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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • FriendGwen
    FriendGwen Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2013

    NatsFan - Timonium, Maryland... it's Brick Bodies

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Cheryl, long underwear?  Really?  Well OK I did consider buying some leg warmers at Target the other day as it seems the cold air creeps up the legs of my jeans when I'm out walking :-)

    So Sunday I climbed Cowles Mtn, which is the highest peak in the county.  It's also the most heavily traveled hiking trail.  Lots of groups, pairs, joggers, dogs, people of all ages.  I definitely noticed the climb wasn't as tiring as it used to be when I wasn't walking daily.  The hubby joined me.  He stayed ahead of me the whole way (long legs) but he was suffering worse the day after.  I told him that's just a sign he needs to exercise more!  Incidentally I loved my Vibram's trail running shoes on the hike.  The soles are "sticky" and I enjoyed being able to feel the rocks underfoot.  It gave me a sense of balance.

    Then yesterday I was back to my usual hooping in the driveway followed by a brisk walk around the neighborhood.

  • oceanbreezes
    oceanbreezes Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2013

    I quit posting awhile ago, but was always lurking and would try to get out and move.  Since the New Year I have started Classical Stretch which I love, and have managed to walk or ride my bike each day.  I want to get the Fitbit that a patient of mine raved about that tracks steps, calories burned and even tracks your sleep!  Wirelessly puts it into charts and graphs on the computerSmile

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Hi oceanbreeze, post away...we will be looking for you!! Wink

    30 minutes on the treadmill, 45 toning. Going to a basketball game in a few minutes. May have to sneak out a few minutes early again tomorrow and walk outside, according the weatherman, after that we "go off the temperature cliff".

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Hi all, well the 'voices' have finally raised their volume.  Did 60 min water aerobics class; hip is screaming but I intend to make it obey by whipping it into shape.  Thanks to all of you - it means a lot to have your support.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    You go, girl! Smile

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    ClaireinSeattle, enough rain up here in the Pacific NW? But today I went up to one of our local mountains and snowshowed for the first time this year. It was light snow up there and pissing down in town as it is now. Two hours of snowshoeing, albeit slow going but felt great! 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    I had to drive out to a meeting yes, more than enough rain.  But that should mean great skiing this weekend.  Anyway, what I am hoping for.

    Congrats on getting out on snowshoes.  Totally changes one's perspective.

    Right now, I am listening to the wind howl.  Off to bed now, as tons to do in the AM. - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    Snow and more snow in our forecast - hoping to get enough to get out x-country skiing this weekend.  

    Did an hour of a cardio fight DVD yesterday.  

    patoo  Hope that hip starts to behave!  welcome back oceanbreeze

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    Carrol, I started spinning in december - I love it!  I feel like I really get some exercise, it is easy on my knees, and the 45 minutes just fly by.

    Oceanbreeze, I am a big classical stretch fan - I DVR it to do in the mornings before work.  And all that stretching keeps my surgery side limber, which is something I still have to watch, it tends to tighten up still.

    No walk at lunch yesterday since a little too busy at work.  But did spinning last night, and classical stretch this morning.  Still need to make a committment to my 100 crunches a day, and also want to slowly work in some free weights for my upper body.  Baby steps...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    35 minutes dreadmill last night, 30 minutes elliptical this morning.  We had a contractor coming this morning before work to look at some basement stuff we're thinking of doing - we have a small room in the back of the rec room we use as a workout room and we want to take the wall down to open it up to the rest of the room to give us more workout space.  Normally I would have skipped my morning workout to meet with the contractor, but instead I put in for an hour of leave so I had time to do both!  That's a big step for me - making my workout schedule that much of a priority.  All done with both - off to work now!

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    NatsFan -- Good for you to put your health first!

    One of the surprising 'benefits' of this bc thing is the opportunity it presents to re-think and then rearrange all our priorities -- to include what is best for ourselves! So many years of taking care of everyone else's needs first -- I mean, we (at least of a certain age) were trained from the time we were tiny girls to take care of everyone else first-- even at our own expense. 

    Well back to exercise -- Yesterday was almost 2 hours of down steep-hill and back up another -- before we finally did it again to get back to the truck. Bad news is that Les wounded an elk, but even though we tracked her for two days... she is still evading us. Good news is that even though we won't get the tasty/healthy meat this year (ouch!) that she either will recover and live on (my soft heart says "Yay" to that) -- OR she will die somewhere out there and other animals/birds will have a feast on us. Either way, Nature allows for no waste... but I am pretty disappointed that our new freezer will go un-filled!

    GREAT news is that all that searching over very rough terrain yesterday knocked another pound off the scale this morning!

    I see my oncologist later this morning, and have at least a few-pound loss to report -- at this rate it will take me another several months to lose the total of 35 pounds I want/need to... but it is what it is and the only way to achieve the goal is to continue plugging away at the diet and exercise!

    Thanks for the place to report in!


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Linda, congratulations on the 4 pound loss!

    Well it's same old daily report here-- yesterday I was dragging all day but finally did some hooping and a walk.  Today I had my pre-surgery MRI and I'm loading up some new tunes in my ipod for more hooping and more walking, hopefully before dark this time.

    The hubby is talking about taking a trip to Palm Springs for snowshoeing, so I'm glad you're talking it up here.  I've never done it, although I grew up in a snowy place.  I guess the snow wasn't quite deep enough for snowshoes there, we just tromped around and let our boots sink in.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    I don't remember not knowing how to snowshoe, and I have known how to ski since about seven.  Really fun to get out and explore.  Back to Snoqualmie ski area this coming weekend, and hoping to do the backcountry trails.  So much easier with my new boots that have terrific ankle support.

    When I am at the top of Snoqualmie, I feel as if I am on top of the world.  The most thrilling feeling ever.  Skiing on Mount Rainier was a different experience.  I felt as if in the presence of a Greater Power.  Very humbling.

    My birthday is in a month and I am planning a three day skiing weekend.  I figure I can eat as much cake as I want if out there skiing for hours.  Eat and come back THINNER!!!!

    Now there is a plan I can live deprivation or misery.  Just fun and cool things. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    hi ladies and welcome back oceanbreezes.  I was just in Fort Myers Beach over Christmas.

    Claire, I was an avid skiier when I lived out West so I know what you mean about the mountains.  But I got spoiled by the champagne powder in Colorado.  Moved here and it's just not the same.  These days, my exercise is gentle yoga and brisk walking so I can't eat anything I want but glad you can. 

    Don't think I've posted for a couple days 'cuz the pedometer says 10.01 km (6.22 mi).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Linda, if you want another place to check in about the weight, some of us also post on the 'Wednesday Weigh In' thread, also on the fitness forum.

    Last day before the weather is predicted to go downhill (not only is colder weather predicated but we are also in a winter storm watch), so I zipped home and walked outside. It actually was not that nice, there was a pretty cold wind blowing. Luckily I ran into a neighbor so it wasn't so boring, and also she invited me over for coffee after the walk. That was the fun part.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Another fabulous spin class tonight and Pat yes the music is the key to a great spin class, that's why I don't go on  tuesday as the instructor plays rock and roll which is horrid to spin to, and wait till you get so into it you get spin shoes and boy what a difference they make.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    howdy howdy everyone.

    beautiful 26 deg here in perth australia.

    im off for my power walk after this post and if in the mood will do an hour of pilates too.

    be good  but also be a bit naughty.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    20 minutes Pilates plus 10 minutes leg strengthening this morning, plus Lebeds.  I have a scheduled date with a dreadmill tonight after work!  This training schedule I have for the half marathon is really keeping me on target - I have my exercise program scheduled out for every day until Race Day (4/28) - and yes, it even includes a weekly rest day so as to minimize the risks of injury.   I have a big calendar with the schedule marked on it and a marking off each day as I complete the scheduled exercise.  It's kind of neat to see the workouts being checked off day after day.

    I'm going to pass along something the IronMan co-worker who gave me training advice shared with me.  He said his daily motto is to ask himself at the end of each day, "Did I do what I needed to do today?"  He said when people first hear it, they think he means did he train harder, faster, longer today than the day before.  He said that's not what it means at all.  He said sometimes what you need to do on a particular day is rest, and if that's what you need to do, then you can honestly answer that question "Yes" even on a day when you do nothing.   Other days you may need to do stretching, nothing more.  If you get that done, then you can answer "Yes".   I've adopted that question as my own and it's really helped me - in some ways I'm much more relaxed about training for this race because I have a definite training schedule.  Once I complete my scheduled activity, I can answer the question "Yes" and relax the rest of the day without that vague nagging feeling that I should do more.  Just where I'm at 3 weeks into my 18 week training program - so far so good.  Cool

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    Hour of Anthony Lett stretch and 20 minutes of shoveling the walkway and steps.  

    Mary  Your training schedule sounds great - glad that you are feeling good about it and love the advice that your co-worker gave you.   liv   Oh how it would be nice to be in Australia right now!  

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2013

    Fit in 30 minutes of swimming before round #2 of AC.  I love swimming ~ so meditative and really engages all the muscles in my chest that are still tight from the BMX.  Heading in to treatment feeling calm and strong.  Perfect. Kiss

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    Got a walk in at lunch yesterday, but none today, as I had a trip to the vet scheduled this am (just a checkup for my chronically ill kitty who's feeling much better), and wound up not getting to work until after lunch.  Last night I explored the on demand exercise shows, and wound up doing "back pain 2" - 15 minutes of core strengthing and back stretching.  I just picked it at random, and found it pretty good, so I need to explore some more of those - also got my crunches in, and classical stretch this morning.  But need to skip spinning tonight and work late.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    I lifted during a boring webinar I attended.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Hi Ladies! 

    Did 90 minutes of yoga on Tuesday. It was wonderful- it has been three weeks since I could do yoga- and I was right back at it. After some fits and starts I healed well from surgery and I am almost 100%. I find my calm in the yoga room- I have been crabby and irritable and I understand why now!! So glad to be back at it.

    My mom got me a workout program called Metamorphises by Tracy Anderson. She trains Madonna and Gwenyth Paltrow. She does the STRANGEST exercise routine I have ever done- lots of weird leg lifts and arm spins and standing abs and hip hop dance aerobics! I tried the dance aerobics Weds and nearly died. What a workout! And then this morning did her 45 min mat workout. HOLY MOLY. My muscles hurt in a way I can't describe. She works "the accessory muscles", smaller muscles that "suck the muscle into the bone". Don't know if I buy that but this chick is RIPPED and I sure feel her workouts so I am willing to give it a try.

    Went to yoga tonight but I am SO sore from this morning it was far more mellow than usual!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    Misswim.....congrats on being fit and and nearly 100%.  Makes a difference.

    I have figured out my birthday weekend.....going to the Methow Valley, and think I have figured out where to stay and where to ski.  Should be an amazing adventure.

    Just a walk this evening.  I wanted a longer one, but a day that I am running out of before I run out of work.  But progress on that front too.

    Lots of skiing on tap for this weekend.  I will leave the cycling on black ice to those who don't mind a hard landing Innocent

    By Monday, my sorry hide should be whipped back into shape. - Claire

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Hi all, took off yesterday and today dealing with work issues that actually crashed my laptop.  This is DS spare; mine is still wacky.  Spent hours last night and tonight trying to get it back but just going to give it to IT guys at work tomorrow and tell them 'your systems broke it, so your systems people need to fix it'.  Okay, end of rant and off to bed.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    patoo, Nats would say your computer needs a complete defenestration.

    That means to throw it out the window.  Laughing

    Walked at lunchtime before the rain came.  5.52 km = 3.43 mi for the day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    30 on the dreadmill & 30 of a FIRM pilates, which uses a band for a little extra work. I feel like I am coming down with something, but do not have time to be sick!!!!

  • FriendGwen
    FriendGwen Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2013

    Nicole - how are you doing with swimming and no hair? Do you wear a cap or go top less? The pool at my new gym is almost ready to open and as much as I'd love to use it I can't quite figure out the logistics. I wear a wig out if the house.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2013

    Friend Gwen ~ I bought a lycra cap from Speedo because I was worried that my regular one (made out of rubber and super tight fitting) would hurt my scalp.  I splurged on a Speedo racing suit because I wanted a suit with no built in/shelf bra. I felt like my old suit drew even more attention to my flat chest.  I love my new suit (reminds me of my swim team days) and the lycra cap is more comfortable than my wig.

    Swimming is awesome for increasing/challenging my range of motion.  Not sure if you are still having those issues from your BMX but every time I swim I can feel how the swimming is really getting at those areas that are weak and/or restricted.

    Good luck!