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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2013

    Titanium, did you have lymph nodes removed?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Titanium - did you have any nodes out?  That will make a difference on how soon you can start and what you should do.  If you had any nodes removed then you are at increased risk for lymphedema.  You should not do anything like push ups or chest presses for a long time. Doing too much too soon can trigger lymphedema.  You need to build up strength very slowly.  Check out the lymphedema section here on BCO and also the Step Up Speak Out website for great info on LE risk reduction. 

    No one told me about LE reduction measures, so as soon as I was able, I jumped back into an exercise program including weights, push ups and chest presses.  It felt so good to be exercising again!  Little did I know that I was engaging in extremely risky behavior. I now have arm and truncal lymphedema and will have it for the rest of my life - there is no cure.  If only I'd known what I know now, maybe I could have avoided getting LE. 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2013

    Nats, that is terrible. I am so sorry.That was really irresponsible of your docs. I am of the opinion that ALL patients with this surgery should be sent to PT as a matter of course to assess for LE, help with resuming activities etc. I insisted on seeing someone, and I am so happy I did. The only reason I knew to ask was that a dear friend had warned me about the possibility of LE. The docs were very laid back about it. Every time I see them I tell them that they should send all their patients to PT. I am sure they find me very annoying :)

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2013

    Activity today included the monthly hilly hike at the oncology center - it's a big campus and I walk about a mile to get to the MO's office, and then back to the car.  Also got in an hour of reformer pilates.  

    Titanium  I'm chiming in to add to NatsFan and Momine's inquiry on whether you had nodes out.  I too jumped into exercise, taking it easy at first and despite that have occasional mild flares of truncal lymphedema.  The key is to take it very easy at first, and do so very little to ease into exercise, regardless of what level you were at previously.  What feels right at the time may affect you later.  You will get there eventually, it just takes some time.  And the pec spasms should go down with time.  

    NatsFan  Your spa day sounded wonderful!  Claire  Hope the wrist is feeling better.  badger   Bummer on the aggravation at work.  

    Happy Valentine's Day All ~

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    Nats- can't believe your docs never said anything, agree so irresponsible! 

    20 mins on bike 20 on goal is to do some ab work this evening...either cruches or chocolate...hey, it's valentines day. :)

  • Titanium
    Titanium Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2013

    I am fortunate and did not have any nodes removed.  Reading this forum Im impressed by the level of activity so many women engage in.  You inspire me!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2013

    hi ladies and welcome Titanium.  You got some good advice above.  We are fortunate to have wonderful caring world-class LE experts here at BCO, and some of them post here.

    cocobean, how about chocolate with crunches, like Nestle's Crunches?  Innocent  After all, it is St. Valentine's Day!

    Mary, thanks and I know all too well what you mean because I am currently doing the work of three people.  We were just informed that our office is being disbanded.  Staff will be reassigned to other locations.  The good news is I still have a job but the bad news is my commuting cost just doubled, there goes my carpool arrangement.  Two people lost their jobs yesterday and no one will be secure until the dust settles.  But I did get out for a walk at noon.  3.6 km = 2.24 miles for the day.

    I need strength & poise these days my Sculpted Sisters, and would gratefully take any positive energy you'd like to send this way!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    I am off in a few to do some errands and hit the wine bar for chocolate/wine pairings research.  Someone has to do this work.  Promise a report back.

    Badger....I have been on both sides of downsizing, and either way sucks.  Congrats on keeping your job though.  I used cycling to get me through these times.  Kept me focused on what was important.

    As for favoring your surgery side, guess which wrist I landed really hard on???  Right now, my thumb is purple, but otherwise, all looks fine. My right hand is no bonus either, as the heel is still missing chunks of flesh.  I am so glad nothing appears broken.  Plus, I didn't rip my good jeans.  Or break my wonderful sunglasses.  And I got home safely.

    Now to put on some V-Day wine pairing duds..... - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Badger, sending hugs and dark chocolate. Maybe join a kickboxing class, and then you can virtually kick and punch certain bosses! GRRRRR......

    Welcome Titanium. This is a really fun (and awesome) group of ladies to hang out with!!

    Claire, so far I hate Windows 8. I will never use most of the stupid windows as I don't want to share anything with anybody (present company excluded)! And I don't care about the weather in Borneo or whatever! But my biggest complaint is that it is so 'jumpy'. I accidently brush a key and it pops me to somewhere else & then I have heck of a time getting back to where I started from. I imagine I will get used to it...but will probably need a tutorial from my IT son.

    30 on the treadmill & 30 of toning. Happy Valentines Day!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2013

    Titanium, that is great. I would still strongly suggest that you get a consult with a PT if it is not too difficult to arrange. They often know a couple of tricks that can save you pain or trouble. I would think the main thing is to stretch gently but regularly and start building strength slowly, slowly and steadily.

    The first 6-12 months after my surgery, I would do the simple stretches provided by the PT 2-3 times a day. I started going to the gym about 8 months after my surgery (before that I had a lot of treatment and stuck with walking as my main exercise). I was never a jock before cancer. I usually stayed fairly active, and did lift weights for a spell back in my 20s, but I am not athletic.

    The first month, I could barely get above 3 miles an hour on the treadmill and on the nautilus machines I had to balance the pin on top of the weight stack to use them.

    It is now about 7 months that I have been going 3-4X a week. I still do the PT stretches frequently. Keeping everything gently moving and avoiding injury are key, I think. Now I can walk at a good clip for long stretches, and I can actually put a bit of weight on the machines. The progress has been slow, but significant, so I am sure you can get back into the swing of things as long as you are patient.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited February 2013

    Welcome, Titanium! Love that strong vibe from your name.  Badger, sorry for your work worries. Sounds like you need a spa day like Mary's.  Claire, hope the hands heal. Can't wait for your report.

    Momine, your exercise timeline sounds a lot like mine. In hindsight I was lucky to have gotten a frozen shoulder after surgery and needing PT on my affected side.  I just wanted to be able to move my arm above my head without pain before rads. They might not have sent me to PT otherwise. There I learned more about lymphedema. I continued walking and gentle arm exercises until eight months after surgery when I hired a personal trainer. I failed all his tests for upper body strength. He had to help me lift weights and it was a very slow progression. Now I can use all the machines at the gym whereas I couldn't use one before without help, for the upper body, that is.

    Feeling much better today. But not yet up to Insanity.  Misswim, you are right about the plyometrics. I just modified but might think of moving on to something else altogether, at least for a while.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    I work in IT for a living, and even I have no desire to move to Windows 8 - I've heard too many tales of woe like I'm hearing here.  Apparently Microsoft planned it for tablets and touchscreens, making no accomodation for those who still use traditional PCs with keyboards and mice. 

    Did my 30 minute treadmill run last night, and 30 minute elliptical this morning.  Off to the cabin for the long weekend.  I think I told you all when our orange tabby kitty Sullivan was dx with lymphoma a few months ago.  He was maintaining, but this week has suddenly started going downhill.  Sully loves the cabin so we're going try to give him one last weekend up there.  Unless he unexpectedly rallies in the next few days, I'm afraid we're going to have to make a painful decision all too soon.  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    (Warning - more baseball talk) - Ruth - Denard had an interesting day yesterday.  From news reports:

    A dead fish falling from the sky is scary. But, to some people, Ospreys are even scarier.

    Denard Span is one of those people. During a Nationals team workout on Thursday, one of the large, marine-hunting birds accidentally dropped its seafood onto the outfield grass. The newly-acquired Span wasn't so much as frightened of the falling fish, as he was when the Osprey circled back ... and back again for its meal. Eventually, Span threw the catch over the fence.

    "I was just screaming," Span said. "I'm not an outdoorsman. I didn't want him to attack me."

    So would that rule out ever playing for the Orioles, Cardinals or Blue Jays?

    -- Matt Monagan /

    Post story, complete with video interview of Denard:

    He sounds like he's going to be fun to have on the team!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Denard may have to be benched on the days you play 'bird' teams, Tongue Out.

    Badger, maybe an emergency trip to New Orleans to buy voodoo dolls would be in order......Banana Fosters & Hurricanes are also good for the psyche!

    Sad about your kitty, Mary. Hope he has a lovely catly weekend at the cabin.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2013

    Mary, sorry about your kitty. Hope he rallies for your cabin trip.

    Well, I also did chocolate instead of crunches last night! Chocolate cherry martinis with a chocolate covered cherry in the glass!  Had a nice dinner out with hubby instead of choir practice.  Got up this morning and did classical stretch.  Wish this snow would go away so I could start walking again, but they are predicting more for this weekend.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Mmmmmm.  Glad someone else properly celebrated a holiday devoted to decadence.  It was different than I planned.  No Theo, as one of the regulars was given truffles from Seattle Chocolate at work.  We had them with Moulin Rouge cocktails - sparkling wine with a splash of raspberry wine added.  Divine combination.

    I did about 4 miles of walking yesterday, and crunches.  Plus I ate most of the rest of the chicken soup w/wild rice and kale when I got home from the decadence fest.

    One of my stops was Nordstrom (flagship store) where I used my gift certificates on two face serums.  I have been using a sample of one of these and notice a major difference in my skin.  The other is the new replacement of my fave discontinued one.  Actually it combines TWO faves into one, always a good idea.  So celebrating this birthday by looking YOUNGER than a few months ago.  I'll take that.

    Windows 8 was certainly not designed for anyone who uses a computer for real work.  It's really an entertainment platform with work as an afterthought.  Super annoying is what happens if you want to look at a photograph.  It tries to upload to the sky drive, and then you have to click back to the normal work menu.  Mental!  I know there is a plug in out there which changes its functionality back to similar to Windows 7.  I am tempted.....

    The only good thing is the very fast boot-up time.  On the other hand, my Samsung smartphone was a major step forward. But the same issue with being too sensitive (except when my fingertips are cold, which is most of the time when outdoors or skiing).... - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2013

    badger, glad to hear you kept your job for now but that sux about the commute.

    Well you all have reminded me I'd better learn about LE.  I got an Rx for PT after asking my MO "so who do I call if I get symptoms of LE?" but I may wait until completing rads to go.   I had 5 nodes out, but as I understand rads to armpit will be an even larger risk factor.

    Took my hula hoops to visit a friend yesterday and taught her some basics.  She did great!  Then we walked up a long hill.  Later had Chinese takeout for V-Day dinner and home-made card exchange with the hubby.  He made the most incredible "card" this year-- a flipbook made from a pack of post-its.  I made him a 4-panel comic.  It was a good day.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    badger, sorry about the job.  Went through it in 2006 where whole office closed, period.  Commute went from 20 mins to an hour at current job but I'm just thankful I was only out of work a month.  Better a longer commute than no commute (because of no job) at all.

    ruthbru, I don't know Windows 8 but usually you can adjust the sensitivity.  Try right-clicking on your desktop and see if you get options to 'personalize' or 'ease of access' or some such.  Or from the start menu or welcome center maybe there is a 'help and support' option.

    Hmmm, New Orleans road-trip for 2014?  just sayin'

    Now, can't come to this thread without doing some moving, so time to get to it.  Later my sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    FIRM Cardio Dance Party & Scult-ilates (pilates with a elastic band).

    I will schedule a working lunch with Windows 8, me, and DS (the IT guy).

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2013

    oooh, a voodoo doll - now you're talking!  New Orleans would be fun, never been there.

    I have been visualizing my boss with his hair on fire but now I'll include a few stick-pins.

    Fittingly, I logged 6.66 km = 4.15 miles for the day.  Happy weekend everyone!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2013

    Walking lots while the temperature allows it and the wind is up and still dancing Thursday nights. There was actually FOG in Doha today! Need to try arate again and get to the bootcamp class!

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2013

    Finally had enough energy to get on the treadmill at the community center while my daughter had swim team and walked for 1.5 miles.  It's half of what I would have normally done, but I am just grateful to have enough energy to do that.  AC chemo has really taken me down a few notches.  Thankfully, it's in the rearview mirror now and I hear that life on Taxol is better ~ let's hope so.

    ruthbru ~ I struggled mightily with Windows 8 until my husband found someone at work who had a site that provided a "traditonal Windows" interface.  Let me know if you'd like me to send it to you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Thanks, Nicole. DS came over and helped me out. Better, but still not crazy about it.

    Worked at school all morning, then watched some of my present and former students play in a Special Olympics basketball tournament (if you want to watch players competing in 'The True Spirit of Sportsmanship', go to any Special Olympics event!), coffee at the nursing home, sneaked in 45 minutes with Denise before DS came over, followed by us taking him to dinner. Whew!!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2013

    Nicole, life is better on Taxol.  You should feel better and be able to eat better.  I even started growing hair!  Making it through AC is a big milestone.

    Hooping (40 minutes?) yesterday and today, but no walks.   Finally got the hoop to come from knee level back up to waist.  I've been working on that for ages and ages.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Not happy today.  Sunday's usually my "big" workout day - 8 mile run followed by an hour at the gym.  Woke up to (another) snowstorm, it's windy, slippery and treacherous as well, so I was not going out for a run, and figured I get enough cardio, missing one run won't kill me, so I was about to head off for the gym for the weights, but went to put in a load of laundry first. Bent down to throw the wash in when OUCH! Back spasms!!  I've had them in the past - sometimes brought on by a stupid little thing like taking muffins out of the oven, or bending over to tie my shoe, whatever.  This time hurts, but not as severe as other times. But I can't move or get up and down without feeling the spasms about to start and MAKE it worse, so no workout for me today Yell

    Man, do I hate it when that happens.  The rest of you, throw in an extra mile for me today, or do a couple extra bicep curls.

    Tomorrow's another (bright, sunshiny??) day. Cool

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Off skiing today as 9" of fresh snow in the mountains!  Will make up for my day of sloth yesterday, although did walk 3+ miles and got caught up on errands.  One of these was redeeming my birthday coupon at Body Shop and replenishing my stash of great bath soaking potions.

    The other "errand" was finally stopping for a cup of sipping chocolate barely visible under a mountain of whipped cream.  Nothing like it, at least not in North America (that I have found).  Sinful and glorious.

    So off I go.....  Have a wonderful Sunday, and reminder to fit in a bit of sculpting. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    55 minute FIRM DVD: Pump, Jump and Jab...interval training with weights, abs, legs & kickboxing. Badger, I punched your boss a few times for you!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    Back from my ski and feel tons better being exercised.  I had to rethink how I use my ski poles to minimize impact to my wrists.  But I was just fine.  Really glorious on top, but a tricky, icy descent.  Then soft and hard going.  Was glad to be down.  Did 10+ miles altogether and a lot of climbing.  One of my favorite trails was open, so fun to finally ski that one.

    Making Pacific snapper with the tomato, artichoke, olive, raisin tapenade to go with.  Plus some more of the Emmer Farro I brought back from my trip.  Down to 5 of 5.5 pounds of the mega amount I brought back.  Is the stuff ever delish.

    Had a lovely soak prior to putting the farro on.  I love hanging out in my cashmere sweats post exercise and post bath.  Just a bit scandalous feeling.

    Hoping for a few more weekends of good skiing before I polish up my bicycle. - Claire

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited February 2013

    We were on Vancouver Island for almost a week with friends and away from technology for the most part. But I did get in several walks and one snowshoe. Today was my 64th birthday and my son persuaded me to go for a bike ride with him. Turned out to be a ride to a surprise sushi lunch with the rest of the family and a couple of friends. Timing was good for a bike ride to a yoga class on the way home. I think my post chemo blood counts are improving though my son was almost peddling backwards on the uphills. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Happy Birthday, Mariane!