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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited December 2012

    After six months of doing pec flys and serratus anterior exercises on a foam roller, I finally got a good, flat weight bench. I just finished a back workout that was nearly orgasmic. 

    Old wives tales??? I would really have to restrain myself from clocking the old goat! 

    misswim, hang in there hun.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2012

    hi all, started my day with some impromptu yoga breathing and stretching.  Couldn't help myself.  That's what listening to "Alive and Kicking" by Simple Minds first thing in the morning will do.  Doc said activity as tolerated and I relished it.  Going to do a full hour tomorrow morning.

    Spent a good part of the day cleaning and organizing, dusting and getting rid of cobwebs, even tidied up the toolbox so now I can find the tape measure if I need it.  Walked a little over an hour and logged 6.9 km = 4.29 miles for the day.

    Going out w/friends tonight, someone else is driving so I can have a glass of wine (or two)!

  • encoremom
    encoremom Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2012

    No exercise today unless you count weekend housework - ugh!   Misswim - you and your family are in my prayers.  Mary, wow, I had no idea that sutures could pop up again after so long.  Hopefully, you can get in and have this taken care of for good!  Didn't post on the Wednesday thread, but down 1 pound this week.  Woo hoo - I'll take it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited December 2012

    Misswim, hope your dad is able to get the help he needs.

    Mary, crappy about the migrating sutures. According to my GP, many 'dissolvable stitches' do not dissolve. He said open heart surgery patient often have stitches surfacing for decades Surprised! (We were taking about stuff like that because after I got my port out, the area never really healed right. I finally went back to the surgeon, who poked around, exclaimed 'What the hell?!" and pulled out a two inch stitch!)

    I survived the 'Fun Night'.....gee, that is a long, tiring, slowwwww couple hours....thankfully we only have 'fun' twice a year! Today I got up, walked on the treadmill 45 minutes, did 30 of pilates & then took the cats in for their yearly shots, did some errands, got my car's oil changed, went to coffee at the nursing home with some of my old pals, then went to back to back women's & men's basketball games at the local college (very fun, fast moving games & we won both), and now am finally home. We are in a blizzard watch through tomorrow morning. It might be OK if I actually were trapped in the house because then maybe I'd start on my Christmas cards.

    I may have to scrounge around and find something to drink so that I can be in solidarity with Badger, Mary and Claire, who is no doubt drinking a glass of wine somewhere Wink.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    Quiet evening home after a hectic day.  Did a couple of hours of work when I got up, then off to a 26 mile ride.  Feared the worst when it was pouring on my way to the parking area, but all was just fine as I took my bicycle out of the car.  Did the ride and was just lovely to see everything asleep for the winter, a very high river, and finally a bit of sun.

    The funniest were three ladies on horseback, the first with a Santa hat, and all horses jingling with sleigh bells.

    Home, and a quick shower prior to heading off to the market for smoked pork chops and other Bavarian delights, some fish for tomorrow, Nordstrom for some makeup (bought the wrong one!), and then for a haircut.  Tres chic!

    Relaxing with a glass of wine (you were right Ruth!) as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beets roast in the oven.  Will do one of the smoked pork chops for dinner and with some leftover cranberry sauce.  Plus sauteed cabbage/beet greens and some of the aforementioned veggies with.  Grateful for a quiet evening.

    My toe is finally healing a bit so limped less than a week ago.  I dug out an old pair of laceup boots so better walking.

    Anyway, about 3 miles of walking on top of the ride.  Feel marvelous and well exercised.

    Happy Saturday evening everyone! - Claire

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited December 2012

    Got myself to the gym yesterday for the first time since BMX.  35 minutes on the treadmill - 2.5 miles/300 calories and a sweat that made me grin -- wildly!!!  Stretching afterwards made me fully realize the decrease I have in range of motion but I went to my edge, hung out there, and was satisfied with that.

    Chemo starts soon so I don't know how many more opportunities I will have to do this but it felt great!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited December 2012

    Nicole, unless you have very serious SEs, you should be able to go to the gym during chemo. You may have to go a bit slower and gentler, but the exercise will help.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ladies- Got to a yoga class earlier today. Tried out a new studio in my dad's town. It was nice to be able to move, but also to get to meditate and relax.

    My father has improved significantly and will be moved to a rehab on Tues or Weds. He had his PET yesterday. Will be meeting with the onc on Monday to discuss results. But they do not seem particulary alarmed, so that is comforting.

    I am exhausted, hoping to get out for a walk in the morning. 

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited December 2012

    Misswim - your grace shines and good to read you are taking care of yourself as well.  Gald your father is moving swiftly in a forward direction.

    Mary - I have a area on my hip-to-hip incision that has not softened and my ps thinks I'm one of those whos blood does not break down dissolvable sutures very well.  I have scar revision & nipple reconstruction next month so he will take care of that then. I hope this is it for you and that all goes smoothly.

    Will take long dog walk, errands and indoors in the cold day doing cards. Back in the gym tomorrow.

  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2012

    Goodmorning ladies!  No exercies yesterday.  I did get to go to Oklahoma to see my son graduate from Southern Nazarene Univeristy.  I am about to get outside and walk.  Going for 3 miles and 45min.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2012

    Good morning everyone, there's a gorgeous snowfall right now, our first of the season.

    Started my day with a lovely peaceful hour of yoga & meditation.  Oh how I missed it!

    Maybe a walk later to enjoy the snow but for now it's on to end-of-month bookwork.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for all the good wishes on the rogue suture - apparently it's not as uncommon as you'd think.  Misswim - sounds like there a glimmer of good news for your dad - good to hear.  Ruth and Badger - keep warm in the snow!  Nicole - I'm grinning right with you on that treadmill - hooray!  Jenny - congrats on your son's graduation - no more tuition!!   

    Ran an 8K "Jingle All the Way" race in DC this morning - I thought of so many of you.  We found street parking, and on the way to the race site we walked on Vermont Avenue - thought of you Misswim!  The race started on Pennsylvania Avenue, and I know we've had a few Pennsylvania posters here.  At one point we ran on New Jersey Avenue, and I thought of Patoo and our other "Jersey Girls".  And when we ran past the Canadian Embassy I thought of our Canadian ladies.  (OK, it wasn't all about the Sculpted Sisters - when we ran on Louisiana Avenue, I thought of beignets!!  Tongue Out)  So thanks ladies for being there in spirit with me.  (Sorry, Cheryl, Badger or Ruth - we didn't run on California, Wisconsin, or North Dakota Avenues.  Frown

    It was a great run - very inspiring to run next to the Capitol and other monuments.  And lots of runners were dressed for the season - it was so much fun watching them.  There were some really clever runners in groups - Santa and his reindeer (roped together and each runner had antlers and a reindeer name placard, plus Santa in the back with a beard wearing a box "sleigh"); an entire creche scene, including 3 guys who were wearing crowns and running in long glittery robes bearing gifts; a group where each person dressed as one of the 12 days of Christmas; and a group all in "Ralphie" bunny suits a la A Christmas Story.  There were also some great single runners, like a juggling Santa who juggled 3 red balls the entire way; a tuba player who played Christmas carols on his tuba while running; and lots and lots of people with jingling bells, garland, and silly hats.  Still smiling thinking of it.

    Going to crash on the couch and watch the Ravens-Redskins game for a while - I think I've earned it!  Cool

  • movetomaui
    movetomaui Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2012

    My goal may be a little too ambitious.  Should have taken into account the time of year that is upon us.  Only got in 6 miles this weekend.  So wish I could get paid for working out!

    Have two appointments this week.  PS on Monday and BS on Tuesday.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!  Thank you NatsFan for sharing ... sounds like your 8K was awesome!

  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2012

    Okay, so it was hard getting out the door this morning but then I thought of you guys being in my pocket and I did a walk/jog for 3.1 miles.  You all inspire me.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2012

    Mary- that is awesome!! Know we are always with you in spirit, and that it means so much that you are thinking of us.

    Came home today (FINALLY) and took a 4 mile hike on the nature trails near our house with my DH and DS and the dog. It was unseasonably warm and we took advantage of it. Good for my head to get outside!

    Jenny congrats on your son's graduation!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited December 2012

    Did 30 minutes upper body & my sculted hips/thighs/buns tape, which I love because it is all done while lying on the floor.

    We did not get that much snow, so no blizzard. It is really cold though, at noon it was 2 degrees!!!! I have some school work to do & still have not started the Christmas cards Cry.

  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2012

    Okay, I am committing to walk/jog again in the morning before work.  I have not been getting out of bed in time but if you girls can do it then so can I.  Would some of you like to check in here in the am before your exercise?  I would love it for accountability.



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    I got out and did 22 miles in the putrid rain, fog, drizzle, gloom.  Just bone chilling as about 40 degrees.  Man, did that bath ever feel good afterwards!

    I got out the report to my client too.  Now just to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

    Will be cooking up a storm as need to have food ready this week when I get back from all the stuff going on.

    Washing my muddy cycling duds as I write this Innocent - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2012

    No official exercise today except mall walking and managed to get a lot crossed off my list, the only thing bad about going to the mall is all those naughty places that whisper and call me ..... Dairy Queen, Cinnabon - I am so bad, luckily I gave up looking for a parking spot at Costco cause I know I would have had a hot dog on the way out, and goodness only knows what in the sampling aisles!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited December 2012

    Jenny, I usually check here before I start work, so I will be looking for your post.

    BRRRR, Claire!

    Cheryl, I had a mini candy cane blizzard today myself....

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2012

    aaahhhh Ruth I knew I could count on you for solidarity but I'm boring I just had a vanilla coneSealed

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2012

    Isn't that the OTHER reason all of us exercise???

    I get extremely grumpy if I can't eat whatever I want to.  I had French Toast with Vermont Fancy syrup on it this morning.  Would never have done the ride without it.

    I have to admit that tonight's dinner erred on the side of virtue.  Alaska cod with an artichoke, tomato, raisin, shallot, celery, olive etc. topping.  Yum.  Made couscous with veggies to go with.  Such a sickie with the veggies that wanted a bit of kale too (will make with the leftovers).  Plus made a squash soup.

    Feeling the need for some serious chocolate coming on......

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2012

    well Claire I also went to World Market and I have Australian Tim Tams, English Kit Kats and Swiss Hazelnut Block chocolate, they are all stocking stuffers but in reality I'll sneak some of each for myself Wink

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited December 2012

    Claire, yes and no. For me it has been a challenge to get enough calories when exercising. Because of the cancer and femara, I have cut down on white carbs fairly drastically, cut sugars almost completely, cut dairy way down, cut almost all red meat, seriously reduced red wine intake :( and limit eggs to 2 a week. I am finding that you need to eat a lot of veggies, fish and olive oil to get to 2000 calories a day.

    I am now trying to tweak it to allow myself more than 150 grams of carbs a day, because otherwise it simply can't work.

  • spicedlife
    spicedlife Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2012

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Getting a late start but start I will!  Will report tonight.  Claire, you must be a gourmet cook!  Good morning to you Ruth! 

    Momine, why do you restrict your diet due to femara??  I take that too and I no idea how I need to be eating other than to eat healthy.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited December 2012

    I exercise, in part, so that I can enjoy the food I love. I do try to eat healhier, but don't stress about it. Jenny, go forth and exercise Smile!

  • movetomaui
    movetomaui Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2012

    I exercise to tone!  I am lucky to stay close to my ideal weight just have to tone, tone, tone!  It's amazing that as I get older the littlest break in consistent exercise will cause things to jiggle faster than ever before!  My arms have taken the biggest toll during my recent BC hiatus.  Can't wait till after my exchange surgery to really get back to all of it!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited December 2012

    Jenny, because it can raise cholesterol, so I limit meat, cheese and eggs for that reason. I limit carbs, because my fasting blood sugar is close to 100 and I want it down. I really want to avoid having to take more pills, if at all possible.

    It is also that generally, it is my understanding that one should limit meat and dairy for cancer prevention and keep blood sugar stable, so that means high fibre, lots of veggies, low on refined carbs etc.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited December 2012

    Zumba! today looking forward to it.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited December 2012

    Body step and pilates at the gym this morning.

    What a run Mary!