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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282
    edited September 2012

    25 mins on the treadmill.

    I did 50 mins 2 days ago and it wiped me out, blood pressure drop after eating:(

    So shorter daily walks should be ok, I think. 

    Have a great weeekend all~

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Short ride today as have to get back to work, as was too fried yesterday to get much done.  I did take a blackberry eating break and stopped for some free wild apples.  (I don't do apple-picking if I have to pay for them.)

    Big ride is tomorrow.  I have only done this event once, and I got soaked.  Usually the weather is beyond foul with rain and lots of wind.  This year is different.

    Will give a report.  Right now, I am planning on 55 miles, but that could change.  Not doing the part described as "super-hilly".

    Back to the grindstone, but major progress on this project.

    The person I am really proud of today is my friend Nadine who did her first tri this morning......and she couldn't even swim six weeks ago!  That is huge. - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Claire- I am a Vermont native! Did you grow up in VT or did your folks just live here? Hoping you have a great ride, and congrats to your friend! That is quite an accomplishment.

     No exercise last night, but did go to a family party with my nie e and nephews and a million other kids and ended up with a teeny bopping strobe light impromptu dance party, so that burned some calories.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2012

    Badger- how was that movie; I've been thinking about seeing it b

    Walked 5k at the Abolish Breast Cancer walk this morning.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    Ginger, the movie was very good.  Heartwarming.  Maybe bring a hankie but just a small one. 

    I was the only one in the theater so it was a private screening.  Beautiful fall day, sunny and 70, Badgers game on TV, no one but me at the Saturday matinee. 

    You know, I've liked several movies starring Jennifer Garner.  I still can't hear that Pat Benatar song Love is a Battlefield without thinking of my particular favorite, "13 Going on 30". 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited September 2012

    I loved "13 going on 30" too. Private showing sounds cool but I would have gone with you if CT wasn't so far away. I think I may end up going by myself too because DH and DD do not seem interested.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    Ginger, when it's just me, I like the matinee for a couple reasons.  One is it's cheaper, and two is there are fewer couples like at the later shows so I don't stick out too far.  Not that I care really.  I get a small popcorn and a small diet soda, and escape for a couple hours.  They get some quality movies at this small indy theater, maybe not the first run like the big places, and some are off-beat.  For example: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and 50/50.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2012

    Grew up in Stowe, and the family bearing my surname has been in Lamoille County since ~1815.  French Canadian ancesters since Champlain.  So runs deep.

    I grew up loving the mountains, and one thing I love about Seattle.  Just the most fantastic hikes and x-country skiing.  One of my "accomplishments" a few years ago was finally climbing Camel's Hump in pea soup fog only to have the fog clear when half way down!  Lots of other similar misadventures (getting caught skinny dipping on a warm day).  I need to get back.

    The mountains here are more sinister and dangerous.  Still amazed at how many go out and never come back.  But amazingly glorious as well.  Tomorrow's ride is the Kitsap Penninsula, but very similar to the Islands in Lake Champlain.

    I was explaining to a young gentleman in the wine bar last night how not all about money and power here in Seattle.  Yes important, but so is enjoying the wonders life has to offer.  Talking to the manager (one of my friends now), the interesting thing is that all of us mingle in the same bars, cycling routes, x-country ski trails, coffee joints, the Opera.  That is so much more important than what is "in", and ever so much more fun.

    I feel like I have it all here.

    (Got report off to my client about an hour ago, so relieved that another one almost off my list.)

    Life is great.  Loving the Northern clime here.....missed that in my NYC years.  The light this time of year is so amazing.  Promise pix if things work out tomorrow.  Just stunning.  Reminder to avoid the ditch! - Claire

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Well if you ever come back. I'd love to meet you! And hike one of those glorious mountains. My SIL, who was a competitive downhill ski racer, lived in Stowe for ten years, so I am very familiar. She left these mountains for the beauty of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Another glorious and magical place, I love to visit there! We live in Windham County, in the southern part of the state. We are in Marlboro, right above Brattleboro, an artsy little town I grew up in. our famous homeowner here is Whoopi Goldberg! You can see her incredible property from one of the many beautiful trails on Haysyack Mountain, which I am hiking with friends tomorrow.

    It's lovely to meet another Vermonter, Claire. Seattle is one of my favorite cities that I have ever visited. I hope to get back.

    Have a great night, ladies :)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2012

    Half a Body Combat class and a full hour of Spin this morning then an afternoon with a group of friends sitting in the sunshine eating and talking, then I took my friend home and disaster .... she has one of those new front loading washing machines, I would NEVER have one, I had one 30 + years ago and hated it, well hers had locked up, we got it released and water everywhere so added towel skating to the exercise.

    Badger & Ginger I loved 13 going on 30 too and i'm looking forward to her new movie "Butter" which is about butter carving.  Ann I like watching Rodney Yee as well, notice I didn't say I did the yoga, he makes it seem so effortless, and your hooping is bringing back childhood memories I was a really good hula hooper in my dayLaughing.  Heidi living on a mountain in Switzerland sounds glorious.

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited September 2012

    Just did a hard back and chest workout. Pec flies, serratus punches, trapezius shrugs, bench presses, lateral pulldowns. Whew, my nerves are tingling now!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2012

    Did an hour of yoga this morning, some with and some without Rodney Yee. 

    Also got out for a walk on this glorious fall day.  4.91 km = 3.05 miles.

    Supper tonight is mac & cheese with warm apple crisp for dessert. 

    May need another walk afterwards.  Smile  Take care ladies and keep moving!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited September 2012

    I have been reading along to keep up my motivation. At this point I seem to have settled into a routine of sorts. Every day I walk my dog 2X of 25-35 minutes, so that makes for an hour of walking every day, even if it is not particularly strenuous walking.

    Then every other day I go to the gym as well, where I walk on the treadmill 2X 20-30 minutes and do about half an hour of light weight work in between. I do have mild lymphedema in one arm, but it has not been aggravated by this. If anything it feels better. I do wear a sleeve and gauntlet in the gym.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2012

    Ran a 5K this morning for Ovarian Cancer awareness on a co-worker's team.  Really inspirational to be among all those teal shirts.  We pink ribbon ladies seem to get all the attention - I mean for heaven's sake who isn't aware of b/c by now?  Sadly that's not the case with ovarian cancer - education and awareness is so important for ovarian cancer since the symptoms are so vague and people just don't even really know about it. 

    We'll see what the official times are when they're posted on the website later this week, but I think I may have run sub-12 minute miles, which would be a personal best for me in a 5K.  (OK all you real runners can stop laughing now at my slow time!  Tongue out  )

    I'm not a Vermonter, but I have a dear friend up there I've visted, most recently spending a week up there in 2010.  We had the best time!  We hiked some of the Long Trail a few days, visited so many wonderful small towns with cute shops and yummy restaurants, hit a couple of Vermont wineries, and even spent one day hitting wineries in Quebec.  It was beautiful beautiful country up there.  And the food was so good - it was so easy to find healthy tasty food - even the smallest least-promising-looking restaurants had fabulous vegetarian and locally grown items on the menu.  That was in August, though - I don't think I could handle the winters.

    I'm thinking maybe I need to check out this Rodney Yee fellow!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited September 2012

    Day off from exercise today, and not feeling guilty about it because I will get in a good run tomorrow morning first thing.  The mild shingles is slowly going away - so lucky to not have a more severe case.  And I hear that once you get shingles, it's not likely to come back, ever.  I'm hoping that this is actually true.  

    Enjoying an afternoon watching the Buffalo Bills and New England Pats on Slingbox - best invention ever to watch U.S. TV overseas. Served spicy chicken drumsticks and curried butternut squash soup for dinner.  I'll have to do this soup again, yum.  Even the kids loved it.  

    Mary   Congrats on your 5k and personal best - woohoo!   

    Hugs all ~ 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Joy I made Butternut Squash soup on friday but not curried and I love curry, so do you just add curry to soup or is there a recipe? Mary congrats on your race and I agree ovarian needs the light shined on it as when women are diagnosed they are usually at stage IV as the symptoms are so vague. Claire hi five for Nadine that is an amazing accomplishment.

    Today did a Body Step class, new routine so a bit of confusion here and there but it was fun. Did no one tell the weather fairy it was fall, it's 100 degrees here hot hot hot!!!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    I weenied out and did only 25 miles today.  Way too much going on, and I knew I couldn't get everything done this week if I got home six-ish.  So did the first loop only and got home at 2.  One butt-kicking hill, so am vindicated.

    Was the right decision as am now ready for my all-day meeting tomorrow.  Plus an early evening.

    The most glorious day so feel blessed that way.

    BTW - curried parsnip soup is also delish.  I did steak w/chanterelles plus wax beans, arugula salad, and potatoes.  Have leftovers.  Was planning pork tenderloin, but steak was on sale, and I needed to use the 'shrooms.  I will do the pork tomorrow w/apples I "gathered" yesterday.

    Was chatted up Friday at the veggie stand in Pike Place Market.  Think the guy would be horrified if he had an inkling of how old I am.  Still smiling from that one. - Claire

  • Andrflet
    Andrflet Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2012

    Congrats on the 5K Mary! I am in the process of working up to one. Did W2D1 of C25K today and another Rodney Yee yoga video before bed.


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Mary congratulations on the race.  I'm a slow runner too, never did faster than 11 minute miles even when I was in my 20's.

    Cheryl I couldn't believe how crazy hot it was here today.  I thought the heat was behind us.  

    I really had an off day yesterday, slept nearly all day and felt achy all over.  Today was good-- I did chores, a grocery store run, and a 40 minute walk plus worked on my Hoopnotica volume 1 DVD.  I think I'm just about to get the hang of hip hooping.  Still having trouble moving the hoop between hip and waist though.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited October 2012

    Nibbana, I can't believe I actually may have an idea what you^re talking about without googling.

    Joy, big sigh of relief that you're getting over the shingles.

    Mary, congrats on the personal best! Ditto on Rodney Yee.

    My friend and I did 12 minute miles at a pink race yesterday, our DD's a bit longer. I was just awed that I could run on the same ground as Usain Bolt and other track greats that have visited the stadium.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2012

    Hi all, have not been on in quite a time. Ruth, sorry for the loss of your Dad, I now have to go back and read what I have missed since last I was on. So many new gals.

     Went to zumba this a.m. and tomorrow pink zumbathon for breast cancer at the gym. Since I have been off I have managed to lose 15 lbs and am determined to keep it off.  I stopped soda, only club soda now, won't have anything more that 10 grams of sugar, ate only half of what was before me and a little help from the advice of Dr. Oz. This was a struggle for me, and now I am having surgery on Wed for scar revision and some more reconstruction. Also for pain management I was given a pill which also helped curb the appetite.

    A good friend of mine died last week of lung cancer and I stayed with him until the day before he passed. What an experience that was and I completely lost my appetite during this journey as well. I never saw what hospice did and to watch these people is truly an experience and the home aid people who came in. I had never taken this journey at all. This poor fellow is truly at peace now.

    I just wanted to jump back in and say hello to my exercise friends. Oh I forgot to mention I was speed walking, using the eliptical and hurt my knees, had to have injections again ( I am nuts for going to Zumba but no jumping at all) and almost walking it.

     I missed everyone here and wanted to check in again.

    Love to all,

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    Ooooo, Claire - flirting at Pike Place - you wild woman you!  Cheryl - you're so right about too many ovarian cancer ladies being dx at Stage IV - that's the case with my co-worker whose team I am on.  But that was 3 years ago and she's doing well for now, even working full time. She takes yoga regularly, and even played tennis last week for the first time in months. 

    We've been researching and test driving cars for weeks now (my dh's 13 year old Sebring is slowly falling apart so it's time) and finally brought home the new baby last night - a pretty blue Nissan Leaf.  It's an electric car, so it's going to be a learning experience cuz that's a totally new technology for me.  Think of never having to fill a car with gas or worry about oil changes - just come home and plug it in.  We're in the suburbs with a short commute, and except for going to the cabin (which we'll use my Outback for) most of our driving is quite local, so it's a perfect commuter car for us.  It's kind of funny-looking, at least to me, but all the electrics had that hatch-backy look.   And of course now that we have it it's growing on me. 

     Nissan LeafAnd wow does it have a lot of built in gadgets - it even talks to dh's smart phone. My 10 year old Outback is the last car we bought, and it's amazing how much cars have changed since then.  It's a whole new world.    

    Still a bit tired from the 5K and the car buying experience, so just did a quick 20 minute Pilates tape and Lebeds this morning. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    Ooooooo... I'll have to check out the Leaf!  My van is finally dieing.  (c:

    C25K W3W1  Done

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2012

    Need to report on the soap thing for leg cramps.  Finally remembered to stick it under the sheet Saturday morning.  Woke up a bit while sleeping that night, sort of anticipating that precrampy feeling, but realized I had my soap so I could go back to sleep :)  Last night, slept like a baby all through the night, and no cramps!  I know 2 days is not a good scientific sample, but if I can get rid of these leg cramps with a bar of soap, placebo effect or not, I'm all for it!  Thanks Badger for the tip.

    I also watch parenthood - got a little teary watching the first episode.  

    Got classical stretch in this morning, and finally have my gym bag in my car, so it's off to the gym after work today, first time in a month!


  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited October 2012

    Good trail hike/run for 45 minutes this morning.  Felt really good, the energy is back after the shingles episode.

    Mary  Very cool car!   heidi  Inspiring to run at a track like that!   

    cheryl  Here is the soup recipe, easy peasy.  I used onions instead of shallots, and it turned out great.  There's no cream in this recipe, super healthy!   

    Curried Butternut Squash Soup

    Roasted flesh of one butternut squash - about 3 lbs.  

    Extra virgin olive oil

    2 shallots, chopped

    1 quart low-sodium chicken stock

    2 tsp. curry powder (mild or spicy)

    kosher salt, fresh ground pepper

    Heat olive oil in a dutch oven, add shallots and cook until softened, about 6 minutes.  Add the squash, chicken stock and curry powder and bring to a boil.  Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook until the squash is broken down, about 10 minutes.  Cool for 5 minutes before adding to a blender.  Work in batches and puree the soup until smooth, transferring to a saucepan.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.  Simmer a few minutes over medium heat, and serve.   

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2012

    thanks Joy inspired me to make it tonight for supper.

  • oceanbreezes
    oceanbreezes Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2012

    Thank goodness for DH, who insisted we walk tonite.  After the walk we rode our bikes, in total logged one solid hour of good exercise...Even turned down the yummy dessert I made for family yesterday!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2012

    hi ladies and hey Ronna!

    Pat, glad the bar of soap trick is working.  No one knows why but it works so what the heck.

    Joy, soup sounds yummy, thanks for the recipe.  I have a butternut squash it's destined for.

    Got in a walk at lunchtime which was good because I was stuck in meetings most of the day.

    3.6 km = 2.24 miles.  Have a good night, my sculpted sisters.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    Ronna- glad to see you back on here. Sorry about your friend; so hard to think about! Good job on your weight loss and good luck with surgery.

    Ruth- hope you are doing ok. Hugs!!!

    Walked 2 miles at lunch again; feels good to be in less pain lately!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    Mary- cool car!!