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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    Welcome, Athena! This is a wonderful, motivating thread.  Your workout sounds great - I love weights too but I also love running, long, slow distance suits me just fine.  I do throw in a couple of interval workouts during the week, which I despise, but I guess they work.

    MORE SNOW COMING IN FOR US TONIGHT!  Will this winter never end? 

    HIIT treadmill workout this morning, followed by shoulders.  My son was at the gym so it was great "bonding" time.

    Keep moving, everyone.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Athena, the more the merrier.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for all the condolences on our little turtle dove's passing.  For the first time in years we just have dogs - no cats and no birds.  Strange feeling.  Misswim - yikes!  You're just not getting any breaks lately, are you. Cry I'm so sorry - things have to get better soon.   Claire - your trip sounds lovely!  Marian - be careful - but I can see how you wouldn't be watching your feet in the excitement of spotting a bald eagle.  Cool!  Joy - your ice running shoes sound great.  Athena - good to see you - this is a great group to keep you motivated!

    Did our St. Pat's 5K Saturday - the rain/snow held off till just after the race.  A woman I've "met" on the March 2013 chemo thread who lives near the race came out to cheer us on - just two days after her second chemo tx.  What a trouper!  Seeing her definitely put a spring in my step as I managed a sub-12 minute mile pace for the first time ever in a race.  I know that's slow, but my first race was close to 13 minute miles, so I've made some progress.  We won't talk about the winner who ran the entire 5K in 15 and a half minutes! Surprised 

    2 mile walk last night, and 30 minute yoga DVD this morning.  We're having snow flurries - go away winter!!!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Kind of in an exercise slump - best intentions but then turn in to a couch potato.  But the sun is out here today, so I will walk at lunch.  There - I said it, so now I have to do it.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited March 2013

    pat01- Me too!  Here we go again C25K, W1W1, blah!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2013

    Back at work today....well, did some yesterday, so things continue.  Mostly the brain tumor organization, but a project of paid work coming up. YAY!!!  I think more to come as my client was just featured in book now on the NY Times bestseller list.

    Got in a 20 mile ride yesterday with cherry trees and daffodils in bloom.  So spring really is here!  It was windy too, so got extra exercise just staying upright!

    St Pat's dinner was just great.  Friends were blissed out.  Leftover soda bread awaits me for breakfast.  Red flannel hash later this week.

    More later.  Promise to post a Maui pic when I get a chance. - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited March 2013

    Did 40 minutes of a pilates mat routine and stretch.  Stayed inside for activity as it was 35 degrees and yucky outside today - shifted off and on from raining sleet to snow, come on Spring - I know you're here somewhere!!  

    Welcome Athena!  Mary  congrats on that race time!  misswim  Hoping you get a break from ailments soon!  welcome back wonderland   

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2013

    Mary, congrats on your personal best in the 5k.  Misswim, yikes, sorry about the shingles!  Claire, I cringed when reading about the wine bar guy-- unpleasant confrontations with strangers are the pits.  Athena, welcome!

    I was absent from the boards all weekend but I did hoop both days.  Spent the weekend at the hubby's house which has a cathedral ceiling in the living room.  Finally I could practice overhead tosses indoors :-)  It made him a bit nervous but I didn't break anything.

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited March 2013

    Thank you for the wonderful welcome, everyone.

    Badger - aren't we former 9-letter word comarades? You were always the best player.

    Mary, congrats on your time - that officially qualifies you to be an FBI agent as far as the fitness portion goes (women = 12:10 for the mile).

    Claire - you are clearly a great athlete.

    pat01 - I hope you managed that walk.

    Just got back from club - week three, day 1.

    I did:




    abs (30 x 5! Just two weeks ago I could barely manage 40.)

    Tomorrow I take a rest. I get two days off per week under this plan.

    I WISH we had snow - we've only had dark, cloudy days. We got some flakes for about 10 minutes this morning.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited March 2013

    Athena, I will try to send our snow your way! We had another day off due to snow + 40 mph winds (ie a blizzard). Our school year will now stretch into the scheduled summer vacation. Cry I did take advantage of being trapped in the house by doing a bunch more paperwork, 30 minutes on the treadmill & my old, old 70 minute Jane Fonda Workout tape.

    Mary, you can run down the street and get your FBI application! Cool!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Athena.  I dog sat over the weekend and did lot of walking dogs and looking in windows -- well if they didn't want you looking in they wouldn't have big fancy windows with open blinds/curtains now would theySealed and yesterday did a spin class, then another spin class tonight. 

    Misswim you can't catch a break can you, I've had shingles so I can attest to how painful they are Frown  Mary way to go, you are amazing, so sorry about your turtle dove.  Marian glad you are feeling better and how exciting to see a bald eagle up close.  Glad you enjoyed your vacation Claire.  Ruth whenever I want to whine about feeling cold I now think of you brrrrrrr, do you think someone doesn't want you to retireUndecided just watched DWTS and the studio where Jacoby and Cheryl practiced was packed with Body Pump/Body Step equipment, I think I spend too much time in gymsSurprised

    As an aside, the people I dog sat for over the weekend went to a wedding, the bride aged 29 was just diagnosed with Stage IV BC - so damed young, I hate this effing disease!!!!!

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited March 2013

    Ruth, I remember those Jane Fonda workout tapes - they were quite strenuous.

    hbcheryl - arrgggghhhhh - how awful about the bride. May the newlyweds be blissfully happy. Shows you we haven't a second to lose in life. Thinking of exercise as lifelong recurrence-prevention treatment really motivates me.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Yes, I did get out for my walk yesterday - 30 minutes but it felt good - then home to couch potato mode Frown  No walk today, last night it snowed, sleeted, and now its raining - yuck.  Do have my gym bag in the car, so I will go to spinning after work.  Adey, I need to start C25K in the worst way but can't see fitting it in the next couple of weeks - I know that sounds like an excuse (it probably is on a psychological level), but I'm busy at night the rest of this week, next week is Holy Week (I sing in the choir), and I'm also planning a surprise party for my DH in a couple of weeks, with all my kids coming home to surprise him!  So I'm trying to make a mental committment to start in April, to see if I can then have some kind of routine back in my life - until the wedding of course!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited March 2013

    Come on, pat, squeeze out some time!!!! Pretend we are Jillian you are reporting to. Wink

    Another two hour weather delay....roads are apparently full of drifting snow....

    Cheryl, so sad about the bride, but hopefully they will find the right combo of treatments to give her a long and good qualitiy life. Speaking of which, my friend who was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer last fall & has been doing chemo ever since, went in for her scans, and they found........nothing!!! She is officially in remission, and was told to go home and grow some hair!!! So good things CAN happen.

    Athena, prevention and looking HOT (and not in a hot flash kind of way)! Kiss

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited March 2013

    ok going to a cardio slam in the water today. It's pretty chilly and the water is not really warm enough at my gym but I know it's a great work out so I am going for it. I did put my name on the waiting list for a noon spin class so if that opnes up ill do that instead.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    8 inches of snow overnight, when will it end?  Now it's sleet and rain.  I brought some work home so I am NOT going in.  Will head over to the gym in awhile for chest & bis.  Probably more shovel & sculpt for later!!  Then I plan on making a pork roast w/roasted white and sweet potatoes for the men in my life (hubby & 3 sons) who will have worked hard all day.  Hope the boys can make it over!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2013 have to SIGN UP for something (and then tell everyone you know).  That is why I make sure I do events in the summer.  Because you will feel foolish if you are the slowest walker in the 5k.  In your (running) shoes, I would do at least a about 6 weeks out and then another about 2 weeks prior to the wedding.

    If the talk above didn't work, visualize WEDDING PICTURES.  You don't want these to be......well, you WANT to be the fit and glowing one!  Since voices don't seem to work with you, I am sending you a steel-toed shoe.  Feel that???? left a major one off the list for exercising.  You want to be able to DO THINGS as you get older.  I remember my godmother when she was roughly my age.  She would sit and read or watch her favorite TV shows.  You also lose your confidence if you don't do stuff.  I certainly had to recenter myself to dive into the waves in Maui, and I could tell I hadn't been on a bicycle in ages the other day.  But was fine 5 minutes into the ride, other than when hammered with that wind.

    Wonderful news about your friend, Ruth.  Wow.

    I managed to get everything done yesterday, but what a day!  I exercised at the end, so caught up with my weights/crunches.  I tend to think I don't do all that much, but going back on the crunch ball after a week away tells me otherwise.

    Among other things I got done yesterday was install my new wireless modem.  I upgraded my service for 60% of what I was paying, so last night was when they switched over.  It all went as planned....amazingly.  Just need to hook up the Kindle Fire.  Best of all, it really is faster, not to mention cheaper.

    LuvLulu.....made a pork chop for dinner last night, and was delish.  All I needed to make as have a fridge FULL of veggies.  Your men will be thrilled.

    I need to get to work.  Lots to do, and I am behind.  Not my fault on this one.  Yesterday happened, and I couldn't say "no".  Plus, I need to color my roots.

    Planning a REAL WALK for this evening.  Need to keep things going, and back to 2 days of strenuous exercise this weekend.  It's been too long. - Claire

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited March 2013

    Mary: I've been thinking about you and the loss of your turtle dove. Pets are family and it hurts when they are no longer with us.

    Cheryl: Hard to read the news about the bride you know. $%# cancer. Had to laugh about looking in big windows. Just did it last night! Smile

    Ruth: Great news about your friend!

    Pat: Good luck sneaking in some exercise. You have a full plate but because you are motivated, try to do what you can - even if it's a little at a time. 

    Walked/ran at the park this afternoon. It was 65 degrees but felt much colder because of the wind. I even wore my toboggan hat.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited March 2013

    wow when is this weather going to shape up!  another night of conferences under my belt.  

    Does that count as a workout?  


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited March 2013

    Did an hour on the treadmill.

    I don't know if conferences can count as exercise, but they sure are tiring!

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited March 2013

    Well it's pretty cold here but in spite of that I put my bathing suit on planning to do cardio slam in the water even though the water was kind of cold last time. When I got there I realized I had the schedule wrong and it was one of those silly classes all the old ladies do that I dont get any work out from. So went upsatirs and did 20 mins on the elliptical, 20 mins on the incumbant bike, 10 mins on the wave and 10 mins on the treadmill.

    Is making goody bags for my mary kay exercise cause that made me tired too especially after food shopping.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2013

    WELCOME ATHENA......I went and took a Bikram yoga class tonght. Vey hard. Dont love it.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2013

    I have a "bug" so I didn't exercise today unless you call vacuuming and laundry as my formal exercise of the day and I am so wiped out but have to be up at 4am to go pick up my BFF of 42 years who is arriving from Australia at 5.30am ughhhh LA traffic in the early morning but happy happy happy to have my friend here.

  • Gai
    Gai Member Posts: 154
    edited March 2013

    I am a yoga girl, so my thing is a yoga class.  Exercise for my body, mind and soul Laughing

    Much love


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2013

    Hooped indoors tonight, maybe 45 minutes?  I had new music on my iPod and just kept going and going.  My knees and hips feel a bit cranky now.  Dang you, joints!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2013

    Off to freestyle step.

    Cheryl, my heart particularly goes out to all young women (like your lovely bride friend) diagnosed who usually wind up with nasty BC variants.  Can we ever get a effing my lifetime? I'm off.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited March 2013

    An hour on the elliptical this morning.  Just couldn't face the long, icy roads.

    Happy first day of Spring, everyone!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited March 2013

    Thank you all for your encouragement - and yes Claire, I did feel that ! LOL.  Did get a spin class in last night, which always whips my butt, but in a good way, and I fell asleep in bed watching DWTS.  Cold here today but sunny, so a noontime walk in my future, and I did squeeze some classical stretch in this morning.  But it's been a long week at work, to me it feels like Friday but I have 3 more days to go - sigh...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2013

    Cheryl - so sad about your bride friend.  These young ones who are dx break my heart.  Pat - you have so much going on - do what you can, but take care of yourself as well. 

    BTW, I will be in San Diego for a conference the second week in April.  My only free night is the night before I go home, Thursday April 11th, and I plan to take in the Padres-Dodgers game that night. Anyone out in that area interested in a meetup at the ballgame?  We can have a beer or two, eat a hotdog (or fish taco) and gab.  That's one thing I love about baseball as opposed to the other major sports like football, hockey, or basketball - you can actually relax and gab during the game and still not miss a thing!

    Ran the 4.3 miles home from work yesterday through the park - I am liking these extended daylight hours.  30 minute cardio DVD this morning. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited March 2013

    C25K W1W2 yesterday and W1W3 today.

    Keep yelling voices!