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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2010

    Ok I didn't post last night but I did do my walking & DVD.  but then I went out to dinner with my hubby for our 21st wedding ann.  and then to a wine party.  So much fun!  Also new I had today off because I have a ps appt.  I have time this am to sneak in a walk on the treadmill and a DVD.

    Ruth what do you teach?  I met you on the arimidex thread too!  You have been very helpful ...thanks

    Enjoy your day ladies!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    Yesterday I did 20 minutes on the elliptical before work, and after work I did 30 minutes of weight training plus 10 minutes on the elliptical.  This morning I did 45 minutes on the elliptical.

    Feeling a bit blue as the AI weight gain s/e is catching up to me, despite the fact that I am watching what I eat and exercising consistently 45-50 minutes a day. I guess I just have to think of how much I would have gained if I didn't work out so much.  

    I think of the AI s/es as a pack of Jack Russell Terriers nipping at my heels - there's the weight gain JRT, the joint aches JRT, the fatigue JRT, etc.  If I exercise and eat right, I have a chance to stay ahead of them, but even when I do everything right, they still get me now and then.  I'm up 3 pounds this month, all in my belly - typical AI weight gain.  I'm hoping the colonoscopy clean out Sunday night will give me a head start in outrunning the weight gain JRT again. We're going up to the cabin again this weekend - Saturday should be beautiful - clear skies in the 50s - so we plan to do a few hours hiking on the Appalachian Trail, so hopefully that will also help throw that little JRT off my trail!  

    Balsie - Happy Anniversary!  

    We have no internet at the cabin so I won't be checking in till Sunday.  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi Balsie, Happy Anniversary! We will be on #22 in June. I teach middle school special education, plus have a 7th grade advisee group; so I am never bored Tongue out!!! How about you? I will PM you with where in ND I live.....maybe we really ARE neighbors. Meeting in 4 minutes. Later! Ruth
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Hi Nats, think how smart you are to know that it's a challenge and to stay ahead of those terriers. Probably need to add some serious targeted ab exercises (which I tell my husband who runs like a demon but still has the 'middle aged man belly' Surprised). Your weekend sounds wonderful, enjoy! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Firstly welcome Balsie (I forgot to do that yesterday, probably the chocolate high I've been on) and congratulations on the anniversary.

    Nats I'm so sorry you're feeling blue it is normal and you're not alone.  I have been suffering with my wrists/right hand for months I have been in tears with the pain sometimes and I've been icing and heat wrapping but my solution is that I no longer do push-ups I have told every instructor that I work with and so when everyone does them I roll over and do extra ab work and now I have little or no pain.  Also sometimes I see myself in the mirror and think "oh crap why in the heck am I bothering being here" I have a roly poly belly and I'm overweight and don't forget I live at the beach and in the land of 100lb blondes and my classes are filled with beautiful young women but last week in my combat class I also noticed that I can actually jump about 12 inches off the ground (my knee is wrapped as that also hurts), will I every run a marathon "no" but I just push on.  When I read about some of the side effects other women have I consider myself lucky and we are ahead of the bunch as we do have that exercise pattern that works in our favor so have a wonderful weekend get out in the fresh air, breathe deeply and walk and enjoy the outdoors before you know it those extra lbs will be gone and don't forget - muscle weighs more than fat.  I hope you feel better soon, sending you a BIG (((((HUG))))).


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    I'm bacccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk!  Was a rough few days with the allergies but now seems under control.

    Sorry I missed the birthday celebration and welcome balsie!

    Started again yesterday and did 90 mins in the pool, running, upper and lower body exercises.  Unfortunately this week it was reported that one hour only maintains us - that we need to do more.  I can do that on pool days but haven't reached the stamina out of the water.  It is hard when you are working in or outside of the home, but many activities inside the home, housework, count as exercise.  Maybe I need to clean, ya think? 

    Left my gym bag at hom this morning and that's not good as if I have to go inside to get it to go to the gym, experience tells me it will be hard to make myself get back out.  But you ladies are motivating so we'll see what happens.  My plan, right now anyway, is to go in, pick up the bag and leave right back out. 

    Later my Sculptresses.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Okay, so came home, changed clothes and went walking for an hour.  Feels good to get back on track.

    Tomorrow my Sculpted friends.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Hello Patoo, I've been wondering how you have been feeling, those allergies really knocked you around but glad to see you back with us.  I did an hour of weightlifting in my Body Pump class tonight.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Well done patoo. It's always hardest to leave again once you are home!!!! I did half an hour each of upper body and buns. Then I went out and ate Chinese; so shot my 'goodness' all to heck! Alas, the story of my life.....night all! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Ruth, remember that your metabolism is still at work after you finishyour workout so as long as too much time does not pass and your body start to relax, it's okay .  (that's my story...)

    Did 10 mins on elliptical then 60 mins aquacise class and another 30 mins running in pool.  If I can motivate myself I will do some housework. 

    Well done my beautiful sculpted sisters.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Hello!!! Finally after a brutal week of work I did a spin this morning followed by a much needed trip to the barber shop.  Felt good to finally move.  Congrats Patoo on the walk - I know how it feels when you miss 2-3 days and then get back out there.  Have spent the rest of the day reading and relaxing.  SO brought home the most delicious sour dough bread from Trader Joe's from his trip to Boston.  That may be my downfall this weekend - we love our bread.  Plus it's cold here in PA today.  I will spin again tomorrow before heading off to get my palms.  Have a lovely evening, friends Kiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Oh Ruth - know you are a history buff and thought of you the other day while driving and listening to NPR's Fresh Air.  A professor from Penn State was talking about her new biography on Elizabeth Cady Stanton - sounds so interesting and I'm going to track it down.  Check it out.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Well, another day FULL of eating (luckily I never joined the 'Eat Like a Bird' thread; they'd throw me off!!!). I did just jump on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then put in a toning DVD, but thought, "Nope, can't do it tonight." I will have to put in some extra time tomorrow.  My Book Club meets at my house Tuesday, and I am making a dessert called 'Frozen Chocolate-Covered Cappuccino Crunch Cake', so I need to be getting my metabolism really jacked up FAST!!! Thanks for the book tip, Bobbi. I love historical biography!(Yes, I am a little strange Wink.) Night all! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Hello everyone did a Body Combat class this morning then cleaned the house, then went to Costco - took my neighbor, she is probably the worst person in the world to go shopping with, we went into the store at 2pm and came out at 6.30pm - yes 4-1/2 hours, all I wanted was milk and dog cookies she has to go up and down every aisle and look and touch everything, I mean why are you picking up golf balls when you don't even play golf!!!!   She spent $500.00 on "stuff" mind you we just had a cup of tea and some of the delicious cinnamon roll she bought.

    Bobbi I love Trader Joes I 'm lucky I have one that is on my way home from work so I usually stop there and get bits and pieces. I'm glad you are getting back into the swing of things with your spin classes.  Be thankful of your work I'm self employed and it's getting worse I sure hope it picks up soon or my next question will be "would you like fries with that?"

    Good on you Patoo you're jumping back in with both feet, I hope you're feeling your old self.   Take care all, Goodnight. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Ruth, once again we were posting at the same time, what time do we have to be at your house, desert sounds delicious - what are you reading now?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010
    Book Club is 7pm Tuesday. You are all invited. You would really like my book clubs friends, and they would really like you too Smile ! We just read ' The Hunger Games', which I did not care for at all. The book I am picking is 'Olive Kitteridge', which was recommeded to me by a lady I know who is in her 80s, an avid reader, we give each other book suggestions. It was recommeded to her by her granddaughters, so perhaps will appeal to all ages. Bobbi, can you recall the author of the Stanton book? Was it just now released? When I looked on Amazon, their last Stanton book was 2009. Cheryl, were you glad to be shopping for that long, or was it starting to drive you crazy?
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Ruth - it's a new book and I copied the link above for you.  I thought it was Fresh Air but it wasn't - it was my favorite local(Philadelphia) station that aired the program.  I think you can even listen to the podcast if you're interested.

    Cheryl - I am also self-employed and know the stress of being only a phone call away from using that phrase.  My SO and I often talk about that possibility.  The Costco trip sounds awful.  We go to Sam's but I like to get in and out as quickly as possible - after sampling all the handouts, of course!!

    Off to spin!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    4-1/2 hours in Costco - you poor thing.   That's criminal, as in cruel and inhuman punishment!  Have you gone there with her before? 

    Was supposed to go out for lunch with some friends after church and then to the gym.  Lunch was cancelled.  Did I then just go to the gym - nope!  I was hungry so came home.  Trying to motivate myself to do something.  That one hour per day minimum that recently came out is not the best motivator but if I do a DVD maybe I can rev up the workout even if it's not over an hour.  We'll see, back later.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2010
    Hey Everybody.  I'm back.  I have been ignoring your voices for the last couple of weeks and have actually gained some weight back on!!  Keeping up with the walking everyday and have added floor excercises, but it is my eating that has gotten out of hand again!!!  Embarassed   I am currently very disappointed in myself, but have decided to get back on track this week.  It is supposed to get really nice here weather-wise, so that will be a big motivator to lose some more weight!!  I bet you guys didn't even know how far your voices carry! Laughing
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Yes the Costco trip was a test of endurance, I did have some nice hummus, ham, pears and cinnamon roll and I bought the new Harlan Coben book so I sat on a chair in the "garden" section and read a few chapters, I'm not going to complain, she enjoyed herself.  I did a Body Step class this morning and then went to Home Depot and bought some parsley and basil and planted those along with some tomatoes so I worked in the garden.  Today has been absolutely beautiful here in So Cal I sat outside and had a late breakfast then went and got a haircut and then finished the day by washing my car even though they say we are going to have rain later in the week, so lots of exercise for me today. 

    Patoo my allergies are playing up as well but they haven't laid me out like they did you just a lot of post nasal drip BUT I have a new little side effect and I don't know if it's allergies or Femara -now have this ringing in my right ear, it's not really ringing it's like a low frequency hum, when it's quiet I'm just humming alongLaughing.   We've been talking about that hour exercising report at the gym but the girls think it doesn't apply to us, it's for people who just meander along, so go ahead and use that as your excuse if you need it.  Take care I'm going to have a nice cup of tea and put my feet up now.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010
    Hey Mary Louise welcome back, we all fall off the wagon but climb on back up we're all still plodding along, I eat well but it's that darned sweet tooth that gets me every time, if I knew which one it was I'd get it extractedWink
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Mary Louise - welcome back - you are never far from us.  I am off to bed...  good night ladies.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Good Night Bobcat, sweet dreams.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Hi Ladies, We finally had a REAL spring day; sunny and mild, so I called up my friend Pam and we went for a lovely hour walk (she is a maniac exerciser, so I know if I walk with her I'll be pushed!), and then did 30 minute sculpt DVD, and then actually tackled some house cleaning (which didn't even seem so bad with the windows open and the birds chirping). Bobbi, I started listening to the podcast, but made myself quit and get to work, but will finish it later. From what I heard so far, I don't know that I will like her as much when I find more about her! Glad you are back, Mary Louise. We all lapse, but the important thing is to get back on the track. Cheryl, I think I would miss my sweet tooth too much if it were extracted. Patoo, pay no attention to that stupid study. For one thing, what woman who works and has any life what-so-ever could exercise as much as they say!!! For another thing, I think that by trying to exercise daily, we are doing better than (I'm making up this statistic, but I bet it's true) 90% of woman in our age group??!!! And for another, Richard Simmons says we need three hours of toning and four hours of aerobic exercise a week. Even though he has a goofy public persona, he has studied exercise and weight loss for years, and he knows his stuff. I think the only thing we might want to do with that study is maybe step up what we do a notch; set the treadmill a tiny bit higher, add a tiny bit heavier weights etc. but I don't think we need to feel bad AT ALL, or do anything drastically different. Just keep on keeping on!! Night All! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Whoa, that was long. Sorry for the ramble!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Did I ever tell you all that I absolutely don't like to get on the phone?  Just got off from 1-1/2 hour call with a friend.  Why do all my friends like to talk so long on the phone!!!!!  Actually she's one of the "shorter" ones.  Some go 2-3 hours.  Can I claim lip movement and shifting in my seat as exercise?

    Anyway, I decided earlier I wanted to have a glass of wine tonight so I told myself I coduldn't have it unless I exercised.  It worked - did 45 mins; 2.25 miles.  Good thing too.  I think the wine helped me to stay sane during the phone call.

    Thanks for the advice re the one hour minimum.  I did only 45 mins on the treadmill but I interspersed 3 or 4 times jogging for 60 seconds each time. 

    Night my Sculpted friends.  (welcome back Mary Louise)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited March 2010

    Here's a question to ponder: which is worse; 4 1/2 at Cosco, or 11/2 hours on the phone?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2010

    Ruth, it's the phone - I had food samples a chair and a book to read and I love my neighbor as she is so kind hearted and I knew when she called and asked if she could tag along exactly what I was in for (I had called her to see if she needed anything picked as I was going to Costco).

    Patoo you can so claim the fidgeting as exercise - you were moving weren't you?!

    Nats hope everything went well for you and your hubby today.

    See you after class tonight - get ready Bobcat it's Eduardo night - fan, fan, fanKiss

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2010

    Back after dh's and my twin colonoscopies this morning.  All went well - we each had a small polyp, but that's it.  The only bad thing is that it took 5 sticks to get the IV in my arm!  My veins kept rolling and blowing.  The nurse tried 4 times (elbow, above elbow, side of wrist and wrist) and couldn't get it.  Each stick was one of those where she stuck it in, then kept rooting around trying to find the vein.  It hurt like heck, and I was in tears by the end of it.   I usually have a 2-stick limit after which I ask for a second nurse to try, but I was tired from being up all night in the bathroom and didn't feel feisty so I let the first nurse keep trying. Big mistake - it was a lesson learned to keep to my "2-stick" rule no matter how tired I am, and insist on another nurse if the first one fails after 2 attempts.  Finally the anesthesologist got it in the back of the hand, using an infant needle.  After that things went well - I eased off into lala land thinking of my favorite beach. 

    Thanks everyone for the cheering up when I was blue Friday. I'm feeling much better.  Saturday we got out and did 5+ miles on the Appalachian Trail - it was a beautiful day, deep blue sky, temps in the 50's.  About 3 miles into it I just felt the blues lifting.  

    Cheryl - I hear you about the SoCal "skinny minis". I used to weigh 50 pound more than I do now, and I hated going out to visit the in-laws - all the SILs were typical California girls - skinny and stylish, and I was the fat in-law.  We were all in our 20's then.  Funny how over the years as I've lost weight they've found it, and we'll all kind of met in the middle! 

    Patoo- glad the allergies seem to be lying low, at least enough to get out and get exercise.  And I'm impressed that you actually got back out the door after you left your gym bag at home - once I'm home I find it so hard to get back out, so hooray for you!

    Ruth - I'm so glad you finally have a bit of spring out there in ND - after all the snow then the floods, you all deserve some good weather.  

    Well, I'm down three pounds from the Great Colonoscopy Clean-Out.  I know that won't last, but it still looked nice when I got on the scale this morning.  I'm still rather foggy from the anesthesia so I'm not working out tonight, but will get back on schedule tomorrow. 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2010

    Hello all!!  I am still working and that's not working out.  Just checking in and glad everyone is keeping up the good work.  Nats - sorry for the mutli stick episode but yeah for the 3 pounds.  Speaking of skinny-minis - I live just over the state line from Hunterdon County NJ - one of richest places in the country - I shop at the grocery there on my way home from work.  I am not fat(not skinny though) but I am middleaged BUT I am NOT SKINNY, BLOND and middleaged.  At least I'm invisible when I shop there - don't know a blessed soul - LOL.  Don't have time for that anyway.  Have a great night ladies.   OH Ruth - I felt the same way about Elizabeth Stanton after I listened to the show - really shows her in a different light.