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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    Hi All, welcome to blackbelt! Yes, punching things definitely has an appeal to me Smile too!! Patoo, hope you feel better, drink a second glass of wine for medicinal purposes!!! Retrieve, don't worry if you can't do a 'formal' workout right after chemo, just keeping moving is the most important thing and I think it is VERY impressive that you are doing so, good for you! I got busy after work & was going to skip, but, I heard the voices (and feel perfectly fine so couldn't report otherwise), so went down & did a 45 minute FIRM DVD. Now I am going to read a book, and maybe have a glass of wine to keep you company, patoo. Night Ladies! Ruth
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    Hey, everyone, just checking in before my day takes off.  Patoo, I hope you feel better today!  and retrieve, I agree, impressive what you're doing!  Exercise is supposed to really help get through chemo, so do what you can and congratulate yourself for whatever it is!

    I walked 20 min. Thursday and yesterday I got in an hour (but I was wiped out last night!).

    Mumayan, absolutely hysterical cat pic!  Made my day!  Laughing

    Off to the library to look for exercise DVD's -- thanks for the suggestion, Ruth!

    Happy Saturday, everyone!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2010

    I am a good girl today went in to the gym thismorning  since I want to watch golf this afternoon.Seems like everyone had the same idea. After exercising ended up in the sauna to sweat some more. Now if I could just drop a few lbs.Will try the foodlog again. I am getting very frustrated.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Hi friends!  Just walked today, a little over 3.7 miles. 

    Did stop by Sears and picked up a pair of Dr Scholls 'Fitness Walkers' on sale for $49.99.   I tried on the Reeboks Tone walkers and they felt fine but I kind of like the Dr Scholls which do have the 'rocker' style but not a much as the Sketchers.  I put them on at home and walked to another store, about 1/2 mile round trip.  I can see where it might really tone the legs and thighs over time.

    Mum, don't give up.  Eventually you will feel it in the way your clothes fit and, all-in-all, you will be healthier.  We all in there with you.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010
    Tried my "Latin Moves" dvd again this morning and was able to do the beginner lesson (20 min) and about 7 min of the advanced lesson before having to end off with the stretches!!  I guess last time I did the advanced lesson (that was why I felt I was going to have a heart attack!) Surprised  I will have to pay better attention when I choose which version I will do!!  Feeling a bit stressed about my mammogram on Monday, I'm sure a little excercise is what's in order!!! lol  Have a great evening everyone!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Hi Ladies, I did "Get Chisled",40 minute FIRM DVD this morning as I knew it was going to be a busy day. Goof job mum; keep moving and pretty soon your clothes will be loose!! Glad you are better patoo, report again on how you like the Dr. Scholls after you wear them walking a few times; I'm always looking for good shoe tips. Mary Louise, exercise is a good way to deal with stress, and those dang pre-mamogram days are SO stressful!!!! 'Latin Moves' sounds fun, who puts it out & where did you get it? Night All! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Hi Ruth,  the DVD is Kathy Smith- Latin moves.  It has the simple steps of the Cha-cha, Salsa and Merenge (sp).  The program is very easy to follow, but the more advanced version does keep your heart rate up there!  I find that I can keep with excersing much better if it is dance-like.  That is why I like RS so much - it just is not so fun when you can almost recite the whole dvd with him though!  I once had a vhs tape called the "Macarena workout" with Gloria Quinlan that I really liked cause it was only 20 - 30 minutes long and felt more like dancing.  Unfortunately, I can't find it now - just the sleeve for it!!  Hope all are well and feeling GREAT!  Patoo - I am very interested in your shoes - keep us posted with how toned your legs, thighs and glutes get!!

  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    Totally new to this thread, but trying to reinforce what I hope will turn over a new (banana?) leaf for my usual life as a slug. I walked to work yesterday and today. (Yes, I force myself into the office many weekends, but that's another story.) The route is something over two miles. It really helps that it is exercise that gets me somewhere (ie. something I have to do anyway. I would otherwise take the subway or bus) and I have a river and all kinds of city things to look at as I go. I listened to NPR on the radio on the way in but plan to find something more raucous to put more spring into my step.

    Now the trick is to do it during the weekdays, either to work or from work, although the latter will mean more pollution built up and more heat. I won't do it in rain. It's too miserable on the bridge over the aforementioned river. I know it's better late than never, but I am so furious at myself that I am 1 year past diagnosis (chemo ended in Sep and rads in Dec) and I am only just now embarking on an exercise effort even though I know it is a matter of life and death to me since I carry most of my 40-50 extra pounds in my upper torso, making me an estrogen factory. I worry that with all my upper-body fatness, the recurrence is already a seed despite treatment and now Tamoxifen.

     All of you are great inspirations!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    Cary, I'm pretty new here, too, and 1 year past dx, ended chemo in Sep. and rads in late Jan, and I'm just getting back into a regular routine.  Please don't beat yourself up.  You're already doing way better than I am so give yourself a pat on the back!  2 miles is nothing to sneeze at!  Keep up the good work.

    I walked 25 minutes today, in the woods again, lovely carpets of wildflowers!

    Later, everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Hello girls, I've been absent for a few days but I did do a Body Combat class yesterday and a Body Step today. One of my friends SO (they have been together 30 years but live separately) ended up in ICU on Thursday so we spent Thursday night in hospital waiting room - a little aside here at 11pm we were in the cafeteria and I noticed most of the staff in there all had those toning sneaker shoes on which I thought was interesting. Anyway we then spent Friday night and all day yesterday cleaning his house as his daughter is flying in from another state and if she saw the state his house was in she would bundle him up (he is 80) and ship him home with her and he doesn't want to go, they are talking hospice for him so we have made his house ready in case he can come home who knows one day they give a good report and the next it's all doom but at least he is now out of ICU then at 11pm last night we were up there witnessing his will so for the past few days it has all been go go go. Welcome to all the newbies, even though I haven't been here the voices were in my head loud and clear.  Hope everyone is well.  Take care.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Hi all.  Welcome Cary.   Rads ended in Dec and you feel badly that you are now starting.  No, girl, you are doing exactly what you needed to do - letting your body heal.   Unless of course you're trying to tell us you put that 40 lbs on from Jan-March - not.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life and you are doing great to start out at 2 miles - Wow.  Isn't that 4 miles round trip?  I did a little under 4.5 miles today and I've been at it for months.  I'm jealous because you already passed me!!!!  Slow down, will'ya.  (just kidding).

    Hey everyone, seems I'm only walking these days.  No motivation for strength training.  Turn up those voices, okay.  Maybe I can just work with the hand weights as I sit watching the tube? 

    I think I'm really going to like the toning sneakers.  I actually have toothpick legs so it will be interesting how they will shape up.  Of course my butt can use some lift.  Wish it could do something for my middle.  Wonder if I turn them around and wear them backwards they will 'tone' my stomach muscles?  LOL

    Later my Sculpted sisters.

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2010

    I took the advise to change up my workout.  I have been doing 45 mins on my eliptical every day.  Today I took a brisk walk and did a 30 FitTV video.  I also bought that TV weight thing that shakes to work out my arms.  It says 6 mins a day to firmer arms.  We'll see.  I ordered the Reebok excersize sneakers, too.  Can't wait to get them.


  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    Thanks for the welcome patoo. I didn't do a round trip. I walked to work yesterday and today. I think MapQuest says it is 2.4 miles one-way, but other sites have slight differences. Anyway, it is never less than 2 miles in any calculation. But you are right. The first day of the rest of my life. No, the 40 lbs is not a recent (cough) phenomenon. I've been fat for most of my adult life, sometimes worse, sometimes better, occasionally very minimal. What's funny is I honestly never knew before this happened that there could be a link to cancer. I feel very ignorant. I thought of my fat as an aesthetic issue, or maybe a tax on my heart, or a thing that made shopping a misery (especially as an apple not a pear). It may be easy to say now, but I think if someone had said to me, look, your amount of fat and particularly where you store it places you at risk for BC, I would have done something. I never once thought about cancer before I was diagnosed with cancer. It wasn't in my family. I didn't smoke, etc. etc. Apart from being fat, I was given a clean bill of health until diagnosis last year. Oh well. Onward and upward right? Now if only my hair would grow back faster.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Hi Ladies - not much formal exercise this weekend - we were up at the cabin but DH has horrible allergies so he wasn't up for hiking.  But we did shop from 11am-4pm Saturday so that was a lot of walking, then this morning I started clearing out underbrush for a new garden at the cabin, so I was active at least.  I did take a drive around the neighborhood to measure out my usual morning walk and it's 2.2 miles, and I cover it in about 30-35 minutes, so I think I'm keeping a pretty good pace.

    The goldfinches at the cabin are changing from their drab winter to their summer gold - they're probably about 75% gold again, so it seems that summer is truly on its way.  Hooray!   

    Cary- like everyone else has said, you needed these couple of months to heal.  It's great you're ready to start moving now - don't overdo!  Your body has been through an ordeal the last year, so it won't be as strong as it used to be for a while.

    Retrievermom - I didn't realize you were still doing active chemo treatment - now I'm really impressed.  I was able to work out some during my first 2 chemo treatments, but #3 really wiped me out, and from then on it was all I could do to drag my butt to work and back again until chemo was done. 

    Patoo - I think you have a great idea about doing the hand weights while watching TV.  I think I'm like you in that I'd much rather do "active" stuff like elliptical and walking, but I've read enough to know that I really need to incorporate weight training and the yoga/pilates stretching stuff into my workout program too. 

    You all are really intriguing me about these toning sneakers . . . 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    I have jelly legs.  I was able to get out Fri and do dog stuff, but yesterday and today have been tough.  Lots of neulasta-related swelling in my neck, and back pain.  When the pup wants to go outside, I go with her and walk the perimeter of my back yard.  That's it for this weekend.

    Boy, would I like to be in Rockville about now.  Could we have two days in a row of sun, please?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010
    Retriever, please take it easy.  You can catch up with Cary and Nat later.  Smile
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Hi ladies, I did 15 minutes of toning with Richard before church; this afternoon walked 30 minutes & did 45 minutes of yardwork (which involved picking up sticks & branched knocked off the trees during the winter, so it's not an overly impressive workout). Welcome Cary; there is nothing we can do about the past, but what we do now, CAN affect the future, so it is awesome that you are here making this commitment to yourself!!!!  I have added Kathy Smith's 'Latin Moves' & Dr. Scholls Fitness Walkers to my shopping list. Thanks for the recommendations. Cheryl, hope things go OK for your friend, and so nice that you could get the house in order. (My sister is a clean/neatness freak; I have a deal with my sister-in-law, that if I should suddenly drop dead, she will beat my sister to my house and clean the bread crumbs out of the silverware drawer!). Patoo, I will send the crabby 'TONE IT UP!!!' voices your can do some situps, push ups, bicycle legs etc. along with your hand-weights while watching TV.  Got to keep that swimsuit getting looser so you will have an excuse to go shopping (which is good exercise) and buy a new one. Lets make it a moving and grooving week! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010
    Went biking with my daughter again today.  DH and I took the tarp off of our pool as we are changing the liner this spring - maybe that will give me incentive to stay excercising and watching what I eat.  Right now I'm watching, but the things I have been putting in haven't been very good choices! Embarassed  I could probably use the voices also for the toning up bit!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    Sending the crabby "TONE" voices to Mary Louise also!!! Yell
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Went for my hour long walk and did it in 50 minutes!!  Got home to get ready for Mammogram and there is a message that the machine is down and now I am re-scheduled for the 28th!!!  All that stress over the week-end for nothing!  So, now I wait...... again!  Planning another bike ride with my daughter when she gets home from school today, and just maybe will do some toning excercises tonight in front of the tv!  ( I am hearing a constant ANNOYING buzzing in my ears.... is that you Ruth??)  Thanks for the motivation!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010
    Going out to pick up poop.  With four dogs, that counts as exercise.Smile
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010
    Mary Louise, sorry you had to deal with that stress and now wait some more.  Let's find the good in this - the stress actually contributed to you not over-eating and working your brain cells motivated your metabolism to go into overdrive, effectively keeping any weight gain at bay.  See, it was good for you and so wil the next 16 days until the mammo.  Since exercise contributes to fending off reoccurence, you will get more days riding and toning in before the mammo.  It's all good!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    What an amazing group we are!!!! Kiss
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

    I am knew to this thread. I had my cancerversary a week ago. I signed up in April for the gym at Pure Fitness. I am loving it and actually doing it. I signed up with a friend which is great. I saw my personal trainer and he worked my arms and legs and did the treadmill. He worked me out good. I did that for an hour. I have been going in 5 days a week. Last week I ended up missing two days. I am not beating myself up. Just grateful to do what I am doing so far. I was so sick with all  this. Just had a DIEP surgery in Nov. I am healed and my Dr. gave me an okay to start working out. I still have to take my naps about every other day. Feeling good! Living life to the fullest. Do not take it for granted. Make each day the  best. If you are having a bad day do your best to look at something good for that day. Like having that glass of wine. LOL Looking forward to getting to know you all. Have a blessed day!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Glad to Welcome you to the club ebann, but sorry you have to be here!

    Thanks Patoo - your logical-ness actually put a big smile on my face!  Laughing  Still have to get on the bike today and then the toning..... but feeling ok about the wait!! 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2010
    Welcome Elizabeth read your post while enjoying a glass of red wine.We are all trying to keep up a regular workout schedule hopefully loose a few lbs but most inportant keep the big C from taking over our lives. We also intend to have fun while we are at it.Smile
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Well today will be my 'day off'.  Nose won't stop running, throat scratchy, eyes watering - total misery because of allergies.  Would love to go out and take a walk but think I will take some more meds and go to bed (yeah, it's only 7pm but I am wiped out).  Probably have to call PCP tomorrow and get prescription strength allergy meds.  These OTC are a joke.

    Night my Sculpted sisters.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Hope you feel better soon Patoo - sleep well!

    OK, just got back from the bike ride I promised to do.  Now I still have to do some toning excercises  (I still hear ya Ruth!).  Thanks

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Retrievermom - I consider that excercise!!  I have one black lab and at the end of winter..... well I guess you can imagine what I have to pick up!!!  (took about 3 hours!! - we have a big yard!)

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    One short, ten-minute walk before it started raining.  Actually, when I went on poop-patrol, I found my DH had already picked up, so I can take no credit.