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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    The third BCO runner checked in and she and her family are fine. Shaken up, of course, but fine. 

    The wonderful marathoner co-worker who encouraged me and helped me set up my HM schedule was affected.  Her aunt was running at Boston, and the aunt's two adult children were in the stands.  Both were seriously injured, and are now in hospitals in Boston undergoing multiple surgeries to try to save their limbs.  As you can imagine, my co-worker is very shaken up by what happened to her cousins.  What's more innocent and fun than to be in the stands to cheer on your mom as she finishes the Boston Marathon, then the next thing you know you're in the hospital and you might lose limbs.  I just can't even get my head around it.

    An hour of sanding and painting walls last night (we're re-doing downstairs in anticipation of the DC Meetup this summer!), and a half an hour of extended Lebeds (LE therapy exercises) this morning.  Flying cross-country triggered a nasty flare of my truncal LE even though I took every precaution - my trunk is swollen up like a pumpkin, so I'm in a full court press to mitigate the flare.  Yell

    Ann - I signed up for that hooping class - tomorrow night is my first class. Can't wait!  See what you started??  Laughing

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    Called to reserve a bike for the 5:15 spin class yesterday, and was told that there will be no more class at that time, they are combining classes and moving it to 6:15.  Bummer, if I go home first I will never get back out of the house, especially at this time of year.  So instead I decided to restart C25K, and see how that goes. W1D1 done, but might redo day 1 until my heart rate isn't in the stratosphere while running.

    I agree patoo, a wonderful time of year to be walking - got a nice walk in at lunchtime, and some classical stretch this morning.  Now that the carpet is in and house in some semblance of order, I need to add some arms and crunches back into my routine.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited April 2013

    Mary, I am so sorry for your co-worker. It is so hard to imagine. I told my daughter about the little boy who was killed and she was in tears. I hope you get the LE under control soon.

    I downloaded the Zombie app to launch my first run of the season. The narrative is fun but I just ran without stopping for 3.5K. Then I still had energy to do some weights and stretches and later in the evening, Zumba. All for Wednesday Weigh-in.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Go Heidihill!  Mary, nice to read that number 3 logged on out of harms way yet the family of your co-worker is so sad.  Have fun hooping and some year in the future, hooping will make it over here.

    Went to the gym this morning for freestyle step.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Did spin on both monday and last night, we got brand spanking new spin bikes wow are they nice except that the seats are hard as rocks, never thought I'd look forward to jumps Surprised then this morning went and did a Sh'bam dance class.

    Mary so glad that the running thread girls are safe but so sad for your co-worker.  Heidi wow impressive for your first zombie run.  Pat don't you hate when that happens, could you do some weights before the class?  I hate to tell you this but they sold all our old spin bikes for $25.00 each I thought about getting one but I'm hopeless at home it would have just become a clothes hanger for me, but what a great bargain for those that bought them.  Carol I'm the queen of low options they don't even have to show them to me anymore I know them all.  I had a really nice compliment paid to me today I was talking to the Sh'bam instructor after class and she told me I should become an instructor as I would be a positive influence for older people in the gym.... she is sweet but delusionalTongue Out  Ruth I hate to type this, the sun is shining and the wind is blowing here, maybe by the time it gets to you it will blow all your storm clouds away.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2013

    So glad to hear our runners have all checked in safe.... My heart goes out to everyone affected by this terrible tragedy.

    Did 7.5 miles on the bike tonight and arm exercises.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    A "day off" -- long gentle walk with a friend.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    hi all, haven't been here for a few days so lots to catch up on.  Logged 12.12 km = 7.53 miles walked since last post.

    LuvLuLu, belated happy b-day #60 and OMG I am heartsick over Boston.

    Mary, that's awful about your co-worker's family.  I just keep shaking my head 'cuz I can't figure out WTH.  Hope you get flare under control soon and thanks for extra effort re: tu casa.

    SAB, I have some great mix tapes and will look through them for some ideas for you.

    'night my sculpted friends!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Mary, glad your runner friend is OK. So horrible about your co-worker's family, and the words.

    I got up at the crack of dawn and made cookies for a co-worker's birthday, got home late tonight, forced myself onto the treadmill & then argued with myself for 20 minutes before I pressed the 'play' button & did a FIRM sculpt DVD....tired, tired!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    I did what I intended to today.  So crunches/weights and also a 5k run.  Have to say that I feel fab post run.  Talk about an incentive to keep moving!

    Made a curry dish out of some chicken I got a couple of days ago.  Delish.  Dumped in all sorts of veggies, so presume relatively healthy.  Served with farro, not rice, as that is what I had in the fridge.  And of course wine.

    Am contemplating a reshaping of my life which means a move 20 miles east of Seattle.  Better deal financially, plus amenities such as a hot tub and gas fires.  Think I am ready to trade out the view for both.  Plus closer to the cycling/skiing/swimming and hiking trails.  Closer to the work I am doing (which requires travel) too.  I think makes sense as I move forward.

    Will keep you posted.  Artsy town, with lots to offer.  Quick and cheap bus ride in so I can continue with the important stuff (thinking wine bar, opera, and Pike Place Market).  Otherwise, have not been doing all that much in Seattle, so think this makes sense.  Have LOVED living here, but think ready to take the plunge as don't love quite as much as 2 years ago.

    Will do the first test drive this weekend.  Wish me luck.

    But first the tulip ride on Saturday!  Great fun, and gets the blood moving for summer events. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Tonight did Body Combat class but my knees were quite sore so I took it easy.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    Wow Claire, big decision.  I have always been envious of your lifestyle, walking to market, walking to wine bar.  Where I live you have to drive to everything, and lots of times it's a 20 minute drive or more.  But it sounds like this will be a good move for you, I wish you luck!

    Nice walk at lunch yesterday, it is so hard trying to be spring here - did arms and crunches last night for the first time in a while, it's amazing how quickly you lose stomach toning!  I could barely crunch at all.  So obviously I need to do more of them! Got some nice classical stretch in this morning, and another sunny day so looking forward to another lunchtime walk.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Ruthbru, good for you exercising after such a long day. 

    Claire, I lived city and now live rural.  It's always a trade off, isn't it?  Sounds like you're approaching this in a very thoughtful manner.

    Couldn't find my darn wallet this morning, so instead of the Zumba I had planned I ran for 30 minutes and then walked briskly 30 minutes. Plus my Zombie app, which is now asking for 30/60 second run/walk 5x then free run.  Still a little light, but we'll stick with it and see where it goes.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Pink Ribbon Pilates and physio for me today.  Very windy with on/off rain so no run. 

    Hope you found your wallet SAB and Claire, sounds interesting. 

    I'm sickened by all of this unbelievable week and that includes the Senate vote.  Off to make chicken stir fry with fried rice for dinner.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited April 2013

    Claire: Good luck making your decision!

    Walked at the mall today while shopping then walked/ran at the park this evening.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2013

    Claire, I wish you the best with your decision..Ruth, you inspire me. SAN, good luck finding your wallet..

    Week 1, Day 2 of C25K plus arm exercises tonight..

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    Claire sounds like a good move for you so I wish you luck!

    Forgot pedometer this morning so no idea # steps today. 

    Been raining & raining and now it's raining some more.  Some water in basement but there's a floor drain so not too bad considering some face flooding.  Dehumidifier going so that will help.

    LB I am with you on that vote.  Sealed

    Supper tonight was kasha (buckwheat) with leftover steak from Tues.  'night!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Good luck with your decision, Claire. I think you'll know if it's right.

    45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes of toning with Richard Simmons.

    Well, I HAD to exercise yesterday because I ate about 20 of those cookies I had made early in the morning.......all the burnt ones, a couple good ones, and the leftovers which I brought home for DH, who made the mistake of working late!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    I did a meeting/interview at the wine bar this evening, so think I am moving forward.  Leftover chicken curry for dinner.  Exciting times.  Exercise was walking to the wine bar and back plus weights/crunches.

    Exciting time in my life, and in a good way.  Thx for all the support.

    Gearing up for a 45 mile ride Saturday in the tulip fields and surrounding territory.  Hoping for good weather as will bag if serious rain/wind.

    Think will be an early evening.  Chilly and rainy here.  Bed sounds lovely at the moment. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2013

    Miscellaneous hooping and yoga today, and parked several blocks from my doctor's appointment.  Mary, that's horrible about your coworker.  I hope your LE improves, that's not a nice souvenir of your trip at all!  Claire, good luck with your decision.

    Hey has anyone used the FitBit or any similar gadget?  I'm not good at tracking quantify of exercise and I wonder if something like that would help or just be a waste of money.  Maybe I just need a watch with a timer-- I'd like to hit one hour of exercise per day.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2013

    Waking up to further bad news out of Boston.  Praying for this madness to stop soon  

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    Crazy, crazy times here. As I write this, one suspect is dead and his brother is on the loose, the whole city is in lockdown - I actually live 2 cities over and made it into work which is in Somerville, right next to Boston. We have the tv on for all the latest.

    My poor niece runs the marathon every year. This year she saw 2 friends get their legs blown off. Needless to say, she's traumatized. However, she did put on her Facebook page that she qualified for next year's Boston and SHE WILL BE THERE!

    I'm proudly wearing my marathon shirt from the year I ran - way back in 1996. Never wore it, just saved it for the right occasion. This seems like the right occasion.

    Did 20 min. HIIT treadmill this morning, followed by legs.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    Good walk at lunch yesterday.  Made myself do crunches again, and the muscles complained - take that muscles.  Also sore triceps from my arm exercises the other night.  Might rain here, so probably no walk today, but got my gym bag in the car for some C25K after work.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    3 mile run yesterday morning, and the first hooping class was last night.  It was great and quite a workout!  I really enjoyed it.  Thanks for the inspiration, Ann - I never would have thought to try it if you hadn't posted about how much fun you were having with it.  The class is at our local rec center a mile away, so I walked to and from the class for a bit of extra exercise.  I think I'm getting the truncal LE flare under control - I've dropped almost 3 pounds since Monday and the waistband of my pants isn't as tight.

    Sounds like they've gotten one of the Boston terrorists and last I heard they were in hot pursuit of the younger one, so at this point it seems like it's up to him as to whether he lives or dies today.  It might be over soon for them, but for those who were affected, it will last a lifetime.  

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited April 2013

    Claire moving is always a tough decisions to make. We moves to KC from NYC. It tooks us 5 years to finally do it. Very happy though. We made the right choice.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited April 2013

    Claire moving is always a tough decisions to make. We moves to KC from NYC. It tooks us 5 years to finally do it. Very happy though. We made the right choice.

    Signed up for spin class today

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Freestyle step and body balance (do many of you have Les Mills body balance at your gyms?) plus this afternoon I managed to run inbetween the April showers.

    Boston is being watched like a hawk on all UK media. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    LuvLuLu, my heart goes out to your niece and everyone else who saw terrible things that day.  Good for her qualifying and going back next year.  Wearing your shirt is a fitting tribute.

    4.07 km = 2.53 mi today, featuring a very fast walk to Walgreens during a brief snow squall.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2013

    Hope Boston can begin to find peace now..Glad it seems the madness is over.

    Did 20 minutes on the bike and 20 on the Elliptical plus arm exercises...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    30 minutes of toning & 45 on the treadmill while glued to the news. Both pure evil and the best of humanity are incapsulated in this week's events.