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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2013

    Claire, have a wonderful trip and enjoy a sunset for us.

    Luvlulu, you inspire me. I am a super fast walker and do jog some but can't run very fast.

    I did do another 2.5 miles tonight on the treadmill. Getting hubby ready to leave for his annual golf trip in the morning so looking forward to some extra exercise time over the next few days...

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2013

    I could not do a thing tonight~ I think I am coming down with something..yuck I ache all over!  Maybe I will workout in my dreams tonight.  ;>)

    ....and the weather man is saying we could get another 7 inches of snow before the weekend....

    Goodnight everyone


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2013

    A "polar vortex"?  Never heard of that before.  Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. :-)

    Wow, I got super sweaty hoop dancing today.  I was using many new tips from the weekend workshop.  I had to take a walk just to cool off.  The workshop really broke me out of my rut.

    Claire, I hope we get some Maui updates.  Marian, I recommend canned pears and Fiber One cereal in addition to the prunes.  Chemo does a number on your GI tract doesn't it?  This too shall pass.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2013

    Balsie- I do accupuncture every two weeks and it really makes me feel great. Love reiki too. I have a good friend who does reflexology and that is amazing too! All these complimentary therapies are what helps me have enough energy to do my job.

    Only 5,000 steps today...not feeling great from this antibiotic for my strep infection. Tomorrow is another day!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    Claire hope you have a fabulous vacation.  Pat congratulations on finding your dress and shoes.  Lulu don't you love it when you shock yourself, you really were flying.  Lilac its funny it's exactly the same place but with different management and the new people are very nice and when my 7 day free trial is over I am going to sign up, it's convenient and that makes sense for me.  Balsie hope you are feeling better.  Ruth what in the heck is a polar vortex? I hate to tell you how lovely our weather is, we're in the 80's.  Tonight was Body Step class for me. 

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    Cheryl, my gym is actually two gyms sort of.  The frist gym name was bought out by another gym yet they keep both names in contracts.  The older members pay less and have different gym times and the 'now' gym named members have another.  Also, the gym name that bought out the original gym is that of a well known Scottish rich jerk who, well read this (caution, this story will make your blood boil):

    Off to freestyle step wearing red for red nose day and a £1 in hand for the kitty.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    Polar Vortex - scary stuff!!  And even scarier is that story, Lilac! I work for our local rec dept and we suspend our gym memberships all the time for people with health issues or even for people going on a month's vacation - gym software allows you do to that easily. I think you're being too kind to just call him a "jerk " - I could get a lot more colorful.  Marian - glad things are "moving" again - I had the same issue after my first chemo - I gulped Colace like candy after each of my tx after that.  Ginger and Balsie - feel better!  Cheryl - glad the new-old gym is OK with good people - you never know how that's going to turn out.

    50 minute treadmill run after work yesterday, 30 minute elliptical this morning. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Carol - 60 minutes is awesome!

    Kind of a lazy day yesterday for me - a family problem kept me up the night before, so I was just dragging all day, and it was pouring here, so no exercise to speak of.  Did get up this morning and do classical stretch, and the sun is out (YAY) so I'll definitely try to fit a walk in at lunchtime.

    I was super psyched to find dress and shoes on my very first shopping trip.  But this morning I was talking to DD and she told me the bridesmaid dresses have come in, and that they are navy lace on top and navy chiffon on bottom!  Uh-oh.  She doesn't seem to think it is a problem, but I'm freaking!  She is sending me a picture of the dress.

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2013

    Last day of radiation was today-whoo-hoo! Yesterday did a 35 minute walk outside, cold, but at least the sun was out. Did 35 minutes of cardio this morning. Going to try to get some strenght training in this afternoon. 

    Thanks to everyone for being such a great motivator and inspiration for me...I really think working out through radiation made really positive impact for me. Going to keep moving too!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2013

    LB    Wow, that gym owner is an incredible jerk!!  ruth  Hope that you're surving the Polar Vortex.  pat  Great minds think alike!  Ginger  Hope those antibiotics kick in quickly and you're feeling better soon.  

    Today was "Pi Day" (a day early) in the Middle School.  Had fun serving the kids and watching their fun Pi activities.  One middle schooler recited 200+ pi digits!   Oh the fresh minds of the young to be able to do this!  Of course I had to sample some pie too - chocolate cream and pumpkin   Laughing   

    Day off from activity today - tomorrow will get in a pilates session with jumpboard - need to work off that pie!  

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited March 2013

    ok worked today in reatil so on my feet a lot form 9:30 to 3:00 then walked the mall for an hour hainding out flyers. 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited March 2013

    Cocobean: Congratulations on completing rads!

    Hello all. Been sick but now better thanks to antibiotics. Walked with Leslie CD today.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    hi ladies, got in a walk at noon and logged 4k = 2.49 miles.

    Cocobean, congrats on finishing rads!

    LB, wow what an ass! Ripping off cancer patients. Was he a jerk before he got rich?

    Get well soon Wonderland, Ginger & Balsie.

    Joy, how fun - pi day for 3/14.  In two years they can celebrate 3/14/15.  Cool

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    Cocobean ~ congrats on completing radiation!!!

    Took the first brisk after dinner walk of early spring with my husband. 

    So great to both catch up and get exercise!  I love love love spring!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    Science lesson for the day: "A polar vortex is a persistent, large-scaled cyclone located near one or both of a planet's geographical poles. Such events are often harbingers of colder weather in North America and Eurasia. The ongoing event favors colder and possibly stormier weather for as long as four to eight weeks after the event."

    Hooray, Cocobean! I definitely think exercise helped me get through radiation better too.

    Hope everyone gets/stays well. Lots of 'ick' going around this year.

    Did 40 boring minutes on the treadmill & 20 of upper body with Denise Austin.

    A gentlemen who lived at the same nursing home as my dad, and with whom we have gotten to be very good friends, passed away last weekend. We went to his viewing tonight. At 92, he was as 'with it' a person as you could find. He had had a very interesting life; all of which he could (and did) recount in great detail. I will miss him.

    Here is a story you will enjoy: my teaching team asked if a college student could follow me around for a few days, observe, and teach a lesson (a requirement for a class he is taking). I said 'sure', and was envisioning either a muscular, ruggedly handsome football player, or a cute, slender artistic youth. Imagine my disappointment when the college student turned out to be a portly, middle-aged man with a bad cold! Surprised


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    Awww Ruth you make me laugh, ask them for a "do over" and request the muscular football playerWink  LB what a jerk, I certainly hope there is an uprising against him, he sounds like one of thse arrogant types who thinks he simply is always right.  We can also suspend our memberships here you just have to have doctors note, the people I feel sorry for in our gyms demise are those who prepaid 2 and 3 years in advance, their money is gone, I had a 2 year prepaid but mine expired next month and I figure for the times I used it they lost money on me.  Cocobean congratulations on being done with radiation.  Feel better Wonderland.  Oh Joy I love pie day tooTongue Out

    Tonight was Body Combat, my young Vietnamese friend has been training to be an instructor and tonight he got to teach a portion of the class, he was so good, made me feel like a proud mama bear.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2013

    Ruth~ being in teaching myself .... I get it! I have been down that road.  Sorry for your loss, my Mom was just in the nursing home to recover for a bit, she would have lunch with the same ladies everyday, one of them was my highschool home ec teacher. Interesting place.  

    Joy~I mentioned pi day to my husband, he got a funny look on his face and said " that is tomorrow" he is such a math nut. I explained you needed to do it a day early.  

    cocobean~Congrats on your big day of finishing Rads! 

    I will be doing a late workout because we have "spring" conference tonight.  I can't believe how fast this school year is going. 

    Enjoy~ Balsie

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    Cocobean - congrats!!  Ruth - LOL on the not-hunky college student. 

    Two mile walk last night to our favorite Mexican restaurant - well, at least we walked before and after indulging.  And I was pretty good - just had a shrimp appetizer as my dinner.  Of course I still had chips, salsa, and margaritas. Surprised  20 minutes Pilates this morning - haven't done that DVD for a while and I could definitely feel it. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Yay Cocobean - such a relief to have that behind you!

    Beautiful day here yesterday, so I got out for my lunchtime walk.  Not so beautiful today, but I will try for another walk at noon.  Started to do my arms and crunches last night when I discovered one of my kitties regurgitated a partially digested animal all over my bedroom carpet - after I cleaned that up my stomach was turning so I forfeited my evening exercise.  No stretch for me this morning either, needed to get to work early, we have a senator visiting Friday and so much to do to get ready.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    Nice run for me this morning. Then I read about the NE Journal of Medicine study about radiation being a heart risk.  I knew this, I guess, but I didn't know it 10 years ago when I had radiation after my first DCIS diagnosis.  I went blindly into it.  Now it's in my face because they take all extra precautions now which they didn't take then.

    Do I have to worry every time I go out for a run????  As a runner, I always thought I was invincible, well I guess it ain't so.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    Luv - Why not ask your onc or your PCP?  I've worried about the heart damage from Adriamycin - my MUGA is still within normal range, but it went from high normal function before the Red Devil to just barely in the normal range after 6 treatments.  I've discussed this with my onc, and she has indicated a willingness to send me for a cardio consult if I experience any sort of issues, especially now that I'm ramping up my running.  I do experience shortness of breath going up hills or other times when I have to increase my effort, but at this point I'm attributing it to still getting into running shape.  But if it doesn't improve by the time I see my onc again in July, I will definitely ask for that cardio consult just to ease my mind. 

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    Thank you, Nats, I think I will bring it up to my oncologist next time I see her - which is next month.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    I'm happy for you Cocobean, Joy my son would have loved Pi Day and Blasie, liked your husband's Pi Day tracking remark.  Mary Badger et all, Duncan Bannatyne is a rich creep and if my instructors and people at my gym were not so excellent and friendly, I would not pay a pound to him.  No doubt, the man is despicable.  Pat, any more thought's of your dress that hints to the bridesmaids? Luvlulu, I'm to start running when this snow and rain shift and looking to run Race For Life, along the top of the Clifts next to Dover in mid June.

    Pilates and physio today.  Feeling good and forward movement.


  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2013

    Thanks everyone! Celebrated not going to rads today, by taking it easy and doing 45 min gentle yoga...planning on going to gym tomorrow.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    Got out for a nice noontime walk in the swirling snow on the Square.  So pretty and (hopefully) so fleeting.  But we're being hit by the edge of that polar vortex, so more snow on the way.

    9,625 steps = 7.7 km = 4.79 mi for today.

    patoo, missing you, can you hear my Voice?

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2013

    Cocobean, congratulations!  Ruth, thanks for the science lesson.  That polar vortex sounds pretty exciting to visualize.  And boo for the non-hunky college student.  Joy, I can hardly believe anyone could memorize 200 digits of pi.  Wow!  I wonder how many years that kid will retain all that.

    Another indoor hooping session followed by a cool-down walk.  My urge to have more space when hooping is fighting with my fear of attracting attention in public.  I don't have a good space in my yard.  I would like to find some nice expanse of grass with shade some day.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2013

    Cocobean - Namaste! Ruth, you must have my kind of luck. Agree you should ask for a do-over....Lol... Nats, the food & margaritas sound yummy!

    I did another 4.5 miles tonight and arm exercises. Looking forward to the fitness center in my office building opening at the end of the month. Swimsuit season is coming! Eek!!!!

    Happy Friday ladies!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2013

    8,600 steps today. Making my way closer to my goal of 10,000.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    This is what Dr. Nancy Snyderman said on the news tonight about that radiation study:

    "Women undergoing breast cancer treatment today need to know that the technology has evolved significantly since the study started back in 1958. It's not just the doses of radiation that are different now, but more important, how precise they are. Radiation oncologists now have pinpoint accurate techniques that minimize or almost completely avoid the heart, reducing the chance for damage while still irradiating the breast tumor. We have come a long way in breast cancer radiation treatments and women should be reassured. Today's take home is that cancer patients have to take care of the rest of their health as well and pay attention their health during treatment." 

    It was sunny and mild, so I got in a very nice walk after work (storm warning out for tomorrow again, so it's a short reprieve), and did 30 minutes abs/lower body with Denise Austin.



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    Pat could you ask the store if they can get the dress in a different but complimentary color for you?  No cheesecake Nats, mmmmm that cheesecake was  good.....  Spin class tonight, not great but pretty decent.