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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Ladies, how beautiful does Robin Roberts look?????

    20 min. treadmill HIIT this morning, followed by legs.  OH and riding lesson last night.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    30 minutes yoga stretch this morning.  Patoo - The Voices are calling out to you . . . Laughing

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2013

    Does thinking about exercise count?  Didn't even try to walk at lunch, and was a couch potato last night - but Wednesday is the best night of TV! Did get up and do classical stretch this morning, but realized later it wasn't taping (I DVR them so I can do them earlier than broadcast), hope they didn't cancel it again!  It is a great way for me to get myself going in the morning.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Hey Ruth!  Check this out - a Twins toaster!  Laughing  Thought you'd get a kick out of it.

    They have a Twins waffle iron too . . . .

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2013

    Hour hike at a local trail.  Walked with my mother, who doesn't move that fast but did get in 15 minutes of running to see how the plantar fasciitis is.  So far so good.  

    Enjoying the heck out of the warm temps and sunshine, but I will have some catching up to do once I'm home - too much good food and wine and not enough activity.  Super excited to take home a pair of Icebugs and hoping that there's still some snow and ice to try running in them!  

    LuvLuLu  Robin Roberts is gorgeous - an inspiration to all of us.  

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2013

    Would love to have some warmer temps!! 

    Was doing great (exercise-wise) until last weekend..... been pretty well a slug ever since!  Tomorrow the plan is to get out for our 5 Km walk again (lets hope the weather will co-operate). 

    Mary, so sorry to hear about your cat.  Always a hard adjustment.  Cheryl, glad you had a great trip!  Thought of you with your version of a winter coat when the snowstorm started brewing!  And, Ruth, so good to see you still plugging away with your excercise system!!  Always makes me smile when you pull out an old "tape" to excercise to!

    Have not been checking in as often as I should, but find it hard to find the time to read to catch up and then forget everything I read when I go to post!  Embarassed 

    Hope that everyone is still keeping motivated and moving!  I know that once I start up again, it is easy to continue - it just takes missing 2 days in a row to fall off the wagon!

    Patoo - Can you hear me now?? 

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2013

    Hi All,

                Just finished my last taxol on Tuesday.  I am still fatigued most of the time. Prior to my dx, I would be going from morning till night.  Now when I climb one flight of stairs I feel tired.  Any ideas what to do to slowly get back into shape.  I know walking and exercise is the key, but I am just not feeling up to it. Any input thanks!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2013

    Hello ladies!

    I'm back...Was absent for a few days while off on the annual girls trip...We went to Disney so I logged lots of walking...Probably not enough to offset the indulging...ha ha

    Loved hearing about your trip Cheryl. Sounds like you were able to make some great stops along the way.

    Mary, I am so sorry for your loss of Sully... Fur babies hold a special place in our hearts...

    Gotta get back into my routine and need to add arm exercises for toning.. Any suggestions are appreciated.....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Well, now I know what toaster I will buy when my present one burns out! Cool

    Did a good 40 minute FIRM DVD called Burn and Shape and 20 minutes on the treadmill.

    Pat, you COULD do situps/pushups etc. while watching TV.....just saying.....

    Patoo, is the peer pressure getting to you?!!

    Welcome waitingfor, I would say to set small goals for yourself. If you can just do a slow walk for 15 minutes a couple times a day (even just around your house, if going out seems like too much) & some light, light, light toning, I think you will start to feel better.

    Odie, as the DVD/tape Queen, I will say that one thing you could do for your arms are get some upper body toning DVDs. I like them because they are usually a more balanced workout than what I would do myself. You can start out doing the moves without weights, and as you feel OK, add very light weights and gradually work up to where you want to be.

    The latest round of bad weather is supposed to go south of us....which would be fine by me!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2013

    Waiting, it is tough to get going again with the taxane fatigue. The heaviness in the legs was, for me, really bad and according to my onc caused by inflammation of the muscles. 

    First of all, talk to your doc or the nurse to find out if there is anything you can take/do to get past this point quicker. My onc put me on 10 days of anti-inflammatories to try to ease it, for example. It is also common, I found out later, to be low on magnesium after chemo and that can cause hiccups as well.

    Second, do a little bit every day. Slow and steady wins the race. Walking around the block is better than not walking at all. After the first round around the block, breathe and see if you can do a second. Then maybe try to do it again later.

    It seems endless, but it really does get better. I finished rads last february, and by the end it was an ordeal to walk up a simple flight of stairs. Then I had a hyster in March and started femara. In late April I was in NY and walked from one end of Manhattan to the other, because I was so glad to be back on my old stomping grounds. May I started going to the gym, and I had to go super-slow in the beginning. The first month, I was only able to walk at about a 3-mile pace on the treadmill and not for more than about 15 minutes. 6 months later I was able to walk 4 miles an hour, even run for short spurts, and keep going for 30-40 minutes. I never was any kind of super-athlete, so for me this is really good progress.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Ruth for the encouragement.  Total exercise for the last 24 hours - zero - last night I went to choir practice instead and got home late, and then got up late this morning so no classical stretch.  Tonight is dinner and a play with a friend.  There is always tomorrow - A friend has asked me to do a 5k with her for St. Patty's day - yikes!  I am not in running shape right now, and no way I can get there by mid March, so I'm going to see if there is a walkers option - but at least that is a short term goal to get me off my butt and moving.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Waiting - just to add my voice to everyone else's.  Chemo fatigue hit me really hard - by the end I'd have to stop and rest after walking from my kitchen to my living room - and I don't have a big house!  As others have said, start slowly.  Two weeks after my last chemo I started a gentle yoga class and hopped on an elliptical for the first time.  At the yoga class, I met with the instructor ahead of time to explain that I was going to do what I could but it probably wouldn't be much - she was great about it.  (Of course it was hardly necessary to explain as I was bald as a billiard ball! Wink)I could only hold a few positions for a few seconds, but I muddled through.  On the elliptical, I was going so slowly that the machine kept blipping off, and I still managed only 5 minutes before exhaustion. But I stuck with it.  Just try to do something for a few minutes a few times a week, and go from there. Do what you can, a step at a time, but don't overdo or you'll take two steps back.

    Ruth - hope that storm stayed south - it looked brutal.  Badger - did you get hit?  It looks like Wisconsin got it pretty badly.  Good to see everyone keeping busy!

    35 minute treadmill run last night, 30 minute elliptical this morning.  Saturday is my rest day - looking forward to it as my training schedule calls for a 7 mile run Sunday.  The most I've ever run is a 10K (6.2 miles) so I'm a bit scared about Sunday - I've even had worried dreams about it this week! Surprised  I'll report back on how I did - right now the forecast is around 50 and sunny, so it should be perfect running weather.   Still listening to my "Eragon" audiobook, so I'm hoping for some really exciting action scenes on Sunday to keep my mind busy!  

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2013

    Waiting, welcome!  I'll add my two cents.  Get moving in whatever way is appealing to you.  During chemo I just went out the front door and walked at a normal pace, as long as felt comfortable.  When my mood was good I would put on music and dance around the house.  That led to hula hooping :-)

    Hooped for a bit over 30 minutes yesterday.  Short walk with the hubby the day before that.  

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2013

    Nats, don't be afraid of your 7-miler on Sunday. If you're doing 6.2 you can do 7 easily, esp. if the weather cooperates.

    6.2 run this morning. Then Saturday is usually a rest day BUT again "they're" talking about snow coming in Saturday night into Sunday (BIG workout day) so we're switching it up and running / gym tomorrow, rest on Sunday.  And my legs are tired . . .


  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for the tips.  Felt a teeny bit better today, so did a few small errands.  Better than yesterday though.  My mind wants my old  (real) life back.  Body says not happening... the spirit is willing though!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    If the spirit is willing, the body will eventually be forced to follow along! Smile

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2013

    hi ladies and welcome Waiting.  Do what you can, when you can, and know it gets easier.

    Took off yesterday for oral surgery appt and worked from home today due to snow.

    We got six inches but it was the wind I didn't want to drive in.  Whiteouts are super-scary!

    Slept a lot yesterday then today I sat and read the 1,000+page biennial budget bill the Gov just introduced so not much exercise to report, other than some Shovel & Sculpt.  I did get some beef soup bones this morning and roasted them in the oven, now simmering for beef stock.  Soup & Sculpt?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2013

    Hmmm, the voices would definitely work if I turn them on (by coming here!)  I have been moving every day but not really enough to be able to call it exercise.  Primarily trying to make sure that I get over 5000 steps in a day; need to double that to the suggested 10,000 steps. 

    Night sculpted friends.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited February 2013

    Term break for kids last week and not much gym, except yesterday for double step class.  Back on the beam Monday gym wise.

    Early morning last Thursday, we went to the tiny, community local radio station to be interviewed for our pink ribbon pilates class starting next week. Two little 8 year old girls where ahead of us singing a Katy Perry song. All went by in a flash. While driving my class partner back home she read her iphone and noticed a woman had sent a text saying she had a mastectomy two weeks ago and she will come along. So there we go, one woman who we are aimed at heard it. Fingers crossed more will come.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2013

    badger that sounds so cozy, simmering soup stock while it snows outside.

    LilacBlue, I'm so impressed you're promoting your class like that.  I noticed a sign at the rads center for "gentle yoga for cancer survivors" and I want to try it.  Might not be much of an exercise challenge but every little bit helps and I like the idea of meeting other survivors in an exercise class instead of a support group.

    Well I am really fighting fatique lately.  I get a nap attack every couple hours.  I'm actually going to go take my walk *now* while I still have energy.  I generally hate morning exercise!

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    Finally getting over this stinking cold....went sledding with the kids for an hour this morning and planning on doing some yoga at home today...hoping on getting back into a regular gym/workout routine next week...only 2.5 weeks of radiation left, definitely feel like exercise has helped with fatigue.

    Lilac- that class sounds great, wish there was something like that in my area...I'm sure more will come...great work :)

    Enjoy the weekend ladies.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2013

    Lilac sending you good wishes for your first class and how wonderful that someone was listening and reached out.  Hey Patoo, I am calling youoooooooo, do you hear me now!!!! 

    I have been a sloth, my friend who live in Tennessee was is LA on business so she came and stayed with me so I had a dinner party instead of going to the gymLaughing but today I got back to it and did a Body Combat class, oh my, my poor shoulders were on fire.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2013

    _Ann_, you are quite right.  Life is soooooo much better on Taxol! Laughing

    Despite a notable steroid crash today, I did 2 miles on the treadmill and felt okay with a sustained heart rate between 120 - 130.   That pace did not feel possible on AC.  I did have a 2 hour nap chaser, but I think that may be due more to the steroid drop than to the exercise.  Hoping not to experience neuropathy so I can make this a more regular thing! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2013

    Yesterday I got out for first decent walk in a while.  Was sunny but cold so I bundled up and did my 2.5 mile route, albeit slowly.  So glad I did, felt great when I got home. 

    Started today with an hour of yoga & meditation.  Mouth still sore but pain is greatly diminished.  Will head out for another walk this afternoon.

    (patoo, can you hear us now?)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2013

    Really busy weekend. There is a college basketball tournament in town; went to games Friday, Saturday, and will go back this afternoon. Did an hour of spot toning yesterday morning before the games, an hour of the treadmill between games, and today did a indoor walking tape & some toning when I got up....will give a full basketball report later for any fellow sports fans who may be interested Wink......

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited February 2013

    I got in a wonderful ski yesterday with fresh powder, and was planning to go back today.  That was BEFORE I got slammed with Round 2 of tummy troubles.  Plus, my electric kettle croaked.

    So laying low, but do need to take a trip to Bartell's Drug for another kettle.

    Plus, finish up my work commitments.

    Of course, what I really want to do is go back to bed, but that will need to wait.  Tomorrow will be a better day.

    One fun thing that happened yesterday is that a guy paid me an unintentional compliment.  We were talking about careers, and he suggested that I go back and do two more years of "retraining".  Which means he had to think that I was at least 15 years younger than I am.  YIPPIE!!  I am getting better at these things.  I just said that I didn't think it was the right move at this stage in my career, and that I needed to focus on the work I am doing.

    Yesterday was also the better day for skiing.  Just perfect.  A bit too warm today, so glad I got to experience another day of perfection.

    BTW - I was a lot livelier on Taxol, Nicole.  So much easier to exercise, and it got better as my red cell counts came up.  So hang in there.  You are over the worst. - Claire

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2013

    Did some serious interval training yesterday and walked another mile or two today. In addition to doing the laundry, grocery shopping and cleaning the house. Ready for a nap

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2013

    Ruth - sounds like a fun busy weekend - good for you for working in exercise between games.  Claire - sorry about the Tummy Troubles Part II, but love the compliment you got!  Odie - Laundry N Sculpt, Shop N Sculpt and Clean N Scuplt absolutely count as exercise!

    Did my 7 mile run yesterday!  It was perfect - 50 degrees and sunny, and a great day to run through the park.  I'm still painfully slow (13+ minute miles) but I did it.  That's the most I've ever run.  It's still a long way to running my HM at the end of April, but I feel like I'm making progress.  This morning is a stretch day - did 30 minutes stretch yoga DVD, 15 minutes Lebeds, and spend about 15 minutes with a foam roller working out leg soreness. 

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2013

    The voices need to scream at me becuase I have been a LAZY ASS. There, I said it.

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited February 2013

    20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and finally started some strength training, 30 minutes....this is the first time my leg muscles are sore from working out and not a SE of chemo and it's great.

    Let's go missswim, you can do it. :)