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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited December 2012

    OH, misswim, hugs and prayers to you. xoxo

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited December 2012

    suzilla, I am starting Taxol next week and hope I can keep to my A/C routine which has been 5 k walks most days and yoga 3-4 times a week. This is the first week that I have been down; maybe 3 slow ks on Tuesday and just tried to go for a walk now. Low grade fever and an almost unmentionable and fairly rare thing called mucositis of the genitals and also folliculitis of labia majora. I would rather have a cold or the flu thanks to low WBC and Hemoglobin thanks! But Blood work tomorrow for Taxol on Tuesday and hoping this ridiculous affliction does not keep me down. Oh and I had to call for a ride home as diahrrea that I had hoped was waning had not quite done its thing! Good news, I made it home in time! TMI? Yeah I think it is too much and it is me!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    Suzilla.....I did the Chilly Hilly three years ago six days after Taxol #3.  True, it was the shorter course (23 miles, not 37.....oops, forgot the 2 miles each way to the ferry) and I walked the hills, but I was out there.  Congrats on being past AC.  You are on the home stretch. sorry about your father.

    I will get in a walk SOMETIME today, but have been glued to my chair up to this point.  Have a function this evening, and one that requires getting in my car, not walking each way.

    Back to work. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2012

    oh misswim, sorry about your dad.  Sending you some ((hugs)) right now. 

    marian, sounds like the chemo is attacking your nether regions?  ouch!  Hang in there.

    welcome suzilla!  I'm not a runner but walked during chemo, some days more than others. 

    Julie, I started walking program in 2010, when I got the all-clear from my surgeon after BMX in Feb.  Not sure of the exact date but it was before I started chemo in March.  So it took approx 30 months to go 3,000 miles.  

    wonderland, good luck tomorrow (& tonight!).  Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Tongue Out

    Got over to the Capitol and walked 30 minutes at lunchtime.  Desk-bound most of the rest of the day.  Oh, you're going on vacation?  Let's dump a boatload of work on you.  Yeah, we've known about this for a while but it needs to be done NOW.  grrr

    4.56 km = 2.83 miles for the day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited December 2012

    Thinking of you, misswim & sending a prayer and a hug.

    Welcome, suzilla. I exercised during chemo. Not at all at full strength, but I did what I could & it helped me bounce back quicker once I was done.

    Poor Marian, that sounds nasty (I don't think I want to even know what it really means!).

    Good job on your walk between appointments, Mary!

    Wonderland, I need to have a colonoscopy too (thanks to BC, I'm on the 5 year plan), but I told the nurse that I'd have to schedule it for January because I don't have three days in a row in December that don't involve eating!!!!!

    edited to add that I walked on the treadmill for an hour.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2012

    (((misswim))) sending prayers to you and your family.  Mary sounds like the tour was fabulous.  Badger very typical, I got a call today about a job that will arrive on Christmas Eve and oh of course they expect me to get it out same dayYell  Marian I am minding my next door neighbors dog and today she had a couple of "accidents" in my warehouse so easily cleaned up then on the way home another one in the back of my car luckily I have an old bedspread that I had laid down but whew I had to roll the windows down - now that's tmiSurprised

    RPM class tonight, my first time on the bike in a week my butt will know it in the morning!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2012

    More hugs (((misswim))) so sorry about your dad.  Marionelizabeth, yikes that really sounds uncomfortable!  Suzilla, welcome, I'm exercising on Taxol but I'm on the weekly dose.

    Well I'm disappointed my WBC was too low for my Taxol today and I got sent home.  It's really odd since my count has been rising steadily each week.   Now my last chemo will end up *after* Christmas instead of before.  I'm disproportionately disappointed about that.  I've just had that end date in my mind for so long.  Grrr!

    Napped instead of walking this afternoon, but got in a short walk later with the hubby and got a new hoop trick working.  

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited December 2012

    Misswim, how is he doing? I am so sorry.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited December 2012

    Misswim, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he's better soon.

    Yay, badger for the all-clear!

     Suzilla, I walked all through chemo. That was all I was good for, except for skiing, which is easier than walking in gentle slopes. Hugs to all on chemo through the pre-holiday stress. Just take it easy!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited December 2012

    oops, forgot to post my exercise... cardio kickboxing.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited December 2012

    Treadmill intervals followed by legs.  Off to work soon. Happy Friday everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited December 2012

    It is pretty cool that we are so busy chatting that some of us forget to post our daily exercise!

    My exercise tonight will be chasing several hundred 6-8th graders throughout the school. It is 'Middle School Activity Night' and I am a chaperone....wish me luck! Tongue Out

  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2012

    Ruth, I bet you though kiddos have a hard time keeping up with you! 

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2012

    MissSwim, a big hug to you, this is a time when I wish we weren't virtual but could do this in person...

    Marian, you sound like a trooper!  I don't think there is such a thing as TMI on this board; certainly not with this disease and the treatments!  

    Wonderland, ah colonoscopies!  I get to hang out with Ruth in the January colonoscopy treatment room, Jan 10 mammo, Jan 11 colonoscopy. I am really bad though, when I wake up and they tell you that you have to pass gas, and I hear all the other people doing just that in other rooms, I start laughing.  The twilight drug gives me no inhibitions.  I have to bite my lip.  Juvenile, I know.

    Ann, hang in there, those WBCs will come back up.  It is frustrating indeed I'm sure.  Just want to stay on schedule.

    Suzilla, the nice thing about this board is the way these ladies know how to encourage without making exercise seem scary.  I'm bragging because I'm on here, but I think this is the number one place to be when you come to BCO.  It's positive, helpful energy.  Keep us posted on how you do.

    Just yoga yesterday for me as I was a bit beat.  Just yoga...ha!  It's so challenging!  We did all kinds of wall work, really great stretches.

    OK it's time for me to stop procrastinating, my all time favorite sport....



  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2012

    Day off, feeling sore from DanceFuse yesterday - the good kind of sore.  Gearing up for skiing as we're expecting 30 cm of snow tomorrow.  

    wonderland  I'm due for a colonoscopy too - ugh.  The worst part is the prep.  

    misswim  So sorry to hear about your Dad.  Hugs, thoughts and prayers to your family.  

  • movetomaui
    movetomaui Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2012

    Ladies -

    I really admire the committment all of you have put into this thread and the relationships you have developed through the process.  It is so touching and awesome that you have this extended support group and that the exchange of support goes well beyond BC ♥.  I know that many of you have been sharing for a long time.  

    I hope it is OK if I now consider myself part of the support system.

    Misswim - I am sending all my positive energy your way and hope that your Dad is resting comfortably and that he will soon be on his way to recovery.

    Best wishes to all that are undergoing some type of test/procedure.

    I took Thursday off from walking because I went to visit my Mom after work.  Had a lovely dinner and did some grocery shopping for her.  This weekend I am hoping to get in about 12 miles.

    Have a great weekend everyone!  Julie

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited December 2012

    misswim: so sorry to hear about your father. Please let us know how he is doing.

    Julie: you're right about this thread. Wellness is connected through all areas of our lives with physical being only one part. So, we support each other through thick and thin.

    Ruth, Kim, and Joy: well, my colonoscopy is over and I have the colored pictures to prove it! May your procedures run as smoothly as mine (pun intended).

    Badger: I just earned my 2nd shirt. :)

    Like all of you I protect my mx arm, so no sticks, blood pressures, etc. I lost my good arm for lab work and sticking me is an issue. This morning the nurse had a difficult time with the IV. The doctor came over to introduce himself during this time. So I told him that I had lost my good arm b/c I had over 30 nodes removed in that arm. He then told me it is "an old wife's tale" about sticks, BP, etc and LE. I almost $h!T in my gown! (Again, pun intended). I had never had a doctor tell me such BS. I was too tired to tell him he was full of it as I had been up since 3:30am when I had to wake up and drink the magnesium citrate for another cleansing. 

    The nurse got the IV started, BP was taken in my leg, the procedure went without a hitch and I made sure my good arm stayed protected and not stuck. Thank goodness the female employees have more sense!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited December 2012

    You should have told him you know some old wives who would be very happy to clue him in on about how real LE is Yell!

    Julie, once you post you are IN!! The friendships I have made through this thread are so special to me...... real and true blessings coming out of something that was really bad. Quite amazing, really....

    Now to prepare myself for 'Fun Night'.....anyone have some Valium they can Super Express to me?  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2012

    Misswim - I'm so sorry about your dad.  My dad had some strokes as well so I know how frightening it is for everyone.  Sending hugs your way.

    Wonder - I am outraged about that doctor passing along mis-information about LE like that.  If you haven't seen it yet, the Step up-Speak Out LE website has an excellent sheet that can be printed out and given to doctors:  What We Want Our Medical Providers to Know about LE.  If you have a follow up with him, you may want to bring that to him. Arrrggghhh.

    Ann - I'm so sorry about the postponed chemo.  My WBC were always iffy, each time I was so afraid that they'd say no chemo for you today.  Fortunately I was able to stay on schedule, but would have been devastated if I'd had to postpone one. 

    Just back from arranging for yet another surgery!  Cry  Some of you long-time posters may remember that I had a suture abcess from my DIEP this summer - a suture migrated and abscessed 4 years after surgery.  It seemed to resolve once the suture was expelled, then a few days ago it flared up again - apparently there is another suture that wants to come out!  This surgery is to open it up, clean out and remove the stitch and anything else that's there, and finally give this thing a chance to heal.  Good - it's wreaked havoc with my truncal LE.  Fortunately it's outpatient surgery and only a local, so it's quite minor in the scheme of things - more of an annoyance than anything.  But still - I'm tired of surgeries!  Going out to dinner tonight, and will walk the 2 mile round trip to the restaurant and back.  And have a margarita (or two), just cuz I'm annoyed about needing yet another surgery! Yell

  • movetomaui
    movetomaui Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2012

    wonderland & ruthbru - Thanks for your comments and confirming what I was already feeling.  I can tell its quite amazing!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited December 2012

    Mary: Thanks for the link!!! Great information on it. I have a F/U in January with the PA and will be taking this with me so he can share with the doctor.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2012

    Mary, oh no! Not again!  BLAH!!!

    Wonder, oh my goodness, I could use so many nasty words to throw at your doc right now.  It's the holiday season, I will refrain...OLD WIVES???  Oh, getting riled up again.

    I am happy your colonoscopy went so well however, but what a KNUCKLEHEAD!

    Ruth, I've discovered you are a much braver soul than I am...middle school students?!?  They are the ultimate in mastering the eye roll...Undecided.  Little stinkers.  

    I'm in the middle of baking cookies.  So far, Spritz, seven layer cookies, fudge (not a cookie, but whatever) and ginger cookies.  It smells great in here.  Believe it or not, when I bake this much, I quickly get sick of cookies, so I am not tempted.  Well, not TOTALLY tempted...




  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ladies- thanks so much. My dad is stable, resting comfortably. He had early stage lung cancer a few years ago, had surgery, radiation and started chemo but gave up after 3 cycles as he is a heavy smoker/drinker and just could not give up his addictions. Very sad. The stroke was not mild, but not as massive as we had thought it might be - he has some lrft side paralyisis, slurred speech, and his memory is shot. He did not know who I was when I first arrived. That was so sad. Will be in the hospital a few more days anf then transferred to a rehab (for the stroke- though he could use it for his other issues). They did a chest CT yesterday that has them concerned about a recurrance of the lung cancer. He is scheduled for a PET tomorrow morning.

    Cancer SUCKS!!!! Needless to say, no real exercise today, except walks in the woods near the hospital.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2012

    ((misswim)) boy oh boy when it rains it pours.  We are here for you with a virtual umbrella.

    Mary, I was just thinking about that today, when I was at follow-up appt with surgeon and he clipped the remnants of my stitches.  Sorry to hear you have another rogue suture but good it's getting gone.

    Kim, there's a fancy cookie sale fundraiser at one of the local churches tomorrow and OMG you should see the gorgeous work these ladies do.  I go just to gawk.  A fun thing we do at work is a cookie exchange.  Everyone bakes 4 dozen of a favorite cookie and brings them in.  You take a few of each kind so get a nice variety without doing all that work yourself.

    Julie, glad to have you as a member of the Sculpted Sisterhood, you fit right in!  If Maui is 4,000 miles away, and if you can walk that in 40 months, that's "only" 3.3 years LOL.

    After doc appt, I dropped off my car for an oil change and walked about doing errands.  Logged 7.14 km = 4.44 miles for the day.

    ((hugs)) to all

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    I walked up Queen Anne Hill to a Christmas open house this evening, and learned the joys of mulled wine on a chilly evening.  Was great fun too with the highlight being an antique rocking horse in one of the shops.

    So at least 3 miles, a mile up the hill, a mile walking around the open house, and a mile back.  Stopped by Trader Joe's for groceries so the mile back wouldn't be too easy.

    Hoping that the snows stay a bit above sea level so can get in one more weekend of cycling.  But need to dust off those skis!  I ran into someone from my building coming back from my meeting today.  I had gone to get smart about something for the nonprofit.  He had come back from skiing!!!!  So the moment is upon us, and I intend to seize it.

    After some serious Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2012

    (((misswim))) like Badger says we're here holding the umbrella.  Mary bummer about the additional surgery.  Ruth I know you're having fun even though tomorrow you'll be totally exhausted.  Kim I've had grand intentions of baking cookies but that's all, I've also had grand intentions of mailing Christmas cards but there they sit still in their boxInnocent.  

    Well today I did a very interesting class called "Aqua Zumba" yes it was doing Zumba in the pool and it was a laugh.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2012

    Aww misswim, so sorry your dad's in such bad shape.  Mary I'm amazed sutures would decide to act up so long after surgery.  That's wacky!  Hope they can clean them out this time.  Cheryl we were planning to bake and mail cookies to several people, then decided to order and mail from an online store instead.  I still haven't decided on whether to send cards at all or not.  Aqua Zumba sounds fun.

    Well it's hard to quantify my exercise today but my lower back is aching so I think I did just about too much hoop practice.  One YouTube leads to another and soon I have a whole list of things to try.

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  • FriendGwen
    FriendGwen Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2012

    Claire - you paint such a beautiful picture of a fabulous, charming and empowering evening! Love it!!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited December 2012

    75 minute Elizabeth Larkham reformer workout with some jumpboard.  Lots of thoracic rotation - feeling good.  Need more cardio so will brave the icy streets and take our recycling down the hill.  We haven't seen much snow yet, not sure if it's still in the forecast.  

    Made with DS today the family's favorite, gingerbread cookies.  I have to lock them away, they disappear so fast!  Wink    Lots of holiday baking will be done this weekend and I need to coordinate a good amount of activity to balance out the calories!  

    Mary  Ugh - sorry to hear about that rogue suture.   misswim  Continued prayers to your Dad and family.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2012

    Half an hour of the Combat class and an hour of spin this morning, my calves and hamstrings were on fire so came home and did 20 minutes of stretching, ahhhhhhhh.

    Hope you survived the night RuthWink  Be careful Joy we don't want you slip sliding down the hill with bags of recyclingSurprised