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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    Sneaky -- Yup -- I did the same, took fruit and veggies and even two little yogurt containers of pretzels, to fight off the munchies... and ate everything for the entire 11-hour-drive before noon! ACK! So then I bought orange juice and some nuts... and then it was all down-hill from there-- including chocolate when I got to my sister's!

    BUT - re exercise -- I also did isometrics for at least 1/3 of the trip... tightening up the muscles in my thighs, lower back and sucking in my stomach... over and over and over again... to a slow count of 30. 

    That helped keep me awake, too! The drive was actually quite gorgeous -- nearly all dessert with mountains in the distance (or sometimes up close). And I was driving west, so the (fantastic) sunset lasted for a long long LONG time! Beautiful!

    MAN am I sore today! :) All that isometric tensing must have really worked some forgotten muscles!

    And this morning I took my sister's dog out for a run and now I am off for a swim in an out-door pool! (At home it is about zero degrees, and here it is almost 80!)

    Later :)


  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2013

    Claire_in_Seattle and Heidihill ~ I'm curious about your ability to exercise through chemo.  That is my aspiration but I find myself completely breathless and winded from about day 3 - 6 after the two cycles of AC I've done.  Between the increased queasiness when I quit the nausea meds and the breathlessness, exercise is really tough those days.  Even walking feels like a lot.  What did you do to make it possible to continue exercising during that period??

    Today is day 8 from my last cycle and I can totally feel the difference.  Climbed the 5 flights to my office (definitely more slowly than usual) and made it without too much discomfort.  Looking forward to some good long walks and possibly a swim this weekend.   The good weekends are good indeed!  :)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    hi all, not only did I walk 30 minutes at lunchtime, I walked 45 minutes after work.  Gotta take advantage of relatively warm day before -25 next week.  I like the cold but that's ridiculous!

    Logged 8.53 km = 5.3 miles for the day.

    Nicole, congrats on turning the corner toward feeling good again.

    Linda, I always liked dark chocolate-covered espresso beans for a long drive.  They taste good, rev you up, and don't fill you with liquid. 

    Enjoy your weekends, ladies!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    An hour on the treadmill.

    Nicole, everyone's body handles chemo differently, just do what you can. It will help you bounce back quicker once you are done.

    Happy weekend!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    Heard this podcast on WI public radio this morning on the way to work.  It's a short audio piece about Wisconsin's natural splendor.  It's beautiful.  The author/narrator is Larry Watson.  When he mentions the Driftless Region, think of me, that's where I live.

    This made my day!  And at 6:35 a.m. no less.  Just had to share.  "Take no beauty for granted, be ready at all times to be stopped by beauty both ordinary and rare."

  • Sneakychiquita
    Sneakychiquita Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2013

    Nicole - Try not to compare yourself to others.  I went into this thinking because I was relatively young and quite fit that SEs would be minimal and I was determined to keep up with my routine through chemo.  Well, as it turns out I am on the more severe end of SEs.  To the point, that my MO suggested I could drop the last round of AC.  We are all different and just because you feel the chemo more than others does not mean that you aren't as tough or doing something wrong, etc.  Everyone metabolizes the drugs differently. I experience severe nausea and head pain comparable to a migraine from the get go and it lasts me until Day 11, so I only get 2-3 "good" days (I'm on the dose-dense schedule).  This said, I still get out there and exercise on all but maybe 1 day in the cycle... albeit at a much reduced intensity and duration than I thought I would.  And even on my "good" days I'm still way more out of breath on my jogs than I was heading into chemo.  This has been a very humbling ride, but something is better than nothing and I know if I keep at it I will return to my former self in time.  

    Ran 30 minutes and did core, push ups, single leg squats in the morning.  AC #4 in the afternoon.  Walked around the block and have been bedridden since with a puke bucket at my side and contemplating a percocet just to knock me out for the night and perhaps take the edge of my headache (Tylenol does nothing). Tomorrow I will jog and that will likely be the only physical activity I do in the day. 

  • Sneakychiquita
    Sneakychiquita Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2013

    Oh, and the fatigue!  How could I forget to mention the fatigue?  From Day 3/4 to Day 9 I actually have trouble holding up my head.  I find myself laying my head on the counter for mini-breaks when trying to makes meals.  And my daughter often finds me laying on the kitchen floor because I'm too tired to make it to the couch or bed.  On those days I think I'm jogging slower than most people are walking.  But I get out there for a bit and that's all that counts!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2013

    Nicole, there were many days during chemo when my only exercise was a slow walk for about half an hour. I pushed myself to do at least that, because I found that I always felt a bit better for moving. On the days when I felt better, I did more.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    On exercising through chemo, a lot of days were like Momine described them.  I remember doing lifts was no fun, and sometimes I could only do 8 reps of overhead presses at a go, so took several rounds to get to 60!  But I always got there.

    One thing I did was take advantage of the energy cycle.  So no problem on chemo day.  I would do a very long walk on Day 2 prior to the Neulasta shot. Dragging Days 3-5 but got out there.  By Day 6, my energy levels were starting to come up.  I was breathless, but pushed through it.  I would be cycling as did chemo on Mondays so I would have energy by the following weekend.  I would have one bout of breathlessness, and then cough.  This would open up my lungs, and then I would be fine.

    The amazing thing is that my body would flood with oxygen, and I would feel normal.  And then I would be fine until my next chemo infusion.  I would do much longer walks during Week 2.  This was AC.  During Taxol, I was achier, but as my iron counts came back up, I had a ton more energy.

    I probably would not have done the "cough my brains out and then push forward" if not for cycling on Day 6 during my first round.  I was with a group and a foul day.  I couldn't keep up and got beyond winded.  I asked for the ride leader to take me back.  But when I stopped moving, I got really chilled and I couldn't wait there shivering.  So I got back on, as I was now feel feeling OK.  I made it back just fine!

    So I did the same thing every other round of AC.  It was much harder towards the end, but remember I did 6, not 4 dose dense because of the study I was on.  None of the real fatigue hit me until about Round 4.

    Anyway, I am off skiing in a couple of hours.  Getting to go with a friend, one of my cycling buddies who I dragged out during chemo!  Remembering three years ago, doing a ride during January.  Dreadful skiing conditions (horrible Whistler snow for the Olympics too), so cycling was the only sensible thing to do.  I did get up skiing once, but that was during Taxol.

    I remember the ride we did, and how happy we were not to be in the downslope winds.  Just gorgeous, and I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

    Have a wonderful day everyone! - Claire

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    Went to the gym today, 20 minutes on elliptical and 20 on the bike. It's crazy how slow I am and how easily I get tired, sorts feel like I am trapped in someone else's body, but seriously get inspiration from you ladies and believe it will get better, only 2.5 weeks PFC...Nicole, I was only able to walk during chemo...and every time it made me feel better.

    Going to see LE Physical therapist again to get some direction on working out and LE prevention....thanks for all the great insight and advice.

  • FriendGwen
    FriendGwen Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2013

    Two days post third infusion today. I managed a slow two mile run/walk. My hip started to ache which I haven't had before so I took it easy. Happy though to have gotten out into some sunshine before we get hit with a big temp drop next week.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Cold here!! Did Firm Get Chiz'ed DVD. Now going to watch some basketball. Typing on my phone because I think my computer is fried. 

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    Nicole, echoing Sneaky, Claire and Momine, just getting out there is worth it. No competition with anyone else or even yourself. But even before I started chemo, my MO wrote right on the S/E pages that 45 minutes 5x/week of brisk walking will help with fatigue. Not saying I could always do that but whatever you can manage will make for more postive thoughts thus more reason to get some exercise. Remember to ask about your hemoglobin because if it is low, then there is good reason for being out of breath etc. I really bottomed out in Dec. with hg but once that was dealt with I slowly increased my activity level and am now pretty close to where I was in the beginning as I get closer to the end of chemo.

    Sneaky I am so sorry about this latest bout of S/E with A/C and so glad it is over. I understand that last tough decision to go for it and now it is done.

    I am at Whistler as we got an invite to stay with friends for the weekend. Everyone else is skiing and I have had a great day watching Australian Open, a yoga and mediation session on my own and just now back from a 5 k walk on the trails nearby. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2013

    Mostly walking with Leslie this week.  Weather nice so got in a walk outside today instead of going to the gym.  Hip still screaming so I need to rev up the exercise so these joints get the message of who is the boss!  Will try and get to gym tomorrow after church.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    The wind is howling as the cold front moves in.  Glad I got out for a nice long walk in the sun this afternoon.  7.44 km = 4.62 miles for the day.

    Market had some gorgeous eggplant so made Roasted Veggie Ratatouille for supper.  Used a good red wine instead of the vinegar, added some criminis, and had to use dried herbs so I cut the amounts in half. Yum!

    Roasted Veggie Ratatouille (Recipe by Anne Burrell)

    Prep Time:  20 min

    Inactive Prep Time: -

    Cook Time: 30 min

    Level: Easy

    Serves: 4 servings


    • 1 eggplant, cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch slices
    • 1 large zucchini, cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch slices
    • 1 summer squash, cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch slices
    • 3 beefsteak tomatoes, cut into 1/2-inch slices
    • Extra Virgin olive oil
    • Kosher salt
    • 1 large red onion, cut into 1/2-inch dice
    • Pinch crushed red pepper flakes
    • 1 red bell pepper, cut into 1/2-inch dice
    • 1 yellow bell pepper, cut into 1/2-inch dice
    • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
    • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh marjoram leaves
    • 1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves


    Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

    Put the eggplant, zucchini, squash, and tomatoes in 1 layer on a baking sheet or baking sheets, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle generously with salt. Roast until the vegetables are soft and pliable, about 20 to 30 minutes, turning them halfway through the cooking. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. When cool enough to handle transfer them to a cutting board and cut them into 1/2-inch pieces.

    Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and coat the bottom with olive oil. When the oil is hot, add the onion, crushed red pepper and season with salt, to taste. Saute until the onions are soft, about 5 minutes. Add the peppers and season again with salt, if needed. Cook until the peppers are soft, about 5 to 10 minutes.

    Add the roasted vegetables to the pan along with the vinegar, marjoram, and thyme. Toss well to coat and add 2 to 3 more tablespoons olive oil, if needed. Taste to check the seasoning and transfer to a serving platter or bowl. Voila!

  • Sneakychiquita
    Sneakychiquita Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2013

    Badger - Do you deliver?  

    Marian - Surprisingly enough, round 4 of AC has being gentler than round 3 so far, but I am only on Day 2.  I think a lot of it is psychological.  I'm considering hypnosis to see if it can help stave off nauseau with Taxol (apparently some experience nausea with it and considering my track record I think I need to do everything I can to keep it at bay).  Enjoy the rest of your weekend up there.  How did everyone else find the skiing?  Can't be many, if any, powder stashes left right now.  

    Did a 45 minute jog today and may squeeze in some yoga shortly.  But maybe not.  I feel the need to lay down and meditate for awhile. 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    Skiing was absolutely fab today!!!  Ever so much better than the freezing fog that has been engulfing Seattle for days.

    Tomorrow, I am going with my friend Amanda, her husband, and son.  Amanda and I will be going off to the backcountry while her husband and son take lessons.

    My left shoulder is talking to me, but somehow I don't think BC related.  I had my right side cramp up in the bath too.

    Feel amazing as long as I don't move my shoulder!!!  Nothing like my cashmere sweats post ski. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Checking in on DH's computer. Gee, I hate computer problems...I will have to call my techie son (who I can visualize rolling his eyes whenever I try to ask him a technology question).

    Your recipe sounds wonderful, Badger. Of course, everything sounds wonderful to me right now because I can't eat anything good due to the fact that I am having a (routine) colonoscopy on Monday ......gross!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2013

    Did 6 miles on the treadmill today and cleaned house like a possessed woman...Whew, am I tired.....

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Haven’t checked in for a couple of days but did RPM on thursday night, rest day friday and Body Combat this morning, this week has been new release week so all new choreography.

    Welcome Odie. Woohoooo Miss Swim so glad you liked Combat now if you ever come to SoCal I’ll take you to an Eduardo classTongue Out Ruth so you don’t feel alone, on thursday both of my office computers died I have managed to get one of them up and running but the other is kaput and goodness knows if the one I got up and running will survive. Badger why does it not surprise me you substituted wineSmile and yes do you deliver? Heidi love your Zumba guys and if you can find Sh’bam try that one it’s also Les Mills and I have to admit I like it more than Jam. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Ann thought of you today as was in Target in their "workout" section and they are selling hoops and Kelly Osborn tweeted that she is hooping and loving it

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2013

    Badger, that sounds good. I make a lasagne that has similar ingredients.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,524
    edited January 2013

    Love the variety of exercise all of you are doing, depending on the weather, energy levels, fitness and all that. The ratatouille recipe looks deelish!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    This is a shout out to our experienced yogis here.  

    Our own NatsFan and carol57, regular contributors to the LE forum, are putting together a wonderful document "What We Want Our Trainers to Know".  This document will provide trainers with information on how to work safely with BC patients post-surgery and treatment.  One of more yogis are needed to review the document, with the objective of adding common sense precautions for those with, or at risk of developing lymphedema.  The final document will be posted for all on the Step Up, Speak Out website.   

    I've reviewed the document and have provided information on the pilates portion.  The yoga portion still needs to be reviewed.  As a pilates trainer, I would love to receive a document like this from my clients.  If any yogis are interested in helping with this wonderful project, please PM carol57.   


  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    Sneaky they all had a great day which I think initially surprised them with no new snow. But there was in inversion and so warmer up top than down and the snow was softer and they all had a good time. We are still planning to go to Callghan on the way back - it won't be a big day out; just a couple of hours or whatever I feel up to and also on green trails!

    I do hope that Taxol is easier on you as it has been for me. Knock on wood for the S/E as so far OK, just a bit of weird feelig on my fingers but nothing to write home about. Mindfulness and Meditation at BCCA was full until May but I did get an hour counselling session on Wed. which was good and will see her once a month to fine tune.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2013

    Joy, wonderful of Mary, Carol and all of you to create this needed information that we can get out to the public.  Can't wait to read it myself!  Thanks for the heads up. Smile

    Been snowing all day here and thinking of making Badger's yumbo recipe for meatless Monday.  I'm very bruised and healing with little sculpting - darn.  No fire Claire, and typical 2013 family together indoors - all on our own screens, be it Kindle, xbox or laptop.Wink

    Happy Sunday to all,

    LB, x

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Ha Lilac I can do that all by myself sometimes I'll have my laptop open, be playing a game on my nook and watching tvSurprised  All you who ski/snowshow have my utmost admiration I just can't think about doing anything in the cold except snuggling up under a blanket.

    This morning did my Body Step class, the room was packed I guess everyone is still in "let's get off the holiday weight" phase.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Drinking broth & apple juice in advance of the gross stuff at 6 pm. The people who think up most medical procedures must have some sadistic tendencies!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Awwwww Ruth, guess we won't be seeing you this eveningWink fingers crossed for tomorrow

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Chances are not.......I should get a good nap out of it afterwards anyway, if my recollection is correct.