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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Went out and walked for a little over an hour after work tonight.  Felt good.  I didn't think I would do as well as the treadmill because the treadmill keeps you at a good pace but I did keep a good pace and enjoyed it.  I like walking past all the houses and wondering about the people who live inside.  I also make twists and turns and usually end up wondering where I'm at and how far is it back home, until I finally get to a road that I've driven down and regain my bearings.  Funny.  One day I'm going to have to call for help if I can't find my way back.  Surprised  However, I did start to feel friction between my big toe and the next toe, blistering, on both feet.  Don't know how to fix that other than wrapping one toe with a bandaid?

    Thanks for the tip about the pills (doctors prep).

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Hey!!  Just home from the ultrasound - no DVT/blood clots!!!  Woo Hooo -  and released to start walking and then next week back to whatever I can handle.  Spin is me!!!  and  running and biking and whatever!!   I am so relieved as the last week and 36 hours have been so stressfull and I'm not a stressfull person.  Thanks for all the good thoughts and the 30 minute exercise palancas...

    Patoo - are you ok?  Ruth - how is the flood situation?  Cheryl - any more earth quakes?  Nats - are you loving this weather?  We are heading to the NJ beach this weekend to start working on the boat.  I know I've missed a lot of you - my head is swimming.... love to all....Kiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    There you are Patoo!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010
    YAY! for your U/S results.  Now, get to working out.  Laughing
  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Bobcat - Great results of your ultrasound!

    I did walk for 30 min today and then I did  about 20 min of Pilates. Working back in slowly.

    Gotta run. Have a good one everybody. Chris

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Bobcat I'm doing the happy dance for you.  Now go and have a nice weekend in the sunshine, I know you've had a rough couple of days and once you start back into exercise you will feel so much better.

    Patoo maybe we should invent "Onstar" for walkers then you could just push a button and get directions!!  Nats you are such a good girl exercising both in the morning and night.  Chris good to see you slowly getting back to it.  Ellen  I'm glad you're getting sunshine, we have had a few beautiful days but this afternoon it has come over cloudy and windy - go figure.

    No exercise for me today except for cleaning the kitchen and mopping the floor.  My roomate and her daughter have driven to Vegas for a soccer tournament so I'm by myself and I figured if I clean today it's one less thing for the weekend.  I am having a problem with my knee, it feels like I have a tight rubber band around my leg there is a deep ache behind the knee it feels like the pain I had a couple of years ago before I got shingles so I called the doctor to get a prescription called in as I took codeine and it didn't even touch the pain, I had seen my pcp yesterday to get my stitches out from my skin cancer surgery and I had mentioned the ache but it esclated - uuugggghhhhh.  Take care all, once again Bobcat happy happy dance for you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi All, had to talk myself out of bed this morning, and then had a crazy, busy day; but the voices prevailed and I ended up on the treadmill for 30 minutes (we are back to 'cold'), and then did a 30 pilates DVD I just bought. Bobbi, great news, whew!!! What boat are you working on? One that we could go out on with Eduardo Wink? Patoo, I always make up stories about people in houses too!! I especially do when I'm traveling at night and I see someone's lights are on very late. Do they work a late sift? Is someone sick? Do they have a new baby who doesn't sleep? Jennie, cancerversaries are HARD. All last month (mine), I was so crabby/unsettled that my DH finally asked me if I was mad at him. (Then I felt bad about that too Frown). Cheryl, I will have to look up your author about the PA quilters. Nats, if you like Lincoln, you should take a trip to Springfield, Illinois where his Presidental Museum, home, law office, tomb etc. etc. all are. I was there last summer for a week on something called a 'Lincoln Fellowship", I (and other 'history nut' educators) got to spend a week in Springfield learning, seeing, doing Lincoln. Fabulous experience!!!!!! (I'll gladly be your tour guide if you want to go!!). The interstate is down to one lane in some places due to flooding; so we will see what happens, the cold forecast should slow things down. I am NOT excited to see what my scale will say tomorrow. I brought supper over to a sick friend, and made some brownies for the dessert. I gave her half, and ate the other half of the pan (minus one) MYSELF!!! Geeze, the devil made me do it!!! Night, Oh Queens of Sculpt! Ruth
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Cheryl - sorry to hear about your knee.  Please take care.

    Yes, we can take Eduardo on the boat.  It's an 18 foot long saliboat that my SO bought on ebay!! for $4000.  Needs a little TLC but will be fun in the bay this summer.   I have to replace and cover cushions, it has a little sink and potty.  You can definitely spend the night on board with a little cooler of food.  I plan to get one of those grills that hangs off the side.

    Ruth - the Lincoln experience sounds so interesting. 

    Beautiful here in the east but I am off to work - looking forward to the weekend.  Have a great day all!!  And thanks for all the good wishes.  Bobbi

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Just got a call from surgeon and the path report on the ovaries is all clear!!  This has really relieved my mind - didn't realize how much it was weighing on me.  We are headed to the beach tomorrow and hope to get a little walk and sun.  Have a great night all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    YAY!!!!!!  Bobcat - wonderful news.  I will be near the shore tomorrow as well and hope to get some walking in but I will get some workout tomorrow morning as well with a walking group (if I can get up early) or a water class (will allow me to sleep a little longer).

    Plan on just doing the treadmill tonight.  Back later.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Oh Bobcat another happy happy dance, you go off to the beach and have a fantastic weekend, I'm just getting ready to go to the gym, my knee is feeling much better and I'm going to go easy on the lunges  - will check back in later.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Alright, Bobbi!!!! Now you can REALLY enjoy your weekend! I'm just checking in for a minute. Went out for coffee after work with my 'Bosom Buddies' (three friends and I who did the BC thing the same year), and now am off to a "Comedy Review". I'm thinking this will be my night off!! Laughing Great Night All! Ruth

  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Bobcat - Really good news for you. Relax and enjoy your weekend.

    Did do 30 min walking today around my neighborhood. Things are starting to bloom; looks pretty and it lifts the spirit. Have a good one everybody. Chris

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Did one hour Body Pump (weightlifting)  class tonight.  Ruth hope you enjoy your night out, did you see RS on GMA this morning? he never changes.  Chris isn't it nice to see all of the flowers starting to bloom,  I have already picked roses from my new bushes they obviously love their new environment and my roses that I pruned down to nothing in January are all full of buds - spring has sprung. 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi, feeling extremely virtuous as I came home from my night out & did 30 minute Firm "Cardio Party' and 15 minutes treadmill Innocent. Too bad, I missed Richard! I am very jealous of all you ocean going, flower blooming people. We are probably still a month out from really nice, springy weather (if we are lucky!). Nighty night! Ruth
  • jap
    jap Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2010


    Just getting back into exercising.  I walked two miles yesterday and intend to do more today.

    Does anyone know of upper body exercies for a beginner?


    Jo Anne

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010
    Happy Spring!!  I was going to go for a walk but the leg was l a little problematic so I said "Bobbi - you should try your bike."  So I did and just returned from the most wonderful bike ride along the rising river and bike path.  About 20 miles but nice and flat and just kept the gear low.  I was so happy, I cried when I got home.  We are off to the beach as soon as I shower.  Will check in with everyone tomorrow night.  Have a great weekend all.  Big hugs,  Bobbi Kiss  Oh! I did see Richard on TV yesterday - he is really a hoot but I just love him!!
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Bobcat, that bike ride sounds just wonderful. 

    Welcome Jo Anne.  I can't help you with specific upper body workouts as I'm just all over the place and most of my upper workouts comes from wearing weights on my wrists while I do water exercises or one of my Walking Away the Pounds DVD's - they are actually good for upper body.  Someone will come along though and maybe one of the FIRM DVD's is good for that.  Not sure about Richard (I plan on getting some of his soon).

    Did 10 mins on torture elliptical.  Watched 3 mins others indoor cycling class (LOL).  Then did one hour water aerobics class (she really worked our butts) and spent another 45 mins in the pool running.  Taking DS down to a special store for Disney "stuff" and will drop him and go walk by the water for awhile.  I'm determined to start that scale moving downward again.

    Enjoy this beautiful weather Scultresses.  Sorry Ruth that your weather is not yet there but it's coming.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    I'm sorry - WELCOME Joanne.  You will find lots of support on here!!  Didn't mean to ignore you.  I'm signing off until tomorrow but we'll get you going on the upper body :o)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Bobbi I'm so happy for you and you can tell by your post how good you feel so congratulations.  Patoo you are taking names and kicking butts - almost two hours in the pool, we'll be calling you aqua-woman!!!  Ruth I'm sorry spring isn't coming your way just yet but it can't be too far off for you.  Welcome Joanne have you thought about a band one that has handles and you stand on it and then you can do triceps, biceps, shoulders and then you can take it easy or you wrap the handles as you get stronger and make it harder.  If you don't know form then go to the library and get yourself one of the DVDs the girls have mentioned and then you can see and try before you buy.  Also if you belong to a gym you don't have to have a trainer you can ask them to help you.  This morning I did one hour Body Combat class and now I'm off to reorganize the garage and sit out in the sunshine and read.  Have a great day everyone.

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Not sure I can work myself up to the level of an Eduardo yet, but sure would like to try. 

    That's a good start, Jo Anne.  I'm sure someone on this thread will have plenty of exercise advice for you soon.

    So glad your results are all good, Bobcat!

    Don't want to rub it in, Ruth, but the weather in NY has been glorious!  I've been playing lots of tennis outdoors the last few days and my husband and I took a 20 mile ride on a beautiful bike trail today.  It was fabulous - made me feel so healthy!

    Stay well everyone!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi All, welcome Jo Anne, this is such a great, fun thread!!! If you go to a gym, I'd talk to a trainer for tips. I like to work out on my own and LOVE the Firm tapes. You can go to and check them out, also people sell them on ebay. They have overall toning tapes and also specific upper body, abs, buns etc. You can make them easier by using no or light weights, or harder by using heavier weights; so can adjust them to your level. Speaking of which, the other day I bought a Firm DVD called 'Total Body Makeover', which has 4 workout and doesn't need any equipment except the weights. It has a 31 minute pilates (exercise band is included), 30 minutes 'cardio party', both of which I tried earlier in the week, and two I did today; 25 minutes toning and a 35 minutes combined toning and cardio. It was coldish but sunny today, and since it will FLOOD if it gets too nice too fast; I will not complain. Great Saturday night all! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Getting ready to go out for a walk.  Have (had) 3 pedometers - one the battery is dead, the other 2 must have gone for a walk without me because they are no where to be found.  Will walk to the sprots store and maybe buy yet another! 

    Weather out is a little chillier than yesterday but my nose is running and I'm sneezing - spring is here, the forsythia are starting to bloom - my allergies are in full swing. 


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Had a nice walk although I don't know if it was as far as earlier this week.  Stopped at Walmart and walked around.  Then Modells (sports store).  Then Pathmark, so I think I did pretty good for a Sunday afternoon!

    Tried on Sketchers but didn't feel it would be good for the treadmill.  May be okay for outside walking but I felt I could easily twist my ankle so passed it up.  Saw pedometers from $10. to $100.  For a hundred bucks it better do the walking for me.  I'll just get one on eBay.

    Had leftover pizza before I walked so hopefully I walked off any damage.  Just fruit the rest of the evening.

    Hope everyone is enjoying themselves.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    Hooray for your good news Bobcat!

    We have a little cabin in the Catoctin Mountains here in Maryland (where Camp David is).  We went up this weekend for the first time in weeks - our dirt/gravel driveway goes off the main road, up a mountain then back down to get to the cabin and it have been completely inaccessible with 3-4 feet of snow.  It's finally all melted and spring is starting. 

    We did a 5 mile mountain hike in Catoctin Mountain National Park Saturday - it was a wonderful feeling to get out there and do that.  We got back and immediately hit the hot tub with a cold beer to ease the aches! This morning I ran the chain saw for about half an hour cutting up a downed tree for firewood - dh had a rib resection in December and is on a 10 pound weight limit till June, so I've learned to use a chain saw.  It's actually rather empowering firing up that sucker!  I figure that's got to count as an upper body workout.

    Ruth - I hope you get some signs of spring soon - daffodils are starting here, and the Cherry Blossoms are ready to come out.  

    Patoo - I think the 3 minutes of watching the cycling class should count for something! Wink I hope your allergies get under control.  Funny thing about chemo - I've had horrible fall allergies since I was a kid, but in the two autumns since I finished chemo, I've sailed through my allergy season with nary a sneeze.  Kind of a radical allergy treatment, but it seems to have helped.  I'll be interested to see how I am this fall - I'm hoping the chemo effect is permanent.

    Kathy - your bike ride sounds wonderful! 

    My bracket is totally busted - I had Kansas and Wisconsin in the finals. Oh well - $10 bucks in the office pool shot to heck! Tongue out

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi ladies, it was sunny and nice (in a wear two sweatshirts sort of way), so I went for a nice walk and did 45 minutes Firm toning tape. Now I should pay bills & other fun activities of that nature Tongue out. Have a good night all! Ruth
  • etk02038
    etk02038 Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2010

    Great news Bobcat. Another nice day here but it's bringing on the allergies early. Did 5 miles/40 minutes on elliptical.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    ok - just home and quickly - Patoo - yeah girfriend, a little colder in NJ/PA today -what's that about?  Good for you on the walk.  Joanne, I agree with the bands for the upper body.  I still use them and absolutely love and swear by them.  When you get stronger, there is nothing better than pushups and there are lots of ways to do them effectively.  We will help you. I agree with Ruth, that even though I belong to the local Y, exercising on my own has always been my preference - biking, running, walking....  Nats and Kathy - we are digging this great spring weather after those horrific snow storms only weeks ago.  Nats - I love the feel of your cabin - lucky are you!!  I measured for the boat cushions today and we are looking forward to a summer of gentle sailing.  Got to get this body into that Land's End suit and feel a "little" sexy!!  I am 53 and the skin is wrinkling and things are sagging but I got these new girls and don't want to dissapoint...funny...  Good night my Sculptress friends.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Hi girls, did my Body Step class this morning then spent the rest of the day cleaning the garage out, was supposed to do it yesterday but it just didn't happen so right now I am absolutely exhausted, my feet hurt and my back aches but the garage looks terrific.  Patoo, sounds like you had a nice day I love wandering and shopping a couple of weeks ago I got a free pedometer with a bottle of Aleve at Target.  Nats your place sounds wonderful, we'd better be nice to you now we know you can run a chainsawSurprised.  Have a great evening everyone.


  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Well ladies, not a productive day today. Had good intentions, just didn't make it. I did get a new bathing suit. Now I just have to get to the beach. Still have a couple of procedures I have to deal with in the next 3 weeks, so must focus on those first. Good night. Chris