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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    Thanks, Ruth - my main concern is that my radiation was 10 years ago and now they are so much more accurate and they can avoid the heart.  Also, my father had a massive heart attack at 64 and died.  However, after I thought about it more, there is nothing I would do differently.  I went with the information that was available at the time.  I still plan on running and working out because it's MORE dangerous to be sedentary! I'll bring it up when I see my oncologist.

    HIIT on the treadmill, 20 minutes this morning followed by legs.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    So many times, I've seen a big scary headline; been absolutely freaked out, and then when examining the 'fine print' found it not to be so black and white after all (or it is reputed all together by the next study). All you can do is follow the best practices at the time of your diagnosis (because, of course, first you have to be alive before you can worry about possible long term SEs of your treatments), and then take really good care of yourself to hopefully avoid them!

    I'm off to work in the snow......sigh.....

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    A sad day today - we have a pet turtle dove who is 30 years old and isn't doing well, so we have an appointment at the avian vet for euthanasia today.  It's hard to lose him after all these years - we adopted him and his mate from the animal shelter 28 years ago.  She died several years ago, but he kept going.  He loved to coo first thing in the morning - it was always such a lovely sound to awaken to.  He hasn't cooed in weeks, and has been sinking down, so now's the time.  Hard to do after losing Sully the cat last month, but it's the right thing to do. 

    Agreed with everyone who is long out of active treatment - we made the best decisions for ourselves that we could with the info we had on hand at that time.  And by continuing to exercise, we're continuing to make the best decisions we can for ourselves. 

    50 minute treadmill run last night.  Today is a rest day, then we have a St. Pat's 5K tomorrow in Hagerstown near the cabin.  The forecast is cold rain with possible snow showers - I'm going to freeze my shamrocks off! 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Latest on the dress saga - I'm keeping it!  My daughter doesn't mind that I am in the same color.  Yesterday I googled ettiquette on this, and there is a whole school of thought that says the mother of the bride should choose a color that matches the wedding party.  Plus, the photographer (my friend and my personal shopper who helped me pick out the dress!) says that there really aren't pictures where the MOB is with the bridesmaids.  Whew, dodged a bullet on that one, now on to appropriate undergarments.

    Got a brisk walk in at lunch yesterday, but probably not today as a Senator is coming to tour our facility.  Did my arms last night, and a bit of classical stretch this morning.  Have a great St. Patty's Day everyone!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    Mary, so sorry you and your husband are saying good bye to your lovely turtle dove. Pat, good to read all is settled with the dress.

    Today is Red Nose Day where money is raised for a charity called Comic Relief. Went to gym for freestyle step and body balance wearing a red top and red-nose bobble headband and handed a £1 for the kitty my instructor Sue pass around.

    Happy Friday!

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2013

    Natsfan~ so sorry about your turtle dove : ( 

    We all pick the course of treatment that fits at the time....always new things coming out.  The good news is we are here to read them!

    Sitting hear trying to get motivated


  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    ((Nats)) So sorry . . . Frown

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    Mary, so sorry about your turtle dove, 28 years is a long relationship.

    Good luck with the 5K and I certainly hope you don't freeze your shamrocks off!

    Pat, glad you could say yes to the dress.  Hope it went well w/visiting dignitary.

    LB, Red Nose Day sounds like a fun way to raise money for a worthy cause.

    Got out for a walk at noon, logged 4.5 km = 2.8 miles for the day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    Oh Mary, so sorry to hear about your turtle dove. It sounds like he has been a lovely companion.

    Pat, glad the dress worked out. You will have to post a picture of it!

    We had about 6 inches of wet, wet snow and really bad roads all over the region. (This is not exactly 'typical' weather, last year it was 50 degrees WARMER than today!) Shoveled and sculpted until I was rescued by a neighbor with his snowblower (DH is out of town), 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 of Pilates Challenge.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    NatsFan -  So sorry to hear that you've had a second pet loss in a month, and especially one that you've had such a long time.  I hope that you have some fun planned in your weekend to lift the heaviness of heart.

    So glad it's Friday!  Decided that the end of the week fatigue was irrelevant and went out after dinner with DH for a 30 minute walk.  Had more energy when I returned than I did when I left.  Funny how that works!  Laughing

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2013

    Mary, so sad to hear of your turtle dove, wow 28 years!   pat  Yay on the dress!  cocobean  Congrats on no more rads!  

    Awoke yesterday morning to a surpring 8+ inches of snow, a shocker because we've had 2 lovely weeks of an early spring.  So got out my new as yet unused ice running shoes, and had a glorious trail run/hike on the snow and ice for an hour!   Amazing shoes, no slipping - wish that I considered buying them before the very end of this winter season.  It was almost worth the price alone to see the amazed looks of hikers that I passed on the trail.   Surprised

    Hugs and Happy Weekend ~

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2013

    Nats, I am sorry about your turtle dove. Glad the weather is proving better for your 5k this morning.

    I did another 4 miles on the treadmill last night and am off to the Pet Expo to see what goodies my fur babies Should get some good walking in there and will do some weights & arm exercises tonight.

    Happy Saturday my sculpted friends.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    Vacuum & Sculpt for me today! That's about it! Wink

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited March 2013

    3 k in the rain on Thursday followed by hours of nausea/vomiting for no good reason~~well maybe last week's surgery and still not all well. 4 k yesterday before the rain but fell over a blackberry root. No damage but unnerving~~no doubt due to the fact that I was trying to figure out how to take a photo with y new Iphone of a bald eagle right above me on a branch and I was not paying attention.

    Hope to get out of my jammies this afternoon for another walk, maybe less of an adventure too.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2013

    Back from Maui.  Had the most fabulous time, and really recommend it.  Not so much exercise-wise other than walks and a couple of amazing swims in the Pacific ocean.  Saw a lot of whales.

    Mostly drove around the Island.  Lots of one track roads where my experience driving in the UK came in handy.  People didn't wave though which is what makes the UK experience so much fun.  I waved anyway.

    Slept in, and doing laundry.  Frustrating experience as my eBay-PayPal link locks up, and I need to pay for something.  I may need to do this via my smart phone.  So far, I have been through eBay, Kapersky, with Microsoft and Sony left.  Infuriating.

    Still need to pick up my bicycle and hopefully get in a ride.  4 months to the Seattle-to-Portland.

    Funny story.  My friend and I went to an upscale restaurant for her birthday.  I was super-bummed as the food was mostly Pacific NW at twice the price!  This after interesting and moderately priced food at the hotel.  But really......I didn't go to Maui to eat salmon or Puget Sound oysters.  Should have looked for more Hawaiian-based.  I would have been a lot happier.  That said, I did get a locally-raised and freshly grilled elk burger and the salads were wonderful.  YUM. - Claire

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2013

    Claire_in_Seattle ~ Glad you had a great time in Maui.  We have only been once because the prices of everything were so crazy high.  We go to Cabo when we have a chance and enough reserve $ to get some wintertime sun.

    Elliptical today for 30 minutes.  Almost back to the same intensity/duration I usually hit before this whole breast cancer chapter started.   It feels awesome to be bouncing back somewhat physically before I'm even done with chemo!

    Have a good weekend ladies!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    Yea, Nicole!

    Hope you had a less adventurous day, Marian.

    Glad you had fun, Claire. Hope you can figure out a way to break in and pay your bill!

    Worked at school all morning, did some 'retail therapy' this afternoon, treadmill & lower body work. The leprechauns were doing tricks today, when I came out of school at noon there was a shamrock decal on my steering wheel!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2013

    :) Ruth.

    I ended up firing up my Kindle Fire and paid the eBay purchase within 10 minutes!  Not a real solution, but took away the crisis.

    Went down to Pike Place and intended to get my bicycle, but ended up at the wine bar.  Was fun UNTIL the jackass husband/partner of a woman I was chatting with told me what a bad person I am for horning in on their conversation.  I am signing up for Cycle the WAVE in retalliation.  Tomorrow is the last day for super cheap.  Domestic violence is still with us.  I can't believe the men who don't get that "women as chattel" went out about 6 centuries ago with Sir Thomas More (the other St Thomas) educating his daughters during the reign of Henry VIII, followed by Elizabeth I.  Small brain, smaller spirit, even smaller other parts.

    (He was so bad that I told him that his comments warranted that I give him a good smack, and THEN he told me I was being violent and he could bring me up on charges!!!  Of course, this was all about control, and his being the center of attention, and how dare I be more interesting.  WOW!!!)

    I am glad to be home.  Local fresh food (Jerusalem artichokes and baby kale) with Alaskan cod, Emmer faro, and more wine for dinner.

    Otherwise, the St Pat's party started last night here and is in full blast today.  I am glad to be hiding.  The best comment tonight was from one of the people tending bar.  They are selling necklaces of lighted shamrocks.  Her words: now the people can be as lit as the necklaces they are wearing!

    Magnolias, daffodils, and cherry trees are out, so it really must be spring!

    Back to reality in the AM.  Lots to do, and the great news is that the client I have worked with for almost 8 years is being mentioned in the book (Fat/Salt etc.) that just hit the NY Times best seller list.  Now THAT is something to celebrate. - Claire

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2013

    Nicole, good for you on the exercise. That is impressive.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2013

    Nicole  woohoo on getting back to it and feeling good.    Claire  Welcome back.  My brother and his wife lived in Maui for a brief 6 months - his new job there unfortunately did not work out.  So did not get the chance to visit, but I hear that it's just beautiful.   marian  Ouch - hope that you bounce back and feel better soon.  

    Out for another Icebug run - I think that I found my new winter passion. It's a clear but very cold day - this will all change quickly, forecast of temps in the 50's on Wednesday!  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    welcome back Claire and way to go Joy!  Marian, hoping today is a better day for you.

    90 minutes walking yesterday - did my regular 2.5 mile route to side one of an old mix tape, then (like you Nicole) was invigorated by exercise and wasn't ready to stop.  So I thought WWRD?  Flipped the tape over and did the route again to side two.  Temptations, ZZ Top, Maria Carey, Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine, and some classic Count Basie (Shout and Feel It).

    Started today peacefully with an hour of yoga & meditation and will walk later.  Nice & sunny but still 20 so will wait for the balmy 30's.  Making fish curry for supper.  See Wheat Belly thread for recipe.  Keep moving ladies!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    WHAAA! We are under another winter storm watch here for tonight and tomorrow....seriously, we are out of storm days and I will probably never be able to retire because I will be spending the rest of my life making up all the days we missed this year!

    OK, end of rant.

    Did an hour of toning, spent two hours writing Easter cards to all my old aunties, uncles, nephews, nieces and assorted relatives/friends, next on my list is a bunch of paperwork for school. I am making a yummy crockpot pork chops with gravy and yams recipe. I will make mashed potatoes to go with, as it is a 'comfort food' kind of a day!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited March 2013

    Finally managed 5 k and no more nausea! Also sunny so a real treat to walk and bald eagle family now part of it near the river and this all from our house, no driving at all.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2013

    Can't catch a break. Figure out the anemia thing. Get a weird, pinching like rash........mention to onc. It's SHINGLES!!! Can't keep the medicine down and can't take it without eating, which then makes me sick. So the last two days I had to go to short stay and have the anti viral IV. Blech.

    Still managed 7 straight days of yoga. Went skiing today. 

    Coco- Congrats!!!

    Our girlies under the weather- feel better.

    Dieing to see Maui photos from Claire........

    xo all

  • Cocobean
    Cocobean Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2013

    Marian, glad you are feeling better.

    Claire, sounds like a great trip and I love hearing about the spring flowers blooming, means it will get here sooner or later...hopefully sooner.

    Misswim, geez! Hang in there girl, you have been through the wringer lately, impressed about yoga and skiing...keep it up and things will get better!

    Did cardio and strength training on Friday and hour of cardio on sat, and rested today!

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited March 2013

    Hello, everyone. I am new to this thread and I hope you will forgive me if I don't read it all!

    So here is my fitness/non-fitness story: I gained weight after cancer thanks to Lupron, Tamoxifen, and the fact that every bloody time I finally got into a great routine at the gym I needed another surgery for breast reconstruction or something or other. I have a pot belly that I loathe and shopping is depressing.

    Losing weight and being fit is part of my lifestyle goal to help prevent recurrence - that is probably my prime motivator, with vanity reasons coming a close second. 

    I am no longer on Tamox. or Lupron. I was only 10 percent er-positive and 1 percent pr-positive, so sometimes I think of myself as a triple neg-er. I like muscle building (weight bearing exercise, as you all know, is recommended for triple negs) and hate endurance and am too ditzy to play group sports, so being a gym rat suits me perfectly. I happen to belong to the best club in town, so I have my pick of machines, classes, etc....

    I am about to embark on week 3 of an intermediate muscle building workout plan that I found on the web. Here is the page: You can create a free account and follow whatever workout routine suits your goals and needs. It is the site attached to my favorite fitness magazine, Muscle & Fitness Hers. I love quick, high velocity bursts of energy and strength. I feel soooo relaxed and de-stressed afterwards.

    Anyway, I am holding my feet to the fire for this one. No surgeries scheduled, so no excuses! The program I am following goes on for four months, I loathe my bugs bunny belly, and I want to regain the body I had when cancer first gave me the chance to go for those wonderful b-cups for the price of a co-pay.

    I am glad to find this thread.

    So here is my accountability for today: I did go to club, did legs, biceps, triceps, abs and some stretching. I have to follow this plan five days per week.

    I blame all typos on my bipolar spell checker! :-)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited March 2013

    Athena: Welcome! So glad you have joined us. I like your dedication. Thanks for sharing your link - I plan to check it out.

    misswim: Oh no - not shingles! So sorry! Hoping you start to feel better SOON!

    Mariane: Yea! No more nausea. Too cool about the bald head eagle family.

    Good evening ALL! I haven't posted in awhile but I've been keeping up my exercise: walking/running at the park or "walking" with Leslie via tape. DD was home this past week for Spring Break and she left to go back today. I already miss her. Hoping ds comes for a visit this week. 

    Have a great week everyone!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2013

    hi ladies and welcome Athena.  This is a great place for accountability & support.

    misswim - OMG shingles?  Sorry!  Glad you still managed yoga & skiing though.

    (I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down.)

    Walked this afternoon 5 miles in approx 90 minutes.  Snow tomorrow here too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2013

    misswim, good grief!

    Hi Athena! Glad to see you here.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    Hi Athena and great you are going into week three.  Misswim, hope the shingles clear soon, Marinne, you amaze me and keep at it, Nicole, you too! Welcome back Claire and that was quick.

    Off to bodystep and pilates at the gym.