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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Ruth - congrats on your big decision!

    Badger - yes, I know June is coming up fast - last night I went to one store and didn't see anything I even wanted to try on - perhaps it's too early here in NE for spring/summer dresses to be out.  Might grab a girlfriend this sunday and go to providence to some stores just to get an idea of what style dress to get.

    Bedo - have your daughter bring you coffee without the treats - if you ask her I'm sure she will understand and want to be encouraging, and she still is bringing you something in the morning.  My daughter lives out of state, but we talk on the phone every morning on our way to work - so I appreciate having morning time with a daughter!

    Got a nice walk in at lunch yesterday, and hope to do the same today before bad weather rolls in for the rest of the week.  Crunches last night, and classical stretch this morning.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    Ruth, congratulations to a new chapter to life unfolding!

    Had a hour of body balance and feeling good.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2013

    Lovely long trail hike, watching the sun go down.  Enjoying our bit of spring here and hoping it stays.  

    ruth  Congrats on your upcoming retirement!   Momine and NatsFan  Thanks for info on aspirin - I wasn't aware that lessened reccurence was another benefit.  cheryl   You are one active lady!  

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2013

    Ruth, congratulations on making that decision.  38 years, wow, that's quite a work legacy!

    51 minute walk tonight and about to do some hula hooping.  Not much exercise yesterday but 45 minute walk plus hooping on Sunday.

    Happy snow days!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2013

    Happy birthday Ruth!! Hope you had a great day.

    Plugged in the IPod and walked another 3 miles on the treadmill tonight. Love high energy music to work out to... Looks like me & Natsfan will get some shovel and sculpt tomorrow. Calling for a foot of snow here..

    Sweet dreams my sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    marian, thinking of you tomorrow!

    Welcome adagio.

    Pat, it is hard to shop summer in the snow!

    Mary, your England/Ireland trip sounds wonderful. You will have to let us in on all the plans as they unfold so we can enjoy the trip vicariously!

    Did some Shovel and Sculpt after school myself, had to dig my way back into my driveway because the snow plow had come through. Did an hour on the treadmill & 30 lower body pilates (trying to wear off the three pieces of double chocolate fudge cake one of my aides baked in honor of my birthday....she is a great cook, so it was well worth the extra exercise!).

    I do the baby aspirin every day too, and a serving of prunes for the bones, oatmeal for the cholestroel, and some dark chocolate for the blood pressure and psychological benefits Cool!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    Hey Pat shovel your way to the airport and head to Miami or Las Vegas to do some dress shoppingWink  Odie I love all the high energy music, it sure makes woring out much more fun.  Mary how exciting England and Ireland and great reasons to celebrate.  Lilac I am a PG Tips girl, also a Typhoo, Morrisons and Taylors - have you ever been to a Bettys, I think they may only be up north but oh my what a treat.  Joy I have to admit I think I've become an exercise addict I love all my classes, and I've made some great friends at the gym.

    I did Body Step class tonight, it's turning cold here again, is it any wonder people get sick 2 days ago it was shorts and t-shirt weather and now it's rug up and snuggle under a blankie.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    Snow coming down - beautiful!  Local media have dubbed this storm "Snowquester" which I think is cute.  Everything's closed so I feel like a kid again with a Snow Day!  It's a wet heavy snow, so it looks like dh and I are in for an intense Shovel N Sculpt workout. 

    The England/Ireland travel seminar was cancelled due to snow, so I have to wait till 3/25 when it's been rescheduled.  The rep from the travel agency that was giving it (it was an AAA seminar) lives about 4 hours west and wanted to get home before the snow.

    Ran home from work yesterday - 4.25 miles.  Work is just half a mile away from the park where I run.  It's a long stream valley park, 20+ miles, with tons of trails.  So I left work, ran half a mile on busy streets, then was able to slip into the park.  Since my house is only a half mile from the same park , I was able to run through the park almost all the way.  It was a good time to run - just prior to sunset, so I saw a lot of deer.  I've been wanting to do that for years!  DH works in the same building, so he was able to bring my work clothes and the car home. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Got my walk in at lunch yesterday, and hoping for one today before the bad weather hits us.  Went to spinning last night - had a sub instructor, it's amazing how different a class can be from one instructor to another.  I am only managing one spin class a week these days, and it's kicking my butt - but in a good way!  Crunches and arms last night, and classical stretch this morning.

    Mary, your run sounds wonderful - nice to have a large bit of park in the middle of suburbia.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    Mary, what a terrific trip in the planning.  Cheryl, yup been to Bettys tea room a few times in York - yummy cakes. 

    Freestyle step today and now callling it a night.

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2013

    Nats- your trip sounds amazing, what a great experience to look forward to!

    Ruth-Happy Retirement! 38 years is fantastic! I have taught middle school for 13 years, love it. My father in law retired from 30 plus years of teaching high school math and for him really hit him in Aug/Sept when he wasn't getting ready to start a new year, but he is very happily retired and enjoying it, as I'm sure you will too!

    30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training....I've only been working on my core and lower half because I'm a bit nervous about lymphedmema and my TEs...anyone have any advice, I would like to start some weights with my upper body, but know that I need to start out very light.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2013

    Just wanted to say how nice the pedometer is. I went to the gym today and walked a total of about 45 minutes on the treadmill, ran some small errands, went out for dinner and walked the dog in the evening. It added up to 12,000 steps for the day, which is not bad.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    Bummed about weight gain on Taxol.

    Walked 30 minutes after work.

    That makes at least 30 minutes of exercise for the last 4 out of 5 days.

    Hope it is enough to slow this weight gain train!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    45 minutes on the treadmill. I will be getting company in a few minutes. DH's sister & husband are staying here the next two nights as they are doing an antique show in a nearby town Thursday/Friday (their retirement hobby). They are very nice and easy guests, so it will be fun to have them in and out the next couple days. I won't probably have time to exercise tomorrow, as they will be taking us out to dinner. Oh shucks, huh?! Wink

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    Cocobean, check out this excellent paper on the Step Up Speak Out website re: exercise & lymphedema.  It applies to people who have LE or who are at risk for LE (which is all of us):

    Good job, Nicole!  Keep it up!

    Momine, I like my pedometer because I love getting credit for something I'm already doing - walking around - as well as deliberate exercise.  BTW 12,000 steps is great!

    Shovel & Sculpt yesterday, lunchtime walk today 4,425 steps = 3.54 km = 2.2 mi.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2013

    I started using a pedometer too. 7,500 steps today. Working towards 10,000 steps a day. The voices are in my head...

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2013

    31 minutes walk today.  You all make me smile with your "shovel and sculpt".  Also makes me glad I live in a snow free zone.  Brrr!  

    Mary, how cool that you got to see deer in the park at sunset.

    About to dig into some crock pot turkey/veggie soup.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    Did a Sh'bam dance class this morning and then 3/4s of a spin class tonight, had to get off the bike early as I was heading out to dinner to celebrate a friends birthdaySealed

    Pat the instructor is a major factor in spin, if there is a gym in your area that has RPM try that (it's the Les Mills spin class) it is totally cohoreographed so they can't mess it up, you start the ride easy, you do hills, mountains sprints and cool down its a great class.  Lilac my friend is from Harrogate so that's the one I've been to but also been to one in York - cream cake heavenInnocent  Mary your run sounded wonderful, hope you're weathering the storm ... and were your ears burning tonight cause we were talking about you, actually your car cause my friend is looking at hybrids so we were saying what a nice ride your car is.

    All you east coasters take care and be careful shoveling and sculpting.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2013

    Badger, we live in a downtown area with parks and walking streets, plus we have 3 dogs and no car. Under those circumstances, it is relatively easy to rack up the steps.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    The snow was a bust - the rain/snow line went further west than they thought, so all we had was about 2 inches of wet soggy snow followed by cold rain.  So no Shovel N Sculpt, so we took the Snow Day to do more Declutter N Sculpt - still working on cleaning out the rec room.  It's amazing how much junk you can accumulate after 20 years in the same house!  I think just one more day and we'll be ready to start prepping the walls for painting.

    We did come across some old 78 rpm records that must have belonged to my mom - an entire Bing Crosby collection, including one record with Easter Parade on one side, with I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For on the other. (Holiday Inn is one of my favorite movies.)  Also found a recording of Rosie the Riveter!  Of course we don't have a 78 player, but I'm tempted to take them to one of those audio places and have them recorded to a DVD.  I'm sure they're full of pops and clicks, but if it's not too expensive to have that done, it would be fun to hear the originals.  My mom's been gone for over 30 years now (she died of b/c) so I think it would be nice to listen to something that I know she listened to and enjoyed in her youth.  

    30 minutes core exercises with stability ball this morning. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Well, been almost an exercise free 24 hours for me.  Did get my walk in at lunch yesterday, but that's about it.  No crunches, as I was coloring my hair.  Went to bed sure we would get a snow day, and woke up to nothing, but woke up late so no classical stretch this morning.  And no walk today because NOW it's snowing.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    Pilates this morning with pink ribbon wonder women. One came to class without her wig, sporting edgy salt n' pepper growing in crop and looked so lovely.  Physio in afternoon and left range of movement is coming on so well now.

    Mary, sweet reading of your mother and good for you on the declutter.  Cheryl, if I could, I would live on cream cakes, sadly no can do.  Momine, how warm is where you are in March?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    Lilac me tooLaughing

    Came to work late today as I went to a Body Combat class this morning, but I am my own boss and I was up till 2am working on a mailing list for a client so I won't fire meTongue Out heading to my regular gym tonight for what may be my very last class there, they are closing tomorrow we've heard all kinds of rumors about what's happening with the place but until the doors reopen I have my plan B in place (hence the morning classes at another gym).

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited March 2013

    so happy to be able to post exercise with you ladies today. I ahve been lurking and feeling terrible that I could not contribute. But you all inspired me so today I did a 30 mn spin class immedicatley followed by a Zumba toning (with wieghts). 

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    Way to go Carrol2!!!!!

    Pat01~ hope the snow clears quickly so we will hear about a walk tomorrow!  Enjoy the snow!

    Just had Taxol #2 and am feeling a bit spacey from it all but thinking I might try a relaxed 30 minute neighborhood walk.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2013

    Mary, what a nice find.  I'll bet you could find a 78 player someplace.  I'm trying to declutter and having trouble parting with old LP's and 45's.  Carol, yay!! for delurking.  Momine, I wish there were more no-car-friendly cities.  

    Lots of dancing and hooping today.  I received a new hoop in the mail.  It's collapsible (folds to quarter size) and the seller just wrapped bubble wrap all around it, attached a label and sent it.  It looked so cute!  Gotta love the USPS for shipping any old size and shape of object.  I will be sad when Saturday delivery ends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    No walk at noon as I met a friend for lunch but had salmon with curry so feeling virtuous.

    Busy day at work but left my chair enough to log 5,201 steps = 4.16 km = 2.59 miles.

    Mary, I have a record player that still works and is used, but it only plays 45 and 33 1/3.

    Blessings shared this video on another thread and it's too funny not to share.

    "Memory" Laughing

  • ck55
    ck55 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2013
    Hello everyone. It was suggested that I post this question on this thread with the hope that I might get more suggestions from you devoted exercisers!

    I have recently started working out using the Walk Away The Pounds DVDs, and while they are a good workout I find them a bit boring.

    I remember way back in the 80's when aerobic dance classes were popular how much I loved the dance moves and the great music! I am wondering if any of you could suggest DVD that uses dancing and great music (I was a Disco girl back in the day) that really gets you going? I love to dance and find it so much easier to "get up off of that thing" and move when the music is right.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  • ck55
    ck55 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2013
    Hello everyone. It was suggested that I post this question on this thread with the hope that I might get more suggestions from you devoted exercisers!

    I have recently started working out using the Walk Away The Pounds DVDs, and while they are a good workout I find them a bit boring.

    I remember way back in the 80's when aerobic dance classes were popular how much I loved the dance moves and the great music! I am wondering if any of you could suggest DVD that uses dancing and great music (I was a Disco girl back in the day) that really gets you going? I love to dance and find it so much easier to "get up off of that thing" and move when the music is right.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    Cyndi ~  I don't have any good DVD recommendations, but I'm wondering if you have Nia classes available in Seattle. We have them all over down here in Portland and they are a ton of fun!  If you are up for group exercise, I highly recommend them. They have a mind-body approach that is definitely NOT boring ~ you get from it what you bring to it.   As a person in treatment, I somehow have a lot to bring!

    Today's Observation:

    People are good.  Or at least the guy who found my work ID when it fell out of my coat pocket after I shrugged it off during my sunny 30 minute walk  after Taxol treatment is. He put my name in google, found me on Linked In, and got a map with a star (but no house address) on our street. He started knocking on doors and found mine. 

    5 out of 6 days with at least a 30 minute walk.  Hoping that the bone/joint pain is not too bad this round so I can keep up the momentum.  (Taking a break on Saturday to go to our local Komen 2013 Breast Cancer Issues Conference ~ really looking forward to this!).