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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Checking in before I turn in.

    15 mins stat bike; 5 mins torture elliptical (need to do elliptical first); 45 mins running and aerobics in pool.  Big salad, some grapes and cantaloupe for dinner.  Off to bed before I start looking for more food.

    Good work to all who are hanging in there and to those of you who think you are falling off, you just pick yourself up off that couch and join us soon.  No problem, we'll wait because we all do it now and then.

    Love you all my Sculpted sisters.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Hi everybody, did my Body Combat class tonight one hour of kicking and squatting and punching - I can really feel that I've worked my legs.  Nats glad you made it through although I'm sorry you got stuck so many times.  Sounds like you had a lovely weekend  I'm going to have to Google Earth the area and have a little look.  Hey Patoo seems you've "jumped back in the water" so I hope you are feeling better and those allergies are under control.  Hi Bobcat hope you are having a great day at work.  Take care.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Hi ladies, Nats, glad the 'procedure' is over. Nice to cross that off the list!! Beautiful day again, so I rushed home from work and walked for 45 minutes outside. Then started my very, very, rich, naughty dessert for Book Club tomorrow (which includes pound cake, heavy cream, chocolate chips, coffee ice cream, cool whip, and crushed malted milk balls!!!), as the first layer was freezing I did a 40 minute "Get Chized" Firm tape. Now I am waiting for layer 2 to freeze so I can add the third and final layer.....anyone remember Dante's seven levels of Hell in the book 'The Divine Inferno'?....I think we will end up in the 'gluttony' level just from eating it!!! Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Ruth once again you and me posting at the same time - too funny.  Yum yum desert did you lick the bowl (I sure would have) your group should ready a Joanne Fluke "Hannah Swensen Mystery" and then everybody make something from the recipe section, now that would be a party...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    We must be on the same schedule Cheryl Smile. Of course, I licked all the spoons, bowls etc.; that's the best part!! Have you ever read, "The Sweet Potato Queens Book of Love", really funny (and full of recipes which we tried, the best one being for something called 'Chocolate Stuff', which you just spoon out of the pan). I will always have to exercise, 'cause I obviously like to eat!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010
    Yes I loved the Sweet Potato Queens - I love to eat as well and I could just skip dinner and go straight to desert Surprised
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    OK, we must be long lost relatives!!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    I think twins is more like it!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Cool, Cool!
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    And just how did you all manage to get your voices into my alarm clock this morning?  I was so wiped out yesterday that I set my alarm for later this morning so I could sleep in and not work out.  But I woke up early anyway, so I did my 20 minute morning elliptical.  You ladies have strong magic to work that one out!

    Ruth - I think I gained those 3 pounds back just thinking of your dessert!  Cheryl - just Google Earth Camp David and you're right where we are - our place is 3 miles away, looking out over South Mountain.  The AT runs along the ridge of South Mountain, where an important Civil War battle took place, just a few days before Antietam.  The whole area is full of Civil War history.  Patoo - is that elliptical coming any easier to you? I remember I hated it when I first started using it, but now I love it.  But it was definitely an acquired taste!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Great job this morning, Nats!! Your Camp David retreat sounds so awesome. I am jealous about being amidst so much history. I saw a ROBIN on my way to work this morning, so it is offically SPRING! Great Day All! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2010

    ruthbru, thanks for pointing me here...

    everyone, I'm jumping in on this thread.  I'm hoping it will help me be more accountable to myself for exercise.  I try to note on a calendar every day what exercise I do and I know no one is monitoring this list and giving out gold stars, but it seemed like writing it down for others to read might help motivate me (although so far motivation isn't too much of an issue. But wait until it gets warm out, that will be my test!). 

    Goals:  walking 30+ min. a day, 5-7 days a week, with hour-long walks in there at least once a week.  I'm still working up to that; finished all treatment a couple of months ago and have heart damage from chemo/herceptin so I don't have the energy to overdo, even if I wanted to!  But after about a month of walking sporadically I can already see a difference in my energy level and strength.  Now that motivates me!

    Hoping to lose several (20 or more) pounds in the process, but that's not my primary goal.  (I still stomp my foot in frustration over the fact that I GAINED weight during treatment! I know it's common, but talk about not fair!!) :)

    I'm also adding very light weights for my flabby arms Tongue out  I've read the precautions, tips, etc., about doing that gradually and consistently so I can hopefully continute to avoid lymphedema.

    Yesterday:  walked 20 minutes along the beautiful (well, sort of beautiful) Wabash.

    An aside:  Ruthbru, my former employer was from ND, he and his wife grew up on the plains, and when I drove through there on my way to WA state one year I fell in love with the openness and beauty of the plains... I've even thought of moving there!  But my first goal is finding a job... maybe ND, maybe NM... who knows where I'll end up!

    Anyway, thanks for letting me jump in here.  Future posts, I'll try to keep my motor mouth (motor fingers?) in check :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Nature, glad that you are joining us. It is a great, fun thread; and we will even give out virtual gold stars if that's what you would like Laughing. I know I feel so, so much better mentally and physically when I exercise. North Dakota is a good place to live; good people, slower pace of life and it has a kind of open and stark beauty of it's own. (Remind me of this when I am complaining about the long winters!). Well ladies, I am in for a 'eat a rich dessert, nibble on mixed nuts, and drink 2 glasses of wine' kind of night; so I promise to double up tomorrow. Great Night All! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Nature, welcime - now that you're here you WILL hear the voices.  Don't say you haven't been warned.  See what happened to Nats, woke her up from a dead sleep.  We have that affect on one another.  How - we'll never tell - it just happens.

    Ruthbru and Hbcheryl - not fair talking so much about yummy desserts.  You must give us extra workout time this week as punishment (will help to work off that food too!)

    Dreary weather, flooding, caused traffic to make me miss my class but I just put on my sweats and am onb my way down to the treadmill.

    Looking for the rest of our Sculpted sisters to chime in.  Come out, come out, whereever you are.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2010

    Ahhh nice weather out there....went for a walk with a co worker and then when I got home I walked by myself around the golf course.  Now sitting back watching american Idol. 



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Patoo - the rain is amazing.  Sorry you were affected by the flooding.  NJ is so flat and low it doesn't take much and when it's a lot it's all over.  Waited forever on 78E this am but felt bad about that later when I found out a man was killed in an accident.  There is no reason to be mad about being late for work when you know someone's life and family have been changed forever. 

    I am so glad you all are working out for me Kiss.  We so need this money/windfall that I am making right now I am thinking that my brain is burning calories :o)  SO had dinner waiting and laundry done.  I have Friday off(goverment holiday) so heading to the shore to work on the boat and do some bike riding.  I will catch up!!  Welcome Nature - we are a fun group.  Ruth - those desserts sound amazing.  I have another food book to recommend to you - will dig it up this weekend.

    Good night Sculptresses.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    I'm still amazed at the amount of water on the roads and in Little Falls, Bound Brook and elsewhere the stores and homes under water.  I can't imagine how horrible that must be.  So although I complain about being caught in traffic, I'm blessed that I come to a dry home.

    Did 45 mins; 2.2 miles on the treadmill. 

    Night all.

  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2010

    Hi Girls...long time no see! Boot came off for first time today and I walked a couple of miles. Tomorrow I will hit the gym again but I will take it slow and easy.

    Glad to be back...Kris 

  • MsBliss
    MsBliss Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2010

    Dear Coonie, I love your avatar!

    I miss my raccoons.  They used to visit every night and bring their kits in April.  We would leave them clean water in a large basin and morsels of food.  After three years of regular visits, they have vanished...


  • MsBliss
    MsBliss Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2010

    Every other day I do interval running on the treadmill for 3.5 miles at about 6 miles an hour and some weight training afterward.  On off days we hike with Sophie the Wonder Dog for about 2 miles. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Hi, Just reporting that the dessert was a big success...if anyone wants the recipe I will type it up (very putsy, but yum!). Too late and too full to exercise even if I wanted to! Welcome back Kris!!!Hello to MsBliss! See ya tomorrow. Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Well I did 2 hours in the gym tonight did Body Step and then Body Jam - my feet hurt my back aches but I made it - woohoo!!!  Bobcat and Patoo I hope you are both safe from all that rain and flooding, it looks absolutely devistating.  Mom glad to see yoiu again - are you walking like Chester from Gunsmoke?  Nats sorry to wake you up but good job for not just rolling over and saying shooo go away.  I did Google Earth the Camp David area and all I can say is wow amazing it looks gorgeous - isn't google earth fun I can play on it for hours looking at places all over the world.  Welcome Nature MsBliss and Balsie it's good to have you here.  Ruth tonight at 5.30pm my time I was in my step class and all I could think about was your party and your yummy desert, I hope you had fun with your friends, and yes you can send me the recipe.  Good night girls.

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2010

    Hello ladies,

    I haven't posted for a while, but I've been exercising on the elliptical and playing tennis 3 nights a week.   I started radiation treaments last Monday  - so far so good. 

    Hope everyone is doing well.


  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2010

    Goodmorning Gals~  I am thinking if I up my exercise maybe I will sleep better!  I need sleep.  I have been trying to sleep without taking something. 

    workshop day at school we will walk during our lunch .... which is a bonus..after school I am going to pickup my new bike.  We have bike trails right by our house that go for miles.  (so much fun) 

    Ruth I would love the receipe for your yummy dessert.  Glad your book club went well.  I belong to a book club too...we usually go out to dinner just because everyone works and you know how that goes sometimes.

    enjoy your day


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    Welcome Nature!  There is something about having to post your daily exercise that makes you get out and do more. Patoo and Bobcat - we just got grazed by that storm you had - what a mess you had. Glad you are both dry and safe. Balsie - watch out for errant golf balls on that golf course! Also, have you tried melatonin for sleep - several people on the Hormone thread recommended it and it's worked miracles for me. Kris - hooray for getting the boot off.  Doesn't your foot feel light as a feather after dragging that thing around for weeks? Ruth - I've never been to North Dakota - my whole impression of ND winters is from the movie "Fargo" - it looks COLD!!  I'll get there someday, but it's definitely going to be in summer!  Cheryl - we love hiking around those mountains. But one of my favorite hikes near you was in Chino Hills Park - a nice hike, and seeing fire damage was new to me, and made me realize the power of those Southern California wildfires.  And can you believe that Melissa is back on the Biggest Loser??  Arrggh. Kathy - good luck with your rads - hope they continue to go well.

    Crisis at home for me - the elliptical broke this morning!!  Yell  It still runs, but you can't get any resistance on it.  Hopefully it's just something easy to fix in the electrical box.  So I did 30 minutes of Wii yoga and strength, and will have to use the elliptical here at work.  Yes, I have the luxury of a little workout room here at work.  It's in a small cramped former storage room, but who cares?  It has a couple of ellipticals, a couple of treadmills, some weight training machines, and free weights.  It's one flight of steps down from my office, which leaves me absolutely no excuses not to work out after work. And it's nice because it's just co-workers using it - no young buff gym rats to intimidate.     

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited March 2010

    Hey ladies, I'm new to this post but hope that it will help me keep on track with my exercise routine. I do thirty minutes a day on a treadmill and get and average of 1.8 miles in that time. It's a pretty fast pace for me, just under a jog. I'm trying to get into walking the dog after dinner, but something always gets in my way. Since I work for 6:30 to 5:30 it doesn't leave me much time but I've been able to squeeze it in during lunch. I love to do Yoga, but once again, time doesn't allow it except once in a while on the weekend. 

    Also on the ELB post here where we watch our weight and do diet tips. I've been on the low carb diet and at about 5 weks out all I want is a giant bowl of cereal. The bread and potatoes don't bother me it's cereal that is my weakness. Anyone else doing low or no carbs? Also added low fat to that. My docs. got me so confused I think all I can eat at this point is dirt to make them all happy. One says low fat, one says switch to butter and no margarine, one says no carbs.. UGH!!! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010
    Hey Ruth - My Washington Nationals just claimed North Dakota native Chris Coste off of waivers from the Mets.  Now that's the key player we needed to avoid another 100-loss season!  Wink
  • MarieK
    MarieK Member Posts: 467
    edited March 2010

    I'm hoping I can join this group to be more accountable for getting in some exercise and "toning" off these 20lbs I gained during treatment.

    Right now all I'm doing is quick 1/2 hour dog walks at night.

    I'm afraid to anything too strenuous right now during radiation treatment (only 6 more to go!) and I don't want to get lymphadema from weight lifting.

    I don' t have any equipment at home except a rowing machine but there is a community centre gym nearby.

    I like the idea of writing on the calendar what I've done to keep track - any other ideas to get started?



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2010
    Hi EveryOne!  Hope all are well and enjoying some good weather (hopefully).  Spring-like weather here today and summer-like in the next few days.  Walked again this morning finding new hills in our town!  Am going to head out with my youngest daughter (14) for a bike ride.  Will keep it short since this is actually the first time out and I want to be able to walk again in the morning!! ha ha Cool Will try to check in again later.  Thanks for the motivation!!
  • mom_of_2
    mom_of_2 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2010

    Finally made it back to gym tonight after 2.5 mile walk today...trying to enjoy the gorgeous spring weather before the yellow snow of pollen hits Atlanta!

    15 min bike

    45 min upper body free weights

    Not much of a workout but between fear of re-injuring my ankle and my newly touched-up areola tattoos I was pretty distracted. Just listened to the voices telling me to not over do it and something is better than nothing! Tomorrow is another day!

    Have a great night ladies...Kris