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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited January 2013

    Yesterday, I did 45 minutes Zumba on the Wii and 30 minutes of Wii Fit Plus.  Am hoping to get back to the jogging and shred this week.

    Today, well, the day is still young and am not sure yet what form my excercise with be! Surprised

  • Sneakychiquita
    Sneakychiquita Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2013

    Great work, Nicole.  You're almost there!  

    I'm still doing my daily 30-minute jog.  Couldn't sleep so got up early and did 45 minutes of yoga.  Hoping I can get a nap in before my daughter wakes up.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    Have taken on a project that will occupy a lot of my time through April.  Already feeling guilty about not getting in much exercise this past week so need to push it to stay active.  

    cheryl and mary   I'm loving this season's BL, the teams seem much more cooperative than last season.  But good grief - is Jillian even meaner this time around??  

    Oh can't wait for decent weather to get outside again.  Trails are covered in ice and I don't have the proper gear Frown

    Hour of Anthony Lett stretch and 20 minutes jump board. 

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    About 12 degrees this morning, no wind so it really wasn't that bad.  Went for a run with my son - we did about 5 1/2 miles and he had no problem.  He had done 8 earlier in the week.  I'm sure he'll build up his mileage in plenty of time for our planned half-marathon!

    Then I hit the gym for back and tris.  Saw a new woman there wearing a pink Race for the Cure t-shirt.  Wanted to ask her if she was a survivor, but I backed off.  If she becomes a regular maybe I'll bring it up.

    Have fun today!

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    Yesterday -- no official exercise -- but I cooked all day long! Les's brother and 2 friends are here (in our tiny tiny TINY house) to hunt elk... and I love to cook, but am amazed how much time I spent doing it!

    Today I am opting for an easier dinner, and am serving last night's left-over-side-dishes along with grilled panninni sandwiches for lunch (chicken breasts already roasted last night). Yummy! And cool thing is that when I cook like this, I seldom eat much -- get my jollies just smelling/touching/presentation during the prep of their food.

    After lunch I am off for a long walk with a friend's dog (they are out of town)... while the boys go back out to hunt.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies, hit the track yesterday and walked about an hour.  6.86 km = 4.26 mi.

    90 minutes gentle yoga & meditation this morning.  Laundry & Sculpt this afternoon.

    Cooking pot roast for supper tonight.  Going to use up the last of the red wine mmm.

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    Hey ladies, 45 minutes on that I am getting some exercise and makes all weird post chemo muscle aches feel better. Starting radiation tomorrow, hoping it won't slow me down too much, my RO encouraged working out, hoping for the best!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Good luck with rads, coco....I found them to be 'a piece of cake' as compared to chemo.

    45 minutes pilates, and it was actually nice enough that I could bundle up & pick up some of the branches in the back yard that had blown off the trees in various windstorms & were driving me crazy whenever I looked out the window....also nice enough to take a little walk outdoors, which I really enjoyed.

    I need to start putting together my dad's tax stuff, which will be a real pain in the butt. Gee, you wouldn't think you'd have to worry about taxes and be dead BOTH! Surprised

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    doing the beach walk today, thats all the exercise im doing.

    cocobean for me too radiation was easy compared to chemo.  anything was easy compared to the original chemo, ghastly stuff.

    good luck, drink heaps of water.


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Four mile walk with an espresso break in the middle :-)   I took some library books along in my backpack expecting to be able to return them midway, but the book return box was locked!  So I ended up schlepping them the whole distance.  I guess it was good for me, eh?

    Ruth, glad you can keep a sense of humor about the taxes. 

    Cocobean, I start rads soon, too.  I've been wondering about exercise restrictions.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    hello ann - wishing you well with the start of rads.

    if you exercised after mastectomy and are a regular at exercising you will be fine.

    everyone is different but rads for me was easy, carried on normally until the last week where the skin was burnt and stiff but that repaired in 2 weeks.

    good luck


  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Joy- Jillian is TOTALLY meaner....omg. Kicking people out, insulting them.... I am just not a fan!

    A girlfriend convinced me to commit to the 60 day Insanity cardio program with her. Today we did the 35 min fit test. We were trying to figure out who was going to puke was HARD. Jumping jacks, burpees, prison lunges (those were torture), and all kinds of other craziness. We shall see how this goes. 

    We went to hot yoga after thinking it would relax it. Instead we found ourselves in a super challenging class. I am exhausted but felt like I got an amazing day of exercise.

    Watching the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild.....highly, highly recommend it!

    Coco, best of luck with the rads. Ruth.....taxes....ugh. Just did ours and my head still hurts.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013

    I only did a walk today as was tied up in a nonprofit board meeting for most of the day.  Great meeting, and lots to get done this year.  My head already hurts.

    So back to the trails on Saturday, and have my three day ski trip in less than 2 weeks.  That will get my hide in gear.

    Ruth.....What a double-whammy with taxes.  Hopefully straightforward.  This goes on until the estate is settled.  Again, hope this is straightforward.

    I realize that I need to get moving on learning to run, but think I will wait on this until after my birthday.  This is the year, and I want to have the flexibility of another outdoor activity.

    My walk today was in the off leash area in a local park.  Just lovely with green ferns and mosses.  It was soggy underfoot and above.  But missed the real rain.

    Did a vegetable run (FROZEN vegetables are in season right now) at Trader Joe's, and then home.  Then a nap.

    Last of the soup tonight, but think that is a good thing as time to move forward menu-wise. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Speaking of soup, you would all have enjoyed the fund raiser the youth group at our church did today...a 'Souper Bowl'....17 different soups to sample and vote on. Needing to do the proper research before voting, I tasted all of them! (My top three were Tomato Basil, Chicken Kale, and a Cheeseburger Potato soup.)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited January 2013

    The soups sound delicious, Ruth.

    Wow - everyone is doing great! I was able to go to the park today and walk/run.

    I have been visiting my SIL in the hospital these last 2 weeks and dh and I also went tonight. She has COPD and melanoma (found under her thumb nail!) with mets to her already weak lungs. Then 2 weeks ago she contracted the flu. Couldn't breathe and on ventilator for several days. She recovered from the flu and her breathing is normal now. A MRI was ordered b/c of weakness on one side. It revealed a brain met - only one. Neurosurgeon said it's in a good spot to be surgically removed. She will have surgery this Thursday and then WBR when she recovers. %$%&! Please keep her in your thoughts. 

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2013

    Ann, good luck with rads! I know my RO was really happy to hear that I was keeping up with my exercising during treatment. At the time that meant walking and arm exercises.

    Wonderland, sorry about your SIL. Sending positive thoughts.

    Misswim, I tried to do the insanity test. I just did 3 exercises. My goal will be to get through all the exercises in 60 days. Embarassed 

    3K walk/run/sprint and weights. Sprint for me is just 10kph.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Wonderland - so sorry to hear about your SIL.  Melanoma under the thumbnail - I'd never heard of anything like that before.  Hope the surgery goes well. FWIW, I have a co-worker who was dx with Stage IV melanoma with brain mets 4 years ago - she's had that radiation zapper thing a couple of times now and it zaps out the mets the couple of times they've cropped up.  She's still working full time and doing well.  Melanoma treatment has come a long way in the last few years.  Cheryl - hope you're feeling better.

    Agree on Jillian being meaner this year - wow.  It says something that 4 of the 5 original members of her team are gone. We finally got to see last Monday's BL - for 10 years we had season tix for that minor league ballpark where Bob took Biingo, so I knew every angle of the place!  It was fun to see it.

    Saturday was my rest day, then did my 4 mile run yesterday.  Streets/sidewalks/park paths are too icy, but the local high school track had melted so I ran there.  It was that or a treadmill, and I'd much rather be outside, even if it is just running in circles.  Took Ruth's idea to do something nice for myself this weekend to try to get out of the blahs, so I treated myself to a pedicure - now I have nice soft feet and pretty nails!  Today is stretching day, so did 30 minutes yoga DVD. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    Some winter blahs here too - not really getting enough exercise.  Did some crunches last night, and classical stretch this morning, but no walk today as snow and ice moving in.  Getting ready to go to New Orleans Thursday to visit my son and also go to the superbowl!  This was one of my bucket list things, and after getting cancer I figured I'd better start doing some of the things on my list.  Very sad the patriots won't be there, but I don't mind being a 49'ers fan for the week!  I'm sure I will get a ton of walking down there where the temperatures are milder - he lives right in the city so we can walk everywhere or take a trolley.  Of course, I will probably never get enough exercise in to balance all the good food and drink, but hey, it's vacation!

  • sonson
    sonson Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2013

    Thursday- had physical therapy and she kicked my butt with lunges and various other exercises

    Friday- rode stationary bike for 40 minutes

    Sunday- cleaned my house (does that count for exercise?)

    Today is my last day of radiation!  Hoping for a speedy recovery on my skin so I can start wearing sports bras without it bothering me so much.  I've been wearing my bras that don't have as much support and not doing a lot of bouncing in my exercising.  Does anyone know how long I should expect my skin to be like this?  My underarm area is probably my worst area.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    Hour of Tracy Mallett dance, lots of lunges and plies.  

    I like BL's concept of bringing children to the show, it's been done well I think.  Jillian has an axe to grind, for whatever reason.  Hope she settles down soon. 

    wonderland  (hugs) sorry to hear of your SIL's melanoma.  pat  Have fun at the SB!  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Wonderland, hope your SIL will be OK. She has had a rough time!

    Pat, I think your trip should clear any winter blahs. It sounds like a blast! Enjoy, walk a lot, and let the calories take care of themselves!

    Sonson, the radiation will keep doing it's thing for about two more weeks, and then you should start to 'bounce' back (so to speak Wink).

    Met with the surgeon about my colonoscopy results (he is new & I really like him because he schedules a follow up appointment when you are actually conscious and he walked in the door with a copy of his report ready for me, I didn't even have to ask for it!) Anyway, he said my colon is 'perfect' (his that what they mean by 'inner beauty'? Tongue Out), and commented that my prep was very good, adding 'That is a compliment, because it is something I can rarely say." So Badger, thank your friend for the 'start the liquid diet a day early' advice!

    Walked on the treadmill again (boring, but it is kind of sleeting out....warmer weather in not necessarily good in January around here!) and did Arms/Ab/Legs of Steel.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Thank you everyone for the well wishes, spent the entire weekend in bed watching tv marathons and playing games on my Nook and today feel much much better, if coughing counts as exercise then I worked out hard all weekend, in fact on saturday I ended up with a heating pad on my stomach as it felt like I had done 5000 sit upsLaughing  

    Wonderland hugs and prayers for your SIL.  Ruth you crack me up.  Am watching BL right now and the new gentler Jillian..... and yes love the kids, that Bingo is so darned cute.

    Went to the gym tonight and did Spin, I did take it easy and didn't do any 2 or 4 count jumps and promised myself if I didn't feel well I'd get off the bike and leave but I made the entire hour.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2013

    Wonderland, prayers for your SIL and all of you going thorugh this difficult, stressful time. Cheryl, good to read you are on the mend. Sonson, I too feel like I've had a good workout after physio.

    I signed for two classes at the gym yesterday (body step and pilaties) and cancelled because I don't feel physically ready (even though I was given the green light), it's not even two weeks since surgery.  I see my PS today for more suture removal (I lack the enzyme in my blood that is needed to disolve them).  My left shoulder that I had been working on to get full range of movement has taken a step backwards at about 20% and the two lipo hip sites (the graft ends dented in, muffin top look blooped above and below) are painful and massive, deep purple hued bruise on each hip.  I took a good look and photographed (photographed every stage of treatment) my recontructed nipple and the feelings that I look like bride of frankenstein came flooding back.  Had a little moan and cry and then put the nipple plaster back on and said get on with it and away from this mirror. 

    I'm booked for classes at the gym tomorrow and Friday.  A few endorphins would lift my spirits and if we did not have gale force winds and rain swirling outside, I'd take a long walk.  I'm trying to pace and listen to my cobbled bruised bod and allow instincts to dictate, which I don't think are so far off the mark. 

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited January 2013

    Cheryl, glad to see you back on track!  Ruth, great news on the all clear!  LilacBlue, hope you get a megadose of endorphins soon!

    Cardio and kettlebells yesterday. Will do more of the same this morning and then Zumba tonight. Tuesday is double workout day in preparation for Wednesday weigh-in.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    8 mile run this morning - temp in the 20's so it felt really mild, but some slippery spots, we had about an inch of snow overnight.  Looking forward to hot yoga this afternoon.

    Off to work I go. ("Sit on my Butt & Sculpt" for a few hours.)

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2013

    Sleet/freezing rain on top of a little snow, so I didn't go to spin last night, as I have turned into a wimpy driver.  Did get some crunches in, and classical stretch.  Mind is already leaning toward vacation mode.

    My daughter called last night, she joined a gym!  So happy for her, she is carrying much too much weight, and really hasn't been getting much exercise except some hiking on weekends in the better weather.  Wedding is June 22, and she decided that she wants to look "fabulous", so she is thinking of signing up with a trainer.  She had her intro session last night, and she was amazed at how little core strength she had, and realizes she needs to do something about that.  Yay!  It is so hard for me to watch her struggles with weight, but finally something clicked for her.

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2013

    Walked dogs (through meadows up a river) yesterday for an hour with a girlfriend out here on the ranch. Wonderful!

    Today will do the same. Still have lots of company-- and spend most of my day cooking/cleaning... but I worked as a banquet chef for several years, so it is sort of fun to trot out all the old skills and wow these guys. :)

    Finally got on the scale to see how bad the trip to Tucson, followed by the trip to Denver, followed by 3 additional men in the house and all the gourmet food is hitting me... Up six pounds. Damn. 

    Ah -- well maybe at least some of it is heavier muscle replacing lighter fat.... (?)


    I think the 'boys' leave tomorrow, and then I can really fully get back on track. My hope is "gain-fast/lose-fast". But dang -- I just spent this whole month losing 7 pounds -- to gain back 6 in just 10 days really sucks!


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2013

    Yay for pat01's dd!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    5 k late yesterday and had planned to snowshoe today but got off the waitlist so last chemo (#4 Taxol) at noon today instead of tomorrow. Sitting in a chair for a few hours but with the IV dex I should be able to get back walking tomorrow!

    Wonderland I echo the others with prayers for your SIL and yourself too.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    LilacBlue, sometimes you need to give yourself a little extra TLC.  Try not to be so hard on yourself - you're beautiful!!!  ((HUGS)) to you . . .