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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2013

    Wow on Annapurna! New York is not bad either.

    Stability ball exercises this morning. Zumba tonight.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    8 mile run, 5 AM, 20 degrees, no wind, not bad.  Would someone please tell my (5 yrs younger) running partner that you're supposed to slow down as you get older?  I guess she didn't get the memo. I swear she's speeding up. KILLING me! Yell

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Marian - what a great goal to have!  That'll keep you going.  Coco - yoga sounds good.  As you say, do what you can, and if you can't do a pose, don't!  If it's been a while, you may want to get there a bit early and ask the instructor about alternate moves.  She doesn't have to single you out - my yoga instructor knew my situation with b/c and LE but never singled me out - she'd just say something like "for those with shoulder or upper body issues, here's an alternate you can do."

    30 minute core/strength plus worked out some leg soreness with a foam roller. 

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited February 2013

    Hot and sweaty from 3-mile hike with friend and dog -- making Thai Chicken Salad (yum!) then back out for another mile or two with Les after lunch. :)

    Doing lots of isometrics, now that I mentioned them to Carrol! My posture is certainly improved when I remember to do these!

    PT tomorrow and I will ask about some more strenuous arm/upper body exercises -- last week when I tried to do some resistance machine with NO weight -- it still kicked my LE-arm's ass! Want to make sure I don't over-do (or do-wrong) but I sure am ready to get my upper body back! Walking is great ... but excited to add more!

    Nepal sounds like heaven! I think that what started my travel-love was an 8th grade Social Studies project -- we had to plan a fantasy trip. Mine was to Nepal to climb Everest! I LOVED that project -- this is WAAAY before computers -- over 40 years ago! I called/visited travel agencies, and poured over the old Encyclopedia Britanica... I even created a calendar and a budget (down to the penny) for how much all the gear/guides/lodging/travel-fare would be... Marianne -- you are living my dream! :)


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Linda....a more mundane goal for you.  That is until you are faced with dragging an ELK back.  So good luck getting your upper body strength back.  You will need it.

    Marian.....jealous, but nothing like a major life goal to keep it in gear.  My goals were much more modest, but also did the trick.

    My meeting went well yesterday, and I got in my weekday routine.  Body is still talking from my weekend skiing adventures.

    Anyway, things are moving forward and noticed yesterday that the light no longer looks like mid winter.  So spring really is coming! - Claire  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    An hour on the treadmill.

    Have fun, Cheryl!

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2013

    90 Mins P90X yoga. Holy tough stuff!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2013

    3.5 miles on the treadmill tonight. Yoga tomorrow night....

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited February 2013

    Love reading all the posts!

    Have a great trip, Cheryl. That's nice of your instructor to make a special CD for you.

    Walked/ran in 61 degrees. Nice.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited February 2013

    Linda and anyone else, Annapurna Base Camp can also be your goal! I only became a trekker about 8 years ago and plan to trek until I am 80! 

    Yoga late afternoon, Snowshoeing this morning though not much more than an hour as a bit wet up there and a 5 k walk this afternoon with my son. Training on track!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    30 minute treadmill last night with audiobook - I was so engrossed in the book that the time just flew by!  30 minute cross-training cardio this morning - lots of squats, so I know I'll feel those later.

    On the topic of Nepal - my dad worked for the feds, and I remember one time when I was a little girl, the King of Nepal made a state visit.  My dad was invited to attend the Rose Garden reception at the White House (he did international work) and he brought me.  I was so excited to see a real live king!!  I was only about 7, so I don't remember much except that I was surprised that he was really short - I must have had a picture of all kings being tall and stately.

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    Made it through my first hour long yoga class since diagnosis! It was a tougher class, but told the instructer before hand about my situation...which was probably kinda of obvious since I had my sleeve on my arm and a buff on my head...definitely had to make some modifications, but was super happy I did it! Felt great. She has a more gentle class on Thurdays, looking forward to it. 

    Wonderland- 61 degrees sounds so nice! winter blahs here in the midwest, can't wait for spring!

  • Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns
    Linda-Ranching-in-the-mTns Member Posts: 96
    edited February 2013

    Natsfan -- your memory brought me one -- my parents took me to see Liberace when I was 6 -- I bet he was even more decked-out in jewels and sequins than your King! 

    Oh -- thats right -- Liberace wasn't a King -- he was more of a Queen!  :)

    Anyway -- after the concert, Mom took my sister and me up on the stage to present Liberace with framed 'felt-picutes' (of pianos) that we had made -- and Liberace plunked me up onto his lap! WOW!!! If that Social Studies project (re Nepal) made me long to be a traveler -- the encounter with Liberace probably inspired me to paint my nails and keep my hair neatly coifed!  :)

    (Poor Mom -- I think she hoped it would inspire me to practice my piano!)

    Back to exercise! Today I drive 3.5 hours to PT in Santa Fe -- so will do butt/belly tightening isometrics all the way! (The drive is ALWAYS gorgeous -- through short-grass prairie with purple/blue mountains to the west the entire drive -- until I actually ascend up into them... Glorious! And the mountains make clouds -- so the clouds are always spectacular, too!)

    If the hotel has an exercise room -- I will go see what I can do there for at least 30 minutes, later tonight, too. 

    Hope everyone has a great day!


  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2013

    Hour of Tracy Mallett Booty Barre.  No matter how much I do this, it kicks my a$$ every time!  

    Mary  That must be a great book for 30 minutes to fly by!  Claire  The light and the air is different here too, spring is coming!  

    Happy Hump Day  

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited February 2013

    Linda, have a safe drive. Cocobean, good for you and liked your description.  Cheryl - have fun in NYC and Marion, you literally rock!Laughing

    Got to freestyle step class today and feeling good. 
    Trying to stay tethered on this blustery Wednesday.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2013

    Back last night from my fabulous trip to New Orleans and the superbowl.  Had the time of my life, which is appropriate for a bucket list item!  But I am absolutely exhausted.  It's very hard to party for four days at my age!  Plus, we walked everywhere, miles and miles and miles - I need to sit down and calculate it, but every night I was so happy to lay down in bed.  And I walk everyday for at least 30 minutes, but this was much further than that.  Skipping spinning tonight, just too tired and it is the advanced class tonight which is always a stretch for me.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Pat - sounds like you had a fabulous time!  We might not be able to party quite as much at our age, but with age comes wisdom, so we know how to party SO much better now!  Hopefully the walking balanced out the eating????  What was your favorite thing in NO? 

    Joy - I like fantasy-nerdy stuff (no wonder I like Big Bang Theory!) so the book is "Eragon" - it's full of dragons, elves, dwarves, heroic quests, etc.  It's like running in a whole new world.   It's the first of a 4 book series, so my guess it'll absolutely take me all the way to my HM on 4/28. 

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    Pat-sounds like so much fun!

    60 min walk/run, was happily surprised at how much running, u was able to do...made me realize hitting the gym is paying off, even if its not showing on the scale as much as I would like!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2013

    hi ladies and welcome shadytrake.  Cheryl, hope you have a great trip!

    Mary, I loved Eragon, didn't realize there were more in the series - thanks!

    Did Shovel & Sculpt on Sun, logged 9.8 km = 6.09 miles walked since here last.

    Saw endodontist yesterday.  He drilled a small hole into the tooth in question and looked inside with a microscope.  Fracture goes way down deep so root canal would be ineffective.  That saved me some money but now I'm in for an extraction. He spackled on a temp filling and instructed me to not eat anything crunchy or sticky.  Good thing I swore off the Swedish Fish (candy) LOL.

    Everyone is doing so well - keep up the good work!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Bummer, badger!

    Pat, what a fun time. What did you think when the lights went out? I was in New Orleans for a conference one April during Jazz Fest, and it was a blast (even though I actually went to the conference session)!

    Fun stories of the King and Liberace. When I was a baby, my parents were in Arizona & took me to a pre-season game where I had a picture taken with baseball great, Willy Mayes (I have no recollection of the event and the picture was lost somewhere along the way Frown).

    Yeah for Coco! It feels great to move, doesn't it?!

    Speaking of which, I was so tired when I got home from work that I did something I never do....I sat down. I immediately fell asleep, woke up at the end of the news, and sat some more until the phone rang. Then since I had to get up, I kept moving down the stairs & did an hour 'Hit the Spot Toning' with Denise Austin. Now I'm back sitting in the recliner & thinking of going to bed early. Yawn! Glad it is Thursday tomorrow.

  • Desny
    Desny Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2013

    Zuma class and cleaned the house too.  I feel good now.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Daily exercise which included a trip to the grocery store for ingredients for boeuf bourgignon.  Now in the oven for tomorrow's birthday kickoff at the wine bar. 

    Plus a bit of "extra activity"? which I understand burns a few extra calories.  Anyway, well stretched out and smiling Innocent

    I am so excited about this ski trip.....unlike anything I have ever done before.  I need to get everything ready tomorrow for a super early Friday AM drive to the ski area.  Wish me luck with the downhill.

    Having SOUP for dinner.

    Other highlight of the day is a lead for more consulting work.  I think this will help even out finances.

    Plus, major, major movement on the nonprofit front.  Life really is good. - Claire

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited February 2013

    beach - wonderful walk for 2 hours.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited February 2013

    I love the king, Liberace, Willie Mayes stories - highlights of young lives. 

    After a couple of active days I spent 5 hours at my local Apple store; got an iPhone which is way beyond me at this point, had my operating system reinstalled on my iMac and lots of other stuff. I was exhausted but did get to yoga. Yoga makes my day better no matter what.

    Regardless of a good yoga class, I am thinking that Taxol #4 has finally got me; I feel really down, taste bds gone again, cold most of the time~~hope tomorrow is sunny and more up. That is my whine for awhile I hope.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2013

    Mariane, the taxanes suck majorly, in my opinion. I had taxotere, not taxol, but it whupped my ass. Still, I tried to drag myself out for some kind of walk or something anyway, because it seemed to help a little.

    As for the tastebuds, I found that TGIF tex-mex stuff felt really good to eat. I have not eaten it before or since. 

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Dwight D. Eisenhower  waved to me from a train once, does that count?  At least that's what my mother tells me.  He was campaigning and the train was coming thru and I was in my baby stroller and he waved to me......

    OH, and I slept with Paul McCartney . . . well . . . a couple years back he was in Boston so my BFF and I were going to see him and we booked a room at the Four Seasons where he was staying, so I slept in the same building with him anyway.  One can dream, can't one?????

    8 miles this morning, 18 degrees but a beautiful morning - THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    If you are going to tell a story, you might as well make it a good one Smile!

    OMG, I hope Cheryl doesn't get stuck in a snowstorm in New York with her little wimpy 'California Cold Weather Clothes'!!!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Claire - good luck with the ski trip - sounds exciting!  Lulu - Paul McCartney, huh?  Hubba, hubba!  Cool Marian - I had a soapy taste all through chemo - like if you get some shampoo in your mouth by accident.  I first noticed it when I was drinking water at work and it tasted soapy. I figured I hadn't rinsed out my water cup enough after washing it, so I rinsed it very thoroughly.  Still a soapy taste.  So I rinsed it again for several minutes.  Still a soapy taste.  It wasn't till I was rinsing for the third time that it finally hit me - it wasn't the cup, it was me. Surprised  Chemobrain Mary was just a little slow on the uptake on that one!

    30 minutes core exercise with stability ball DVD this morning - wow - still having a tough time with some of the leg moves!  It's suprisingly intense.  But I did a little better this week, so that's good. 

    All you New Englanders, batten down the hatches - it looks like a nasty one for you!  Gee, Cheryl might have to indulge in some emergency retail therapy in NY to get some real cold weather clothes!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    Nah, Cheryl wimped out and decided to leave NY a day early (today) to beat the storm.  Supposed to hit here sometime tomorrow.   Hope I beat it and get home from work before it gets too bad.

    Well, HI everyone.  I'm am 'whupped'.  Arrived home about 6am this morning on 12-hour flight from Israel.  Slept about 4 hours on the plane and feeling the 7-hour time difference so just came on to say hello since I did not nap today. Grueling 10 day tour with lots of walking, made harder because the streets are cobblestones or slate and/or brick; up and down steep hills on the beautiful mountains.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited February 2013

    5 k walk with my friend from Wisconsin and sunny too! She and her husband drove here in 3 days. Snowshoeing with them on Vancouver Island coming up. Feeling better today and maybe sun is part of that.