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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2013

    Heidihill and Luvlulu (you are right, I'll chill) thank you for the support.  My "blooped area" was a seroma and about 35 cc of  fluid  was drained.  That hurt like hell during (a slight oh shit, popped out of my wittle mouth) and then an hour later, I was fine. 

    I read pretty much almost daily, a number of blogs by women who are stage III and IV who face much more than I at this point, or most likely, will never have to. Reading their thoughts gives me strength and inspiration, like all of your do here on the Daily Exercise thread. That is partially the reason why I'm more "buck up" with myself and the best way is forward, regardless of my feeling's that lately have been up and down. 

    Wishing everyone a good Tuesday,

    LB, x

  • Sneakychiquita
    Sneakychiquita Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2013

    Healing thoughts going out to all those who need it.  We can do this!

    Skied last night for 3.5 hours.  I've lost a lot of strength since starting chemo but it was still nice to be out, albeit a little too long for my legs to handle.  

    30-minute jog this morning and hoping to squeeze in some yoga this afternoon.

  • Sneakychiquita
    Sneakychiquita Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2013

    misswim - finally googled bird of paradise.  Hah, I'm definitely doing yoga lite in comparison.  Depending on how long since my chemo, I actually have trouble holding simple poses.  Does anyone else find their balance go out the window from chemo?

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    Sneaky- my balance was a WRECK for months during and after chemo. In fact, there are days that it is still just not right. I find keeping up my yoga practice has helped me regain a lot of balance, though.

    Cheryl- glad you are feeling better! 

    Ruth- Yippee for your perfect colon!!!

    Wonderland- prayers to your SIL and a hug to you.

    Lilac- Each of has our own crosses to bear and though some of us have been through more trials than others your feelings and what is going on for you is very important! We are here for you so please always feel you can say whatever you feel. Hope that yucky spot feels better soon. 

    Lulu- I am doing a big yoga event in Boston on 4/28- I thought of you, thinking maybe you would like to check it out? Would be lovely to meet you!

    Oh my goodness ladies!!! I forgot to mention I applied for a trip for my family through this amazing non-profit Memories of Hope- and we were awarded it!!!! 5 nights in Orlando, accomodations paid for, 4 days of park tickets and meal vouchers! We just have to get ourselves there!!!  We have been wanting to take a "real" vacation for the last two years since my diagnosis, but medical costs made that impossible. This is so wonderful. My son is over the moon! April 6-11! they are great!

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    20 minutes of gentle yoga, 25 min on elliptical, 15 minute on a short little walk outside...had to 65 degrees in Jan!

    Misswim- fantastic news about the trip!

    Ruth- glad to hear about your results, loved the inner beauty comment!

    Thanks for all of the inspiration ladies! Has really helped motivate me to get moving!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2013

    You ladies inspire me. I took the weekend off but got back on the treadmill today for 3.5 miles...

    Congrats on the trip misswim. I hope your family has a wonderful time.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited January 2013

    misswim: Congtratulations on the trip! That's so exciting for your family!


    marianelizabeth: I read your blog last night. You're amazing!

    Linda: Will you come to my house and cook for me?

    Hello and Good Evening to everyone. Thank-you for all your prayers and thoughts about my wonderful SIL. Surgery is Thursday and she's in good spirits for it.

    Today was 72 degrees - an early spring tease. Sure made my walk/run pleasureable!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    An hour on the treadmill...send some of that 72 degree weather this way, please (or even 42 degree weather would be gladly accepted!).

    Wonderland, I will be thinking of your SIL on Thursday. I'm glad she is feeling positive about her surgery. That helps.

    Congratulations on your trip, misswim! Wow, that will be so much fun!!!

    Lilac, echoing misswim's matter what the particulars are for any of us....this is a really, really hard thing to go through...take one day at a time, do the best you can. There is no deadline. We are all works in progress.

    Hugs to all!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    (((Lilac))) sometimes it feels like two steps forward and three back and then add in winter and blahs are our best friend, you’ve been through so much and it takes time to fully recover, hope you feel better tomorrow after your gym visit. Yeah for your daughter Pat she’s following your good example. Oh Misswim how wonderful for your family, I know you’ll all have a fabulous time.

    Did Body Combat class tonight but still at low speed.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2013

    I did something silly, bought a pedometer. But dang it, I always wanted one and I have had cancer, so there.

    It did really surprise me that going to the blood lab this morning netted me 2700 steps, although I took the metro. Each dog walk seems to end up in the 1800-step range, and I usually do 2 of those a day.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2013

    Misswim -That is super news and what fun to look forward to.

    Momine - There is a woman at the gym who has a all in one - heart rate monitor, calorie counter and pedometer,  She takes classes that are the same (vibe cycle & body pump) but taught by different instructors and has informed us which instructor she burned the most calories.  I found that interesting in the the other less calorie losing insturctor has been preceived as a  ass-whooper, power driven shouty type. I'd like to see how many steps I burn walking our self-willed border collie.

    Thank you lovely woman - YOU who understand and create a safe place to share and receive appreciative support.  The wind has calmed somewhat, rain shifted for now and I'll see about getting our dog out early.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    Misswim, definitely send me the details of your Boston yoga event!

    Weights at the gym this morning - chest and bis - riding tonight.  It's supposed to be near 60 today after last week's single digits!  What is going on with this weather??

    xoxo to all . . .Smile

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2013

    LuLu - I will! It is a Yoga Reaches Out Fundraiser for Dana Farber Children's Center. Live yoga with Baron naptiste and Brian Kest on Gillette field!!!  I will PM you the link.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Misswim - the trip sounds wonderful!! Cheryl - glad you're on the mend - I think coughing definitely is as good as doing crunches.  Lilac, as everyone says, there can be steps forward and steps back.  I took Ruth's advice last weekend to do something special for myself and got a pedicure, and now I smile when I see my shiny fuchsia toes in the shower in the morning.  Sometimes small things like that help. 

    Still struggling a bit with winter blahs, but exercising and getting plenty of rest (and fuchsia toes) seem to be helping. Yesterday's 70 degree weather surprise sure helped too!! Tuesday's schedule calls for 30 minutes strength training before work and 30 minutes running after work.  The strength workout felt good instead of draggy for the first time in a couple of weeks.  After work I felt so good on the treadmill after 30 minutes that I ran for another 10 minutes - I've been struggling just to finish my mandated 30 minutes, so being inspired to go for 10 more minutes was welcome.  Wednesday's schedule is 30 minutes cross-training, so I did a 30 minute cardio DVD (My Fitness Coach) - lots of squats and lunges, so I know I'm gonna feel those tomorrow! Tongue Out 

    Does anyone watch Big Bang Theory?  We've been watching the re-runs on TBS lately and I've been really enjoying it.  They're so funny and they all try so hard to fit into the "real" world, and it just doesn't work.  Of course I have some of those geeky tendencies myself, so I'm not sure whether to be pleased or embarassed that I get all the Star Trek jokes . . . Wink

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    momine, I bought a pedometer too and it is great! Makes me feel good as we all do more steps a day than we think. I also have a watch and heart rate monitor that I use for hiking/trekking but it is not getting much use these days! 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2013

    Mariane, no kidding! I did not make it to the gym today and I did not take a walk either, but I still put in 12,000 steps and that is before walking the dogs for the evening.

  • mebmarj
    mebmarj Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2013

    For a while I was in a real funk, very negative and angry about the whole cancer thing. But I'm working on a more positive outlook and lifestyle. Some days are more of a challenge! This thread is very uplifting :) thank you!

    Still doing the brazil butt lift, modified due to recon last year. Feeling taller, sound funny? Lots o squats, some light hand weights and working the total body. Some treadmill, bike and eliptical to get more cardio too. Today was bumbum and sculpt. Still sweaty...

    Big bang theory is hysterical- BAZINGA! They really make me LOL at times.

    Happy Wednesday to all.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Ruth, congrats on your squeaky clean and healthy colon!  (((LilacBlue))) here's another hug for you.  It sounds hard dealing with the aftermath of those surgeries, both mentally and physically.

    Well I took Monday off and yesterday did a walk plus some hoop dancing.  By padding my surgery side with a washcloth I am able to do shoulder-level hooping again-- yay!  45 minutes hooping today.  I went nuts!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2013

    hi ladies, I haven't logged on for a couple of days and so much to catch up on! 

    Ruth, congrats on good results, I will tell my friend that her nurse was right.

    Cheryl, glad to hear you're feeling better and back to the gym.

    Wonderland, sorry about your SIL and prayers going up for tomorrow.

    Misswim, congrats on the trip - it's great to be a winner!  I too am yoga light compared to your talents but the end result is the same, relaxed & oxygenated.

    mebmarj, I gained an inch of height last year.  I think it's from yoga helping my posture.

    chiquita, my balance suffered after chemo.  I chalk it up to damage to the little sensory hairs in the inner ear that maintain the body's sense of equilibrium.  Misswim is right, it does get easier, but my balance isn't the same and I have to modify many poses to suit.

    Momine & Marian, welcome to the perometer fan club.  Isn't it great to take credit for exercise you're already doing?  Translate steps into distance walked and head for somewhere fabulous.

    Haven't really exercised the past few days except for walking around and doing housework.  Logged 7.72 km = 4.8 miles though.  Developed an abscessed tooth Sun/Mon and not eating much.  Saw dentist today and got an antibiotic and a referral to an endodontist.  Looks like a root canal is in my future.  My (very basic) dental plan doesn't cover this and neither does my regular ins so it's at least a thousand dollars out of pocket.  Yikes! 

    Feeling better today, I think the snow cheered me up.  We got at least six inches.  Worked from home so didn't have to drive in to Madison which made the snow even prettier.  Now I'd better go Shovel & Scuplt before the temps drop and freeze the snow like cement.  Snowplow hasn't been down our street yet, can't wait to see the drift they leave behind.

    I know I missed some people so ((hugs)) to all who need one.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    Bummer about the tooth, Badger. I hate dental things!!

    Really crazy day here; one where so many things go wrong that you either are going to cry, or you just have to throw up your hands and laugh (as in hysterical laughter). Did 15 minutes on the treadmill & 45 minutes of Total Body Toning, then went off to my Book Club...which is always good therapy thanks to the conversation, wine and rich dessert!

    Tomorrow it is suppose to be 20 BELOW with a 50 BELOW degree wind chill. Seriously depressing! Cry

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited January 2013

    Yay Momine - you see it works!

    I did 8 k this afternoon and 2 more tonight both with my son and managed to get a yoga class in too. Thank you dexamethasone! I also gained 5 pounds today thanks also to the dex plus I have the rosiest cheeks in town.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2013 will all settle down.  I cleaned my apartment and walked during these times.

    Just wrapping up a very busy day, but did get in my weights/crunches plus a walk.

    Have locked in my pre-birthday skiing weekend party at the wine bar for next Thursday and sent out invites, for on-site and virtual imbibing.  Hoping too that I get in enough skiing this weekend so I don't fizzle before I get to the end of the x-country trails on my marathon birthday ski.

    I may have a major piece of consulting work headed my way.  We shall see.  But nice setting up part of the structure.  And nice to be included as part of the team in advance.  Psyched about that too.

    Right now, my pillow beckons. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2013

    Did another Spin class tonight.  Ouch Badger both on the tooth and the costFrown  Mary I've watched Big Bang since the beginning BAZINGAWink  My gosh Ruth how do you dress for weather like that, I'm heading to New York next week and I'm praying the weather warms up I don't have any "real" winter clothes I just figure I'll dress in layers.

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    weights upper half.. power walk..feel goooooooood

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited January 2013

    Temps in the 40's this morning (!!) and I can see patches of blue sky. Laughing  The trails have been covered in ice, will get out there today and see what it's like.   Last night did an hour of classical mat pilates, feeling good.  

    ruth  Brrrr - do you get out in weather like that?   misswim  Wonderful prize, have a blast!   LilacBlue (a big hug)  The emotions on this journey can be so tough.   

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2013

    Marianne, LOL on the steroid-rosy cheeks. I did not get those (nor the energy boost), but my face almost immediately changed shape towards the chipmunk look. It was quite freaky.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited January 2013

    WOW 60 degrees last night for my riding lesson.  Rode a feisty little guy named Tuxedo.  He was a painted pony.  What a difference from last week w/temps in single digits!

    Thursday's normally an 8 mile run BUT woke up this morning, still in the 60's but w/pelting rains and howling winds!  Took it inside for 20 min. treadmill HIIT followed by legs, followed by food shopping, now it's 8:30 AM and I already feel like I put in a full day - and it's off to work I go!!

    Luv to all!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2013

    Ruth - yikes! I can't even imagine weather like that.  Last week our local weather people were all atwitter because we'd gone 92 hours straight without getting above freezing - that's how we define cold down here! Tongue Out  Badger - double yuck on the dental stuff.  And that's not the kind of thing you can put off - your tooth will complain loudly until it's taken care of.  Cheryl - laughing about you not having winter clothing - the first time dh came to visit me out here (he grew up in SoCal) was for Christmas.  I warned him it would be cold and be sure to wear his winter coat.  He assured me he had a great winter coat.  So he gets off the plane and I start laughing - his "winter" coat was so light it was more of a light jacket than a real coat!!  But that's what passed for a cold weather coat in sunny SoCal!  You have the right idea - layers.

    Fun to find all the other Big Bang Theory fans!  "How-WAAAAAARD!!!  DO YOU AND YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS WANT SOME COOKIES??" 

    We too had the 30 degree drops in temps when that massive front went through - driving rain and high winds all night long, but now it's a nice sunny day.  Cold, but sunny.  

    I'd bought a stability exercise ball a couple of years ago, and while de-cluttering this weekend I found an unopened workout DVD that apparently came with it.  Today was a strength/core morning, so I decided to try the DVD.  Wow - it was a good one.  Lots of lower body leg strength stuff as well as core.  I was really surprised.  I'm going to have to keep doing that one - I could barely keep up with even the basic moves!  Surprised 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited January 2013

    I am coping with the weather by eating M&Ms by the handfull..........

  • mebmarj
    mebmarj Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2013

    Ruth- I'd call that exercise! Warm thoughts sent your way.

    Going to go sweat now- bumbum and cardio today. Think I'll do the Zumba live dvd for that, fun!