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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Hoorays to Ann!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Good luck today, Ann!  Cheryl - it's amazing what a difference shoes can make.  Wonder - I've always liked lawn mowing - there's something almost zen about it, and it's one of those jobs where you can really see the benefits of the work when you're done.  

    Two mile walk with Mikey and dh last night, 2 mile run this morning.  Feeling kind of low today - ever since the abdominal undissolved stitch issue in June, I haven't been able to get my truncal LE under control.  I can't call my LE therapist cuz she moved to Colorado in June, and I haven't been able to find a new one.  Grrr.  And Lilac, I am in total agreement on hatred of letrozole's just lovely set of s/e, and join you in hoping that slash, burn, and poison will eventually be a thing of the past.      

    A_FIGHTER Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2012

    Good Morning Ladies,

    One Hour TRX class + 4.5 Mile Run = A cleared mind Laughing

  • oceanbreezes
    oceanbreezes Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    THanks ladies, logged on earlier and found the motivation I needed!  Despite it being late morning, the sun is hiding this morning and it is fairly breezy, so I walked and then rode my bike for an hour!  I had joined the gym two months ago, but i am finding I am preferring exercising at home or outside.  I am seeing that some of you use DVD's also, I really think that I will cancel my membership as it was month to month....not sure what to do.....trying to find what works best for me as I embark on the exercise routine....Today is my day off, so alittle housework and laundry is on the agenda!  I was bad and climbed back into bed after everyone left this am and slept two more hours!! AAHH!!!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Off to sweat off the 1lb I gained with no exercise and thai and chocolate yesterday! I am sure it is H20 weight but how annoying!!

     Doing a 5K walk/run on Saturday! Should be a great fall day here in Vermont!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Thanks for the good wishes ruthbru, hbcheryl, Lilacblue and NatsFan.  I'm so eager to get this drug behind me!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    Well, I finally did it!!  I have caught up on this thread since .... I have been MIA since July (I believe!)!  Surprised  Just love this thread and the people in it - and I must tell you that if the voices become quiet, you can never get away from them!!  Thank you Cheryl for reminding me to come back and post!!  Kiss

    I see many new 'excercisers' on the thread as well as many familiar faces/names!  This is a great thread that can keep you motivated - even when not posting!!

    I have kept up with my daily 5 km walks and during the summer, was able to work out in the pool on most days.  Now we are thinking of closing the pool very soon - it is still holding between 78 - 80 degrees, but the air is too cool to want to get into a swimsuit!  Eating is still an issue, but have been logging in to again and am hoping for a downward trend!  Will start posting on the weigh in thread next week to keep me motivated too!  I have also started the C25K program this week with my sisters and niece, so am quite sure that for 3 days a week I will be plugging away on that!  So far the knees are holding up!

    I want to offer (( hugs )) to all those who need one!  Everyone can always use a hug!  And I want to congratulate all who are finishing treatment or achieved a milestone!!

    I am hoping to stay current with this thread, cause it is just too easy to get way, way, waaaay behind!!  Thanks Again, Cheryl for making sure the 'voices' caught up with me!!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited September 2012

    Hello Ladies,

    Did 3.3 miles on my treadmill and fired my Oncologist . A good day Tongue out

    hbcheryl thanks for the shout outSmile

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Mary, sorry you are having such a crummy time. Is there any hope of finding a good new therapist? If you contacted your old one, could she give you a recommendation?

    Hey Mary Louise!! Long time, no see! Yes, you don't dare stay off too long, or you will have a novel to read when you come back. Cool

    It was really nice weather here today, and I was finally home early enough to enjoy it. I went out for an hour plus long walk past the soccer fields and the elementary kid's football fields. It was fun to watch all the kids running around on a perfect early fall evening.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies, good to see you Mary Louise.

    It was cold here yesterday but Ruth's nice weather will be here today.

    Signed up for a 5K run/walk in October so I've set a new goal of walking 5K every day.

    However, I only walked 3.75 km = 2.33 miles yesterday.  Got home from work, walked around the block, got chilled so cut it short.  Wimped out and put on the heat, warmed up some leftovers, and fell fast asleep on the couch by 8 p.m. which is why I'm up so early.  TGIF!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Mary Louise - good to see you!! Whaevah - I changed oncs too, and it turned out to be a good move for me.  Hope it works out for you too.  Badger - good for you for signing up for the 5K run/walk.  I always figure they're good exercise, and you get a t-shirt out of the deal, so what's not to like? Ruth - my old LET was part of a group practice, and basically told me without telling me to avoid the other LET within her group, and suggested I go this other hospital's PT program. I finally got around to calling the other hospital yesterday after not having any luck closer to home.  Usually you have to wait weeks for a first appt with a LET, but they had a cancellation so I'm going Monday morning.  LE flares have a way of making me feel overwhelmed to the point where it's hard to take action, and I was feeling that way yesterday. I just needed to stop whining and just deal with it.

    30 minutes core/weights/resistance this morning.  Only half a day at work for me today - Springsteen is playing Nats Park tonight and we're going.  We're leaving work early to have an early dinner in DC before the concert.  As Nationals season ticket holders we got the opportunity to purchase tickets ahead of the public sale, so we have really good seats.  That's done a whole bunch to improve my mood. Cool

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012
    That will be so fun.....give Bruce my best Smile!
  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2012

    fmakj, I have been doing couch 2 5k too - I started last spring and by the end of week 1 my knees were killing me, I could barely walk, I believe it was bursitis.  In years past I would have just said "oh well, I can't run with these knees" and quit, but I was training to do an obstacle race with friends, and the voices were saying figure this out!  I gave myself 3 weeks rest, then started again, this time using great advice from the ladies on the running thread.  I went to a running store and got fitted for new shoes, took an ibuprofen before running, iced my knees afterward, and when my knees started to get sore during running, I adjusted my stride to stretch my leg more.  I also took the program at a snails pace, taking up to a month to progress to the next level.  As I looked at it, my goal was not to be a speed demon, but to get my muscles in running shape for the obstacle race (my first race ever).  And it worked!  The race was last Saturday, it was very hot, and I walked more often than ran, but I finished!  And the best part was the next day my knees felt fine.

    Haven't been to the gym all week, need to find another race to sign up for for motivation!  But I am getting 30 min walks in at lunch. Just love this thread and all the motivation I get from you ladies.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited September 2012

    Glad you'll get help soon, Mary.

    Pat01, great work! We probably started c2k at the same time. Obviously I'm not in a hurry either. Lol. Did 25 minutes of running Wed., with 5 minutes of walking before and after.

    Yesterday was 2 hours of water aerobics and today did the Shred program, Level 2 doing the ab workouts properly.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    90 minutes hot yoga last night; 5K tomorrow, and a mountain hike scheduled for Sunday! Have a great weekend, all.

  • Kay-in-NH
    Kay-in-NH Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2012

    Hi all,  I'm in week #5 of radiation, and it's getting very difficult to exercise (mush less concentrate towards the end of the day).  But I'm looking forward to completing my treatments over the next two weeks.  How long did it take you exercise queens to recuperate?  

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Great going Pat!!!  Congrats on this achievement.  Major proof that it can be done with the right approach.

    Kay....I never really lost it.  I felt my energy drop around Week 5 of radiation, but did the planned events the two weeks following anyway.  I downsized one from 65 to 45 miles (Flying Wheels) and planned on doing the 70 mile course of Livestrong a week later.  However, one of the 10 foulest days of my cycling career, so ended up doing the 45 mile course of that too.  What a miserable day, and I wasn't comfortable with the downhills in wet weather.  Seeing the ambulance come for a fallen rider made that point.  I couldn't even see cycling into Renton because of the rain and wind.

    That said, my energy started to come back between Week 3 and 4 post radiation, but it took another 5 months to get full cardio back.  I cycled anyway.

    I have a lot of cycling planned for this weekend, about 100 miles in total.  Hilly charity event on Sunday.  Wish me luck. - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    It's been a rainy past few days here - super cool temps, careful of what we wish for!   Had a delightful long hike yesterday through a hilly vineyard in northern Austria.  Had a quick overnight there with DH.

    ((Hugs)) Mary and hope the new LET works out for you.  Enjoy Bruce!  I saw him years ago at the Orange Bowl in Miami.   

    Excited to have found and bought new running shoes - anxious to try them out, hopefully tomorrow morning.  

    badger  I'm curious - do you use a pedometer to log your mileage?  How does that work?

    Happy Weekend, All!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    Kay-in-NH, I've been back to the gym a month after a four month break. I lost it. Just started to feel/sense a slight uptake in cardio stamina.  It's so easy for me to slip back during a break and hard to get back to where I was.Undecided

    Pat, that is great and you will be able to find a pink run in October!Kiss

    (((Ann))) another hug!Smile

    Nats-fan, I'm having Bruce envy, lucky puppy you!! Wink

    I did freestyle step and body balance, 2 hours at the gym for my bod. Then an hour with Ana, my psychotherapist to get my head straight from pinkdom.Laughing

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited September 2012

    Been doing my weights and yoga all week. Long, pliable muscles, mmmmmm...

    Going to hike at Mt Rainier to Summerland tomorrow. It's the premier hike in the park. Starts out in lowland forest, then meadows, then rock and ice at 6,500 feet. Maybe we'll have enough energy to go towards Panhandle Gap. I'm going to try and see some mountain goats. Never had seen them before, I feel robbed!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies, and good luck Claire!

    Joy, yes I use a pedometer to log my mileage.  You can get fancy high-tech models but mine is a $5 cheapie from the big box store. 

    How it works is, you measure your average stride and program that into the pedometer.  Each time you take a step, it jostles a counter which then calculates your distance based on the length of your stride.  You can choose miles or km.  Well, except when mine decided it wanted to do km not miles and I was too lazy to change it back 'cuz it's easy enough to google the conversion.  Plus I like km because it looks like more even though it isn't really.

    I track my daily distance then update the settings in my profile with the new number of miles.  It displays in my signature line and that motivates me to 1) exercise every day, and 2) post it here.

    Tomorrow, I intend to hit the 2,800 mile mark.  That's since I recovered from BMX in Feb 2010.  Hope everyone has a good weekend.  Sounds like some really fun plans!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Hi, a quick check in. Had a really fun day as it was Homecoming here. I'm at the middle school but we have our won Homecoming Assembly; rockin' out with the pep band, cheer contests, recognize all our fall sports, have a visit from the high school Royal Court and some of the senior football players, followed by a big parade, football game with the high school band doing a field show at half time. Very small town and very fun (except for the actual game itself, which we lost handly). I squeezed in a 15 minutes walk & 30 of pilates between the parade and the game.

    Kay, I did chemo first, so actually felt a lot more energetic once I hit rads. From what I've read, you should expect that however long you were in treatment, it will take about that same amount of time again to be back to 'normal'...but I would say that it takes more like double that time. Not that you don't start to feel better and better (especially if you do exercise), but it takes a long time to feel 100%.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Yeahhh Mary Louise is back, you know i have one of those loud Australian voices and now it has been proved I can reach right up to Canada and "get you"Laughing  I am seriously envious of Mary rockin' out to Bruuuuucccceeeeee.

    Yesterday I did RPM class and then I went back to work and worked till 2am as I had a deadline to meet for a client and tonight I went to a different gym and did a dance class called Sh'bam with an old instructor who was so kind to me and helped me get my range of motion back after my mastectomy,  of course like the idiot that I am I was jumping around like a kid and so now I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my ankle, there really is no fool like an old foolTongue out

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited September 2012

    Just came in from an exhilerating 7 mile run.  I'm sweaty, smelly, no makeup and my hair is a frizzy mess.  And I never felt more beautiful!!!!  Can you all relate??  Great day, all . . .

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    One hour trail run this morning, liking the new running shoes so far.   

    LuvLuLu  Yup, I can relate - I bet you're gorgeous!  

    badger   Thanks for pedometer info.  The one that we have doesn't record stride so I get only measured steps, but at least it's a way to guesstimate the mileage.  To see those numbers is motivating too, I have to admit!   2,800 miles - wow, some serious mileage!  

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    Pat01- My knees, back and every other muscle in my body were screaming after day 1 of C25K!! Was fine the next morning until the actual "muscle aches" started the next evening!!   Advil did work wonders AND I did take one before day #2 and it was much much better.  Today is day #3, and I am ready!  I do NOT think that I will become a "runner", no intention of signing up for a race, but I do know that I will at least be bringing my heartrate up (enough to want to vomit, right now! Surprised), at least 3 times a week as there are 4 of us to keep each other going!!  I did try the program last spring using the treadmill, but it was very easy to skip!  Am looking forward to tonight's session as it is much cooler out - and that seems to be the worst for me - not being able to cool down between the cycles! 

    Must head out now - I have a full day of errands and chores, but will be heading out tonight for that run/walk!!

    Hope all you ladies have a great day today.  The sun is shining here, but a little cooler, which makes chores/errands much easier!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies, it appears I neglected to actually POST my daily exercise yesterday.

    Took a long walk after supper, at sunset - beautiful!  Logged 7 km = 4.35 mi for the day.

    Hummingbird sipping hosta flower nectar by the front door this morning.  What a rare treat! 

    It will be nice here too and I fully intend to enjoy it.  Have a great day!  ((hugs)) to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012
    Hi, got up and did the FIRM Cardio Overdrive and Express Abs DVDs. Now I'm at school working. My brother (whom I don't get along with very well) arrives about noon for a quick overnight visit to see my dad (at my suggestion, so if things don't go well, it is my own fault). Beautiful fall day here too. You can feel and smell the crispness in the air. Maybe I can sneak in a quick walk later in the day. Hugs to all!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012
    Wrapped up my feet took an aleve and did a Body Combat class this morning, then poked my head in the spin room door to say hi and there was one bike left so I ended up doing the last half of the spin class, the rest of the day will be spent doing chores and heading to Costco, so there goes another $100Frown and it is so hot here, so much for summer being over I'll be in the pool later today as well.  LuvLuLu yes I can relate as well, I always feel like a million bucks on the way out of the gym, I may be hobbling out but my heart is full.  Ruth have the phone numbers of he nursing homes in his neighborhood ready, I hope when he sees how your Dad is sliding he realizes what a blessing you are and keeps his mouth closed tightly (((((HUG)))))
  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Busy time.  Ended up being able to pick up my bifocal contacts yesterday afternoon, so ran down there, and then on for a bit of retail therapy at Nordstrom.  Actually, to replace two essential eye makeup items I use all the time.

    Then on to the wine bar, for a spot of champagne prior to heading out with two friends to see the Burlesque Alice in Wonderland.  Was a hoot.  Then back for another glass of champagne (different grape - Mueller Thurgau), and to give a full report prior to walking back home.  So 3-4 miles of walking.

    Today, I got up and realized that my ride was at NINE, not ten, so dashed out the door.  Riders were at the other end of the parking lot, so one of the leaders waited for me.  But was struggling, more with logistics than physically.  So at the rest stop, I took the more direct route back, thus 25, not 32 miles.  I did realize today that I shouldn't be a ride leader ever, because of my physical limitations......balance, and the odd things I do to compensate.  I had to walk down a steep hill onto the I90 floating bridge.  I just don't have the nerve.

    This is because I do not have good vision in my left eye.  Most of the time, I can compensate, but I do some odd things cycling, and have problems with tight turns and steep downhills.  It's also why I have to have bifocal lenses, and can't do monovision.  I couldn't hack variable focus glasses either.  Because I compensate by moving my eyes around.

    None of this has anything to do with having had breast cancer.

    Having rambled on about all this, I am in good shape for the big ride tomorrow.

    Now back to all the work due Monday.  Another reason I bagged the longer route.  I need to be in good shape going into tomorrow.  Also, my computer screen is getting iffier and iffier.  It goes to Sony Tuesday afternoon.  Hoping a cheap repair.

    On the "having fun" front, my wine bar crew and I are planning a field trip to when "Burlesco DiVino: WIne In Rome" comes back around.  Plus, the annual Land of the Sweets event....ALMOST the Nutcracker, but not quite.

    Enjoy the last weekend of summer!