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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Springsteen concert last night was fabulous.  The show started at about 8:20pm and didn't end till midnight.  Wow - he gives it his all.  No intermissions, no breaks - just song after song after song for 3 and a half hours.  And it's not like he's just standing there calmly strumming a guitar, either - he's a perpetual motion machine up there.  The stage had a handful of step down pier-type structures that extended into the crowd by about 20 feet each.  Several times during the songs he stepped down onto those piers and walked into the crowd, touching them and encouraging them to touch him.  At one point he even held his electric guitar down for the crowd to "play" by running their hands along the strings as he walked by.  People were up dancing for the whole show - I've never seen so many old, fat and bald people dancing in my life!!  There were so many of the super-Bruce fans there who knew every word to every song - many times he'd stop singing the words and let the crowd sing the song for a while.  I don't think I've ever seen a performer so personally involved with the fans and who gets his energy quite literally from their touch. He's 62 years old and still going strong.  

    We were good before the concert - we took the Metro subway, and ate at a New Orleans restaurant 2 miles away from the ballpark then walked down to avoid traffic and the crush at the nearest Metro station.  They've completed part of a river walk along the Anacostia next to the ballpark, so we walked a mile down the river walk and back, then walked around a bit more.  So before the concert we put in close to 5 miles, and of course burned more calories dancing during the concert.  We got home at 2am and I'm exhausted - I've done nothing but lie around all day recovering - I'm too $%# old to pull this stuff off anymore!  I don't know how Springsteen does it!

    We have a 5K run tomorrow morning in Baltimore - this is our "underwater" run through the I-95 tunnel that goes beneath Baltimore Harbor and Ft. McHenry.  Should be an interesting experience!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Had an EXCEPTIONAL day today...... I am feeling exhuasted, but profoundly happy and grateful for the strength I have right now.

    Did a 5K this morning. I power walked and did a 13 minute mile so I was very happy with that. At the end of the race, a lovely woman came up to me and told me that my husband's mom had been telling her about my breast cancer and how great it was that I was so active. She then proceeded to tell me that exercise was very important to her after her treatment- 22 years ago- for breast cancer. She was diagnosed at 48, and just hit 70. She made my day, truly.

     We then did a 5 mile hike up the beautiful, but ridiculously steep, Mount Monadnock in NH. It was a beautiful, glourious hike. Here's  a photo.

      8.1 miles all total and I am pooped. Night girls :) You all inspire me EVERY DAY. I wore my voices shirt in the race today Mary, Cheryl and Ruth :) I love telling people who ask about my special sisters!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    It's great to read about our various activities, vicarious thrills galore!

    Two walks today - 2.95 km this morning and 3.05 km this evening.

    6 km = 3.73 mi which just squeaks me over 2,800 miles - woohoo!

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited September 2012

    Went for my biggest hike yet this year, the famous Summerland at Mt Rainier. Total of 8.5 miles with 2,000 feet of elevation gain. Whew, it's a thigh burner going up! The views are so worth it though. There the babbling Fryingpan Creek slicing right through the large meadows, with pink monkey flower along the banks. During lunch, a friendly marmot crawled up on a rock and just plopped right down to sun himself. We got there a little early for fall colors, but Summerland is definitely one of my favorite hikes.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Wow to all!!!  Just great stuff.  I still need dinner, then off to bed for a 6 AM drive to the start. - Claire

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited September 2012

    Misswim, your story reminded me of my Auntie Josie - had a mastectomy at age 60 and is still going strong at 85!!  Her love was always playing cards with her group of girlfriends.  At the time, they were going to do a lumpectomy but if they got in there and it had spread they would do a mastectomy.  When she woke up in recovery, the doctor was so apologetic and said, "I'm so sorry, but we had to take the entire breast . . ."  Her reply?  "WELL, WILL I STILL BE ABLE TO SHUFFLE THE CARDS?????"  And here she is 25 years later, still playing cards and going strong.

    Off to go apple picking!  Great day to all.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited September 2012

    Go, Claire, go!

    LOL, LLL!

    Just ran my first 5K!! Not a race, just on the treadmill. With the warm up and cool down walk, it was actually 5.7K. Now my husband says I should take it outdoors. That's the next challenge.

  • oceanbreezes
    oceanbreezes Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    Good Sunday morning to all....Completed 1 1/2 mile walk with friend, we can only coordinate our schedules one day per week, but I look forward to catching up, the time flies by!

    Any recommendations for a pedometer/  Would like to order one...just ordered the Eating Well and Fitness magazine as part of the promotion by BCO now that donates a portion to BCO...looking forward to receiving them!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited September 2012

    Happy Sunday to all.

    I returned this afternoon from my weekend at Girl Scout camp. The weekend was for adults only and was so much fun! I walked, made crafts, and ate (and ate). The walking helped with the eating. The camp is beautiful and I took advantage of the woods and nature.

    You should see the cute Santa I made out of a bowling pin. I love Girl Scouts! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Hi ladies, great job to all!

    Wonderland, I attended a ceremony this afternoon for a former student who has just become an Eagle Scout. He is a boy with a disability, so he overcame a lot to get there and it was extra special and moving.

    My brother's visit actually went well. I spent most of the day at school, so he had to spend the whole day alone with my dad, and 'gets it' now, I think. Then he and I spent the evening looking through a packet my parents had put together with their health care directives, wishes for funeral and burial instructions etc. also looked at some old pictures and letters. It was a bittersweet kind of evening.

    I got a very sad call this morning. My friend, who had just started Hospice a week ago, died during the night. I went for a long, long walk after my brother left and then brought a bunch of things like garbage bags, Kleenex, paper plates, paper towel, toilet paper etc. etc. (stuff you need but won't feel like buying) over to her house before all the inevitable guests start to arrive. It will be a hard week around here......

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Oh Ruth.  I am so sorry.  Thoughtful gift too.  I am glad though that progress with your brother.  My BIL was the biggest pain shortly before my mother died of lung cancer.  He just didn't believe there was nothing to be done, and was researching miracle cures.  Fortunately, she slipped away before he had time to take action.  I was the one she wanted to make any medical decisions, and she didn't want anything beyond reasonable care.

    So I am so glad your brother finally gets it.  But a sad time.

    SHIFTING GEARS......I did the ride, and feel wonderful.  So 60 miles.  Walked a few hills, as just didn't have it for the most challenging.  Took it slow towards the very end as the most perfect Indian Summer day, and I had forgotten how pretty May Valley Road is.  So spent the time to savor the moment.

    I am almost new again with a massage, hot bath, and a nap.  Plus washed the cycling gear (really important).

    So glad I pushed back tomorrow's deadline, so can have an easy evening.  I think I need it. - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Ruth- Big, big hugs. Thinking of you.

    Great job on the ride, Claire!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    ((Ruth)) so sorry for that news, hugs my friend.

    Walked this morning and also this evening for a total of 5.7 km = 3.54 mi

    I have a strawberry-banana coffee cake in the oven and it smells divine.

    Cheryl, BTW I tried my coffee cake recipe with mango and it was great.  

    Just want to say I am thankful for each and every one of you.  ((hugs))

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    (((Ruth))) so sorry for all you're going through now.   Claire thanks for the vision of a beautiful day.

    I did my first walk since my last AC.  It was a slow and short one but I was glad to get out.  I've barely done anything but sleep since Thursday.    The hubby went along and at one point we passed a guy walking two whippets.  We both burst into a chorus of Devo's "Whip It" after we passed.   We're dorks. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    (((Ruth))) I'm so sorry and what a thoughtful gift but then again that's who you are.  Claire congratulations, your endurance is amazing.  Badger yes the mango version is delicious.  Ann - whip it goodSmile

    Today did a Body Step class, wow the gym was packed, then this afternoon I worked in my garden and my friend who had open heart surgery came over (she can't be left on her own and her DH had a business function to attend) so she sat and watched me work in my rose garden but then she had a meltdown just started crying and didn't know why ... well dah she was in the CCU "under" for 6 days all that crap is working it's way out of her system.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Thanks girls.... but if you would taste my cooking, you would hope that I would bring you paper products. Ha!

    Whip It Good today!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2012

    Just wanted to mention that if you have a smartphone, there are lots of apps that track your mileage through your phones gps.  I use one called endomondo, its pretty neat, it even maps the route you took, gives you distance, duration, avg and max speed, and even even elevation.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Ruth - I'm so sorry about your friend, but I'm glad for the progress with your brother.  Sounds like letting your brother have some first hand experience of the situation finally got through to him.  Cheryl - how kind you are that your friend felt safe enough to have her meltdown in front of you.  I read something one time that there's something about open heart surgery patients have a higher than usual incidence of post-surgical depression - something about messing with the heart really does a number on the emotions, in addition to the normal post-anesthesia and other meds effects. Badger - I think I could smell that delicious coffee cake all the way out here! Cool

    Did our Tunnel Run 5K in Baltimore yesterday.  Running through a long underwater tunnel sounds a lot more fun in theory than it was in real life.  I thought it would be cooler being under water, but with almost 1,000 runners it was hot and stuffy and very draining.  Not a race we'll put on the calendar for next year!  But I finished and burned a few calories, and got the standard t-shirt out of the deal, so it's all to the good.  Next up in two weeks - a 5K for Ovarian Cancer Awareness in Annapolis in honor of a co-worker.

    Had my first appointment with the new LE therapist - turns out she was trained by my old therapist! That's a good start.  Today was just an evaluation - I'll start therapy sessions later this week so we'll see how it goes.  But so far so good.  I'm cautiously optimistic.  

    Pat - agree that those smartphone apps are amazing.  We use the Nike+ - not just for runs, but for hikes, and even when walking Mikey the Min Pin. It's kind of fun to see those miles adding up.

  • oceanbreezes
    oceanbreezes Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012 does sound like it has been and will be a emotional week for you...(((Hugs)))..your gift is a great idea...and you made me chuckle with your comment about your came right after my ten or more suggestions for a quick easy dinner to my teenage kids as hubby is out of town, to which my daughter said we always eat the same twenty things...I told them if they didn't like my suggestions they could fix themselves something!  Arggg...

    Claire, have you always been a devoted to exercise?  It seems as if it is something you look forward too, whereas I have to really struggle to make myself exercise!

    Pat01--I think you were responding to my pedometer question, don't have a smart phone plan to upgrade in Nov...not sure I want to have to always have it on me tho...but certainly something to consider...thanks

    Logged on for motivation, so after I rest my feet a bit, I will exercise in one way or another :=)

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Oceanbreezes....I would say more that I have always loved the outdoors.  As in being the 2 year old kid who begged to go with her father to the woods when they were logging and 10 above zero.  So I do mainly outside activities which I find energizing.  I only exercise inside when driving rain, black ice, or howling wind.  Or at least the main cardio stuff.  When in Florida, I swam for miles in the Gulf.

    I am not that fond of weights/crunches, but they are necessary.  Plus my brain works better when I do them.

    NatsFan.....I can only imagine that the tunnel was no fun.  I once did a MS ride through the Lincoln Tunnel, and that is not an experience I want to repeat.  Was only in there about 10 minutes, and that was more than enough.

    I don't really do smartphone elevation apps.  Really don't work as well cycling (although I have seen some misguided folks cycling and texting).  My measure is more "holy crap, that's some hill ahead".  I do have the elevation gain for yesterday and over 3000'.

    Back to work.  Still feeling great from that post ride massage yesterday. - Claire

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    ((Ruth)) - so sorry to hear your news.  Thoughts and prayers are with you!  Great that your brother's visit might have been a break through!

    Mary - I am truly amazed with the amount of runs you are doing!!  I am hoping to one day "want" to sign up for excercise!!!  I find that the only reason I am doing the C25K program is because I both of my sisters are doing it and I don't want to be the "unfit" one!!  Just hoping that I will start to enjoy it - SOON!

    So far today, I did my 5 km walk, and am soon heading out for my walk/run.  Maybe tonight will be the night that it won't be torture!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    50 minute walk tonight.  I'm so p*ssed, I got charged by a large off leash dog, looked like some kind of pit bull mix but taller than a pit bull.  It charged at me three times, after the first time the owner came out and started saying repeatedly "this has never happened before", while I'm yelling "can you call her off?  can you grab hold of her please?" The owner came nowhere near the dog the whole time, and the dog did have a collar that could've been grabbed.  Ugh, I hate irresponsible pet owners.   I felt so defenseless.  The dog's jaw was bigger than my arm.   Does anyone have any dog repellant tips?   I feel like I should be carrying a stick or some spray or something now.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Yikes, hopefully someone will have some dog tips. My only 'bad dog' story came when our neighbors adopted a lab who had been abused. They worked with her, had an animal trainer come out and work with her....but still she was scary...she would bark and snarl but if you said, "NO" loudly she would back down. One day I was picking berries on the side of my house and she ran up and was barking at me, I said "NO." She went back to her yard, but I made the mistake of turning my back on her and (I must have presented too tempting a target) she ran back and bit me on the BUTT! I had to go get a tetanus shot (the clinic people were laughing at me), and the neighbors brought me flowers (I suppose so I wouldn't sue them) and sent the dog off to live at a farm (I suppose so she wouldn't have to be put down).

    I am going to have nightmares about running or biking through tunnels!!

    Did The FIRM 500 Calorie Workout, it's hard and you have to pay attention to what you are doing and not think about other stuff.....which is what I wanted. It is COLD here. I had to cover the flowers that I'd like to have last awhile longer. BRRRRRRR!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Oh yikes Ruth!  At least that dog got removed from the neighborhood.  Good luck with those flowers.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Ruth please send us some cold air, on saturday it was so hot here I thought I'd actually melt.  Mary Louise haha sibling rivalry too funny, one foot in front of the other and you'll catch them.  Ann how darned scary, what about getting a walking stick - fashionable but deadly if needed.  Mary don't think I'd fancy the tunnel, if you wind down your window when you drive through them they are hot and sticky so I can imagine with all those runners it wasn't pleasant.  One of my friends DIL is in hospice with ovarian cancer, she's young 43 and has young children, so sad - they had Christmas yesterday cause they know she won't make it but she wanted to give her kids memories.

    Tonight I had a training session so we did chest and back and then I did my spin class.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    Hugs Ruth.  "live on a farm"  Hmmmm......?

    Cheryl-  Christmas in September.  Heartbreaking and beautiful.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    As a dog owner myself, nothing irritates me more than irresponsible dog owners.  It's people like that who cause so many problems for responsible dog owners.  Pit bulls are actually fabulous dogs (they were called "nurse dogs" in the 1920's because they were so often used to take care of children), but since they're the current dog of choice of idiots, there are too many of them that are poorly bred and poorly trained, or trained to be aggressive, or deliberately tortured to the point where the poor dog quite literally goes insane and can't be trusted to be around anyone.  If you feel you need something to protect yourself from wayward dogs, a stout stick is probably better than pepper spray - pepper spray just tends to make them madder.  If you have a decent humane animal control unit in your jurisdiction, you may want to report the incident.  Chances are they have a record on the owner anyway, and if not, they may be willing to go out and discuss the matter with the owner, and educate him about his legal responsibilities.  (I worked for our local animal control animal shelter for 15 years.)  You should be able to make a confidential complaint.  Sadly the quality of animal control and humane services varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so that may not be a route you can take depending on the level of service and training your humane officers get where you are.

    Cheryl - my heart goes out to your friend's DIL with ovarian cancer.  So many of the ovarian cancer ladies fit that profile - young with small children, and because there are really few symptoms, most are not dx till they are Stage IV.  My co-worker that I'm running in honor of is one of those who were Stage IV from the get go - she tells the story on herself that she knew so little about cancer that when they told her she was Stage IV, she asked how many stages there were.

    30 minute run this morning.  Still a bit tired from the tunnel run, so it wasn't speedy, but I was out there. Cool

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    Two weeks out from surgery and just doing leisurely walks.  Just got the okay to do C25K again from doc.  So..... tomorrow is day one!  Again.  (c:

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Hot yoga last night, and again tonight. My legs are still aching from my day of 5King and mountain climbing. Ouch!!!

    As the owner of a 115 lb lab, I know how scary big dogs can be and I go to great lengths to keep my dog leashed and controlled when walking in public. It's just a common courtesy. So sorry you dealt with that Ann!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    NatsFan, thanks for all those tips about dogs.  This neighborhood is full of good dogs & responsible owners, so it made me sad to get freaked out by that one and feel reluctant to walk that path again.  There are another couple of dogs that are left off leash in a nearby alley and charge at bikes and pedestrians.  They're both tiny mutts but a real nuisance.  I didn't know animal control might investigate complaints.  I may look into that.

    Adey congraulations on getting the go-ahead to run again.