is great, but if you need to nap or just veg out, you need to allow yourself to do that too.  There'll be plenty of time after active treatment to ramp up that exercise program!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2012

    Thanks ladies for the warm welcome Cool

    Just came back from Oncologist, we are moving into Taxol x12 and it was a hopeful appt, left feeling pretty positive

    I will log off and do another 35 min walk with my visiting sister. NatsFan,  my goal is to get back to yoga. I thought I would try this week but .......

    Didn't read about Lance...will do that!

    Thanks again, very inspirational thread Kiss

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited August 2012

    Chalean Burn Circuit 2 and Burn Intetvals. My semester starts tomorrow, a weekend of school. Will run to the gym on break. Feeling really sore in the core still from the ooph......i just want to feel normal again :) Welcome all new ladies!

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152
    edited August 2012

    Hi All

    Another sunny day so the garden is my new gym - spent a couple of hours cutting back the ivy and making good our backyard and replanting some shrubs. Hopefully will make it to the gym tomorrow for a cardio session!

    Pat I am very lucky living here in NZ, it is stunning and even living in Auckland you are never more than a half an hour from a deserted beach or for me a couple of minutes to a busier beach. Cannot really complain.

    Totally agree with you Ann re my motivation and hoping that by staying fit and keeping my weight at a good place I will not see the return of cancer. But I am sure we wish that for everyone.

    Lets all keep going and clocking up those miles / kms / minutes Have a great weekend

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited August 2012

    Hi, I am getting on quick and posting because a severe thunderstorm is coming toward us, so who knows, we may end up in the basement shortly. Yikes, we need rain but not golf ball sized hail!!!

    I came home and cleaned a little because I couldn't stand it (haven't touched the house for 2 weeks with all the 'beginning of school' stuff), then did a nice 15 minute Dancing With the Stars stretching DVD and 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin. I am TIRED, so hope whatever weather happens is done before I want to go to bed.

    Hope your eye is OK Heidi. My sister had that same surgery. Hope you feel better too, misswim. Surgery recovery always is maddeningly slow. Extra points for whaevah and Ann. Chemo exercising is tough! Glad the VOICES have caught you, you are hooked!

    Do you think Lance was framed? Either way he has done a lot of good with his foundation and, I think, he has been very inspirational in how he overcame a really bad diagnosis.

    I'm hearing lightning so will hit 'submit'. Happy weekend all!

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148
    edited August 2012

    Walked briskly fifteen minutes in sunshine today. Still thinking uf i can do resistance later.

    Ann and whaevah, so happy to see company in chemo and exercise. Hope we all come out of this kicking ass!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited August 2012
    You already are kicking!!!! Cool
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    The exhibit yesterday was AMAZING.  Four museums in the U.S. partnered to bring 45 rarely-seen master works here from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.  There are 43 paintings and 2 tapestries.  The tapestries are 500 years old!  The show has already been to Fort Lauderdale FL and Doylestown PA; from Madison WI it goes to Savannah GA, then back home to Italy. 

    Really interesting display showing the steps taken to restore a gorgeous painting by Titian. 

    The exhibit space was not large so counting my early-morning walk to the farmers market today, logged 7.72 km = 4.8 miles for 2 days.  Happy Saturday!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited August 2012

    Attended a Feldenkrais workshop today, a movement method that I hadn't done before.  Feel very relaxed, think that I will sleep well tonight.  

    Heidi   Hope that you're feeling okay after the eye surgery.  

    Not sure what to think of the Lance Armstrong issue, who to believe.  He has sure has done a lot of good. 

    Hottest day of summer today - tomorrow the weather is forecasted to be cooler, yippee.   

    Hope that everybody is having a good weekend.   

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2012

    oh yeah, thanks for the reminder Joy- Heidi I wanted to send well-wishes for eye surgery.

    I had a retinal tear last year and laser surgery to repair it.  Take it easy, hope it heals fast.

  • hipline
    hipline Member Posts: 72
    edited August 2012

    After 12 weeks on the road my husband is finally home so we are enjoying a late summer vacation. Water skiing, swimming and this new toy we bought called the Air Chair. All very good exercise. I have the sore muscles to show for it! Will enjoy through the weekend. Happy weekend all!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited August 2012

    badger: the exhibit sounds awesome!

     Heidi: thinking of you and hope you heal quickly.

    Hipline: you Air Chair sounds intriguing!

    Much cooler today and less humidity plus a nice breeze is blowing so I went for my walk/run this morning instead of the evening. It was refreshing! 

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2012

    Hi Ladies!

    Beautiful morning here. Walked for 1.5 hours with my (almost) 14 yr old nephew. Stopped at Starbucks for cappuccino, water etc then continued on. 

    Loved every minute of it Cool

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited August 2012

    Nice here too. Walked, toned with Richard Simmons and went to a water show tonight.

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152
    edited August 2012

    Spring is only just around the corner and the sun has made a very welcome appearance.

    Went to the Rugby last night and parked further away and walked to the stadium and clocked up 4.5km, clocked up another 3km walking to the gym this morning. Then in the gym managed a good cardio session of 19km hills on the bike, followed by some weights. Feeling good - must push myself next week in between work to make time for the gym, its so easy to not go and this is not an option.

    Hope anyone near Hurricane Issaac is safe and that very little (preferably no) damage occurs.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012

    Went out after dark with the hubby in tow-- nice slow paced 30 minute wak.  We got followed by an off-leash black dog for a time but he finally lost interest in us.  Back home to a ginger ale/cranberry cocktail.

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148
    edited August 2012

    Was able to do some resitance training yesterday. Split squats, deadlifts, and arm raises and stuff!!! Felt really good.

    So, just grocery shopped with my mom today and dinner out with the family later.

    Enjoying the weekend!