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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Hey Ronna great to see you again, I'm sorry about your friend.  Thanks for the recipe Joy once I get through the batch I've got frozen I'm going to try this one.  Mary the car looks fab and you'll quickly adjust to the new technology - hey remember when we used to wind down the windows with a handleWink.  Thinking of you Ruth.

    Tonight I did half a Body Attack class and then a spin class but I had to get off my bike twice to massage a cramp out of my foot, if only I could get myself some new feet I'd be good to goTongue out

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    Ronna-hi !!! Congrats on maintaining weight loss! So sorry about your friend.

    I do believe I am in the minority but Rodney Yee's videos drive me nuts. I did a workshop with him and his wife in May in Boston. I ADORED him in person. What an amazing teacher.

    No exercise for me tomorrow. We are going to Block Island for my DH's grammie's memorial. I went to two yoga classes yesterday. Three hours and fifteen minutes of vinyasa, hot in the am. Pilates reformer butt kicking was Saturday. I am so stinking sore it is hard to describe!!

    Mary and Heidi great job on your runs!!

    And yippee for the soap trick!I tried it this weekend and no cramps :)

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Joy that recipe looks tasty and simple.  I love short ingredient lists.  

    Hi Ronna!  That's great you stayed with your friend like that, but I imagine pretty emotional times.  

    One hour hoop dancing class tonight.  This is my 2nd class and I was happy to discover they teach different stuff each time.  I'm used to yoga classes where they do the exact same routine every single class.   I purchased 2 hoops from the instructor and they're so much easier to use than the one I made.  Plus they have sparkly tape on them :-)  It was a fun class.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2012
    Well ladies I have falter4d on the exercise but today I got on the scale and showed I have been loosing about 2 lbs aweek on this healthy highfiber no red meat diet.Already down 14 lbs and feeling pretty good.Now I just need to get my butt back into the gymInnocent
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    30 minutes elliptical this morning plus 15 minute Lebeds - a bit tired as we stayed up waaaaay too late celebrating my beloved Nats taking the NL East Championship!  Now on to the post-season!!  Cool

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2012

    Got a 30 min walk in at lunch yesterday, and then finally got my butt to the gym after a 1 month absence!  How quickly you can lose your stamina and strength.  My legs and arms are sore this morning.  I decided to restart C25K at the beginning, and I had to lower weight amounts on my machines.  Did classical stretch this morning.  And no leg cramps last night, day 3 of the soap trick!


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2012

    Ann, what is hoop class? Sounds interesting.

    Last night at my gym, we had a movin for the cure pink zumbathon class for 2 hours. Just fantastic. All for the cause.

    Thank you for the well wishes. Hospital just called and I don't have to be there until 9:30 and surg at 11:30. From midnight to 11:30 that's quite a long time not to eat anything. Are they nuts???

    I have decided to go for a Certification in Zumba to teach Zumba Gold (for seniors). As soon as I heal from this surgery that is definitely my plan.

    Have a great day.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited October 2012

    Go for Gold, Ronna! Exciting! The Zumbathon must have been exhausting.

    Did -you guessed it- Zumba tonight as well.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Ronna, hoop dancing is dancing and tricks with a hula hoop.  The class is right after zumba at my gym so I always see the tail end of the zumba class.   Zumba looks really popular-- the class is always jam packed.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    I have a weighted hula hoop with waves on the inside.... definitely could not dance with it!  Sounds like fun.  (c:

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Adey I think I've seen those in videos and they look painful to use.  My hoops are much lighter and have sparkley tape on them :-)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    Hi everybody, I am just going to do a quick post because I have piles of stuff I have to do.

    I kept up with my exercises and just took a walk when I got home tonight.

    We really had a wonderful weekend. Beautiful fall weather, lots of family and friends gathered so there were a few tears but even more laughs with all the great stories....and fun to catch up with everyone's lives and spend time with people I really like but rarely see. A wonderful funeral service; my dad had picked all his own songs, readings etc. so it was especially meaningful, and he had a military burial with the gun salute, taps, presentation of the flag etc. as he was a WWII veteran. I have to get back to work, but will leave you with this story as told by my uncle:

    My (deeply religious) dad was a notoriously bad driver. One day he was driving somewhere with my (crazy) Uncle Jimmy.

    Jimmy: "Umm...don't you think you are going a little too fast?"

    Dad: "Oh, don't worry. God is with us."

    Jimmy: "No he isn't. He jumped out two blocks ago!!!"

  • Andrflet
    Andrflet Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2012

    Sounds like a very nice service for your dad Ruth, and your uncle must be hilarious. What a quick comeback.

    I walked a mile on my lunch hour today and then came home and did W2D2 of C25K, will probably do a short yoga video before bed.


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2012

    Glad to see you Ruth! i remember the flag ceremony at my dad's funeral; it was so emotional!

    Misswim- I hope it wasn't too wet on BI today. Love it there. Wish you were going for something fun!

    Did 25 min on elliptical tonight. Was feeling some shin splints and calf cramps from walking so I decided to switch it up.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2012

    Taped up my feet and did  Body Step class tonight.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Learned a new reason to exercise today.  Because flexibility is what gets you over the fence to the really tasty blackberries!

    I was doing a walk, as time much better spent that way than on bridges or waiting in traffic.

    The blackberries were amazing BTW.....untouched too.  Otherwise, I walked 2-3 miles plus weights/crunches.

    Misswim.....hope you got to cycle Block Island.  I have done about three times, and just glorious.   I would settle for great NE fried clams though.  Just not quite the same here.  But Jonesing for them just the same.  (Plus some great NE microbrew....would substitute a bit of "Kilt Lifter" from Pike Place Brewing though.)

    Off to bed in a couple.  A laterer start tomorrow AM.  Lots more to do, but so great to be at the stage where my know-how is in demand.  My 2 new clients are thrilled, plus a ton of non-profit work.  Hard to keep up with the basics such as making sure I'm not reported to the Board of Health.  (No real worries here, and tonight's dinner was delish.)

    Sweet dreams everyone. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited October 2012

    Good to read all went well Ruth.  Both my mother and father are buried in Riverside National Cemetary.  My father was a WWII pilot (mother was a Air Force nurse).  We did the flag, gun salut and a fly over, that gave me chills.

    Off to freestyle step class in a bit. Our 13 year old son will receive a school achievement award today.  Husband and I have tickets to attend the assembly.  Our boy never missed a beat at school due to my dx. He delt with all I've been through very well.  This is a very good site that helps teens when they have a parent who has cancer:


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    Ruth, that sounds like a really moving service for your dad.  I hope it gave you some comfort.

    I did the usual-- 40 minute walk and a little bit of hoop practice.  I'm still a bit sore from the class yesterday.  Loving my new hoops though.  The smaller lighter one can be used some indoors without feeling like I'm constantly on the verge of breaking something.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited October 2012

    LOL, Ruth! But sad to see our parents' generation pass. How does one get a U.S. military burial? My dad is a WWII veteran too. He actually drove his military jeep into a tree. Maybe the military won't want to have anything to do with him.

    Lilacblue, thanks for the link. Will have to check that out.

     I was feeling nauseous all day, probably from the Tamoxifen, but felt much better after Zumba.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,534
    edited October 2012

    Ask your dad if he has a copy of his honorable discharge papers. If he does, put them someplace safe, if he doesn't, see how you go about getting a copy. You have to have them ready, and give them to the funeral home people. They do the paperwork for a military funeral. But you have to have them ready to go at the time of death.

  • ginger_mea
    ginger_mea Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2012

    Ruth, I just got on here this morning and read your news, I am so very sorry for your loss.  Much blessings in your memories, Ginger

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2012

    Got a 30 minute walk in at lunch yesterday, crunches before bed, and some classical stretch this morning.  Gym bag in the car for after work.  And the soap worked again last night!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited October 2012

    thanks, Ruth!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    C25K  W3W2  Done!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2012

    Ruth - it sounds like your dad's service was just perfect.  Your uncle sounds like a card!  Good memories.

    Nats Walk last night for 2 miles.  Thanks to the Nats winning the NL East Division, I'll be getting bonus post-season Nats Walks this year!!  Cool  Just Lebeds this morning - too tired for anything else.  

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Congrats Adey!!!  Way 2 go.

    I am glued to my chair today.  No work = no eat.  And I think everyone here has figured out that I really enjoy a good meal.

    I need to finish up a couple of projects so I can bill. 

    Other news is that Group Health reposted the online article about me on Facebook yesterday.

    Hope everyone is having a GREAT day! - Claire

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2012

    Wow.  Go Claire and Shawn!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited October 2012

    Ruth: I think about you everyday and hope you and your family are doing as well as you can during this difficult time. Your father was an amazing person and he lives within you through your Godly actions.

     I've been walking since the last time I posted. Just got in from push mowing for an hour. Once again, the humidity is zapping my energy! 

    As I  mentioned earlier in July, I was laid off from my job after working there for 22 years. Physical activity has been a huge stress releaser for me. Well, I'm happy to announce that I start a new job on October 15! It's similar to what I had been doing - just have to do it their way. I'm so excited! 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    Well ladies, I got lots of walking done on Block Island yesterday, even though we were there for a funeral. We walked from the ferry to the church up steep hills to the cemetary, to the reception and then around town. I way overindulged in food the last two days as well....... and I lost 3 lbs?!?!?!  Wouldn't it be nice if that happened more often! It was an incredible service and so touching. It's a magical place and we had warm sunny weather..... appropriate as my DH's grammie was a ray of sunshine.

    Yoga tomorrow night. Hope all are well :)

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2012

    Way to go, Wonderland!!!  So excited for you too.  I bet all the physical activity helped in that you came across as optimistic and vibrant.

    Misswim.....glad you got to walk on Block Island.  I think the village is so quaint.  Full of calorie indulgences such as the ice cream place.  And fudge, if you miss out on the ice cream.  Plus beer and fried clams.

    Keep thinking of you Ruth.  Glad you did your father proud.

    Off for my walk.  I have to get away from my desk for a bit.  Long day tomorrow too.  One project out the door, or at least the next to last rewrite is.

    As I said, I need a walk. - Claire