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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    :-)  so true!

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152
    edited September 2012

    Adey - that is too funny, but as a nurse I have had many a patient say that ;)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited September 2012

    badger: Gotta love a nice, clean shower! Hope you are doing well as I type this.

    Walked/jogged at the park this evening. Hot and sweaty now. But feeling good! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited September 2012

    Walked 45 minutes, doing some hills and toned 15 minutes with Richard Simmons.

    I just hit a milestone today in that I took my last pill of 5 years of Arimidex. I wonder what will happen tomorrow? Will I.......

    a. wake up feeling like a million bucks

    b. wake up and keel over

    c. wake up and feel the same

    *I am betting on 'C'......

  • Hils
    Hils Member Posts: 152
    edited September 2012

    Ruth congratulations on you completing your 5 years of Armidex - I am hoping you get option A

    Spent two hours at the gym - 23km hill cycling; 5km walking hills and weight training. Met up with some mates for a chat. The sun is shining and it is great. Have a great Thursday

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Ruth......agree on C.  Congrats on a job well done!  I am almost at the half way point.  Certain, I will be just fine.

    No major exercise for me until the weekend.  Still dragging a bit from creeping crud, but on the other side.  Did about 2 miles of walking plus weights/crunches.  Made a wonderful dinner.

    Got a bit of work out, plus moving forward with a new client.  Cleaned up and ironed all the (previously washed) clothing in need of attention.  So major progress all around.

    Ready to collapse in bed.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Worked out with a trainer tonight, oooeeee I'm gonna know it tomorrow.  My neighbor gave me 4 training sessions for my birthday but the trainer I wanted is the crazy spin instructor that I love, she's 50 and winning bikini contests so that gives you some idea of the great body she has, but she's also wildly popular and it's hard to get her but finally at a time that works for me one of her regular clients has gone on vacation so I'm going to work with her for the next couple of weeks and the reason I love her is that she understands that I don't have the money for personal training so shes setting up a program that I can follow, I just love her oh and then she kicked my butt in spin class.

    Congratulations Ruth I'm going to pick "C" as well.  When I saw my new BS a month ago I asked about the 5 year vs longer and she said 5, so one more for me.  Adey you crack me up and Badger I can go you one better, my friend who just had open heart surgery was 14 days without a shower, she said that first one was unreal and we washed her hair and I discovered I'm a pretty good hairdresser cause I think I did a pretty good job of blow drying and curling.

    Edited to add:  Nats and Joy - just read new season of BL - Jillian is bacccckkkkkk.....

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Congratulations Ruthbru.  If you took them every day that's 1825 pills!

    Short walk tonight with the hubby.  If he hadn't suggested it I would have bailed after spending most of the day in bed.  Fatigue hit me hard today for no good reason.  All I'd done was a doctor visit. 

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    I see my physio Sarah today and thinking a yoga class later.

    Sat up last night writing to Lucy Activewear.  I'm a loyal wearer of Lucy perfect core pants, the most expensive workout pants I've ever bought and to me, the best I've ever worked out in because of compression and also found perfect for a Diep recovery - the hip-to-hip incision area.  I go on the Lucy site last night and see they now have "breast cancer awareness" (BCA) wear, claiming get ready for the race, Lucy outfits inspired by YOUR support, and there in lies the rub. I clicked to see the new clothing line, with pink ribbons motifs emblazoned on the front of four tops and pink shorts.  I read nothing of BCA support by Lucy Activewear or any percentage of BCA sales going to a nominated breast cancer charity.    

    I found on the contact page an email address and wrote them asking:

    Any company can put a pink ribbon on its products. The widely recognized pink ribbon symbol is not regulated by any agency and does not necessarily mean it effectively combats the breast cancer epidemic.  Can you tell me how much money from my purchase of Lucy BCA wear will go to support breast cancer programs?  Can you please tell me what breast cancer programs Lucy supports? 

    Within a few hours this was the response:

    I regret to inform you that we don't have an affiliation with any charities at this time including BCA, however we do hope to in the future.

    I then sent this letter asking it to be passed to management:

    Lucy Activewear Management,

    The pink ribbon represents fear of breast cancer, hope for the future, and the charitable goodness of people and businesses who publicly support the breast cancer movement. It is intended to evoke solidarity with women who currently have breast cancer.

    Breast cancer organizations use the pink ribbon to associate themselves with breast cancer, to promote breast cancer awareness, and to support fundraising. Some breast cancer-related organizations, such as Pink Ribbon International, use the pink ribbon as their primary symbol.

    While specifically representing breast cancer awareness, the pink ribbon is also a symbol and a proxy of goodwill towards women in general. Buying, wearing, displaying, or sponsoring pink ribbons signals that the person or business cares about women. The pink ribbon is a marketing brand for businesses that allows them to promote themselves with women and identify themselves as being socially aware. Compared to other women's issues, promoting breast cancer awareness is politically safe.

    Because the pink ribbon is not licensed by any corporation, it is more open to being abused by businesses that donate little or none of their revenue to breast cancer research. While companies such as Estée Lauder have distributed over 70 million pink ribbons, and donated over $25 million to breast cancer research, other companies have been discovered using the pink ribbon inappropriately—either by not donating their profits, or by using the pink ribbon on products that include ingredients which cause cancer.

    The misuse of marketing campaigns by businesses using the pink ribbon on their products have been described as pinkwashing, which was coined by Breast Cancer Action. They use the term to highlight companies or products which feature a pink ribbon, without donating money to charity, or with no transparency regarding where the funds are going.

    Lucy Activewear has confirmed to me, that it does not have any scheme in place to offer a percentage of sales of  "breast cancer awareness" clothing (BAC).  By not standing with women, such as myself, (a woman recovering breast cancer), by  having no accountability or non-profit giving in place regarding BAC sales, Lucy Activewear are colluding to profit from breast cancer and conspiring in corporate hypocrisy.  I urge you to immediately put in place a process whereby an appropriate contribution of revenue from the sale of BCA promoted products, that is transferred quickly to breast cancer charities in need of funding, in a manner that is clearly visible to your customers. 

    Please advise the action you intend to take.

    Of course, no response.  I plan on sending a snail mail letter of the same today.

    If you have read this far, thank you and any of you lovely women care to join me in getting Lucy Activewear to stop the pinkwashing?

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited September 2012

    15 minutes on the elliptical last night!! and it was tough getting to 15, but I did it!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Badger - that first post-surgery shower is heaven, isn't it?  Ann - I try to do the Lebeds daily.  I started them as part of my LE management (and it really helps that) but like you, I've found that they are great stretches.  Good for you for getting out on your walk last night!  Cheryl - I had two sessions with a personal trainer a couple of years ago.  She designed a weights/core/resistance program for me to do 2 days a week - I still try to do them as it's a great workout that concentrates on the upper body one day and the lower body the next.  It sounds like you'll end up with the same kind of program.  Write everything down or have her give you print outs so you can refer to them once the sessions are over.  Ruth - hooray on the last AI pill!  I'm hoping for option A for you today.  I'm at 10 months more and counting . . .

    40 minute run on the treadmill yesterday.  It's still too hot and sticky to run outside, but I gotta get moving - somehow DH and I managed to register for four 5K races over a 6 week period. The first one is a week from Sunday so time is running out. The local weather forecasters say cooler weather will head in the first of next week - I hope that's right.  Nats Walk for me tonight!

    edited to say I had the sessions with a personal trainer a couple of years ago, not a couple of weeks ago!

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2012

    ruthbru: Congratulations! I can NOT wait for that day! Laughing

    Hi Joy!

    Boot camp + 4.25 mile run today and feeling fantastic! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    RuthCool  That's so cool! Congrats to you :)

    Lilac, I buy Lucy on a regular basis and that really aggravates me. I am going to take a look at their site and I will be happy to e-mail them.

    90 minutes of hot yoga and a good two mile walk at lunch. Temps are in the 70's and it is quite lovely!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited September 2012

    45 minutes with Denise Austin and about 20 on the treadmill.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited September 2012

    Ruth: Congratulations! The day after I finished my Arim. I felt the same. And the day after, and the day after that, etc. Hoping my feet pain goes away and my thumb numbness goes away and my hair and nail improve.......... etc.

    With all that being said, I'm so thankful for Arimidex!!!

    No exercise today. As I was leaving to exercise, my sister called and said, "Do you have a minute?" I knew then there would be no walking today! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    congrats Ruth on being done with Arimidex!  I hope you woke up feeling like a million bucks.

    Went to work today (my carpooler drove) and stayed all day.  Did OK but I still brought some stuff home so I can work from home tomorrow.  Thankfully, I have a great supervisor.  She has a life and doesn't mind that we do, too. 

    Have been feeling less sore throughout the day and now it's just my belly button that still hurts.  That's where the surgeon inserted the camera.  And I have some really impressive bruises.  But I can tell I'm on the mend.  Thought about an after-supper walk but I'm tired and won't push myself this soon.  Have a good night all!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    50 minute walk tonight and a tiny bit of stretching. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Two classes for me tonight, RPM followed by Body Combat class and now I'm exhausted. 

    Glad you're feeling better Badger nice that you're able to work from home.  Wonderland talking on the phone counts as jaw exerciseWink  Wow Nats 4 5ks hope by the time they come around the weather is more favorable, crazy summer I put the fan away I got it out again, I put it away I got it out, I'm just leaving it out now.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    Off to the gym for freestyle step and body balance class.

    Misswim, thank you for joining in!  It might get their attention if they knew we here at were talking about them.Wink

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Badger - glad you can work from home today.  Take it easy.  

    Nats Walk last night.  It was a wild game (two bench clearing brawls with some furious milling around Wink) and we didn't get home till almost midnight.  Slept in this morning so no workout before work for me today.  Glad we have the weekend coming up - and cooler weather should be coming in on Sunday. I sure hope so!

  • Kay-in-NH
    Kay-in-NH Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2012

    Hi gals,  YOu all inspire me to keep exercising as best as possible.  Right now, I'm half-way through radiation.  I have a total of 33 treatments, and it's abit more of an effort to run at the same pace for the same distance that I was accustomed to.  Now, I'm not like CorinneM1 and am NOT training for a marathon ! ! ! !   I did one way back in 1986, but since then, I just run for mental and physical therapy!  HA HA !)  At 54 years old, I'm happy to just get out there to run my 3 to 4 miles, every 3rd or 4th day.  Looking forward to a nice radiation free weekend !

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2012

    Happy Friday Ladies!

    Bootcamp (5:30-6:30 am) + Lunch Express (12:00 pm) Spin Class (45 minutes rather than 60 minutes) + Mind, Body, Breath Yoga this afternoon (4:00-5:30 pm)...

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    Super gorgeous day here today.  Early fall is in the air??  Busy day and not much time for exercise, but got in a neighborhood stroll with my dog.

    LilacBlue  I purchase frequently from Lucy - upsetting to think that they are benefiting and not giving anything back from selling pink ribbon clothing.  I'm sending an email and will give them a piece of my mind.  

    hbcheryl   Jillian is back on BL??  How did that happen?   

    Busy weekend ahead, with a welcome back school picnic tomorrow and dinner out with friends.  Love fall activities, it's good to get back into the routine.   

    Hope that everybody has a good weekend!   

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    Go for it Joy1109!  

    I hear you on kids back in school and the gym routine is easier to catch, than during summer.

    Kay-in-NH, wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies, I took a nice gentle walk this morning before the rain rolled through.

    2.1 km = 1.3 miles

    Happy Friday!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited September 2012

    Everyone is going great! Keep up the good work. 

    Badger: glad to see you were able to have a gentle walk today!

    My exercise today has been painting my bathroom ceilings. Lots of arm stretching. Next will be the walls - probably papering them. Oh boy! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,533
    edited September 2012
    Did the FIRM 500 Calorie Workout. Very hard and you have to concentrate on the moves, which was good. It has been a heck of a week around here. I have four people in my life who are facing extremely serious health issues (a medically fragile student, my friend who starts ACT Monday, my dad who is really failing, and a friend who is starting Hospice.....). Too, too sad.
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    O gosh Ruth!!!  I learned this week that one of my friends is cancer free which is really a miracle.

    I have been doing my normal weekday routine, plus working my butt off.  Four distinct projects going which is stretching my brain.  Had a client meeting today which went well.

    Training rides for this weekend, as need to be prepared for major cycling in 9 days.

    Fortunately, I am finally past the hump with the fever/coughing thingie, but man did that one have me dragging.

    Lots of work this weekend on top of the riding. 

    Warm evening.  A spot more work, shrimp salad with avocado/lettuce/beans/tomato for dinner.  Got some lovely Pinot Gris which is chilling.

    Think a fitting reward.  I view each day as a celebration. The most glorious sunset to top it all off. - Claire

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,854
    edited September 2012

    So sorry Ruth. That is overwhelming.