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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    Ann - my back aches just from watching that video.... I would love to try it, but just doing the hoola hoop on the wii fit made my back and hip ache like crazy!  But then again, my knee always throbbed until I started regular walking.... now am doing the C25K program and NO pain whatsoever, so maybe the hoop isn't out of the question!  Surprised

    Cheryl - Congrats..... nice walking with NED!

    Joy - take care... my husband and my mother had shingles and it was quite painful for both of them!

    Badger - love soup, just not the amount of time it takes to make it from scratch! Embarassed

    Wonderland - Painting and papering really does give you a workout!

    Did the C25K program last night - poured on us about 2/3 of the way through, but we finished and got in the shower as soon as we could!!  We spent 2 weeks on week 1, now on to week 2!  Definitely feeling no pain, so am feeling ready to progess to the next step!  Also, yesterday cleared out some of the garden so got a different kind of workout!

    Beautiful sunshine today, but quite nippy!  No frost here yet, but you can actually feel it is not far off!

    Have a GREAT Sunday everyone!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    mornin' glories!  Got out the silk long johns and went for a 4K walk this morning, 2.49 mi.

    My 3k time was 35 min so only 3 mph, need to speed that up to make a good showing at the walk/run next month.  My goal is 4 mph = 6.44 km/hr so I need to do a 3k in what, 25 mins?

    Talked to my mom for an hour then did AM yoga with Rodney Yee.  OMG it felt so good!

    There are robins feasting on the berries on the yew tree by our front door.  Fun to watch but the consequence is they're pooping out the seeds all over the front walkway.

    Soup turned out great and there was a lot so froze most of it.  Making Chicken Durango for supper tonight, along with fresh green beans and quinoa with black beans.  Here's the recipe, easy!

    Chicken Durango

    ½ c (1 stick) butter, melted

    Juice of 2 lemons

    1 teaspoon garlic powder

    1 tablespoon paprika

    1 tablespoon oregano

    Salt & pepper to taste

    4 chicken breasts, split (or 1 frying chicken cut in serving pieces)

    Mix together all ingredients except chicken.  Marinate chicken in sauce for 3 - 4 hours in the fridge.  Place chicken in baking dish, skin side up, and bake uncovered at 325 degrees F for 45 minutes or until done.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    fmakj, it's encouraging your knee stopped hurting during C25K.  I have to admit my back is a little hurty this AM.  And there are some bruises.  They say you stop bruising after you get used to it.  Wondering if taking up hula hooping at this age during chemo was a little over ambitious.   :-) Oh well I still want to get a proper hoop (my homemade one turned out to be lopsided and too light) and try the beginner class.

    Badger I love your descriptions of the robins and yew trees.  I miss robins-- there aren't any in So Cal. 

    I think today may be my day off at last.  Was supposed to be Friday but the hubby wanted to walk, then there was the dancing... 

  • oceanbreezes
    oceanbreezes Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    Seems I am slacking off, did get my walk in this am.  I cleaned for over four hours yesterday, that counts for more than a clean house :-).  Hope everyone has a good day, and I will be better next week!!

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited September 2012

    I had a workshop to go to yesterday, so no cardio on cardio day. 

    So, today I did yoga, back and chest weight workout, and I'm going to walk later on. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Badger- I am stealing that recipe!! Delightful!!

    Raked leaves like a maniac, than power shopped for three hours at my favorite place, Yankee Candle flagship store! Got some delicious candles and my gorlfriend bought me the last bead to complete my Pandora braceley that my best friends bought me when I was diagnosed. They bought me a bead for each surgery, all 8 treatments, ending chemo, and when I hit a year. The one I got today was white murano glass with a very subtle breast cancer pink ribbon. Very subtle as I am not a big pink ribbon girl, but it was appropriate for the meaning the bracelet had. We then found an awesome farm stand on the way home that was so inexpensive we loaded up on mums, pumpkins, and idian corn. Festive!!!

    Sore from the pilates yesterday. Back on track with some cardio on Monday!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Got the geraniums dug up and went for an hour long walk in the trees, lovely fall day here.

  • Andrflet
    Andrflet Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2012

    I just joined the Wednesday weigh in thread and ruthbru invited me over here to post my daily exercise, which is a great idea. So here I am.

    Today I did the first day of the c25k program, a 30 minute light yoga video and a 10 minute Pilates video.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Hi Andrea. Great to see you here too!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Hi Andrea. Great to see you here too!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Welcome, Andrea.  That's a lot of exercise for one day!

    Well so much for my day off.  I nearly finished my DIY hula hoop.  Wow, it's so much easier to use with a proper joint instead of having the ends crossed over each other and duct taped!  It works well now and I learned a couple simple tricks already.  Got some bruises on ankles and back of hands.   I was noticing several of the hoop dance videos feature women wearing shaggy boots.  Now I suspect that's more than a fashion statement as the hoop just tends to bark the ankles when it drops.

    I have one last step-- leaving it out in the sun with blocks holding it circular to get the shape right, then will decorate it with colored tape. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Well, that sounds like fun!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    That sounds like fun!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    I have had a whirlwind 2 days.  Yesterday AM, I did the local Brain Cancer Walk.  Not a lot of exercise, but I also walked  there and back.  Followed by 20 miles of cycling, this time over to the beach and back.  Since I still needed veggies, I walked to Pike Place Market afterwards.  So about 5 miles of walking.

    All went well, until I found the end of day veggie sale.  I loaded up on carrots, beets and the like as huge bunches for $1.  But of course had to lug everything a mile home.  I did it, plus a stop for tea etc at World Market.  Of course, I needed flowers too.  I looked like a pack mule!  Felt like one too.

    Then made dinner for a friend.  I thought everyone knew how to grill over an open grill and hot fire.  Well, there are certain things you shouldn't assume (he BAKED them).  The roasted carrots were delish though.  Live and learn.

    This AM, also got up early as needed to spend some time with the Almighty.  Was also nice to reconnect with everyone at church.  Then off for 35 miles of cycling.

    Home to WORK, including helping the daughter of one of my clients with her resume.  ALMOST where I need to be.

    Making salmon (buy one, get one free sale) for dinner, but need to review a bit more data before calling it a day.

    I THINK the crunch will be over by Thursday.  Wish me luck.

    I am still in cycling clothes so never got my bath......need one of those too!  At least the salmon is dot with butter, put a bit of dill on top, and shove under the broiler Innocent

    Hoping to do one more long ride (>50 miles) next weekend. - Claire

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    I have had a whirlwind 2 days.  Yesterday AM, I did the local Brain Cancer Walk.  Not a lot of exercise, but I also walked  there and back.  Followed by 20 miles of cycling, this time over to the beach and back.  Since I still needed veggies, I walked to Pike Place Market afterwards.  So about 5 miles of walking.

    All went well, until I found the end of day veggie sale.  I loaded up on carrots, beets and the like as huge bunches for $1.  But of course had to lug everything a mile home.  I did it, plus a stop for tea etc at World Market.  Of course, I needed flowers too.  I looked like a pack mule!  Felt like one too.

    Then made dinner for a friend.  I thought everyone knew how to grill over an open grill and hot fire.  Well, there are certain things you shouldn't assume (he BAKED them).  The roasted carrots were delish though.  Live and learn.

    This AM, also got up early as needed to spend some time with the Almighty.  Was also nice to reconnect with everyone at church.  Then off for 35 miles of cycling.

    Home to WORK, including helping the daughter of one of my clients with her resume.  ALMOST where I need to be.

    Making salmon (buy one, get one free sale) for dinner, but need to review a bit more data before calling it a day.

    I THINK the crunch will be over by Thursday.  Wish me luck.

    I am still in cycling clothes so never got my bath......need one of those too!  At least the salmon is dot with butter, put a bit of dill on top, and shove under the broiler Innocent

    Hoping to do one more long ride (>50 miles) next weekend. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies and welcome Andrea. 

    I may have to join the Weds weigh-in thread as E-LAB isn't very active anymore.

    Have a wonderful week, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    I gain weight just by reading your and Claire's 'delicious meals' posts!!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Cheryl - congrats on the great scan news!  That calls for chocolate!  Bdger - great description on the robins.  Have you ever seen birds get drunk on ripe berries that have fermented in the sun?  One time when I was working at the Humane Society we got an urgent call that a flock of birds had been poisoned because they were staggering and flopping all over someone's front lawn.  We got out there and realized that wasn't a poisoning.  Turns out a bunch of cedar waxwings had gotten into a load of fermented berries and were completely trashed.  They eventually sobered up enought to fly off, but I bet there were a bunch of little birdie headaches the next morning. Tongue out Ann- the hula hooping sounds like fun - I can manage a bit on the Wii Hula Hooping but haven't tried the real thing.  Welcome, Andrea!

    Nats Walk yesterday.  Also there was a plug-in car event in front of the Capitol and since we're considering one, we walked over there before the game to check out what dealers were there with their electric cars. It was very informative seeing all the cars and learning about the technology, and we even drove the all electric Ford Focus.  It was a beautiful day in DC yesterday - about 72, clear blue sky and bright sunshine.  We walked around the outside of the Capitol to get to the car event, and it was inspiring to see that beautiful white dome set against the blue sky, gleaming in the sunshine.  I've lived here my whole life, and yet I still get goosebumps when I catch a glimpse of one of the monuments set off perfectly like that.  By the time we were done, we'd walked over 5 miles yesterday.

    20 minutes Pilates tape today plus 15 minute Lebeds.  I've fallen off the Lebed wagon lately, and need to get back on.  It's one of the better things I've found to help me manage my truncal LE.  

    Wow, we have some good cooks here.  I'm impressed.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    Happy Monday!

    Cheryl, excellent news!

    I did the gym first body step and then a pilates class.  Off to make meatless Monday dinner.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    C25K W1W3  Done.  One week down.

    Yay for great scans!  What a fun story about the drunken birds!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Go Adey!   I'm with the birdies.

    You can't let cattle near apple trees this time of year for the same reason.  Those 4 tummies work wonderfully for fermenting.

    Same dinner as yesterday, so nothing that great.  Making headway on all my work projects. - Claire

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    C25K wk 2 begins!  Actually pulled the same calf muscle I had problems with a couple years ago!  Still made it through and am hoping I can run again on Wednesday night!  Wasn't bad (except for favoring my left leg), and actually wasn't as winded as I thought I would have been!! AND  I wore my "sculpted sisterhood" shirt for the 1st time!!  Wore another shirt over, but did get it on, so progress is being made!

    Had a good chuckle about drunken birds, and can almost picture drunken cattle!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Good job on the shirt, Mary Louise!

    We had conferences tonight until 6:30. Zoomed home to catch Dancing With the Stars. Did 45 minutes on the treadmill while watching & forced myself to do a 15 minute toning DVD when it was done. Conferences tomorrow night too. Makes for long days!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Did a spin class tonight but I felt bleahhh as I had taken my friend who had heart surgery to a doctors appointment this afternoon and then I was weak when she asked to stop and have a hamburger I had one too, never shall I do that againCry

    I got the full report from my MRI today and I was a bit perplexed it keeps talking about my left mastectomy and I had a right so I was freaking out like OMG have I got the wrong report so I asked one of the girls at my gym who is a tech and she reassured my that everything they do is back to front, she said when they look at your right they are seeing left but she told me to call my doctor and get the report fixed, sighhhh.  Too funny drunken birds and cows - what next!!!!  Yeah Mary Louise you got your shirt on, I wear mine all the time, love it.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    This should probably go on the Hair thread, but learned today that Clairol Root Rescue is not the product for me.  Made my hair dull, and even worse, I still have roots!  Back to my half-package of Feria!  Usually look amazing later.  Now BLAH......and not the way I go.

    Getting my salmon dinner reprise ready.  Learning on fruit extends to overripe nectarines.  I needed the jolt I got from mine earlier today.

    Cheryl.....burgers are good sometimes.  I often have when doing my 30 mile training ride (Jack's is just past the mid point and CHEAP if you get the single).  Plus, was jonesing for a bacon blue cheeseburger a little while ago.  Local market makes with major good beef, local bacon, and amazing cheese.

    Dinner.....then my pillow is calling.  Did my weekday exercise regime.  Think I will be doing another 50 mile + ride on Sunday to see the colors.  Should be glorious if the weather holds. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    One hour beginner's hoop dancing class tonight.  I learned my DIY hoop is really kind of sub-par.  All the ones in class were heavier and/or had a nicer flex to them.  I could do things I can't do with mine.  So I need to order some proper supplies and make a good one.  

    The class was fun and I learned some new moves.  It was a lot of holding the hoop in the air stuff, and not so much hula-hooping with body parts.  It's a weekly class and I hope they do different moves from week to week.  Once I master this stuff there's an intermediate class to move onto.  As expected it was mostly young women, a bit more hippie looking than the typical "Y" people.

    Loved the bird story, and that image of the Capital in the sun.

    Cheryl I had a burger from In-N-Out today.  And pizza for dinner.  Not such a healthy eating day for me but yummy. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi all and good morning!  Got out for a wonderful lunchtime walk around the (Wisconsin state) Capitol yesterday.  Nights have been chilly but glorious 70-degree days so I took advantage of the blue skies and will again today.  6.25 km = 3.88 mi for the day.

    LOL Mary about drunken birds.  Didn't see that but not only did we have robins at the yew tree, but sparrows and a blue jay to boot.  And the little green hummer was back at the hostas.  S/he must be fueling up for migration south.

    Listened to a program on NPR yesterday about the Tesla Motors electric car.  Oh boy do I want one.  But they're still 100 grand so way out of my price range. 

    Not a good day for sports in WI - the Packers and the Brewers both got trounced.  The Brew Crew got beat by the Nats so that's OK with me, and we watched DWTS instead of Monday Night Football so we didn't have to see it.  Wink

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Anusara yoga last night. Lots of twisting and headstanding. Sore today.

    Feeling a bit of a cold coming on. Blech.

    Lol about the drunken birds!!!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2012

    Been a long few days for me.  My dear sister-in-law passed Thursday morning after her 1+ year battle with stage 4 lung cancer.  She had been doing remarkably well, then went downhill very quickly and died before they could even get hospice in place.  Private memorial service Saturday morning with our very large exteneded family, then public calling hours in the afternoon.  Hundreds came to say goodbye to her, what a testament to the wonderful caring person she was.  Then back to my brothers house for a proper Irish sendoff, and more connecting with family.  I kept thinking how much she would have loved the party.  Then yesterday was the funeral services for our dear friends mother, who passed from complications from diabetes.  Feeling rather drained today, and also haven't done any exercise since early last week when I found out about my SIL's decline.  This afternoon is my regular MO appt., need to chat with him about the night leg cramps I am having, so no walk today for me.  Maybe I'll do a little retail therapy on the way home from the doctor - what do you ladies call it - shop and sculpt? :)

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2012

    Hi ladies- I have been trying to read and keep up with this thread; so much activity!

    Ruth and Pat I am so sorry for your losses. There seem to be so many lately.

    I have been trying to exercise but this body of mine keeps getting in the way. I am having terrible problems sleeping due to pain, cramping and numbness at night. I think it is from the fibromyalgia and lymphedema. I am back to teaching  preschool full time and my body is exhausted and hurts. I am trying to walk each day but am not getting very far. My mind is willing but the body is fighting me. I see my rheumatologist today and I need to get some answers. Without sleep everything is so much harder. I am starting to feel like I will never feel great again.

    MaryLouise- I got my shirt on too but would not wear it in public yet; still a little too tight. But I wear it on the treadmill and it does make me smile. 

    I am inspired by all of you and hope to have more to add soon...