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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Pat, I'm so sorry about your SIL and friend.  I think Shop N Sculpt would be a perfect exercise for you today.  I'm Irish too on my mom's side, and I always have the same feeling that the deceased would have LOVED the party. Ginger - I'm sorry about the sleeping issues.  I had sleeping issues for months during and after active treatment,  but finally someone on BCO suggested melatonin and I was lucky that it worked for me.  I couldn't believe how much better I felt after a couple of weeks of consistent good sleep.  I still take it.  Claire - didn't know about the cows and apples - can't even imagine what a drunken cow looks like!  Badger - we saw that Tesla at the electric car event - that is one sweet looking car!  When I win that Powerball drawing, it's definitely on my list!  Cool  Sorry about beating your Brew Crew, but from this side it was great. Ann - who knew hula hoops were so complicated these days??  Cheryl - weird on the report being "backwards" - I think I'd call to clarify as well.  Mary Louise - hooray on the C25K progress!!

    Just back from a 4.5 mile run through the park with DH.  It's our 30th anniversary today so we decided to take the day off and just have fun.  We'll do some car shopping this afternoon, then we have a romantic dinner planned at a nearby little inn.  It's an old estate house, and they have a small room at the end of a hallway that used to be a little library or reading room.  It's lined with bookshelves, and has a huge old palladium window, and just one table. It has an arched entranceway with a pretty curtain across it, so you're completely private.  It's called The Nook room, and you have to book it months in advance.  We went there a few anniversaries ago and loved it, so thought it would be a perfect place for dinner tonight.

    God bless these men who stick with us through this b/c horror.  My dh has put up with so much, yet has always been there for me.  Here's a toast to the men in our lives! 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    An hour of reformer pilates, and a walk with the dog.  My shingles are pretty mild and I'm feeling better, although the energy is not there for running yet.   

    Love the drunken birds and cow story  Smile 

    pat01  So sorry to hear of your SIL.  Sad times.  Ginger48  ((hugs)) and hoping that sleep comes to you really soon.  I've also taken Melatonin, and it helped me.    Happy Anniversary, Mary!    

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited September 2012

    pat01-  So sorry, my condolences.

    C25K W2W1  Done.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    Pat01 - my sympathies to you and your family!

    Ginger - I loved wearing the shirt, but it WAS underneath another as I will not go out in public with it alone.... YET! Cool

    Mary - Congrats on 30 years!!  I will also toast the men in our lives.... we are coming up on 25 years in October.

    Badger - yes, please join us on the Wednesday weigh in thread!!

    5 Km walk again this morning - calf still sore, but hopefully by tomorrow night it will be back to normal!  Tonight I am heading out to choir practice again, so will excercise my lungs!  Has anyone stayed in touch with Patoo?  I know she is taking a break from the boards, but just wondering how she is doing.... miss her presence and humor here!

  • Andrflet
    Andrflet Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2012

    Still sore from the 10 minute pilates video I did 2 days ago. I can't believe how out of shape I have become.

    Yesterday I walked 2 miles. Did another 10 minute pilates video, this time focusing on the arms, much easier than the abs. And 15 minutes of light yoga before bed.

    Today I did the second day of c25k and will do another 10 minute Pilates video and some yoga before bed.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Hi ladies, we had conferences again until 6:30 (100% attendance from my group Cool), then went over to my dad's for a little while, he is not doing well at all....very sad and hard. Came home & did the treadmill while watching DWS & then 30 minutes of toning with Denise after it was over.

    So sorry about your SIL & mom's friend, Pat. Gosh, wouldn't it be nice to buy a ticket to a South Sea island and be oblivious for awhile?! (Yes, Sculpt & Shop is a good alternative if you can't do that!). Try tonic water for leg cramps (with or without the gin).

    Badger, Green Bay got screwed last night! I hope my diehard Packer fan neighbor didn't put a hole in the wall of her house that she is trying to sell!

    Misswim, gargle with warm salt water for a cold (aren't I a font of natural remedies tonight?!)

    And for an unnatural remedy, Ginger if the melatonin doesn't work, you might want to ask for a prescription sleeping pill. If you can't sleep, it is awfully hard to cope with anything. I LOVED my Ambein, and still have some, taking one on rare occasions when I haven't slept for awhile.

    Happy Anniversary, Mary!

    I had e-mailed Patoo awhile ago but didn't hear back. I'll try her again.

    Night, girls!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Pat, so sorry to hear about your SIL and friend.  Two funerals is two too many for one week.

    Something really dramatic has to happen in sports for me to know about it, and even I knew about the bad call that gave the game to Seattle. 

    Ruth, sorry to hear about your dad.

    My workout for the day was rearranging furniture and working on my hoop dance moves.  Noticed there were some mysterious arcs scuffed into the wood floor.  I guess dropping the hoop on wood isn't so good.  Embarassed  I have a big round rug that I'm moving into the spare room, which will become my office/playroom, then I'm giving over most of the living room to the spouse for his office/guitar room.  The round rug should take care of the scuffing problem.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Hi everyone,

    I am too beat to reply to everyone.  I apologize.  Great day, and I don't have to see my internist again for THREE YEARS!  At which point, I will be past anastrazole, and we can reassess.  I got in the lady exam and also a flu shot.  My next-to-last lady exam unless something turns up.  Can't say I will miss that one.

    Great dinner too.....baked chicken thighs with Tandoori paste/yogurt marinade.  Simple and delish.  Made with wonderful beans and beet tops.  Now, I seem to be overrun with beets, so a beet-roasting is in my future.

    Am still buried in work so will be in bed by 10.

    With all this going on, I still got in my weights/crunches and walk.  Will be chained to my computer in the AM.

    But good all around.  Thinking ahead, still planning on a major ride for Sunday. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Pat I am so sorry for the loss of your SIL and frends Mom, you've had one heck of a rough weel.  Ginger I agee melatonin really works or sometimes I just take a Benadryl and it makes me drowsy.  Happy Annversary Mary hope you had a wonderful evening.  Ruth I'm sorry to hear your Dad isn't doing well, take care of yourself okay, I'll email Patoo as well I miss her too.

    Tonight I did a Body Step class then a Body Combat class, I said I'd only stay for half of class two but the music cranked up and the hour just flew by.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited September 2012

    Pat, my condolences.   Mary, the place sounds so romantic. Happy anniversary and toasting to the men in our lives (soon as I have a glass of wine in my hand)!   Cheryl, wish we could go to classes together. Body Combat sounds like a lot of fun.

    Tuesday is always a hectic day of exercise for me, getting ready for Wednesday weigh-in. The finale is a fun class of Zumba in the evening.

    Did a lot of hiking this weekend. But also pigged out so it was a wash.

     Lünersee in Austria. Directly on the other side of the far peaks is Switzerland. It felt like the Sound of Music.

    DD was not in a hurry to get to the top.

     Here's a video from a different perspective.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited September 2012

    It reminds me of Heidi, lol, the book I mean, although that was Switzerland. Looks like a wonderful trip.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    good morning all, got in a lunchtime walk yesterday 6.39 km = 3.97 mi for the day.

    Pat, my condolences to you and your family.

    Mary, happy anniversary!

    Ruth, yep the Pack got a raw deal, hope your Packers-loving neighbor has recovered by now. 

    Heidi, wonderful pix!

    Yoga class tonight yippee!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Beautiful picture!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    One hour trail hike with my dog.  Still no running, but did some steep climbs that really got the heart pumping!  

    heidihill  Incredible pictures, the video is amazing.  If you live anywhere near there, I understand how taking your running outside could be a challenge!  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Thanks for the anniversary wishes.  We had a great anniversary evening - enjoyed the yummy food and champagne thoroughly!  We had fun talking about the past 30 years, picking our favorite memories of places we lived, pets we've owned, places we've visited, etc. 

    Badger - I finally saw the blown call play - Green Bay absolutely got hosed.  Then to rub salt in the wound, the see-no-evil NFL said everything looked hunky-dory to them.  I imagine Wisconsin is in an uproar - one good thing, maybe the uproar will drown out election coverage for a while. I am SO sick of political ads! Ruth - sorry about your dad not doing well.  It to be incredibly hard on you and everyone around him. Heidi - beautiful pictures!!

    30 minutes core/weights this morning, plus 15 minute Lebeds.  Gotta start working of last night's dinner!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2012

    Thanks everyone for your kind words.  After my MO appt., I was just too beat to go shopping, so went straight home.  Did manage to get classical stretch in this morning, and 30 minute walk at lunch, but still feel so drained so I am not trying the gym after work yet.

    Ruth, my MO said to try quinine too, I'm going to give it a try.  Someone else suggested bananas, but they haven't seemed to help at all.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    ((Ruth)) - so sad when our parents health fails.  Sorry to hear your news.

    This is the 3rd time I am trying to post this!!  I will get half way through typing, and then my screen goes to my favorites!!

    5 km walk this morning, and am hoping that the rain hold off for another couple hours so that we can get Day 2 Wk 2 on ourC25K program in tonight!!  Am planning on wrapping my traiterous calf tonight to see if it will help.  Today it is not feeling bad at all, but I know that when I start the running portion, it will start screaming!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Loving the pictures, Heidihill!  I am already thinking of skiing, but would love to get in one more hike before the snows come.  Right now, I need a small walk, especially since I ate what I planned for dinner as lunch!

    I am still buried, but made progress in a couple of areas.

    Think I will take a walk prior to tackling the next task on my list.......  Have a great evening everyone, with tons of great food.  I look upon every day as a celebration. - Claire

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2012

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have already tried melatonin and magnesium. Took Advil pm for about 2 weeks. Still waking up constantly in pain. Rheumatologist is trying me on prednisone and trazadone so we will see how it goes. I desperately need sleep. Got a 20 minute walk in at lunch.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    Any of you ladies with leg cramps taking tamoxifen?  I get bad foot and leg cramps at night and chalk it up to the tamox.  Only thing I've found to help is the bar of soap trick.

    Here's the original 2005 article from The People's Pharmacy and a 2012 update.

    Went to a 'lunch & learn' seminar on aromatherapy today so just a short noon walk but had yoga tonight.  Logged 3.65 km = 2.27 mi for the day.

    I was disappointed in the seminar for a couple reasons.  One, it was less informational and more of a thinly-disguised sales pitch for a particular brand of essential oil.  (want to buy a diffuser for $75?  or a basic starter kit of oils for $100?)  Two, the presenter, a retired nurse, quoted a study that claimed Frankincense (Boswellia Sacra) "reversed stage IV breast cancer in 8 weeks."  OMG!

    Here's the link she provided:

    I'm weighing how strongly-worded of an e-mail I should send our training coordinator.  Yell

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    I hate sales pitches disguisted as facts. GRRRR....give them hell, Badger.

    Went over to my dad's after work and later for a long, long walk. A perfect fall evening. I walked over to around the quaint small local college; the ivy covered buildings, the golden and red leaves, the setting sun......beautiful!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Ruth, Pat- I am thinking of you both. You too, Ginger. Hugs to all.

    Mary - Happy anniversary!

    Its been a rough week around here. Not sure if many of you remember that my brother-in-law died very suddenly of a vicious cancer of an unknown primary last December. My husband and I realized that yesterday was a year to the day to the last time we saw him up, about, healthy (well at least he thought he was healthy) and happy. It was a gut wrenching day as the anniversary of his death and the onset of his illness are marking one year anniversarys. We cried like babies, both of us, on and off all day.

    I went to yoga, ad so glad I did. Very intense hot yoga session. I cried right through shivasana but also left feeling gratitude for my practice, for my family ad friends, and for you angels.

    Today is the only day the DH has no after school activity, so it is my day off from exercise. Firm on tap for the am, hot yoga pm.

    Love to all!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Ruth, Pat- I am thinking of you both. You too, Ginger. Hugs to all.

    Mary - Happy anniversary!

    Its been a rough week around here. Not sure if many of you remember that my brother-in-law died very suddenly of a vicious cancer of an unknown primary last December. My husband and I realized that yesterday was a year to the day to the last time we saw him up, about, healthy (well at least he thought he was healthy) and happy. It was a gut wrenching day as the anniversary of his death and the onset of his illness are marking one year anniversarys. We cried like babies, both of us, on and off all day.

    I went to yoga, ad so glad I did. Very intense hot yoga session. I cried right through shivasana but also left feeling gratitude for my practice, for my family ad friends, and for you angels.

    Today is the only day the DH has no after school activity, so it is my day off from exercise. Firm on tap for the am, hot yoga pm.

    Love to all!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Ruth, Pat- I am thinking of you both. You too, Ginger. Hugs to all.

    Mary - Happy anniversary!

    Its been a rough week around here. Not sure if many of you remember that my brother-in-law died very suddenly of a vicious cancer of an unknown primary last December. My husband and I realized that yesterday was a year to the day to the last time we saw him up, about, healthy (well at least he thought he was healthy) and happy. It was a gut wrenching day as the anniversary of his death and the onset of his illness are marking one year anniversarys. We cried like babies, both of us, on and off all day.

    I went to yoga, ad so glad I did. Very intense hot yoga session. I cried right through shivasana but also left feeling gratitude for my practice, for my family ad friends, and for you angels.

    Today is the only day the DH has no after school activity, so it is my day off from exercise. Firm on tap for the am, hot yoga pm.

    Love to all!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Ruth, Pat- I am thinking of you both. You too, Ginger. Hugs to all.

    Mary - Happy anniversary!

    Its been a rough week around here. Not sure if many of you remember that my brother-in-law died very suddenly of a vicious cancer of an unknown primary last December. My husband and I realized that yesterday was a year to the day to the last time we saw him up, about, healthy (well at least he thought he was healthy) and happy. It was a gut wrenching day as the anniversary of his death and the onset of his illness are marking one year anniversarys. We cried like babies, both of us, on and off all day.

    I went to yoga, ad so glad I did. Very intense hot yoga session. I cried right through shivasana but also left feeling gratitude for my practice, for my family ad friends, and for you angels.

    Today is the only day the DH has no after school activity, so it is my day off from exercise. Firm on tap for the am, hot yoga pm.

    Love to all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Your computer must be SLOW too, is driving me crazy (and I also have multiple posts out there).

    Thanks for the good thoughts everyone, and sending them back to you all. Not a club we wanted to join, but I'm glad since we're in it, that we're in it together.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited September 2012

    Just got an e-mail from patoo. She has been really busy but says 'hi' to all. Hopefully she will soon pop in here soon herself!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2012

    ((Misswim)) - It is amazing how we process our grief.  I thought that once a year had gone by, it would be easier to deal with the grief of losing my Dad last September.  Now we find ourselves reliving our first year of grief (like - last year we were writing out thank yous)!!  I must say that it is easier to think and talk about him now, but I still miss him just as much as I did last year!

    Great to hear that Patoo is doing well!  When I think of the coming winter and the snow, I always think of Patoo with her shovel and sculpt!

    Was able to complete the C25K program last night without any calf pain!!  I have to say that I am finding it a little easier and am looking forward to the next step! 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    Off to school for a charity 5k walk.  Last year when I did this charity walk, I was newly diagnosed with BC, about to leave for the States for several months for surgery and treatment.  The future was pretty uncertain.  

    Today is the one year anniversary of my BC diagnosis.  I've told noone that today is one year, not certain that anybody really understands what it means.   I'm still not sure what it means.   DH returns tonight from a week away, I will remind him and we will talk about what a year it has been.

    Thinking of all of you, special hugs for the September anniversaries ~ 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2012
    Well ladies I have been so bad about exercising just don't have that urge lately.Still eating right and have lost 10lbs but need some help to kickstart me again.Yell