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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2013

    30 day shred tonight!  Need to stay on track!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Body Step class today then went to get my hair cut, had an appointment and after waiting 45 minutes past my appointment time while a man, yes a man, had his hair colored by my stylist I got up and walked out went around the corner and got myself something to eat then went back and they apologized and groveld all over me, they even gave me a discount, my stylist kept saying sorry over and over and she even called me at home and apologized if only someone had come to me while I was sitting there reading my book for those 45 minutes.  Good job Ruth it's alays nice to get a bargain.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    power walk - new sculpture class gym.. ive been good consistently apart from shopping day where i skipped gym.. -whoop whoop

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Cheryl - you were good to wait those 45 minutes.  That would have irritated me.  At least they apologized, but as you said, someone could have let you know earlier that they were running behind.  Dmag - talk to your doctors and surgeons - usually they really push exercise, even if just walking.  After all my surgeries, my surgeons didn't want me doing anything like weights or elliptical, but they all wanted me to walk, walk, walk.  And I think it really helped my recovery and helped me deal better with some side effects.  Nicole - walking 30 minutes 2 days after tx is fabulous!  Linda - nothing like the prospect of company coming to get those de-cluttering projects done!!  Marianelizabeth - wow - you rock!

    Up at the cabin this weekend - we were suprised when we got that there was 2 inches of snow still on the ground!  But it warmed up nicely into the 50's both days.  4.5 mile hike on Saturday, and did an hour of Garden 'N Sculpt on Sunday, clearing out the invasive Japanese stilt grass from the garden areas.  I figure if we get it cleared out now, it'll be less established in spring - that's my theory anyway.  It's a constant battle.  Got home and did a 4 mile run through the park.  Half an hour of stretch yoga and 15 minutes Lebeds this morning. 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited January 2013

    Going to a spin class today first time doing it again now in 2 years. My new gym just started offering it. It's a 30 minute express class so expecting it to be a tough workout and to sweat a lot. Then I am going to work at a weight watcher meeting tonight. I am in training to become a leader. it all kind of took forever to get to this point with all my surgery and treatment and other drama of life but I am excited, even if I am just setting up chairs, its the start of a new journey.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2013

    Carrol2, hope spin went well and congrats for taining to be a leader. 

    Got to my pre-op appointment at the hospital today and all systems go Wednesday morning. The antiboitics kicked the flu and UTI I had and now keeping low until surgery.

    Have a good start to the week everyone!

  • sonson
    sonson Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2013

    Anyone have any suggestions on what to do about bra issues during radiation?  Wearing a bra is getting to be uncomfortable and yet I'm just now getting back in the routine of exercising and would like to keep it up, but how do I do that without a sports bra?

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    Sonson....I don't know what to advise.  Can you wear a tight leotard?  I never had these issues as greased up with Bag Balm following the application of aloe gel.

    Carrol....congrats on the start of a new chapter in your life.  Feels great when you can move forward.

    LilacBlue.....congrats on kicking this flu.   This one kicked my butt, and thankful to be over with it.  The good news is that we should both be immune to H3N2 going forward!

    I am sore, sore, sore.  Stiff in the shoulders plus it hurts to sit down.  Fingers are sore from frostbite.  That will teach me to do back-to-back ski days!  I don't think there are any muscle groups that skiing misses.  This includes a few I had forgotten about.

    I need to get back to work.  Lots going on, and I have already updated something that needed to be finished by later today.  Dreaming of my next weekend skiing. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Hoop dancing (indoors) last night followed by veggie curry over brown rice.  Dinner was a milestone for me as all those foods (veggies, spices, rice) were unappealing during chemo, even though they were a big part of my diet before chemo.

    Cheryl, I'm that annoying person that only waits 15 minutes past appointment times, then I walk up and say "is s/he running behind?"  I noticed recently they removed the clocks from the waiting areas at my clinic.  Wonder if they're trying to reduce patient irritation.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Hi all.  Still having computer issues.  Had to wipe it clean but it frustrated me so badly that I just dropped it at the IT folks at work and told them 'you broke it; you can fix it'.  After all picked up the bad vibes while using it for work, at work.  Now on DS laptop so only a few mins while he's in shower.  Needed to get on to make the voices a little louder but I did get to gym yesterday and ran in the pool or an hour.  Now going to pop Leslie in and do 2-mile walk.  Thanks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Treadmill for 45 minutes & 40 of Hit the Spot Pilates.

    Sonson, I kept my bra off as much as possible near the end of rads, when I was home I sat around with a small fan blowing up my shirt, and slept with a big fan trained right on my boob. For exercise, I am sure I wore a sports bra (the great thing is that eventually all the gory details of the experience will become foggy!), but yanked it off as soon as I was done, showered (in cool water) and smeared on some more lotion. How many zaps do you have to go?

    patoo, I'm afraid that my computer is about to go too, everytime I turn in on, some funky lines wave across the screen Frown

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2013

    5 km walk this morning and 31 minutes of c25k program on treadmill. 

    Now to get seriously posting with!!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Did Les Mills 25 min Flow this evening. I am SO sore from very intense yoga practice and the miles I logged on my snowshoes yesterday, I don't think my hamstrings could have taken anything more. Good to stretch. Just set the alarm for 6 am, so I have time to do some sort of cardio. Going to a super new yoga studio tomorrow!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    An hour of intense spin tonight.  Misswim I love the tai chi part of Flow and then the last part where you lay quietlyLaughing  Ann I was playing a game on my Nook and the time just flew by, I carry it with me in my purse so even if I have to sit for a few minutes I read or play a game.   Ruth/Patoo my laptop is slower than molasses I get so frustrated waiting I just power off and power back on and I know that can't be goodUndecided

  • sonson
    sonson Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2013

    Went for a walk on the treadmill again today.  I held my boobs up with my wrists!  It works, but it gets tiring after a while and I let them go and just hold the one that is sore from radiation.  I have done 23 out of 33 treatments of radiation.  So I've got ten more to go with the last five being boosts.  Maybe what I will try is a light bra and ride a stationary bicycle...that shouldn't make me bounce too much! :)  Then once this is all over and I'm healed I'll be back to doing regular stuff!  Today I will be going to physical therapy so I will count that as my exercise for today.  I decided to do physical therapy to help me get back into the swing of exercising plus I have some cording in my arm as well so we are working on that and my stamina.  This program that I'm doing is called the Pink Ribbon Program and they work specifically with breast cancer patients.  It's been really helpful so far. 

  • Sneakychiquita
    Sneakychiquita Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies,

    This is my first post to this thread, but I've been lurking for awhile.  Although I'm normally very active as a cyclist/skier, things have slowed down dramatically through treatment.  I had a 2.5 month break following surgery before chemo started so I managed to regain most of my strength and fitness, but have since cut back on exercise in a major way.  I still manage to do a light jog (although I'll admit that it's close to a walking pace on my super low days) and squeeze in some sort of strength or yoga most days, but I'm pretty wiped out from the chemo.  Usually 11 days after an infusion I feel closer to normal and can ski or ride my bike which picks up my spirits tremendously. 

    The real reason I'm posting is to let the skiers/boarders here know about Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC).  It started as a group focussed on raising awareness of BC for young people, but has since started to do a lot more on the BC front.  One of their initiatives is to hold retreats at ski hills for those who have been affected by BC.  Most women attending the retreats pay to do so, but they offer scholarships to those who have/had BC.  I am a lucky recipient of such a scholarship and will be going to Red Mtn in Rossland, BC at the start of February for 3 days of skiing, yoga, healthy eating, and so much more.  This retreat will be smack dab in the middle of my chemo and has motivated me to keep fighting, even on the crappy days. 

    Here's the link to the B4BC website in case you want to learn more about it.  They list the retreats under the Events tab.

    Marian - Glad to see you're getting on snowshoes!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    I just checked out the resort. Looks amazing.  It won't be this year, as I am planning an adventure the following weekend.  I would either downhill or x-country ski.  I haven't learned to snowboard due to time most people spend on their butt.

    Congrats on exercising throughout chemo.  I did that during my treatment three years ago, and yes, I did AC + T.  Some days I was dragging, but thought that the better course of action would be exercised and dragging as opposed to just dragging.

    Be careful.  Was just at the dentist and she was wiped out by a boarder at Whistler.  She is doing everything with one hand as her shoulder is in a sling.

    Today was the most glorious day in Seattle, so I played hookey after the dentist.  Gorgeous 3 mile walk.

    Now back for a couple hours of work to get caught up.  Nice to see the sun.  Winter really is my favorite time of year, and I am always blown away by its glory. - Claire

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2013

    5 Km walk and 20 minutes of 30 day Shred.  AND so far today, I am quite a bit below my intake allotment (because of the excercise!) Kiss  Gotta love that!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Treadmill for 3- minutes & tried one of my bargain bin FIRM DVDs, Total Muscle Shaping. Very hard and good. I need to get back on too. I keep sabotaging myself with the food.

  • Desny
    Desny Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2013

    I did a Denise Austin DVD -it was good, I felt it alot.   Been off Arimidex 3 weeks and very strong hot flashes. 

    Feeling good otherwise. 

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    Hour and a half cross-country hike... worth about 600 calories, which I greedily gobbled up. Splurged (because we had to go to town this morning) -- so had brunch in a restraunt -- not a low-cal idea. I did trade in the fried potatoes for fruit... and only ate one of the two pieces of toast... but I ate every scrumptions bite of the chicken fried steak and TWO eggs... yummy, yummy, yummy! And had a glass of orange juice to boot!

    Well, if I just maintain the same numbers on scale tomorrow morning, then I didn't blow it too badly...

    Yesterday it snowed here again, and Les worked late, so I never got myself outside. Sure more fun to walk with my honey and my dog! (Les takes the dog to work with him on the ranch every day... this dog has it made!)


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Sneakychiquita, I'm not a skier but that retreat sounds lovely for you.

    I hoop-danced indoors today and yesterday.  Haven't wanted to go out in the cold for walks lately.  I'm going to try another class Thursday-- intermediate hoop dance.  I feel so much better about going to classes with a little bit of hair on my head instead of a hat.  Actually I feel better about going everywhere with a little bit of hair on my head :-)  Still have to draw on the eyebrows though.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    Well, just came in from a snowy run.  We started at 5 AM, the snow was just a flurry, by the time we got thru there were a couple of inches on the ground.  It was so pretty but the pace was embarrassingly slow.  My legs felt heavy as if I was running thru sand.  But it's done!

    Riding lesson tonight.  We only go at a walk or trot in the winter though.  The ground is too hard and sometimes slippery for the horses' legs to canter or jump!  It will be pretty - my only issue will be the drive up there in rush hour freakin' traffic.

    I have the argument with myself every winter.  Everything in nature slows down.  Animals hibernate, plants sleep and we can't canter the horses.  Why can't we humans take a little rest and regroup????  Hmmmm....maybe because we like our comfort foods a little too much.

    LilacBlue, good luck this morning.  Thinking of you!

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    Got a nice walk in yesterday at lunch, and made it to spin class last night.  I'm loving spin class, just found out they also offer it on weekends too, so I'm going to try to go at least one weekend day.  Woke up to a bit of snow this morning, so no lunchtime walk, but did get some classical stretch in before work.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    good on you pat doing another spin class.

    today power walked for an hour.

    gym light weights, bottom much harder trying to work my butt!


  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies, 

    Been lurking on the board and you are all inspiring! Thank you! I'm two weeks post last chemo and eager to work on getting back in shape. I have a couple questions for you all...

    Those of you who have had nodes removed do you wear a sleeve for lymphdema prevention everytime you workout?

    I have rads coming up at the end of the month, were you able to able to exercise during rads? 

    Thanks again! 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    Hi Cocobean.  I don't personally wear a sleeve, but I have fortunately been spared lymphedema.  Yes, I exercised throughout both chemo Aand radiation.  I was dragging a bit towards the end of radiation, but I kept up my cycling training.

    Congrats on being done chemo.  Make sure you use more of the aloe gel during radiation than you thought you would ever need.  They had it in the changing rooms where I got my zaps, but if they don't, bring it with you and slap on prior to getting dressed.

    Ann.....the eyebrows will come.  Make sure you get tweezers ready, because EVERYTHING will grow in at once.  You will see a bit of a shadow and then three days later, you will need the tweezers.  Getting really good with eye makeup is one of the silver linings to this whole experience.

    I am trying to get my sorry hide moving this AM.  Tons to do, but still early here.  Have a great day everyone. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Cocobean - welcome!  The use of compression sleeves and gauntlets by those who are at risk for LE but don't have it isn't well settled.  (Sleeves should NEVER be worn without a gauntlet or glove.)  It's good that you are asking questions.  The LE section here on BCO is excellent, as well as the Step Up Speak Out website:   Since you are a risk for lymphedema, my advice would be to get a referral to a certified lymphedema therapist who can evaluate you for LE, take measurements, and help you design a safe effective workout.  The CLT can also help you decide whether you are a candidate for a sleeve/gauntlet now or whether in your case it's better not to.  Weight bearing exercise can be done by those who are at risk for LE, but the key is to start slowly with ridiculously low weights - like one pound weights.  Do limited reps at first.  If you go two weeks without any signs of LE (swelling, cording, tingling, a heavy feeling, or any other abnormal feeling) then try increasing reps/weights slightly for the next two weeks.  If that goes well, you can increase slightly again.  Avoid push ups, and yoga poses such as downward dog and cobra that put too much stress on the arms and shoulders.  A good CLT can help you with all of this, so it may be worth your while to get a scrip to see one.  The Step Up website has great info about how to find a CLT.

    30 minutes core/weights yesterday morning, and 30 minute treadmill run after work yesterday.  Really tired today so I slept in, and I have a headache to beat the band - I hope I'm not coming down with something.  Cry

  • sonson
    sonson Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2013

    Cocobean- I'm having problems with lymphedema, but was told to wear the sleeve only when I lift weights otherwise I can do without.  (Although my LE is not severe.)  I was dragging at the end of chemo and have found that radiation has been much easier.  I'm on number 24 out of 33 right now and so far haven't noticed any fatigue or slowing down.  Everyone is different as you can see from Claire's post above.  So if you are feeling good after chemo then I say keep going.  The only problem I'm having with rads right now is the burning in the bra area makes it uncomfortable to wear any type of bra at the moment.  I either have to struggle through it or do some type of exercise that doesn't make me bounce!  (Incumbent bike maybe!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Natfans always has good LE advice. I do not have LE and do not wear a sleeve. If worn wrong, you can actually do more harm than good....and I would probably wear it wrong! I just started with weights very, very slowly, have never gone up over the 8-10 pound range. I vary my exercises so I don't exercise the same area every day, don't do a lot of reps, lay off the upper body if my arm starts to feel achy/heavy. You do want to be careful, but not baby your arm too much, as building up your strength also helps build up the lymph system (according to my GP).