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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    Gentle hugs for you ((Ruth)).

    Natfan, loved reading of Bruce and last time I went to his concert, I too was up dancing, on my seat no less, the whole time.

    hbcheryl, body step on Monday kicked my patootie!

    Long dog walk today and physio.  Claire, you are an inspiration!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Cheryl, have you ever checked with a Health Care Accessories store? Those people are generally wonderful, and there has had to be in your same situation with bras & exercise issues. They might be able to give you some good suggestions.

    Alas Claire, your 'wear shoes' advice would not have saved me because I had just stepped out of the shower, where I generally do not wear shoes Tongue out.

    I took the day off and did 30 minutes of Pilates before the funeral this morning. A very nice service and a HUGE crowd. I think you get to the point where you are so drained that you are glad to 'get it over with', which sounds terrible and yet......

    I had bandaged up my toe good and figured if I could stand 2 hours in dress shoes, then I could surely survive a walk. So I walked with a friend for 45 minutes after I got home. I followed that with a bubble bath in the middle of the day, got 9 letters and bills off the dining room table, visited my dad and am now going to a volleyball game.

    Strange week.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Heidi- I am hurting from the kettlebells! But its such an effective workout.

    Did not get any exercise in today, as it was my 3-month ( and 1 year post chemo) visit to the onc at the cancer center. Had a bone scan at 8, and ultrasound at 9, and a chest x-ray at 10. Then got to wander around worrying for three hours before my visit with the onc. The nice thing is, I get my imaging results the same day I am there because my drive is over two hours.

    The onc walks in in her serious mode as always- then broke into a huge grin. My tests all showed NED, and my blood work, including tumor markers which I only have every six months. Those are below normal and the rest of my bloodwork was "pristine". Felt pretty amaing. I am NED and blessed.

    Planning another weekend of hiking and a 5K walk.

    Thank you girls for all of your support. Means the world! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012
    Hip, Hip, Hooray!! Laughing
  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited September 2012

    woo hoo! NED and misswimCool

    3 miles on treadmill 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies, I concur this is a wonderful supportive group.  

    Yay for everyone with good test results!  Claire, congrats on that perfect fit.

    Cheryl, glad the pain has subsided and Ruth, hope your toe gets better fast.

    Walked at lunchtime today and logged 4 km = 2.49 mi for the day.

    Had not-so-healthy but yummy supper: leftover grilled bratwurst, potato salad & baked beans.

    I might be eating like it's still summer but we have a frost advisory for the weekend!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Happy dancin' for misswim.  Heidi CX ain't easy but you managed 2/3rds of the class so good job.  Lilac too funny, it's the class I probably should give up but I love it and sometimes when my knees creak I don't even use the step just do the moves on the floor.  Ruth I hope your toe is feeling better.  Okay so I'm not going to Claires for dinner tonight I'm going to BadgersTongue out.

    Tonight was RPM - 45 minutes of climbing hills, mountains and speed all from the comfort of my bike seat.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Yay for NED for misswim!  Claire congratulations on fitting into those pants.  Ruth, yikes so much happening this week for you.

    I didn't walk tonight but I'm going to count DANCING like a maniac to an entire old Stones album.  That's a good half hour of cardio, right? 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Woohoo!  My beloved Washington Nationals are in the playoffs!!  This is the first time a baseball team from DC has been in the playoffs since 1933.  I grew up watching the old Washington Senators, and they were perennial losers.  They were always so bad that there was a famous saying back in those days: "Washington - first in war, first in peace, last in the American League."  This is a day I thought would never come. When the game was over last night, I actually had tears in my eyes.  Wow!  Next goal:  Division Champions!

    Ruth - yikes on the foot! And of course it had to land right on your foot.  I was chopping garlic one time and dropped a knife right on top of my foot.  Of course it landed blade down and neatly severed the tendon that connects the big toe to the ankle. I have a big zig zag scar on the top of my foot from the repair surgery. It looks very much like Harry Potter's scar, so I like telling little kids that I once had a battle with Voldemort and that's how I got the scar. They're always very impressed. Cool  Does it look like you'll lose the nail, Ruth?  Yuk. 

    Ann - dancing to an entire Stones album absolutely counts as exercise!!

    2 mile run this morning.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Stones are great exercise!!

    Mary, congratulations on the Nationals!! I will cheer for them too, as my Twins tanked early. Do they know who they will play in the playoffs yet?

    I am not sure what will happen with the toenail yet. It is still oozing, but the cut seems to be a little below the nail so maybe it will be alright.

    Happy Friday!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    Beautiful day here, fall is in the air.  Preparing for a school meeting and made a cinnamon/walnut coffee cake to share.  Hopefully I won't be coming home with any of it!  

    Two days ago I woke up and had a funny rash on the inside of a hip bone - hmmm.  Several other spots showed up, same side of the body.  It's not confirmed but onc thinks that I have a mild case of the shingles.   I'm achey, with weird skin sensations at the rash sites - Advil is helping. Has anybody had shingles?  Do the antivirals work?  Anything else that might relieve the discomfort?

    Hoping for a light run tomorrow, depending on how I feel.  Tongue out 

    Mary  Go Nats!  So excited to see them get this far.  ruth  Hope the toe is feeling better.   Claire  Yay for awesome fitting pants! misswim   Woohooo on NED, wonderful news.

    Happy Weekend All ~ 

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited September 2012

    Gosh, I am so far behind on this thread.

    Dogs-let's see, bear spray or .357 Magnum. Seriously, I read that if you start acting like Cujo right back at the dog, he'll back down thinking, "Dang, this human's gone crazy!" Snarl, bark right back at him.

    Here's my rule on techs who think they can do BP cuffs on my arms. If you mess with my arms, and you're not my physical therapist, I'll clock you.

    Yoga and weights a constant. Getting really busy at work, will be to tired for any strenuous exercise for awhile.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    C25K W1D2  done

    You all give me inspiration!  Ruth sorry about the toe.  I broke mine in two places when a champagne bottle fell on it.  Of course then I had to drink it!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Joy I've had shingles, take the anti virals NOW the pain from shingles if you get a bad dose is unbelievable, it's like a deep ache and you can't get any relief so the nerve blocker sends a message to your brain to turn the pain receptor off (that's how my doctor described it to be),

    Congrats on your Nationals Mary I know how passionate you are so lets hope they go "all the way"  Ann don't you know dancing counts big time, look at all the weight that gets dropped on Dancing with the Stars!!!!  Good to see you Nibana.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    Freestyle step and body balance at the gym this am today for me.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend!Cool

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Nibbana, that Cujo advice is priceless advice and cracked me up.  "Dang, this human's gone crazy" is going to be my catch phrase for the day.  And bear spray?  I may just get some of that, never heard of it.

    Natsfan, congrats on you team!  

    Joy, ugh, so sorry you got shingles, even a mild case.

    I think today is going to be my weekly day off from exercise.  It's maxi-nap day.  Good exercising, everyone! 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    My friend and I went to dog beach and walked our dogs for an hour this morning, it was glorious.  The space shuttle Endeavour came to LA today and was coming in over HB so at 11.30am when it got to Santa Monica I got in my car and raced back downtown, found a fabulous parking spot got myself down on to a berm at the oceans edge and waited, and waited, and waited .... nothing it didn't come, it did go past Boeing which is in HB but then cut over to Seal Beach grrrrrr but I sat at the oceans edge and that was lovely.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    45 minutes on the treadmill.....doing school work and can't linger......

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    Ruth - ouch on the toe!

    Cheryl - too bad you missed the shuttle, but I would love to be sitting by the ocean any day!

    Misswim, Nats, Claire - Congrats!

    Ann - dancing definitely counts!

    5 km walk this morning and just did a 30 minute crosswalk routine on the treadmill.  Had to postpone our C25K session until tomorrow night.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful and restful week end!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi all, dropped off my car for an oil change this afternoon, walked home but didn't stop, I kept going for a good long walk.  It was great after-rain weather, nice crisp fall day, smelled so good!

    Logged 8.3 km = 5.16 mi for the day.

    Speaking of things that smell good, I picked up some beef soup bones at the store today, roasted them, and now have a gorgeous stock simmering on the stove.  I love the cooler weather, it inspires me to cook!

    Ann, I have several dogs on my regular route and most are friendly.  Except there's this one dog, an albino monster, looks like a cross between a pit bull and a great Dane.  All white with pink eyes.  Always out with his owner except this one time, the human was doing something in the garage and the dog came toward me.  He didn't lunge but was quite menacing.  He got close enough for me to bump his nose with my water bottle, and that took him aback long enough for the owner to call him in.  I feel for you, it's a scary experience.

    Hey Mary, GO NATS!!! 

    I'm off exercise restriction as of Monday so am going to yoga class this week.  I plan to do a gentle stretch tomorrow morning when hubby goes to work.  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    I don't know how I snuck in any exercise today, but managed.  Early out the door for the conference which was a smashing success.  Did weights/crunches prior to that.  Plus, snuck in a call with a client.  I did a lot of running around checking on things and taking down all the chairs etc.

    That is in addition to the NEW CLIENT I have as of this morning.  I managed to do a Scope of Work and a bid and got out the door less than 24 hours ago.  I got the work!!!  This is major as will mean I can upgrade things like winter cycling tights and x-country boots with better ankle support. 

    Things are jumping.

    I will fill in everyone on what I learned about nutrition today as is fascinating and applies to us.  But will be the subject of another post.  Right now, brain is fried.

    Finally, I got in a walk to the supermarket as making fish for dinner.  Also picked up an apple/cinnamon the season must be changing.

    Now for dinner, and an early evening.  My pillow top mattress is calling me.....

    I don't think work tomorrow as have the Brain Cancer Walk, and need to do some cycling.  Then a friend over for steaks (a spot of CLEANING would be a good idea too).  But will need to work a good deal of Sunday.  However, will do 30 miles of riding in the countryside as crucial for health, sanity, and brainpower.

    Nice though to be busy and productive.  A year ago, I was wondering if this day would ever come.  I got my wish!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    My DH spoiled me with a private training session with my yoga instructor- at her home with the Pilates reformer ! Off I go, will report back :)

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    misswim, that sounds like a great gift.  Hope you enjoyed it.

    More dancing for me today.  The hubby streamed techno all morning long.  Then I invented some balance poses roughly based on yoga moves.  My whole body feels spent.

    Also want to learn hoop dancing.  Found a free beginner class Monday at the local Y.  Need to get hoop making supplies.  I think there's room in my living room to start out.   Heck, if skinny 20 year old girls can do hoop dancing, I can too, riiight? :-)

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    The personal training session was amazing! The pilates reformer is quite a machine. We worked for two hours on the machine. Focusing on legs, and alot of core. I was spent by the end. The instructor is a really special woman who has been incredibly supportive of me through my whole BC journey. I signed up for 5 more sessions. Excited! And sore- but in a good way!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    Ann - YES you can do it!

    Pretty here today.  Chilly, but I took a nice walk in the afternoon sun.  5.3 km = 3.29 mi.

    Got soup made and had some for supper - yummy and healthy with kale, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, onion, celery, carrot, zucchini & corn.

    Going to get some baking done yet tonight.  Mixed up the dough this morning but didn't want to be alone in the house all day with freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Well ladies today I got a letter in the mail from the imaging center where I had my MRI on tuesday - nothing, nada - says no evidence of cancer so I'm happy dancin'.  Badger please come and cook for me, pretty pleaseSmile Misswim what a lovely gift from your DH, Ann anything a 20 year old can do, we more mature women can do only we have more pizazzWink

    This morning did Body Combat class and this afternoon I planted a shade garden, I know it's late but it should be okay and of course now I need to take an Aleve after all that kneeling and bending and stretching. 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited September 2012

    Ann: I'm not familiar with hoop dancing. What is it?

    misswim: your dh gave you a great gift!

    badger: I want some of your soup! FYI: I went to our little county fair Thursday night. Thank goodness no one was selling fried butter. Tongue out

    Good evening all. My activity for the last few days has been putting up wallpaper and painting our bathrooms. My arms are getting a workout. Plus, up and down, down and up the step stool. Sounds like step aerobics to me!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Hooray, Cheryl!

    Badger, set out a bowl for me. I want to come over for soup too.

    I will do pilates with misswim, but do not want to put up wallpaper or paint (sorry Wonderland).

    Also want to know about hoop dancing. ?

    Went to work this morning, a football game in the afternoon, to my dads, errands, then finally for a walk and 30 minutes of Arms, Abs and Buns of Steel. I didn't have time to dig up the geraniums so covered them up as there is supposed to be a hard freeze tonight. Hope they make it!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    HBcheryl, that's great news :-)

    Hoop dancing is just dance moves and tricks with a big hula hoop.  You see it at outdoor festivals and such.  Here's an example.  No problem-o, huh? 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    Crisp fall morning, went for a hike/run and knew that I would be slow because of not feeling great due to the shingles.  So I took along my Boston Terrier, Lucy, and she was the perfect companion for our 45 minute hike.  Tomorrow I will see a doctor, have missed the window for taking an anti-viral but it seems to be a mild case so far, fingers crossed.  I can't imagine what a more severe case of shingles is like, wow!  

    Went for lunch to a Mexican restaurant with DD and DS, and afterwards discovered a wonderful new gelato place that has all kinds of unusual flavors - one of the flavors was gorgonzola cheese!  We passed on that one  Tongue out  maybe next time.  

    cheryl   Great news on the clear scan!   misswim  Wonderful gift from your DH - glad to see pilates added to your routine!  badger   Your soup sounds delish.  Now that it's cooler weather, I'm getting out the soup recipes.  

    Hugs all ~