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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Great to see you again Patoo!  Ruth - I'm sorry about your friend's daughter. It's a terrible feeling watching someone slowly destroy themselves like that.  Yes, Cheryl - I have say Southern Californians are weenies when it comes to cold.  We were out visiting the in-laws in SoCal one year when it dipped into the 40's - you would have thought we were at the North Pole the way everyone complained!  Tongue Out

    We ended up not going to the cabin this weekend - the people who own the next parcel said the mountain was iced over so there's no way we could climb the driveway.  Hopefully we can go next weekend before having to button it up for the winter. 

    Took the opportunity to "Declutter N Sculpt" yesterday - we made one run with the Outback stuffed full of trash, textiles, and some old electronics to the transfer station yesterday (the transfer station is our combo dump and recycling facility), will make another run there today, plus another run to the thrift shop with all kinds of clothes I've shrunk out of.  

    My half marathon training schedule calls for a 4 mile run today - waiting for temps to warm a bit as it's still in the low 30's here. Surprised

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    Yesterday I re-started (carefully-one-step-at-a-time) my old exercise routine -- the usual old-fashioned stuff like crunches, side-bends, arm circles, leg lifts... but I had DIEP (abdominal scar and cuts through pectoral muscles to re-attach arteries to transplanted belly fat boobs) and some cording/AWS on node-removed side and only 2 months out -- so going slow/easy.

    Mostly hiking is my thing -- yesterday Les (wonderful honey), Charlie (sweet aussie shepard) and I hiked only 2 miles -- but it was up a steep trail and much of it in the snow, so I really used the thigh muscles differently than usual, and today when I stepped on the scale -- I finally broke my 5-day-weight plateau! Yippee :)

    This afternoon we will go elk hunting -- now I bet that isn't a common exercise listed on these boards!

    Tasty, organic, and low-fat... not to mention cheap cheap cheap! 

    And (no doubt) lots and lots of walking.

    Have a great day to all!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    Linda, congrats on breaking that plateau!  Feels great, doesn't it?  Smile

    The sun just came out, no snow flurries as predicted from morning clouds.  I hear Voices!

    Headed out for a walk now that it's sunny and almost 30.  Happy Sunday everyone!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    fmakj, you can do it!   So much about running is breaking thru the "mental" barriers.  20 minutes might sound daunting but you will get there. Don't try to go too fast.  Speedsters might win the race, but slow and steady gets the job done.

    Linda, nice to meet you Smile.  Sounds like you're getting it all together.  And nothing like being outside to get a boost of vitamin D and endorphins!

    Did my 8 mile run ALONE this morning - running partner has the flu.  Then I went to the gym for bench press and shoulders. Don't know what's on tap for later in the day . . . lots of football on!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    Nicole, I am impressed that you are managing a brisk 40 minute walk, given your recent surgery and being on chemo!

    I wetn to yoga classes Fri. and Sat. and maybe later today and walked 7 k Friday and 4 k yesterday. Finally I think the Taxol hit with myopathy last night though as legs ached a lot and hard to sleep. Ativan.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Wow, you ladies are really going strong.  I've been kinda one day on, one day off.  Still getting hit with fatigue in the afternoons and taking some very long naps.  Day before yesterday I did a brisk walk and some outdoor hooping, yesterday nothing, today planning a trail hike up a 1600 ft peak.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited January 2013

    Patoo: Good to see you again!

    Ruth: So sorry about your loss.

    Linda: I didn't know that elk was lowfat. 

    Happy New Year to All!!! I exercised through the holiday and then last week started feeling bad. Went to the doctor today and I have a bad sinus infection. Was giving a shot plus a prescription. Will get back on track when I feel better.

    So much fun to read up on everyone's accomplishments!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    7K walk today = 4.35 miles

    Not too much vit D mfg as there was only 2-3 inches of me showing. But it's good to get out.  I heard something on NPR about how sunlight in your eyes, even obliquely through the side of your sunglasses, triggers a good chemical reaction in your brain. I'm all for that!

    Good thing, because I did end-of-year bookwork most of the rest of the day.  Tongue Out

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    5 k brisk walk in the rain with my son. He is doing triathlons (Olympic length) to raise money for a charity called "Right to Play" which is what is says - all children in the world have that right. He has a goal of 200-250 this year trying to raise $50,000 for the kids and has done 3 so far starting Jan. 1. He asked if I wanted to do his last 5 k of his tri for today as a walk with me. It was nice!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Hi all.  Best laid plans.  Got caught up in a meeting after church then food shopping.  Then cousin came over for help with some computer work so no exercise except for dismantling and putting away Christmas decor.  Did excellent with food intake so that will count for something and my bag is already in the car to hit the gym tomorrow after work.  I must say coming here convicts me so will go up now and do something before bed.  Yep, good to be back!

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    Wonderland -- Yep -- elk is super lean -- especially with the drought we've had this year. They do a lot of walking to find enough forage. And, there are way too many of them here on the ranch -- so hunting is required to thin the herd (most of the natural predators are gone now). Before I moved here I had all sorts of ideas about hunters and hunting -- now I see that it is a necessary part of land-management, or the herds will starve (Mother Nature's practical solution to over-population). 

    And elk tastes like well-aged Kobe beef... I really much prefer it to beef. 

    But -- no elk tonight -- we walked about 3 miles at dusk, and didn't see a one.

    Fine with me, I'd rather he shoot it in the daylight -- it is a pain in the (*^^ to have to gut and carry it out in the dark!

    So Monday's exercise will be hunting again!

    'Night all


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    I, like patoo, exercised by taking down/storing the Christmas decorations and cleaning up afterwards. Looks kind of plain around here now. Did 30 minutes Arms/Abs/Buns of Steel and 15 minutes on the treadmill to top off the day. Watching Downton Abbey and pretending I'm in England in 1920. Cool

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Good to see you Mary Louise and glad you have been keeping up with your Cto5K even if you are stuck in a groove you’re still moving and that’s what it’s all about. Mary yup we’re at the north pole again brrrr. Feel better Wonderland.  Marian your son sounds amazing. Misswim I hope you love Combat as much as I do, some of my instructors participated in the filming here in LA as part of the "class". Ruth I’ve got Downton set for the DVR cause tonight BL starts up again. This morning did Body Step class and my brain was in "non function" mode, it was like my left foot didn’t know what the right was doingSurprised

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    Ready to turn in after a fab dinner following a fab ski on Mount Rainier.  I had never done this before, and today was the day.  3 hours of driving each way, but did manage to fit in 6+ miles of skiing.  The most amazing views ever.

    Back to a dinner of squash, brussels sprouts, and have with pork chops featuring a blueberry-port-balsamic glaze.  YUM.  Plus wine to ease the shoulder strain.

    Off to bed in a couple.

    But needed my mind stretched and was overdue for an adventure.  Think I got both.

    The snow was just perfect.  Think temps were near 20F which meant perfect powder and no danger of avalanches.  Just fab skiing.  Will go to sleep smiling big time.

    Life doesn't get any better than this. - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    Huffed, puffed and sweated through an hour of Booty Barre.  Reminds me of ballet class when I was a kid, and I love it!  Laughing  

    Disappointing loss for the Redskins, and so disheartening to see RG3 continue to play with his knee injury.  Now that the Redskins are out, not sure who I want to move on.  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Congratulations, Claire - your Seahawks took down my 'Skins last night. Cry  Joy - I agree - why in the world didn't they take RGIII out - Cousins is an excellent backup!  Makes the Nationals decision to shut down Strasburg look a lot more sensible - you protect your franchise player.  As for what team to root for now?  My mom was from Wisconsin and I still have a lot of family there, so I'm throwing in my lot with Badger - GO PACKERS!!  Cheryl - taped BL last night so I haven't seen it yet, but from the promos it looks like Jillian is back - you knew that one was coming.  As for your right foot not knowing what your left foot was doing - that's a chronic state for me!  Tongue Out

    Did my 4 mile run yesterday in the park - saw a beautiful red tail hawk in a tree next to the trail, doing loud hawk cries.  January is mating season for them so they're very active now.  If you're lucky you may see them doing a mating "dance" in high in the sky sometime this month.  I've only seen it once, but it's quite dramatic with a lot of aerial mock combat moves.  45 minutes stretching/Lebeds this morning.  I just got a new yoga stretch DVD so I plan to watch that tonight - I tried doing it "live" this morning, but I think I need to watch it first so I have an idea of what's coming next before I actually try to do it. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    Welcome back Patoo!

    Visited my son in NYC Saturday, so got a lot of walking in.  It was so much fun - almost got to 911 memorial but ran out of time and light - such a bustling place, and very crowded.  I grew up in NYC, but haven't lived there since I turned 18, and seldom go back to visit.  After living in small towns my adult life, the crush of people was amazing and a little scary!  It was great seeing my DS in his new to him element.  When he comes home to visit, we hardly ever see him, he's off with his friends, so us visiting him is the way to go, I learned more about his job and life over dinner than I ever have.

    Like most of you, my Sunday exercise was taking down the Christmas tree - still have the rest of the decorations to put away.  Did some classical stretch this morning, and hope for a walk at lunch today.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Baby steps.  Did Leslie 2-mile walk after work.  Have to work back up to more but at least it's a start.  Not only do you all give me the motivation but my hip is acting up so I'm trying to beat it into shape.  This is going to be a hectic week, work-wise, but I need to keep it going.  Thanks all for being there (here).

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    About 2 hours of walking through 12" of snow trailing fleeting elk -- over hills and down valleys. Ankles and knees SORE... but what  work out... and beautiful out in the woods.

    Tired now -- and going back out hunting tomorrow.

    Good night all!


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Spin class tonight followed by yoga ! Probably more than I should be doing but I have felt like a caged animal........

    Claire- your skiing adventure sounds heavenly!

    So good to see everyone keeping so active. Glad to be back at it!

  • FriendGwen
    FriendGwen Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2013

    Walked at lunch but only lasted 15 minutes because it was so cold. My gym opened its brand new facility today so I was excited to go. Did thd treadmill for 25 minutes The locker rooms are gorgeous! It looks like a four star hotel! And theres lots of studio spaces including one just for biking with an enormous big screen showing nature. This should help get me through chemo!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    A nice, sunny, calm day here, so sneaked out of work a couple minutes early, zoomed home, changed and walked for an hour before the sun went down. Very fun to be outside and breathe fresh air. (Cheryl, a nice day here this time of year means leggings covered by sweatpants, underarmor covered by a long-sleeved tee, covered by a heavy sweatshirt, with a bigger heavy sweatshirt on top of that....and both hoods up Tongue Out).

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    Still glowing from the ski yesterday, which I will do with others next time as six hours of driving plus three of skiing is a very long day.  Still feeling the physical effects.  Will ski at Snoqualmie this coming weekend, as one third the driving of my Mount Rainier adventure.  Less challenging winter driving, as no long ascents with icy hairpin turns.

    Had my oncology check today and all is well.  She just shook her head and pronounced me healthy.  She did have to ask what "doofusitis" was, as the person booking the appointment had put it in my chart!!!  She got the point and admits to being infected with the malady.

    Just got in from a drugstore run.  The contact lens cleaner and floss weigh almost nothing, but I also bought jar candles (on sale) and some canned vegetables (2 peas and 2 corn) which were 50 cents a can.  As low season for veggies, nice to supplement.  Anyway, was sure glad to get back with the load as dragged half a mile!

    Linda.....all this talk of elk hunting has me drooling, and I will just have to buy me some elk meat.  They sell it in the market, and it makes one mean Ragu Bolognese (with local wild mushrooms).  I believe you on the exercise, as my observation is that anyone with 4 feet can outrun any of us humans in a trice.  I grew up on a dairy farm, and very hard to catch anyone who didn't want to be caught.

    I am planning on sausages and sauerkraut tonight.  Yum.  Sausages are from the local German butcher so the real deal.

    Talk to you ladies later. - Claire

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited January 2013

    Claire, did you go up to Mazama ridge for your ski trip? Sounds wonderful. 

    I can't seem to get my carcass outside, I kind of have a rule, November, December, and January are for nesting. Then it's break out into the outdoors. I will have to think about getting the snowshoes out though, go out by the government housing at Longmire. 

    Elk hunting, that sounds so wonderful, mmmmmm elk steak....

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Ruth don't laugh but I dragged out my long underwear today and then was on the phone to one of my friends in Australia where it was 116 but one thing I have to say about our cold weather is that I'm sleeping really well.  Patoo, small steps is way better than no steps so you go girl.  Mary hated that they started with the red line and tonight the new gentle Jillian, oh please..... what do they think they've signed up for!!!!

    Did my first spin class of 2013 tonight oh it was wonderful and then 2 spin room birthdays which is always fun as the instructor plays the Beatles "You say it's your Birthday" and everyone sings and claps and yahoos so you leave the room with a smile on your face.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    Decided NOT to go outside alone at 5 AM on these dark, lonely, slightly icy streets (running partner still sick) so I hit the gym for 45 minutes on the elliptical. That will have to suffice! And I'll sneak out of work early for a hot yoga class this afternoon.  Keep moving, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Yes, Cheryl - good thing you have that long underwear there on the North Pole! Cool  Watched BL last night - Jillian's team is a mess.  I still haven't watched the premier, but I got the impression someone walked off the first day????  Gwen - the new gym sounds fabulous - where is it in Maryland?  If it's near Rockville I may need to check it out!  Hey Patoo - baby steps are great - good to see you back in the swing of things.

    30 minutes strength training this morning before work.  30 minutes elliptical scheduled for after work. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    Did manage a walk at lunch yesterday, and did some classical stretch this morning.  Spinning tonight!  It is a new instructor, I've been to one of her classes and don't care for her style as much as the old instructor, but love the way my body feels after spinning, so I'll keep going.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited January 2013

    what what an adventurous group hunting, skiing, not me lol. I don't like the cold at all. I admire you strong women.

    pat it's funny the way you describe NYC I am from Long island moved to kansas city 4 years ago. I always feel like all the other cities are empty cause I am so used to seeing crowds in the city, people walking on the streets 24/7. I always look around and wonder where everyone is lol. It is nice to slow down and have some space now though.

    ok was going to go to pilates but didn't get my butt in gear. 8:30 is just too early for me to be anywhere. Mu gym just got spinning so I am going to try that today at noon.  My feet hurt but only my heels so I think that would work. Seems like several of you are doing spinning too.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited January 2013

    I know everyone is on their game when I come back to post exercise and there are over 7 segements since the last time I was here!  YAHOO!

    PATOO!  So good to see you.

    I'm "back in the saddle again"-4 mile run/walk yesterday, yoga and gym today, not sure what I'm going to do at gym, see how crowded it is when I get there.

    The only good thing about a stomach issue during the holidays is the weight loss.  For the time being, I haven't had gluten, sugar, coffee or alcohol-my favorite things-for over 2 weeks.  Scale is down, nice.  I'm eating lots of greens, eggs, chicken, beans and just food in the meantime, and it is fine.  Drinking so much more water.  This is all helping me immensely.

    OK enough blabbing time to get a move on and enjoy this day!
