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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Claire, that sounds like heaven on earth.....

    Haven't ventured out yet, it's still snowing but winding down.  Think I'll bake brownies now for my recovery meal after "shovel & sculpt."

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,429
    edited February 2013

    Shovelled and sculpted a path away from the cabin.  Snow was 1/3 way up the door frame due to drifts when I opened it.  Cat leapt over it, then thought better of it and tried to leap back in but landed in the middle of the pile. I couldn't help laughing at her.  I was too tired after shoveling to clean up all the water melting inside.  Did some upper are shaking the lilac tree since the branches were bowed to the ground with snow. I will do some crunches later and walk a mile

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited April 2014

    We had rain last night, but it looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day.  It's sunny, but cold.  Ladies, I'm attempting to take my day off from exercise.  I'll let you know if I get past the stressing out part about taking the day off, and actually not go. I ate some bad stuff last night, something called a sweet potato pie, which was very sweet and I know full of sugar.  And then I found where my husband hid my dark chocolate candy bar ... so that was gone in about 5 seconds.  :)

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited February 2013

    Do you all know that researchers are looking at Dandelion Tea as a possible step to kill cancer cells?  Here is the article, and it references Memorial Sloan Ketering as being interested in it as well:

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Dinner with Cheryl and her friend was fabulous - we dragged them to our favorite Mexican food joint and enjoyed fajitas, margaritas, and wonderful conversation.  They had a great day touring DC and saw a lot of the sights, but somehow the GPS lady in their rental car misplaced the White House so they never saw it.  Undecided  

    Today is rest day, but we're doing Declutter N Sculpt - should have a couple of loads for the transfer center and a couple more loads to donate to the thrift shop.  Badger - found a Paul Molitor bobblehead we got when we went to a Brewers game in Wisconsin several years ago - I'll save it for you if you want it! Cold and windy here but sunny.  Nice after all the rain. 

    Be safe those who are doing Shovel N Sculpt - especially if you've had nodes out don't overdo and STOP if your at risk arm starts to feel tingly, heavy or otherwise unusual. My LE therapist recently told me about a patient of hers - the woman had a mx with ALND over 20 years ago and never had any sign of LE - she was in the foreign service so she flew all around the world, lugged suitcases and other stuff, and used the arm however she wished with no issues.  But a few years ago we had back to back huge snowstorms and the woman was out there doing a lot of shoveling for a few days - and developed LE after 20 years.  So be careful!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited February 2013

    Went out last night to a lovely restaurant that serves Nepalese and Indian food. The food was exceptional and absolutely enjoyed the company of my DH & son who were in good humor. A terrific evening to celebrate our 15th year wedding anniversary. 

    Down day and tomorrow for me regarding working out.  Liv, I sure would enjoy a beach walk. Nice to read of your meet up Cheryl and Mary. Debra, interesting link.   Sandee, you go girl! Thanks Ruth for your support.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2013

    Walked for an hour three times last week and to and from choir (another 7kms). also went to karate on Wednesday and then played ping pong...will be walking again tomorrow!

    Ruth, as always, you are an inspiration!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2013

    Started my day off with 3 brisk miles on the treadmill today before running errands and getting the taxes done.

    Would have preferred the beach walk instead but.......

    Need to stay diligent this week as the annual girls trip is next weekend...We will get lots of walking at Disney but will need it since I doubt the diet will be very good.....

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    About 8 miles of skiing and the most amazing scenery ever!  Feeling it everywhere, and off for a hot bath.  Short ski in the AM and then a 5 hour drive back to Seattle.

    I will come back here again! - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2013

    Bedo, I lol'd at your cat story.  There have been some funny videos of cats in snow going around lately.  Poor kitties don't quite know what to do with it, do they?   LilacBlue, happy 15th anniversary!

    In typical weekend warrior fashion I walked 4 miles today to make up for lack of walking all week.  It was clear and crisp after raining a lot yesterday.

    Last night I took my first Tamoxifen.  Yay?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Yes, 'yea'....things that lower the risk of recurrence are GOOD!!!

    I was busy every second of the whole day. There is a blizzard watch through noon Monday (6 to 16 inches of snow with 40 mph winds), being trapped in the house would have its advantages!

    Follow Mary's advice & take breaks when you shovel, get somebody else to help, or, better yet, do it for you if there is too much.

    Happy Anniversary, Lilac! Jealous of your dinner with Cheryl, Mary.

    My crabby cat, Henry, meows and meows to go out; then when you open the door, he races out, makes a u-turn, races back in and complains some more about the weather.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2013

    Busy day here too: errands, bookwork, a walk & a nap.  20 mins AM yoga w/R. Yee.

    Logged 7.82 km = 4.86 miles for the day.  Also chopped away at some stubborn ice.

    Happy anniversary, LB!  The traditional gift for #15 is crystal.  Cool

    Ann, I also say yay for tamox, I've been on it 2.5 yrs and SE's haven't been too bad.

    LuvLuLu, hot chocolate w/Bailey's sounds divine!  Ruth, LOL at Henry's complaints.

    Hope those in the path of storms stay safe and warm!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited February 2013

    Thank you for the kind anniversary wishes everyone.Laughing

    Badger, yes to crystal and modern is glass. I was presented with a rectangular Pyrex casserole dish, to replace the one I shattered on the tile kitchen floor before Thanksgiving.  Light blue glass cufflinks for my beloved.

    Hope all of you that were in the storms path are snug and warm today.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2013

    More snow today - not big snow like the Northeast, but enough to go cross country skiing.  Laughing  The snow was heavy and slick but still oh so fun.  LE arm felt like it was acting up, so tightened the core, kicked the lower body into high gear and gave it 110%.  Warm bath tonight, chicken stir fry and a hot toddy by the fire - ahhh.  

    LB  Happy Anniversary!  Love my Pyrex!  BTW - I understand that the workout document will be available to all, and on the SUSO website when it's ready. Not sure if yoga information has been provided.  

    cheryl and mary  Fajitas and margaritas?  Jealous!!  

    Happy start of the week to everybody ~

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,429
    edited February 2013

    Going to do more sculpt and shovel.  Car is packed in by snow.  And No More Gingerale!  (I usually drink 1/2-1 liter a day) It's ridiculous.  I'm totally addictied. I use it to relieve stress, it works, I don't know why.  OK, Maybe 1 can a day for a few weeks.

    Edited:  I walked for 30 minutes.  You are all an inspiration I haven't exercised in years.  Except for 2 times last year.  But I will keep it up.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Yes, the exercise document will be posted on SUSO and will have info about LE and weights, yoga, and Pilates.  It's just being finalized now so hopefully we'll have it up there soon.  I will absolutely let everyone know.

    Happy Anniversary LB!

    My schedule has me down for a 6 mile run today.  Fortunately it's in the 40's and has been dry, so I can run through the park - much nicer than a treadmill or going round and round the local high school track.   It was in the teens this morning, so I let it warm up a bit before heading out there!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Snowing like crazy here. They've already delayed school by two hours tomorrow, so we shall see. Did a FIRM interval training DVD. I have a slow cooking stew in the oven, and it smells wonderful!

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,429
    edited February 2013

    Do you mind me asking a few questions?

    What is an EFX machine?

    What is Step up step out?

    What is the exercise document?

    I would like some guidance on getting started, if you all don't mind helping me.

    Thank you!

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited April 2014

    Hi Everyone,

    I took your advice and took off Saturday.  I like it so much, I had a hard time making it to the fitness room today.  It kept getting later and later in the day, and finally I dragged myself there!

    I did 93 minutes of cardio:  EFX machine for 13 miles and .50 treadmill and 30 reps of the weights for my arms.

    I could have gone longer on the treadmill, but my toenail kept getting the toe next to it.  I'm past due for my pedicure!

    I've got 2 eggs boiling right now to replenish with protein.

    Then it's sitting in front of TV to watch E! channel to see the Red Carpet stuff.

    I hope you are all having a great day!

    - Looking for recipes? Try the What's for Dinner Forum

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited February 2013

    Bedo - The EFX machine mimics running up a hill.  It has these 2 slides things on an incline, you put your feet on it, and your body weight slides them up and down the little glide thing.  I use an alternating incline, so it simulates like hiking up a hill, but it goes fast, like riding a bike standing up.  It's very similar to an elliptical machine, without those moving handlebars coming at you!  LOL

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    One hour shovel and sculpt yesterday.  Hip still complaining but will do some walking before bed.  I agree about taking it easy.  It's been said many times on these boards that LE can appear years later.  I also tend to do more than I should justifying because I only had 5 nodes removed. 

    Ruth, as long as the snow has already started there, please keep it there - no need to share, thanks.

    Cats are not my favorite but I love hearing of their antics. bedo, I got a good belly-laugh and ruthbru, your story made me chuckle.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2013

    30+ minutes hooping, and a short walk with the hubby.

    Thanks for the encouragement re Tamoxifen.   Not noticing any SE's yet.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    I did a short ski prior to heading back today.  250 miles is a long drive and glad to be home safe and sound.  Well, ALMOST sound, as tripped over a cement parking guide (sun was blinding) and went down on both wrists when getting gas.   Nothing serious, but man do they hurt!

    The ski was along a river, and so pretty, but better suited to snowshoes than skis.  So reclaimed my "clambering through bushes" skills.

    Busy day in store for tomorrow.  My own bed will be nice, and think an early night.

    But what an amazing place to ski. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Bedo - SUSO is Step Up Speak Out - a website all about lymphedema.  It provides guidance for those at risk for LE and for those of us who have it.   It was put together by women who posted regularly on the LE section here on BCO.  It contains practical advice about all facets of lymphedema.  It's HON-certified, meaning that it's been reviewed and certified as supplying accurate medical information.  Some of us have been working on a document about exercising with LE that we'll post on the website.  The idea was, when you have LE and take an exercise class or hire a personal trainer, you have to meet with the instructor or trainer early to explain a bit about LE, about how you need to build up strength slowly, why you can't or won't do certain moves, and to ask for alternate moves.  This document is designed to be downloaded and printed out so that you can just give it to the instructor or trainer and they'll be informed about LE.  We hope to have it posted soon.

    6 mile run yesterday!  It was in the 40's and sunny, so I had a lovely run through the park.  Today's schedule called for stretching - lot of foam roller work and Lebeds. 

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2013

    Hour of Dance Fusion, feeling glutes and quads from yesterday's workout.  And shovel & sculpt this afternoon, I'm scared for  an LE flare but it had to be done and nobody else was around.  Undecided  Will do MLD this evening.  

    Mary  Oh how great that the trainer document is almost done!  This will be of help to so many of us.   Ann  I'm a year into taking Tami and no big SE's, other than an occasional hot flash!  

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    20 min on elliptical, 20 on goal this week is to try to try to start adding in some strength training for the legs and butt and some ab work (ugh) into my routine. Started week 3 of rads, so far no major issues...tired, but was tired after chemo and exercise helps so much! Gotta keep moving!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Long day here, even though we had a late start for school, I was still up at my usual time (the cats don't like their schedule messed with, so let me know it was time to get up Frown). So.....I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes while DH snowblowed out the driveway, and then drove me through the snow clogged streets to work (thus earning his title as 'dear' husband). We had conferences after school, so got home at 7pm & then did 45 minutes of toning (under the theory that I will be even more tired tomorrow night as we have conferences tomorrow night too).

    Keep up all the good work everyone!

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,429
    edited February 2013

    That is good, Natsfan.   I'm never sure what I can and cannot do, and when I have exercised, I've done too much and hurt the next day. Thank you

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    I did crunches today, and two walks.  The first was to the drugstore to buy an ace bandage for my left wrist.  The second was about 2 miles I got in prior to my evening board meeting.

    I usually err on the side of too much exercise.  But that is the way I get stronger.

    Both wrists feel a ton better than earlier today, so hoping the pain is fleeting.

    Off to bed in a couple after a bowl of soup. - Claire

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Just in from my morning run - 6.2 miles.  We did our "snow" route because this one is usually cleared up early, but it's a miserable, hilly route - it seems all uphill!  It was icy this morning though.  Probably should have stayed in and done the treadmill, but we were out there, going along slowly.  The air felt beautiful - it's about 35 degrees. We ended up with about 27 inches of snow.

    Time to shower, pack my food for the day, and off to work. Will try to leave early for the 4 PM hot yoga class. Tough class (for me, but Misswim would just sail right thru Wink) but I look forward to stretching out the aching muscles with the heat making them more pliable.