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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2013

    Glad you are enjoying your time, misswim.

    Took this evening off.  Forsythia and othere flowers blooming and my allergies are in full bloom as well.  The next few weeks will be misery but I will not give up my walks.  Allegra and I will be best friends for awhile.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Welcome, Maria.

    Happy vacation, misswim!

    Got home late, did half an hour on the treadmill, now watching Dancing With the Stars, will have to do something else for another half hour when it is over.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Hi all.  I just thought I would dip in and (re)introduce myself.  I am a long time walker and hiker, but a new runner, and I'm going to celebrate my 55th birthday in a couple of months by running my first 5k.  I always peek in at your posts when I need inspiration.  Today I couldn't help but notice how much more fit you all sound than the first time I dipped in, probably a couple hundred pages ago.  Great job everyone!  You continue to motivate me with your hard work and consistency.

    Now, my question.  Does anyone have a favorite training program to prepare for the 5k distance?  I was thinking of a download for my phone?  Thanks for any suggestions you might have.


  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Nicole - terrific that chemo is finished, Misswim congrats on the new job and the DW check in, SAB, I too have started to train for a 5K in a few months and have a number of C5K apps downloaded and found they all are pretty much alike.  I've also signed up at Asics who have a running tracker that send me emails telling to run that day and how far.  Lulu  I've nver heard of Ameila island and will google.  Joy, sounded like a relaxing break in Amsterdam.  Maria & Carol - good spinning!

    Ran yesterday and pelting rain today so off to the gym for body balance.  Saw my PS  and will have another scar revision and reshaping surgery in June, after the 5k. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    hi ladies and welcome Maria & Susan!

    Left work an hour early yesterday and got out for a nice long walk in the near-60's sun!  Glad I did as cold rain forecast the rest of the week.  Maybe some snow, we shall see.

    Also walked Sat & Sun so logged 15.26 km = 9.49 miles since last post.  Plus did an hour of yoga Sunday morning.  Have a great week everyone!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited April 2013

    SAB- Couch to 5K on is 3 days a week and I have used it with success.  I was hoping to rack up 5Ks but have been told not to run by doc, boo.  I did run my first one in Dec tho'!  Good luck.  (c:

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    Ruth - sorry about your forecast!

    Misswim - enjoy your vacation!

    SAB - I second the C25K apps - it's a nice gradual program to get you running a 5K.  Some people also use the Galloway method.  You might want to join us over on the running board, lot's of good encouragement and suggestions there, and it's not just for seasoned runners, lots of newbies on there too.

    So I did manage a short walk yesterday at lunch.  Went home to clean out several rooms of "crap" as we are having new carpet put down today. Found one box that I thought was pictures that was actually bills and paperwork from 2005! Obviously a stash and dash from probably a mother-in-law visit, rest her soul, she was the one visitor that would get me to give my bathroom a good cleaning!  I'll walk at lunch today, but then I'm skipping spinning in favor of putting all the stuff back in the rooms.  So lots of arm sculpting again tonight!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Whew - lots to catch up on!  I'm out in San Diego for a conference - did a 3 mile run along the water at sunrise - beautiful!  Planning a meet up with Cheryl and Ann on Thursday so I'm really excited about that.

    Did my 13.1 mile training run on Sunday - it took me well over 3 hours but I did it.  The time limit on the HM is 4 hours, so I should be able to avoid the straggler van even with my lumbering pace.

    SAB - I started running kind of accidentally about 2 years ago.  I used to do a lot of walking, then one day in the rain I ran from my office out to my car just to avoid getting wet, and realized I could run.  I live in a suburban area with sidewalks and driveways, so on my walks on the sidewalk, I'd run from one driveway to the next, then walk for the next two driveways.  Then I gradually reversed it - running for 2 driveways and walking for one.  It actually ended up being very close to Galloway run-walk-run training, although I just didn't know it!  Then a co-worker with ovarian cancer had a team in a 5K awareness race, so I signed up just to support her, and found I loved running in a 5K.  Just start slowly and work your way up.  And do check out the running thread as well - they've been wonderful and very supportive.

    Sorry Ruth - it's 70 and sunny here in SD!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2013

    We are having a beautiful day here as well, but the forecast is for thunderstorms!  Also, a snow mix for Thursday!  Boo

    Had my ooph last Thursday and have done little excercise since (just stair climbing).  So, this morning, I decide to try walking again - only managed about a 1/3 of the distance and had to lie down for a bit before work!!  Will be working on that hopefully for the rest of this week!  Then went to work (office stuff today) for 2.5 hours and am totally wiped out!!  Planning choir practice tonight, so am going to hop in bed for an hour to regenerate!!  Is this exhaustion normal?? I don't remember being this wiped out after my lumpectomy with snb!!  Imagine if I had not been excercising regularly prior to the surgery!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day - no matter what the weather!!  Cool

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Wow, thank you all for the welcome and the input.

    LilacBlue and Pat01 I will definitely check out the c25k apps,it looks like they are free downloads, and thank you for that asics tip as well.

    Adey, I'm sorry you can't run right now...hope it's a temporary doctor's order.

    NatsFan, that's a great story about how you started running! 

    This morning I started using a program that my dd insisted I try:  "Zombies, Run!" (The 5k training version) It's pretty funny.  I did walk and run just over 6k (with zombies breathing into my ear,) and it kept me pretty distracted. Other than the story I suspect it will be much like the programs above.  

    I will go stalk the runner's thread, but hesitate to call myself a runner Embarassed! Someday...

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2013

    Welcome, Susan!  Sounds like a great way to celebrate turning 55.  Wonderland, it's good to hear I'm not the only one with the sweets cravings during rads.  I just noticed the cravings are letting up and I have also finished my big blasts and moved onto the boosts.  Wonder if those are related?  Misswim, congratulations on your move.  Nicole, congrats on finishing chemo!  Yay!  Mary, I'm exciting about meeting up with you & Cheryl too.

    I've been hooping every day and signed up for a hoop camp in October.  I can't wait!  Doing some hand weight exercises as well.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2013

    Hi all.  60 min water aerobics class this evening.  Feeling I need to add more stringent workouts  and may 'pretend' that I can run again.  Did a little last year but never made it to run the entire 5K.  Maybe I'll try again using the driveway tip first and then the C25K when I build up some endurance.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Welcome, Susan.

    Jealous of Mary, Cheryl and Ann...I know you'll have a fun time together (baseball?), and enjoy the nice weather for the rest of us.

    Ann, I couldn't say if rads & sweet cravings go together, because I always crave sweets! Tongue Out

    Mary Louise, yes, I think the exhaustion is normal. Go slow and don't wear yourself out.

    Worked all day, went to a meeting, treadmill for an hour, another meeting (a frustrating one where people talked on and on just to hear the sound of their own voices, as they certainly didn't want any input.....ARGH!!).

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    Just got in from my FIRST RUN SINCE HIGH SCHOOL!  Did a bit over 2 miles which I thought was just fine for a first attempt.  Ran about 2/3 of the distance and walked the rest.  Gorgeous route along the Puget Sound so got to see the light on the water.

    Still have weights to do as dinner cooks.  Steaming football-sized artichokes as were on a buy-one-get-one-free sale and delish.

    Other news for those of us who indulge......

    I finally feel exercised again. - Claire

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited April 2013

    Nice job Claire_in_Seattle!  I ran lightly (2 - 3 miles several days a week) for a few years and really loved it.  I have hopes to get back to it this summer.  We had artichokes tonight too --  gorgeous and delicious -- a sure sign of spring!

    Sorry to hear some of you are still dealing with snow and other dregs of winter.  If we didn't have reasonably nice weather I would really struggle to exercise.   The gym is a fine weekend destination but not really manageable during the week when I taxi drive my 3 girls somewhere almost every day.  Had a dry evening so I got in a 30 minute rapid walk after picking up the 14 year old from her aerial class.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,857
    edited April 2013

    Mary Louise, let your body rest, you'll be able to walk longer stretches soon enough. I can't imagine an ooph would be less fatigue-inducing than a lumpectomy and SNB.

    Impressive running start, Claire!

    It was Zumba night with a lot of new songs. Loved it.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2013

    walking and toning ....I would really like the snow to go away.  Ruth sounds like you may be in for a big storm.  



  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    A nice walk at lunch yesterday, then home to lug stuff in and out of rooms to make way for the new carpet - they are coming back to do the last 2 rooms today, so my house is a disaster.  Good upper body workout though!  I'll be glad when my house is back to normal.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    The big storm starts about 100 miles south & a 100 miles east of I am going to keep my mouth shut and not complain anymore!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Claire - great run!  SAB - I've been wanting to try the zombie run app - once my HM madness is over and I go back to normal running (a few miles a few times a week) I may have to try it - it sounds like fun.  Badger - I'm still working my way through Book 2 of the Eragon series on audiobooks while I run.  It's been different listening to the book rather than reading it - I find I'm absorbing more details when listening.  Sorry Ruth and Balsie and other residents of northern climes - it's another glorious morning in San Diego. 

    Took another 3 mile run along the shore - beautiful.  The great blue heron was there to greet me again, and there were huge seagulls and mallard duck pairs - one mallard female only had one leg, but her mate stood by and guarded her as she ate some grass and lurched about.  Ran into the division chief who is also here at the conference and she joined me for the last half of the run so the time just flew. 

    Off to another day of seminars.  I'm in IT so I'm attending the IT-focused sessions.  The info is good, but most IT people are not the greatest public speakers (to say the least) so it really takes a lot of effort to focus when some IT geek is droning on and on about dry tech stuff.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ..........

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Hi..I am encouraged to hear your you slowly started running, I want to try. Cos I can walk and not run...and living in San Diego should give me some boost to get up and run...right? Thanks for sharing your story.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Ann, hooping camp - love it! Snrise welcome and good to have you with us and like SAB, apps help and you follow what is said in your earbuds, run walking at different intervals. SAB - like the zombie app and Mary, welcome home and nice to read you are meeting up with Cheryl and AnnPat, thanks for the reminder of the running thread. 

    Went to Freestyle Step at the gym in the morning and ran this afternoon. Came home from the gym and was shocked to see that my 14 year old son cleaned his room (kids are still off for Easter break here).  Miracles do happen.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    LilacBlue and NatsFan, Zombies are definitely distracting me, and I have managed to keep just ahead of them so far!  Seriously, the 5k trainer is very, very gentle and I think it is geared towards absolute beginners.  I do consider myself a beginning runner, but I am looking forward to ramping up the intensity a little (watch what you ask for you might get it!)  After I get through the 5k I will try the regular Zombies program, unless I tire of all the undead's antics and decide to get serious with Galloway or something like it. snrise, this program is doable for any fitness level and gives you a lot of flexibility.

    According to the program I did a total of 7.95km walking and running this morning (I added a half hour on to the program.)

    Ann-hooping sounds like lots of fun!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    hi ladies and welcome snrise!

    Up to my neck in a rising tide of work but can still breathe (if I stand on tip-toes).

    Cruddy weather yesterday & today, so good I got out Mon.  6 mi since last post.

    Ann, you're in for a treat!  I've met Cheryl & Mary IRL and they're great - have fun!

    Zombies?  LOL!  Wonderland, I'm another fan of The Walking Dead (don't judge us).

    Oh Cheryl, that reminds me, a friend went to NO & brought me back a voodoo doll!

    Ruth, glad you dodged the snow for once.  Me, too, it went north of here.

    Thanks all for a positive space.  So happy to hear of everyone's successes!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    I am uninformed but, what is a Zoombie app? Speaking of zoombies...badger, I am glad you got the voodoo doll you needed!

    Welcome, snrise! Yes, enjoy the San Diego weather for all of us. We may get a couple inches of snow tomorrow from the latest round coming through. Good Grief!

    Treadmill, upper body, and Pilates Challenge tonight.

    Lilac, a 14 year old boy cleaning his room without motherly threats of death....that IS a miracle!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    Ruth, when it comes to snow, a couple inches is better than a couple feet!

    RE: zombies, they're a pop culture phenomenon!  You can see them on a top-rated cable TV show (see above), read about them in a best-selling book (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), and even plan for a zombie attack (mock disaster recovery scenario).  I suppose the app would have zombies chasing you so you have to run away.  Otherwise, they'll bite you and turn YOU into a zombie.

    And not saying it's voodoo, but someone should have a real bad headache right about now.  Sealed

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    hopefully so Wink

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies.....  Still a beginner, but I did a 5k run tonight!!!  Actually, I think a bit more, but I know at least that long.  Still have weights to lift.

    Checked my booty in a window as I ran past and liked what I saw Innocent - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2013

    30 minutes hooping, 30 minutes walking.  I want to make an hour a day of exercise my norm.  Considering how tired I felt I don't think I've been clocking that much recently.

    Really looking forward to the IRL meetup tomorrow. :-)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Have been putting in long hours at work and finally made it to the gym tonight for a spin class it felt so good.

    Badger I lol'd when I read your comment, maybe you could add in a touch of diarrhea, you know just to add icing to the cake!! Mary Louise take it easy hope you just had major surgery, you'll bounce back quickly. Ruth I promise summer is coming, I saw some photos from South Dakota all I can say is brrrrrr. Mary I have ducks in my pool, one girl and two boys they are messy but once they touch down you can't shoo them off so I guess i'm gonna have ducklings at some point, see you tomorrow and looking forward to meeting Ann.