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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2013

    64! Just like the song. Happy birthday, Mariane!

    Insanity, Day 9 done.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Happy Birthday, Mariane!!!

    Claire, I'm gonna get me some of those cashmere sweats. Sounds decadent!

    Back in the gym this morning, HIIT treadmill followed by shoulders.  Tonight is my gentle yoga class - haven't been in a couple of weeks, but I miss it.

    Gotta clean up the diet again!  All this cold and snow has left me with too much "comfort food."

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited February 2013

    Happy Birthday Mariane!Laughing

    Freestyle step and physio and Ann kudos on the knee to waist hooping!Wink

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    Happy birthday Marianne, sounds like a wonderful weekend!

    And cashmere sweats....those sound amazing!

    Started working on some strength training for the core and lower half yesterday, with about 20 minutes of cardio. Just a bit sore today but felt good to begin working on those muscles...slow and steady. Home with hubby and kids today going to try to get some playtime outside before the rain comes....chasing a stir crazy 3 and 1.5 year old around counts as a workout, right?? Back to the gym tomorrow and agree gotta clean up the diet too!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited February 2013

    Mariane: Happy Belated Birthday!

    Ruth: Windows Eight. Frown

    Badger: Sorry about your work. Glad you weren't laid off.

    Good evening to everybody! Been off the board for a few days but I have been exercising almost daily. I walked/ran this morning before going to court to serve on jury duty. This is my first time to be summons for jury duty. Today we watched a video, were sworn in, then told that we were through for the day. Curious what tomorrow brings.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,526
    edited February 2013

    Wow, kudos to all of you for braving the aches, the pains, the weather, and life's stresses!! You are ever so motivating!!! 

    Moderator Melissa

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Yes, we are! Wink

    An hour on the treadmill.

    A lousy day here; rain which turned to ice, with freezing winds and blowing snow on top of that. Blah! Plus one of my kiddos broke two bones in his wrist during PE, he needs to have surgery tomorrow. Poor little guy, and very upsetting to everyone else too.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    OK Melissa.....what have YOU done????  Time to 'fess up.  I just remembered that I needed to do the weights part of my weights/crunches, and did them.  Still need to do 5s not 10s, and can't yet do triceps extensions.

    Otherwise, trudged to the supermarket for ingredients for Chcken Marsala for tomorrow's dinner and did the crunches on my exercise ball.

    Did tons of work which primarily exercised the brain.

    Realized earlier today that the difference between exericising and couch potato-dom is about 40 lb.  That will keep me moving.  Plus, I still get "nice ass" compliments, and these become more important as i get older.

    I think too that there is a self-image thing going on here.  I spoke to my ex's sister today.  Was dreading the call as usually so negative and I have the weight of the world upon me.  The good news is that she has made peace with her lot in life.  But I am energized and not in the least bitter.

    That counts for a lot.  Hoping for more snow in the mountains as not ready for the Chilly Hilly. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2013

    My flannel jammies are jealous of Claire's cashmere sweats Smile

    Kept moving for 90 minutes tonight-- a long walk then hooping.  I'm shaking things up here, walking *before* hooping.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2013

    Two weeks on the road and the only day I got some "real" exercise was at my friends house in Tennessee where we had a lovely walk in the woods,  and had an absolutely fabulous evening with Natsfan and her delightful DH I was a bit of a pain cause the menu was so good that I kept changing my mind about what to orderSmile, unfortunately had to by-pass Patoo because of the big New York snowstorm, and a good thing too cause she had a shovel with name on it and I was on vacation so no shovel and sculpt for meWink!!!!

    Did 3800 miles, saw 12 states and DC, stopped in to visit Elvis went to Pigeon Forge which was another highlight, got to go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans (which I would highly recommend everyone to do at least once in their lifetime) and had a wonderful vacation.

    Badger I’m so sorry about your job situation, darn it, I saw a couple of Voodoo shops and I would have gladly gone in for you. Happy Birthday Marianne. LLL hope your back spasms are better. Oh Ruth I have to get a new computer now you’re making me scared about having to tackle Windows 8, gosh I wish they’d leave well enough alone.

    Back to the gym tonight for my crazy spin class, it was tough to get off the couch and go but I managed to give it my all.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Temp in the 20's - it was actually a beautiful morning.  Did our 6.2 "snow" route this morning - and it was nice and dry, smooth sailing, time was going well, but then I had to make a pit stop.  In the woods.  HATE it when that happens.

    Back feels better, thx, cheryl! Yoga helped it last night - small group, gentle class, the teacher knew my back was bothering me so she focused on some nice, easy back stretches.

    Tonight my cousin is dragging me to the barn for a (get this) driving class.  As in horse & buggy.  Well, I'll do it for fun. My cousin tells me next year at the Super Bowl we'll be driving in the Budweiser Clydesdales. Laughing

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2013

    Valentines day dinner, 3 day weekend, another snowstorm, and way too much eating and drinking, and hardly any exercise.  I didn't even shovel and sculpt, let my hubby do it.  I had a lot of free time and could have gone to the gym, but sat around on my bum making bad food choices.  Sigh...  Ruth, I'm thinking of taking a page from your book where I have to schedule so many minutes a day of exercise.  You are amazing, I look at your schedule and I am exhausted, and you are always squeezing in exercise!

    The wedding is coming up in June, and I need to go dress shopping.  My daughter wants me in a sleeveless dress, so I should start working on toning my arms a bit.  I've been trying to lose some weight, but I realistically will need to get a dress for the body I have now, and if I do manage to lose a few pounds, have it altered.

    Did some classical stretch this morning, and I'm thinking of reinstituting my lunchtime walk if the snow has melted on the path.  Gym bag in car, spinning tonight!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Wow on the cross country trip, Cheryl!  Reminds me of driving from NYC to Seattle six years ago.  I found the Badlands of ND fascinating.  The place that I was totally unprepared for was the Columbia River Plateau in Eastern WA.  I saw a bit of it during my ski adventure a week ago.  Then the Columbia itself.  Just breathtaking.

    LoveLulu....woods is better than foul porta-potty.  I sure didn't linger in the one I used on Sunday, and did the finer parts of getting my clothing "adjusted" outside.  I learned to drive a team when I was something like 3.  As of 15 years ago, I still knew how, and I suspect I still do.  Clydesdales are really mellow.  They have to be when they weigh something like a ton each.  Shires are even larger, and I have talked to them as well.  I drove a wagon and also a sled with a sap tank on it (maple syrup, like in the syrup can picture).  When I was older, we used to sneak out and ride the mare.  She was amazingly patient with us.

    I am still trying to wake and errands to do today.  My wrists are starting to feel a lot better, and I know I can do more with them.  I slept a lot better last night too with less pain from them.

    Just got a look at the Olympic Mountains with the early morning sunlight.  Shrouded with clouds and a glorious pink.  Just breathtaking....snow levels are way down.....Mmmmmmmmm, SKIING this coming weekend. - Claire

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Pat01.....weights really do work for those arms.  So does skiing.  So does cycling.

    I am as toned on top as in that picture.  Not just the arms, but the shoulders and waistline.  All make a major difference in how things look and feel. 

    I am saying this as a push for you to get moving. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    We ended up having to put our beautiful kitty Sully down yesterday.  It was a rough decision, but he let us know in his own way that it was time.  Yesterday's weather was beautiful – cold and crisp with a clear blue sky - a perfect day for his spirit to soar free. 

    As you can imagine, it's a rough day today, but fortunately we work with a lot of animal people who understand why DH and I are a bit out of it today. 

    It's the first time in almost 30 years we've been without a cat in the house - a very strange feeling indeed. 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    I am so very sorry, Mary.  Hardest decision, and yet a necessary one.  I still miss Rosalind.  Your house must feel so empty now. - Claire

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited February 2013

    Nast, Sorry about Sully. Not having a pet around can be a bummer. Get some exercise in to feel emotionally better for the time being. Of course grieving is in order so you can heal.

    Ann, I just started hooping and I love it. Do you have any DVDs to suggest for beginner work outs or you tubes? I use a two pound one. I can get it as far down as hips and keep it there for a while.....but down to knees and that is hard work. It sure gets your heart going doesn't it? I usually only do 20 min, and do a bunch of other exercise stuff in conjunction.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Adding another trip......Portland in July via BICYCLE (Seattle-to-Portland).  That will keep me honest.  Was wonderful to check the "6-10" box (how many done so far), as this will be my 7th.

    Was lucky to get in, as sold out.  One of the benefits of my Group Health membership, plus a 25% off discount.

    Actually, entry is the cheap part.  It's stuff like getting my bicycle tuned up for the event.  Plus of course, getting my own body in shape.

    However, I am skipping the first cycling event which is this Sunday.  Promising temps near 40 with RAIN.  Should be perfect skiing weather and conditions though.  I will do the one that is more funSmile

    See all you sculpted ladies later. - Claire

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited February 2013

    I'm about ready to throw my hat into a future Seattle-to-Portland bike ride, when I get a suitable bike, hehehe.

    I think I would want to die cycling to Portland on a 30 year-old single speed mixte.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Nats, my heart is breaking for you.  Our beautiful boxer was put down over a year ago and I'm still not over it.  My husband says never again because he never wants to go thru that again.  But there's a void and an emptiness in my heart . . .Frown

    Love to you, I'm so sorry . . .

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,855
    edited February 2013

    Mary: So sorry about your dear Sully. Thinking of you and your dh.

    Cheryl: Loved hearing about your trip!

    Good evening all. No exercise today as of yet. I sat all day at jury duty and I plan to walk with my Leslie CD later.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    I am so sorry, Mary. I know you gave him a great, happy life.

    Fun to hear about your trip, Cheryl. Sounds like you dodged the storms.

    'Squeezing' in exercise describes my night; got in 30 minutes of upper & lower body toning with Denise after school, went and watched high school basketball for three hours (our girls beat an undefeated team by one point, the boys were clobbered, as usual), came home, did 15 minutes of abs & 15 on the treadmill. Tired!!!!

    P.S. It is 13 degrees BELOW zero here!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2013

    Mary I'm so sorry, I know your heart is broken. 

    Tonight I did Body Step class and then half a Combat class and now I am so tired and my arms feel like lead balloons, welcome back to the land of exercise, when you take time off and start up again it's just like beginning again.....

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2013

    Mary  So very sorry to hear of the loss of your kitty.  

    Have taken a few days off from exercise, as I'm in Florida for doctor visits and some sunshine.   I try to plan these appt.'s for the winter months  Cool  so much more fun.   

    Planning a run this afternoon at a local preserve area.  I haven't run in months due to plantar fasciitis, wondering how it will be after some time off.  

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2013

    Oh Mary, so sorry about your kitty. Hugs.

    Claire, thank you for the push - I so need a good kick in the pants.  So yesterday after work was spinning - I love this class.  So we hang around and wait, and teacher never shows!  So instead of going and getting on the treadmill or elliptical, I go home!  Definitely need to change my mindset here.  I did look into arm exercises on line yesterday, and found a 10 minute routine with light weights that looks good, and I can do this at home.  Also need to reincorporate couch to 5k into my routine, to prepare for spring summer fall races.  My goal is 2 endurance races this year - had a blast at the one I did last year.

    So, 10 minutes of warmup spinning (and one hill), and classical stretch this morning.  Suns out, need to reinstitute lunchtime walk.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for the kind words about Sully.  We miss him, but we still have the two dogs and the turtle dove so the house isn't empty.  But a cat adds a different energy to the house, and it still seems a lot emptier without him.  Like when I'd get up to hit the bathroom in the middle of the night - he used to come in and twirl around my legs and ask for head scritches, and meow if his food bowl was empty - those of you with cats know what I'm talking about.  I got up last night and no one came in to keep me company.  And when I weighed in on the Wii this morning, his little Mii bounded up when I first turned it on - we'd track his weight on the Wii.  That one was a punch in the gut - I think cuz it was unexpected.   But, this too shall pass.  

    Cheryl - what a great trip!  Ruth - BRRRRRRRR!! Joy - good luck with the run after the layoff!

    Still keeping up with the HM training program. Sunday called for a 6 mile run - it was 20 degrees with a wind chill in the single digits.  I layered so I wasn't that cold, but found it hard to get my breath - only made it 3 miles running and had to run-walk the last 3 miles.  People on the running thread have assured me that it's a normal reaction the first few times you run in very cold weather, and that your body eventually acclimates.  30 minutes strength and 35 minutes treadmill run yesterday, and 30 minutes cross-training cardio video today.

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    Nats- so sorry to hear about your pet, it's heartbreaking.

    Did 30 mins elliptical, 15 on the bike....dealing with a bit of a cold now, going to take it easy.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 of Arms/Abs/Buns of Steel.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    NatsFan, sorry about your cat.  hbcheryl, sorry you weren't able to stop by and help shovel as you would not have gone so long without exercise but I managed to move it on my own.  Glad you had a great trip cross-country.

    I've been moving a little, and I mean little, every day but need those voices to get a wee bit louder please.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2013

    hi ladies, been absent a few days so had to read & catch up.

    Mary, sorry about Sully, I know how much he will be missed. 

    Cheryl, too bad you missed patoo and all that lovely s-n-o-w.

    Fun trip, though, and I will make do with my virtual voodoo doll. 

    Ruth thanks for punching out my boss, he needed it.  Do it again OK?

    Logged 15.57 km = 9.68 miles since my last post.  (patoo, can you hear us now?)