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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Badger - I think your training coordinator definitely needs an email!  Geez, why did we go through all the surgeries, chemo, rads, AIs and whatever else we went through when all we had to do is take this oil.  Grrr - that's dangerous misinformation that's being put out there.  But from one quack cure to another - I admit the bar of soap thing worked for my leg cramps too.  Makes no sense but it did - I used Yardley's Old English Lavender for a sachet effect.  Cool  Misswim and Mary Louise - so sorry about the 1 year anniversaries.  It's strange how we think that we've worked through the grief, then something like an anniversary, or even an old song, can bring back a wave of grief again.  {{{hugs}}}  Glad to hear Patoo is doing well - hope she pops back in for a hello sometime.  Yes, we definitely need her inspiration when it's time for Shovel N Sculpt!  Mum - you'll get going when you're ready.  Maybe the crispy fall air will inspire you!

    2 mile run this morning.  It was one of those mornings I really really really didn't want to get out of my warm comfy bed, but I dragged my sorry butt out and hit the road.  Now I feel sooooo good - you ever notice that you feel much better after exercising on those kinds of days?  

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2012

    Badger, yes, I have heard about the bar of soap thing, but for the life of me can't rationalize in my scientist type brain how it would ever work.  I'm on tamoxifen too, but my MO just sort of brushed my cramps aside and said we are not sure what causes them, and suggested quinine.  But I need to try the soap thing, so many people say it works for them, and there is no harm in trying.

    30 minute walk at lunch yesterday, 100 crunches, and classical stretch this morning.  Finally got a good nights sleep last night, fell asleep at 9:15 and slept til 6, could have kept right on going except I had to go to work :(  Gym is on my radar for next week, trying to get back to a routine.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Just dropped by to let you know that my dad passed away this morning. I will be offline for a few days. Much love to all!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Ruth - I'm so sorry.  Love to you and your family.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    Oh Ruth, my condolences.

    Hugs missswim.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2012

    ((( Ruth))) so sorry

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    C25K  Week 2 Workout 2     done

  • oceanbreezes
    oceanbreezes Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    Ruth, I am so sorry about your dad! You have had a rough couple weeks!

    Still struggling each day with exercising!  Walked this am and last night...I just keep telling myself it is no longer an option to NOT exercise and keep moving forward, if I don't exercise for a few days, I don't give up.  Just try to do it the next day.  I almost find this harder than dieting! 

    You all continue to inspire me!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    (((Ruth))) - so sorry to hear about your Dad!  My condolences.  Make sure to take care of yourself over the next few days.  ((Hugs))

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    Oh Ruth, so sorry, my condolences to you and your family.

    ((hugs)) to you, and Mary Louise, and misswim... and everyone here.

    Walked at lunchtime, nice fall day, logged 6.24 km = 3.88 miles.

    Meeting up with some WI BCO sisters tomorrow in Madison.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2012

    Oh Ruth, I am so sorry. I know how hard it was to lose my dad. Sending hugs and strength for the days ahead.

    I was very emotional around the one year anniversary mark. Kind of like " what the he** just happened to me?"

    I went to an orientation for a mindfulness stress reduction seminar last night and I think the 8 week program will be helpful for me. I am ready to take control of my health back and not have to depend on others to help me feel better.

    I got one of my colleagues out to walk with me at lunch today. It was beautiful and we got in 2 miles. I had so much more energy for the rest of the afternoon.

    Thanks for keeping me motivated ladies; I am hearing the voices loud and clear!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited September 2012
    (((Ruth))) May your Dad be resting and at peace in heaven. We are here for you.
  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited September 2012

    Ruth, Awww so sorry for your loss ((((HUGS))))

    Will hit the treadmill for a 30 min walk, at least. Chemo up and downs but glad to be on this thread.

    ((hugs)) to missswim and all in need Kiss

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Ruth- I am sending you a giant hug. xo

    Mary Louise- You are getting one too. Thank you for making me feel like I wasn't going nuts feeling the way I am. It's hard. People say it gets easier.... but I am still waiting for that to happen. For myself, in my own diagnosis, and for this loss.

    Joy- Congratulations to you. One year is a big deal!

     Ladies...... I love you guys. Thank you for all the support. This thread is such a lifeline for me. I am so grateful for it.

    I have gone to yoga every day this week. I have cried through a few classes, but its been such a good release.

    Friday I am going to get my arse kicked by my beloved trainer Ellen and her pilates reformer :)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    (((((Ruth))))) I am so sorry to hear of your Dads passing, may the memories you shared help to sustain you through the days ahead, sending you much love.

    Heidi if you ever come to So Cal I will definately take you to a Combat class with me and that invite holds true for everyone, also loved the pics such a beautiful area.  Hello Mum we've missed you, have you been on any fab vacations?  Misswim it doesn't matter how far out you are dates bring back thoughts like "this time last year".  Last night after class I was talking to a girl at the gym and she has her doctor visit next week, she said already she feels herself snapping at her DH her scanxiety level is rising, but she knows I understand her feelings.  Have fun with your WI ladies tomorrow Badger. (((Mary Louise)))

    Last night I did a spin class and tonight was RPM, my heart was pounding and I was huffing and puffing so I know I had worked as hard as I could.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    My condolences Ruth.   So sorry to hear you lost your Dad.

    I took yesterday off except for a couple IKEA trips and moving furniture around.  Converted the living room into a sitting room/office and turned the 2nd bedroom into an office/playroom for me.

    I worked on hooping again today.  I got an instructional DVD from Netflix that has a lot more moves than what was covered in the class.  Getting 2 new hoops Monday-- can't wait.  It will all be easier once I stop using my light and lopsided hoop. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Thanks ladies, you are the best. My dad's funeral and burial will take place in the town where he and my mom lived for many years (about 100 miles away). They had pre-planned their funerals, which is a wonderful gift to us as most of the decisions were made by them already. My brother headed over today to meet with the funeral home people & minister. We stayed here and wrapped some things up (cleared out his room at the nursing home, figured out what to do with his stuff, got some paperwork together, made phone calls etc.). We will head over tomorrow. Did an hour of the FIRM at about 9:30 tonight. Will walk tomorrow before we go, and hopefully walk at least once either Saturday or Sunday.....maybe both if there is time. Hugs to all!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited September 2012

    (((Ruth))) My condolences to you and family.

    Off to the gym in a bit, freestyle step and body balance.  No planking, as my left houlder is a bit out of wack from over doing it on Monday.  My weekly physio helped to free it up a bit yesterday.  Sixteen weeks out from Diep and still can't get my left arm all the way up. 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    ((hugs)) ruth - so sorry for the loss of your Dad.  

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited September 2012

    I'm so sorry, Ruth.

    Joy, I do live on a mountainside so it's impossible to find a flat running trail. I could go to the lake but there are no proper trails there. This weekend I'll be running/walking at a pink charity event (not Komen) which will be held in a stadium.

    Did a Bosu ball workout and some arm exercises with weights. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2012

    I'm so sorry for your loss Ruth.  Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Ruth - I agree that pre-planning is one of the best final gifts a parent can leave a child.  It makes it so easy, with no second-guessing yourself about what the parent would have wanted, and no family squabbles about how it should be done. Not that anything associated with a parent's death is easy, but at least it takes away one source of stress.

    2 mile walk last night.  30 minute core/weights plus 15 minute Lebeds this morning.  Plus I took a couple of hours off this morning to get a few things done, so I snuck in a mile bonus walk with Mikey.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Ruth......yes, this one is really difficult.  My parents hadn't done "pre-planning", but I had the script for my mother's as she had done most of my father's funeral.  I just replicated most of what she did.  This was in a small town in Vermont, so could hear the undertaker's children playing above the parlor while we worked through details.

    Long day away yesterday, but had a two hour break which I spent in a park exploring.  A park I visit all the time, but on bicycle.  I walked 2-3 miles, visiting a gorgeous community garden, a pet memorial garden, gorging on blackberries, and then through the huge off leash dog field along the Sammamish River, to the outflow point of Lake Sammamish.  Gorgeous marsh there, and I will go back when I have more time.  Helped myself to an apple off the tree on the way back.

    I was quite restored for my evening meeting, as was the most gorgeous Indian Summer day ever.

    On a funny note, I can tell one of my clients is having a bad week.  Got a note asking when she would have the final version of something.  I sent it to her two days ago.

    Have a great weekend everyone.  Ruth, I know that you will do your father proud! - Claire

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    C25K week 2 workout 3 done.  On to week 3.  Signed up for a 5K in Dec.  Yikes.......

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited September 2012

    my daily exercise nowdays consists of running around like a maniac. Long, tiring days. I'm trying to do yoga during the week, but can't carve out the time to follow full videos. That will be for the weekends. Still lifting to keep the muscles in shape. I'm finding muscles I didn't even know I had! =P

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2012

    Walked for 25 minutes at lunch time. Did laps around the school hallways due to heavy rain.

    I watched the TV show parenthood and one of the characters was diagnosed with BC. Anyone see it? It was kind of hard to watch it now that I have been in those shoes. The feelings it brought up took me by surprise.

    Walking a 5K abolish breast cancer walk in the morning. It is a fund raiser for Dana Farber in memory of a local woman who lost her battle a few years ago.

  • Andrflet
    Andrflet Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2012

    I also watched Parenthood, but felt oddly detached from her experience. This year I have gone from diagnosis to surgery to chemo and now half way through radiation, still have to start tamoxifen and finish herceptin. Watching those episodes made me realize I have not processed all I have gone through. It seems almost as if it has happened to someone else.

    Today I did W1D3 of C25K. Yesterday I could only walk it because my radiated breast was so sore. But I figured out today that if I put a soft tee shirt on and then layer two sports bras over it I stay comfortable enough. I also did Rodney Yee's am yoga this morning.


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Andrflet I love watching Rodney Yee do yoga.  Unfortunately I end up sitting on the sofa mesmerized by his strength and grace and, er, easy-on-the-eyes quality and don't actually do the yoga. Embarassed

    Short walk today plus worked on my hooping for a while.  I'm really noticing this stuff works a lot of muscles.  I think my back actually feels better than normal, with less pain in the mornings.  I learned to keep my chest lifted and pelvis tucked in, which prevents over-arching it.   Can't wait to get my new hoops on Monday.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    Did an hour of pilates mat with my two teenagers - they moaned and groaned about putting down their electronics for a short while.   What did we do as kids, without ipads, iphones, laptops??  LOL

    Found a fantastic foam roller class given by an osteoporosis specialist.  The foam roller is one of my favorite props for releasing muscle tension.  Since I started a running/hiking program, IT band, glute and quad release has been especially helpful.  Am adding strength resistance exercises with hand weights, to stave off effects of osteoporosis.  I'm pretty sure I have the beginnings of it already Frown 

    heidihill   I struggle to find flat areas to run where we are, but am not challenged by mountains!  What a majestic place to live! Good luck with the run/walk this weekend.   

    I'm planning on watching the BC episode of Parenthood, and wondering what emotions will come up.  Not sure if I've truly processed everything in a year.   

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    hi ladies, walked 5 km yesterday and 5.5 km this morning so 10.5 km = 6.24 mi.

    Glorious fall day, walked to the library and dropped off a couple of books.

    Next up is Wild by Cheryl Strayed.  Sub-titled: From lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail.

    Met up with some WI BCO ladies last night and had a great time!  Going to do it again soon.

    Movie matinee this afternoon: The Odd Life of Timothy Green.  Has anyone seen it yet?

    I love Rodney Yee's AM yoga, I can do the routine without the DVD anymore but why? Innocent

    Take care my sculpted sisters, you are the best!  ((hugs)) to all