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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Wow!  Lots of new Sculptresses here - YAY!!! 

    Only rules we have is to take it easy, at your own pace, but keep moving.  Aim for 5 days/week; try and make it 6 and give a big yahoo if you do all 7.   Some days you will do more than other days, and that's perfectly okay.  You might not start to hear the 'voices' until the second week, but, you will hear them.  Do we want to lose - you bet.  Do we want to tone up - for sure.  But mostly we want to try and  ward off recurrence and stay healthy.

    Had to test my new pedometer (Omron) so a took nice 3.5 mile walk after work this evening.  I'm pooped but I did it - thanks to you ladies!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Went on an hour long bike ride with my daughter.  She is getting comfortable with her new bike - it is a LOT bigger and many more gears.  I found that to be able to stay with her, I just put my bike in a lower gear and pedalled twice as much - what a workout!!  I think that I might really enjoy biking (for excercise) cause you can really control your heart rate!  Too bad they can't make a truly comfortable seat (mine is even a gel seat), but I guess I will get used to it! 

    I really think that I am finally back on track again - I feel that I have been AWOL lately Embarassed  You guys are truly great motivation!  Keep up the great work everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,541
    edited April 2010

    Welcome to the new sculptresses; just coming here and reporting in is a terrific motivation. Like patoo says, come here for a couple weeks and you will get hooked! Kathy, glad rads are going OK & that you are able to still exercise. Marie, my doctor said you should actually lift some weights, as it will actually build up your lymph system (although if you didn't do weights before, maybe you shouldn't start until done with rads). Paulding, I read all the different diet stuff, and threw up my hands; too complicated! What I did when I wanted to keep track of calories and make sure I was eating a balanced diet was; I ordered a Richard Simmons Food Mover (no, I do not work for RS!). You just slip in the amount of calories you want to eat, and it will show you how many breads, veggies, fats, etc. you should eat; and as you eat them you close the windows, when you are out of windows, you quit eating (I need to drag mine out again and use it!!!). Balsie, if you figure out the sleep thing, share your secret; I sleep rotten! Nats, I believe I saw Chris Coste play when he was on a minor league team out here. We grow some good ball players. Darin Erstad, who played for the Angels, White Sox and Houston grew up in my town; his parents are friends of ours, his family goes to our church, we watched him in high school sports etc. Travis Hafner (Cleveland Indians) grew up in ND too. Kris, glad the voices are making you behave. This morning they said to me, "Take the leftover dessert to school and share it at lunch, do not leave it at home or you will eat the rest of it yourself." So that is what I did! And also I walked outside for 45 minutes and did 45 minutes of toning. I will get the  recipe typed up and send it out to those of you who want to be REALLY BAD!! Good Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Welcome to all our new sculptress sisters it is lovely to have you all join us here, my advice is just do something and then come and post it as writing it down makes you accountable. I spent an hour sweating through Body Combat tonight so much so I had to have a shower as soon as I got home and I'm exhausted.

    If anyone works out the sleep thing let me know I go along great and then I wham I'm wide awake for hours in the middle of the night and it goes on for night after night, I always say if menopausal women wanted to take over the world we would all just fling our doors open at 4am and voila the world would be ours!!

    Hey Nats I couldn't believe it when she got back on the ranch and from previews it looks like she hasn't changed a bit, I know there is a lot left in editing but geeze I dislike her actions grrrrrrrr. Ruth what a good girl you are taking the desert to work (are you regretting right about now - I know I would beLaughing and yes I want the recipe.  Kris you have to go easy at first, I know that's hard but you just got that danged boot off your foot. Well I'm off to have my cup of tea and relax for the evening. Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,541
    edited April 2010

    Frozen Chocolate-Covered Cappuccino Crunch Cake

    1 (10 3/4 oz) frozen pound cake, thawed

    3/4 cup heavy whipping cream

    1 3/4 cups (11.5 oz pkg) Nestle Toll House Milk Chocolate Morsels

    4 cups (1 qt) coffee ice cream, softened

    1 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed

    1 3/4 cup coarsely crushed malted milk balls

    extra thawed whipped topping & coarsely crushed malted milk balls


    1. slice pound cake into thin slices, place half of the slices on the bottom of a 9 inch spring form pan, press down firmly. Set remaining slices aside.

    2. Bring cream just to a boil in med. saucepan. Remove from heat. Add chocolate morsels; let stand 5 minutes. Whisk until well combined and smooth. Pour half over pound cake in pan, spreading evenly to within 1/4 inch of edge of pan.

    3. Cover; freeze 1 1/2 hours until chocolate is set

    4. Combine softened ice cream & whipped topping in large bowl. Fold in crushed malted milk balls. Spread over chocolate layer in pan. Cover.

    5. Freeze until ice cream is firm, about 2 hours.

    6. Top with remaining pound cake slices; press down firmly. Spread with remaining chocolate mixture. Cover; freeze at least 6 hours.

    7.To serve, remove sides of pan. Garnish with additional whipped topping & sprinkle with malted milk balls. To cut cake easily, run knife under hot water & dry with a paper towel before making slices.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Oh Ruth that is decadent and yummy, thank you it's going in my recipe box (and of course on my hips).


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,541
    edited April 2010

    Now you see why I had to get it out of the house!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    Ruth that sounds so Yummy!  I will be making that soon.   You are so nice to bring that in to the teachers lounge.  I love to bake so I am normally bringing treats in to school a lot.  This year not so much ... but hope to get my energy back soon.. The sleep thing .. oh my you can tell I am up again at 2:00 am can't seem to sleep.  In the past I have taken ambien but I am trying to get off of it. 

    Tonight I picked up my new bike and plan to hit the bike trail tomorrow sometime.  I would like to take off 15lbs.  Now I wrote it maybe I will be accountable to actually do it.  I also need to stay away from the easter candy.  My goals are here lets see if I can stick to it.

    I am going back to bed to see if I can sleep. 



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Ten minutes elliptical plus a half an hour of core Pilates-with-ball type stuff after work yesterday.  This morning I did 20 minutes Pilates and 10 minutes on the arm bike. 

    It's beautiful here today - the cherry blossoms are out in the DC area so it's really and truly spring.  They're not just down at the Tidal Basin, but are all over the area - just about everyone seems to plant at least one in their yard, so where ever you go, you see beautiful pink trees.  

    Happy Spring Everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    Happy April Fool's, everyone!  I've already fallen for one prank -- be careful! Smile

    Thanks for all the great welcomes!  Good to know gold stars AND kicks in the rear are available if I need them! :)

    I walked 25 minutes yesterday and plan on a 20-30 minute walk today.  Missed Tuesday.  Did light weights for 15 or 20 reps (depending on movement) yesterday. 

    It's supposed to be 80 the next couple of days -- too hot, too soon! although I'm also hearing a freeze for next week -- but that's spring in the Midwest.  Hope all you drenched people dry out!

    PauldingMom, it's so frustrating when drs give you what seems like conflicting advice! (I was always amused that my surgeon called my lump "large" and my oncologist called it "small", although they agreed on the physical measurement of it).  I came up with my own healthy eating plan that seems to make everyone happy (especially me) :)    I want to give myself the chance to be as healthy as possible so I did a lot of my own research and listened to a dietician and my cardiologist & oncologist and came up with an eating plan that is basically a combination of what's in Anticancer and A Dietician's Cancer Story:  low fat, avoid simple carbs (sugar, white flour, etc.) as much as possible (but not complex carbs) (and I'm not passing up every dessert for the rest of my life -- get real!) :)  I eat lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains.  I avoid high-glycemic foods and sugars (I use agave nectar or stevia when I need something sweetened).  I chose butter over margarine because of arguments made for it in the books I mentioned (both thoughtfully researched, with studies cited) but use very little of it, and use olive oil as much as possible.  Nutrition is a complex issue and I've noticed that most physicians don't really know much about it (they're lucky if they get one course on it when going through med school).  A dietician, especially one who's aware of cancer issues, is a goldmine.  I'm eating the way I am for multiple reasons but see it as a life-long process that will keep my heart healthier, reduce as much risk of reoccurance of cancer as possible through diet (there's no magic bullet, though), and because I just plain feel better when I eat this way.  I'm also starting to lose weight (hurrah!), which I think is a combination of eating well and walking.

    Marie, I use a calendar, too.  I think posting here will help. The hardest part for me was the first week or two. I've heard (but don't know if it's true), that it takes 3 weeks to "stamp" a habit into your routine, so if you get past that mark it should get easier... it did seem to work for me.  I wish I had someone I could walk with at least once a week, mainly for companionship but also accountability, I think that would help a lot, but I know very few people in the community now (I moved back here to help mom in her last years of life; she's gone now, so I'll be moving on, or at least that's my plan). 

    I swore this was going to be a short post.  April Fool's on me, I guess!   Good exercising, everyone! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited April 2010

    Just checking in to make sure you are all still putting in 10 minutes a day for me.  Ruth - the dessert recipe sounds yummy.  I am still finishing up work for tonight and we are heading to the beach when I'm packed.  NO WORL TOMORROW!!!  And a long bike ride.  I will check in on Sunday.  Happy Easter and Passover to all.  Hug,  Bobbi

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,541
    edited April 2010
    Hi,  cold and sprinkly here. I wanted to come home and curl up with a book, but the voices sent me down to the treadmill, and I ended up walking really fast for a whole hour! Now, I may tone with RS for awhile. Oh my, the cherry blossoms sound wonderful. We get our beautiful time the end of May with the apple blossoms, bridal wreaths and lilacs all blooming at the same time. Nature, what state do you live in? It is fun to walk with somebody else every once and awhile; I usually like to walk by myself but do find I run out of conversation topics, (plus people look at me funny if I am all alone and talking out loud  Tongue out). Have fun at the beach, Bobbi. Anyone else have fun Easter plans? We will be here, my brother & family will be joining us. I guess I better develop a grocery list! First, I'm off for a bit of quality time with Richard! Night All! Ruth
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Good Morning Everyone!  I am off to participate in a "Passion Walk" this morning that will probably take a few hours.  So Bobcat, I can definitely give you some of that exercise!  Beautiful day here again today!  Hoping everyone has a great day! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Yesterday after work I did 30 minutes of step aerobics (if they can do it on Biggest Loser I figured I could do it) then 20 minutes on the elliptical.  Being very sore after that, I did 20 minutes this morning of yoga/Pilates with ball work, plus 10 minutes on the arm bike.

    Wow - the beach sounds wonderful - should be a good weekend for it.  We're going to the Nats v. Red Sox exhibition game at Nats Park on Saturday, then I'm taking off work on Monday for the official Opening Day - Nats v. Phillies, with the President throwing out the first pitch.  I've seen Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and now Obama throw out first pitches at either the Orioles or Nats games.  Plus I was at the game when the movie "Dave" was filming him throwing out the first pitch, but I don't think that quite counts as a Presidential first pitch.   Wink

    Have a great day everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    Hey, BB season is about to start, I'll have to dust off my books and see if I can remember how it's played! Go Cubs! (Someone has to root for them!) :)

    Ruth, I'm in IN (Go Boilers!), hopefully not for much longer... I came back to take care of my mom but want to get back out west now.  I don't talk to myself too much when I'm walking -- but I do say hi to the squirrels and birds -- I'm sure some people think I'm a bit loopy but I don't care! Laughing

    Planning on a 30 minute walk today along the river, if the path isn't flooded over.  Is it fair to post what I plan to do before I actually do it?  Somehow I feel like I'm cheating when I do that Undecided

    The beach sounds so completely wonderful!  Enjoy! 

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2010

    I've worked out every day for the entire week!!! Kinda proud of myself. I try to do 2 miles a day on the treadmill in 30 minutes. Then after dinner a short walk with the DH and dog to get digestion going before going to sleep. Losing about a pound a week and eating better. Easter should be a challenge. Kids are already asking about carrot cake, potato casserole and chocolate. Kids, LOL 19, 20 and 22. I told them this year it would be, Almonds, Jello and sugar free caramels! My favorite park will be packed on Saturday with the annual Easter Egg Hunt, so I'll just walk around the hood I guess. I have a TON of gardening to do and hope to get some sun on my very white skin. After missing summer last year due to chemo and rads. my skin is having a hard time. And YES I am wearing a 30 SPF sunscreen. Just had three skin biopsies and one was "suspicious". Don't want to mess with that!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2010

    Hi..just read back a few pages. I need help to lose weight and to get myself moving. I quit smoking 11 months ago and I have gained 40 lbs!!  Plus I have a tear in my hip and the weight is not helping. I feel like a stuffed sausage all the time. I need some help motivating myself. I'll be back, I may be able to start waling or doing something on Mon.

    fmakj, what is a "Passion Walk"??

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Nature, if you write it you have to do it so it's good to post before.  You'll feel good when you come back and say "I did it!"

    Candle, take it easy, especially with that hip.  You will get it off but patience is key.

    I didn't do anything yesterday and the rest of today is not looking too good either because I'm on my way to Good Friday services.  Doubt I will do anything when I return because it will be late but I have plans to walk tomorrow morning, paint my deck and garage door and have lots of cleaning so I will be making up what I missed this week.  Allergies also still pretty bad but I refuse to let it get me down any longer.

    Later my Sculpted friends.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Okay, got RS Sweating #3.  Only lasted 20 mins but, hey, it's Friday night, my normal down time so that's my claim.  At least I did that much, are ya proud of me????

    Will check in tomorrow.  Hope all have a wonderful weekend.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Oh, BTW, I'm watching the rest of the 40 mins of RS.  Does that (exercise of the eyes) count?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,541
    edited April 2010
    Good job everyone, especially to the new girls Smile!! Yes, if you write it down, then you HAVE to do it or the voices get very, very CRANKY! We had the day off from school. I was very good; got up & did FIRM tapes, 35 minutes lower body, 35 minutes upper body, & a 15 minute "Rev It Up" DVD. Then went to a Good Friday Service at noon, bought all my 'company' groceries, and over to my dad's and watched the Minnesota Twins play their first game in their new stadium (exhibition). Now, I am going to sit in the recliner and read a book. Keep up the great, great work! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Getting ready to go to a park to meet a walking group of BC survivors.  It's a great day for it.  Hope everyone has wonderful weather today as well.  Back later.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    I did get out and ride bike yesterday...."MY new bike is fabulous"  but then had to get on the holiday prep. geez that is a lot of work....but it is fun!

    I am hoping to get some form of exercise in today but not likely because of company!

    Happy Easter everyone!



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    OK, I've been warned!  Laughing  I did get my walk in yesterday, although the first two places I went were 1.  closed for construction for all of April (? it's a hiking path, for crying out loud!) and 2.  flooded from the river.  I ended up at Celery Bog, which is a really beautiful nature area on the edge of town, lots of woods, and wildflowers (spring beauties and bloodroot) were blooming.  Nice walk.  And the fun part was, I had taken my mom's Bug convertible out to keep the battery charged up, and I put the top down (I don't think it's been down for 6 years, she didn't have the strength to latch and unlatch it) and was driving around in that!  What a blast!  (Yes, I was mindful of sun, but I was careful and wasn't out too long).

    Today the temps have dropped and the rain has started so I won't post a walk until I actually get it done!

    I usually have a long list of chores for the weekend (I'm trying to clear mom's house out, for starters, and also am on a fast and furious job hunt) but this weekend I'm only doing a very few chores, then "following my nose" and doing what I like!  A hike if the rain stops, but certainly some knitting, movies, and books are in order!

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,541
    edited April 2010
    Quickly stopping by because my company will be here any up & did 30 minutes on the treadmill. It is sunny out & the birds are singing, so I will TRY to get someone to go for a walk with me this afternoon; which probably won't happen, as they are 'sit on the couch and watch TV' kind of people Frown. Happy Easter All! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Good morning everyone, I had a couple of days off but this morning up and at the gym at 8am for Body Combat class, so had a good one hour workout.  It is overcast here so now I am going to work in the garden for a couple of hours.  Happy saturday to everyone, keep up the good work.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Candie - Every Good Friday, our Church has a "Passion Walk" from our Church to a Church about 6 miles away.  We follow someone who holds up a wooden Cross for the whole distance (any one can have a chance to "carry the cross" if they wish).  Along the way we stop a few times for prayer.

    Today I opened up my new Kathy Smith Latin Moves DVD.  I wanted to have a little more variety in my excercising arsenal!!!  This one got my heart rate up within the first 3 minutes!   It is great as you can do the 20 min basic version (the one I almost had a coronary doing) or a 20 min sizzle version or  both! Surprised  I am sure that it will take quite a while to be able to do both back to back!!!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter Week End!   

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Patoo - Sometimes it is easier to watch the moves prior to trying to do them.  It is always so hard to learn a new DVD, but keep at it - the nice thing about RS is that you can put whatever kind of energy into them to get the right workout (I believe that it would require you to at least be in an upright position though!). 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise, you're right and I also found when I was up the first 20 mins that at times I was just doing my own moves before I caught up to him.  But it's all good and I will get back at it sometime.

    Went with a walking group and did 3 miles this morning.  Was pretty nice although I'm more of a loner.  I also have an issue with driving 20-30 minutes to meet up and walk at a distant park.  So probably will stay closer to home from now on, also saves on gas.

    Painted some railings out front and my garage door so that was additional working out today.  I'm bushed.  Need my foot massager really bad.

    Later everyone - enjoy your guests and Easter.

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2010

    Hi All,

    I am sooo proud of myself this week.  Years ago I read that the real fat burning happens after 30 mins. of aerobic excersize.  I ignored that and have been doing 30 mins. but only 2 - 3 times a week without any real results in my weight.  In addition, I was still eating too many carbs.  On Monday, I had my oncologist appt. and had gained 4 more lbs!  She said it was the Arimidex but when I checked the website, that side effect only effects 9% of the women who take it.  So I made a committment to do 45 mins. per day on my eliptical (at least 6 days per week) and life weights 3 times per week.  Week one is down and I feel terrific!  What a difference in my attitude and I can see my body shrinking.  I will weigh myself tomorrow so I have motivation to watch what I eat today.  No easter bunny for me today.  Thanks for this thread.  You all motivate me to take control.  My goal is to lose 35 lbs. but am only setting my monthly weight loss at 5 lbs per month.  I think that's realistic.  Happy Easter for those who observe the holiday.
