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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2010


    Radiation can really slow you down.  I read in the book "Anti Cancer" that 30 mins of walking at a moderate speed is enough to increase the benefits of radiation and/or chemo.  He does not recommend pushing yourself during treatments.

    I started Weight Watchers a week ago.  Lost 3.2 lbs. That brings my weight loss to 5.2 miles since I last saw my oncologist.  I've been doing my eliptical 45 mins. a day 6 -7 days a week.  So proud!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Went out for another 30 min walk.  Wow, I amazed myself!

    Roseann, we are proud of you as well - keep it up.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Went to the local Bark for Life this morning with my dh and the Chihuahua - it's an American Cancer Society fundraiser that's like the Relay for Life, but this is a one-mile fundraiser where you walk your dog.  There were about 30 dogs, from a baby Chihuahua to a Great Dane, and everything in between.  It was a lot of fun, and I actually ran into a couple of people I used to work with at the animal shelter (I worked there for 15 years) so it was great to catch up with some old friends.  I also met lots of b/c survivors, including 5+, 10+, and even some 15+ year survivors.  I LOVE meeting long term survivors.   Came home and did some gardening and mowed the lawn.

    Wow - everyone is doing so well - I'm impressed.  Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone! 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2010

    Kathy do keep that skin extra well moisturized.I  did not think it was that big of a deal until I got a third degree burn from my rads. It took a good 3 weeks after treatment to settle my skin down.Hopefully yours will be a breeze. (((hugs)))

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Great Job Everyone!! Yea for Kathy, being on the downhill slide with the radiation and getting some exercise too!! Roseann, super job on the exercise AND weight loss! Patoo, I agree, if it's nice one should do outside things if at all possible! Nats, I love the "Bark for Life" idea; I don't suppose cats (which is what I have) would cooperate with 'Hiss for Health' counterpart to it ?! Cary, don't feel self-consious about exercising. Most people are just thinking about how they, themselves, look. I always ADMIRE anyone I see exercising!! I was in meetings all day, so did an hour long FIRM toning tape when I got home tonight. It's nice here, so tomorrow I'm getting outside for sure. Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Did a one-hour Body Combat class this morning. Cary the book is a great idea another thing is if you do join ask them if they have any specials (sometimes my gym has a 2 years for the price of 1) also there is a book by Bill Phillips that has pictures of the exercises I think you can get it at B&N. The trainer should show you how to use the machines but don't be afraid to just ask someone, at one time everybody had their first day and people are usually willing to help, I go to a "muscle gym" and the weight room is packed with BIG guys and once you get to know them they are all really nice. I'm short and can't reach up to get the bar to do a lat pulldown and I just grab a taller person to help, and guess what - no one has ever refused and be sure to try any classes they offer, I was a member of my gym for 8 years before I did a class and now, it really costs them for me to be a member as I go so often.

    Glad the "voices" got to you Kathy and two games of tennis a week is monumental. Roseann congrats on the weight loss, and you should be proud of yourself. Patoo it's good to see you out and about again, hope your allergies are being kept at bay. Nats your day sounds like it was a lot of fun, whenever I see a Great Dane all I can think of is can you imagine "poo patrol". Ruth my Samantha would win the hissing competition hands down, she's also be a runner up in the bashing forum. I've been a bit of a slacker this week with my exercising but I've been running back and forth to the hospital my friend is being released tomorrow he is coming home with palliative care, (if they can get the hospital bed delivered tomorrow) he just wants to be at home I had to take the dogs and get them bathed today and water the garden, it's beautiful here too and all my roses are starting to bloom, yeah fresh flowers in the house.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    I got in a lot of walking in today.  I went once in the am with a friend and in the evening with my sister.  Super day !  I went steady all day ~ I will sleep well tonight. 

    Happy Weekend!


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010
    I spent yesterday pretty well getting in and out of the car (and parking lot to store walking)!!  You actually use many different muscles with that kind of excercise!!  I guess I will have to make sure that I do something excercisy today - although we are expecting company over to watch the race and for supper.  Maybe the thought counts??? Undecided
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    I haven't posted in awhile -- slacked off some on the exercise when we were hitting the 80's every day, then had my heart cath (no unexpected news, the only thing "wrong" with my heart is the mild impairment from chemo, no clot, clogging, etc.  Yay!). It was really cool seeing the live video of my heart during the procedure.  I'm on serious restrictions for a week, including strict limits on exercise (no lifting over 5# -- do these drs ever have to live with their own advice?  but I don't want that femoral artery opening up so I'm obeying!) so I'll only be getting in slow walks.  But I'm not quitting! and am really glad I've been released to do whatever I'm up to after the one week (I was on aerobic exercise restrictions until they checked my heart but I could walk as much as I wanted) (lymphedema precautions always in place, of course). 

    I got in a very slow, very short walk yesterday, in the woods.  It was in the 60's, sunny, breezy, and the woods have a carpet of wildflowers, so it was worth every slow step!  It was so beautiful, I wanted to jump and dance with the wildflowers!

    Congrats to everyone for all the great work you're doing! As I read through all the posts I was so amazed at all y'all do.  You are all incredible! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Include yourself in the statement NatureGrrl; "WE are all incredible!" Smile

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2010

    Thanks for the welcome back and encouragement everyone. 

    Patoo - Keep those "voices" coming at me.  And thanks for letting me blame the radiation for my slow down. 

    Cheryl - The reason I keep up with the tennis is because I love it.  It's not exercise to me - it's fun.  It's also a couple of hours in the day where I can live in the moment and not think too much about anything but playing the game.  I guess it's an escape.  

    Mumayan - Thanks for the tip.  I've been pretty diligent about breast care during radiation.  I want to get throught this as easily as possible.  So far, so good.

    Roseann - Wow!  Good for you - losing weight! 

    Ruth - Thanks for the "yea."  You are always so encouraging to the ladies on these boards.  I'm sure you have a positive impact on many of us.  

    Thanks all. I hear those voices and I'm heading upstairs to the elliptical right now.   


    Roseann -

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Hi all.  I must say when I come here and read all your posts a big smile comes on my face.  You all are so amazing the way everyone encourages one another.  In this world in which we live, with all the sad happenings all around us it is a blessing to come and immediately break into a smile.

    Mary Louise, I agree getting in and out of the car is hard work.  I have to laugh at myself many times as I grunt while twisting, especially to get out.  That certainly counts as exercise.

    Nature, take it easy.  Moving slowly is better than not moving at all.  Matter of fact, I was reading an article that says "The intensity of exercise determines whether muscle cells favor burning stored body fat or blood glucose..." ..."...High intensity activity...puts stress on cells prompting them to call on glucose for rapid energy..."  " slower speeds, muscles have time to convert fat into usable energy boosting the body's fat burning power by up to 43 percent..."   (May 3rd issue, First for Women)  Now, this may or may not be true but it certainly sounds good!

    Walked 4 miles today.  Now if I can keep myself from stuffing my face the rest of today, I'll be a very happy person.

    Later my Sculpted sisters.

    BTW, I do love the toning sneakers.  I just feel I am getting a better workout.  Could be all in my head but I like them.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    I like the toning sneakers too!  I sketcher ones....tried MBT's but just didn't care for them. 

    walked 4 miles with my friend in the am and will go for 2 with my husband after dinner..

    I am not sure if you would call this exercise but I do...I cleaned the closet in my bedroom and all of the dresser drawers...hauled out a ton of stuff.  I plan on doing that next weekend too.  Feels so good after a year of no organizing to get something done!!

    have a good evening!


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    I want to include wandering around Ikea yesterday as part of my exercise.  Is there no direct route in that store? 

    I did my walk this morning and think I'll be able to add more distance this week.  I was thinking of your walk in the woods, Nature.  There is snow on the mountain tops here, but it's spring in the valley.  Not wildflowers, but flowers and flowering trees all around.

    You gals amaze me and keep me motivated.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    I LOVE this thread (ie I love you guys) so much!! I always get a smile, a laugh, and often a tear when I read what everyone is doing; we all know the hard, hard experience we have been through (collectively and individually); so to read about everyone stepping up, carrying on, moving forward (all exercisy types of words), really enjoying the good, positive things in life (and having a sense of humor about the not so good things), is so uplifting to me...... I walked for an hour in the nice, fresh air so, as you can see, had a chance to think and get all philosophical! (And now, thanks to patoo, I know that I shouldn't  walk too fast as to not stress out my muscle cells and hinder their fat conversion process Wink). Mary Louise, I know that Olympic athletes visualize their performances ahead of time, so maybe the thought of exercise will count if you also visualize yourself doing it! Cheryl, you are being such a good friend, running errands for someone in the hospital counts for quadruple points at least!!! One more bit of philosophy;  at our school, we have "Wisdom Wednesdays"; each Wednesday a different kid reads an inspiring thought over the intercom during announcements and closes with, "Make it a great week or not, the choice is yours." Lets make it another great week! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010
    I am very late in posting today, have just walked in the door and it's just after 10pm.  Did a Body Step class this morning, then met friends and went to the Pet Expo at the fairgrounds and probably walked 3 miles actually meanandered is more like it.  My my there are lots of beautiful breeds of dogs in the world (and saw some really pretty chickens, yes chickens) and so many people doing rescue work, hopefully lots of doggies got adopted over the course of the 3 day expo, then at 4pm we got the call that our friend was being released from hospital and could we go to the house to meet the people bringing the hospital bed, we had to move furniture and ready the house for his return.  Then went shopping to get their groceries and then when he did get home had to go to the pharmacy to pick up all his prescriptions, I have to say I love shopping with other peoples money I wish I could make a living at itLaughing.  Well my friends I hope you all have a wonderful week, it's a new release of Body Combat tomorrow so I'm looking forward to my class.  Nite all. Cheryl
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    Ruth, thanks for the reminder to include myself, have you been talking to my therapist? Smile  & patoo, thank you for the reminder to take it easy.  And I love that idea that slow walking is just fine (and good for fat burning!) -- thank you for sharing that!

    Yesterday I felt so GOOD to have that blasted heart cath behind me that I overdid (even though that's not saying much!) and my puncture site bled a little.  So I'm trying to curb my enthusiasm for the next several days! 

    retriever, please tell the mountains I said hello!  I miss the west and the mountains so much.  I've only been to Utah once (Topaz Mtn. area) but fell madly in love with the beauty there.  I lived on the left coast awhile & want to be where there are mountains in my landscape again!

    All of you who talk about the toning sneakers have me thinking I should invest part of my tax refund in a pair (my butt could sure use any help it can get!) instead of putting it all on a new camera.  Sneakers would be good for my body but the camera is good for my soul.  Well, glad to have choices to make and a little money to make them with!

    Oh, and Ruth, thanks for the reminder to make it a good week.  I'm going to be taking it easy so I won't be posting any great accomplishments but I'll be cheering you all on.  We ROCK! Cool

  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    Saturday I walked into work, 2 plus miles. Only stayed long enough to pick up some reading material I had to look at, then went to sit on the grass for a couple of hours in one of my favorite DC spots: Dupont Circle. Sunday I couldn't walk in because a high wind and clouds made it a bit too chilly. But later on that day I walked 18 blocks (unsure of distance since DC blocks are not uniform like NY) from one downtown place to another. Today, walked into work again. Glorious clear sunny morning. I have to find something to do with my upper half, the half that tried to kiill me!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    retriever - I hear you about Ikea!  A few years ago I had tendon repair surgery and was in one of those boots.  We knew exactly what we wanted at Ikea, but it took far more walking than I wanted to do in that boot to get there.  They really make it difficult there to get in and get out - I remember I hurt so much at the end of that day because of all the walking.  Ah, for the old days, when I thought a 45 minute tendon repair surgery was a big deal!!  Undecided  Your spring time sounds beautiful!  Cary - the people watching in Dupont Circle alone is worth going there.  Did you participate in the big snowball fight there this winter? Cheryl - Glad your friend is home from the hospital.  The Pet Expo sounds like fun - all my dogs, cats, and birds have been "second-hand" rescue pets - I think they're especially grateful to be in a home because they know what it's like to be given up or abandoned in the streets. Nature - hooray on the good scan results!  Did you have adriamycin as part of your chemo and that's what did it?  I had a small decrease on my MUGA, but still I'm within normal range. Balsie - now that you've done your closets, will you come and do mine? Laughing

    Went to the Nats game yesterday - the Brewers scored 10 runs in the top of the 1st!  Yell That was painful, but at least we scored 7 runs over the rest of the game so we weren't totally humiliated.  And we did take 2 out of 3 from them.  It was chilly and our seats were in the shade, so between innings I ran in place at my seat to warm up, so I got some exercise there. Of course, I'm not mentioning the 2 Miller Lites I had, but I did have the grilled veggie wrap for food so I wasn't totally bad.

    Our home elliptical is finally fixed, so I did 20 minutes this morning, plus 10 minutes on the arm bike.  Looking forward to doing a good workout after work - you all inspire me with your workouts!

  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    NatsFan, Alas I missed the big Dupont snowball fight, but you are right. People-watching there is fantastic, especially in spring/summer. Like a neverending movie, without the high-price ticket. Hope the Nats turn it around against the Rockies! I'm embarrassed to say that I have never been to a Nats game, though I used to go to the O's years and years ago. Live baseball is wonderful.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

     Good Morning everyone! Well my friend (workout buddy) Tracy is back from her trip. So we can go to the gym together now. Too funny: she calls and says okay let's exercise tomorrow! I say will that is my day off from exercise. I really need someone to help me. So I said I would go. Then I get this message this morning. Will not be exercising spending the day with George (her husband) it is his day off. LOL She was pretty determined to go today and everything. Now I got myself all worked up to go  work out I may just have to go myself anyway's. LOL

    I had bought some skecker's a month ago and I love them. I live in AZ and everyone goes around with sandals on. Not me I have my toning shoes on. They really do make a difference in your posture as well. I really needed that. When I had my mastectomy I could be hunched over and would go around with my arms around my chest area all the time. I just had reconstruction done in Nov. The DIEP surgery. So I love my new breasts. That has made a difference too in my  posture. The toning shoes workout a lot in your body. They have a workout video that comes with them too. My trainer does not like my shoes. He says they are great for walking but not the other things that need to be done in the gym. He has recommended that I get crosstrainer shoes instead. So I am not sure what I am going to do. I spent a lot of money on these. They are great for the treadmill though. Just do not feel like changing shoes all the time. So I am working out, Today? Tue (legs & cardio), Wed (trainer), Thu (abs & cardio), Fri(arms & cardio), and Sat (abs & cardio).  Not sure if I am going to do a zumba class this week or not. That is undetermined.

    hbcheryl; There are so many beautiful breeds. All my animals are rescues. That is all I have ever owned. They just need a loving and caring home and they are so accepting of their knew situation. I love my animals. I have a 2 dogs a yorkie mix and a chihuahua mix and a cat.  The yorkie mix (Zsa Zsa) is deaf and was use for science experiments, and the chihuahua mix (Peggy Sue) was stuck in a kennel and hardly had any human contact for 4 years. Cat (Samoa) is deaf also. They still have some issues and not sure if they will ever  go away. One thing is for sure they are loved and they know it.

    The weather here in AZ is starting to get hot again. We had a lot of rain. Which is unusual for AZ during this time of year. But the mountains and plants are in blossom. Never seen it so beautiful and I have lived here my whole life. I am not a cactus fan at all, but the blossoms on them are gorgeous. I have a new appreciation for the desert. Though states I have visited I love their land and the scenary is so awesome. I just cannot stand the humidity. Which we do not have thank God! I come home to AZ and am glad to be back. I would rather put up with 4 months of some hot weather than live in the humidity and snow though. I want snow I just drive up to Flagstaff. That is just a few hours away. I use to hate AZ and want to move. Now after time I am glad where I live. Kinda funny huh!

    Hope everyone does well. I will let you know if I decide to go ahead and workout today after all. LOL

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Hi Everyone,  I have been following the following link on the Triple Negative Forum.  I could only wish for my husband to try  to win ME a makeover.  I haven't been able to make it link (or have I??), but I'm hoping you can cut and paste to get to the site. She has recently fallen behind on votes and the contest ends on April 22nd. Sorry if any feel this is inappropriate. Embarassed

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Hey Mary Louise it was a lovely video, brought a lump to my throat, I just voted she's 7 behind the leader now, Cheryl

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Apparently the link above didn't work, so maybe we can see if this one will! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Walked 3.4 miles tonight after work.

    Balsie - ANY cleaning counts.  You are bending, stretching, turning, moving - it counts.

    I thought only the Ikea here was setup that way.  I remember the first time I ever went there, it frightened me so much because I felt it was dangerous in an emergency.  Took me years to go in Ikea again and I still don't feel safe in it. 

    ebann, your sketchers are your friend.  The voices won't allow us to not exercise because our buddy won't go.  You get this one time warning but if she chooses her DH over you again you still have to put on those sketchers and make them happy!   Wink

    I wondered if you could use the toning sneakers on the treadmill.  I probably won't because I do try and run a minute or two when I'm on it.  Not sure why your trainer suggests cross-trainers for your workouts with him.  Seems an inexpensive pair of sneakers should be okay.  What is the benefit of buying expensive sneakers for working out mainly in place (on machines, etc).  Special for walking or running or sports, sure, but to do bicep curls or pedal a bike???  Just my thoughts.

    Okay, will head over to Mary Louise's link.

    Night my Sculpted friends.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    BTW, I suggest you clip on a pedometer.  I'm logging almost a mile a day at work and I sit at a computer all day.  The distance comes from walking to the bathroom, cafeteria, co-worker cubes (to run my mouch - more exercise!).   I picked up an Omron 113 on ebay for about US$20.  I've had others, cheaper, but they were not as good.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Overslept, super busy day; did get out for a lovely walk hour long walk (ran into a friend, so no philosophical thoughts-ha, ha). Now I HAVE TO get a few things done around here before it gets even later. Great night to you all!! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Did one hour Body Combat class, it was a new release - oh my I think my shoulders are going to hurt tomorrow, there is one part where you punch 128 times in a row really fast (usually it's counts of 4/8 or 16) and another where you crouch down and jump forward so you can grab your mythical opponent around the knees and then jump back aggghhhhh I was puffing and panting tonight. Elizabeth I love your doggies' names and I agree rescues are the best. Sedona, is one of my favorite places in Arizona it is so magical. Warning, be careful with a workout buddy, I had one for 8 years and we talked each other out of exercising more than we exercised so now I go by myself and if I see her great and if I don't too bad. Retriever next time you go to Ikea go up in the elevator and you arrive at the stairs that go down then you don't have to walk that whole top floor (unless you want to) I discovered that by accident one time when I was in there. Nats jumping up and down negates the Miller Lite intakeWink. Patoo a mile at work is fabulous. Ruth one night off is all you are allowed, okay.  Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    Nats, yes, adriamycin and/or herceptin caused my heart impairment (the surgeon didn't want me to call it "damage" for some reason, but "impairment" does sound better!).  I only dropped about 9% but I started out barely in the normal range so it didn't take much of a drop to kick me off the herceptin.  I didn't drop noticeably until I was done with A/C and then Taxol.  I did get 6 months of herceptin in before that happened. 

    Voted for Linda.  Amazing story. 

    Napped yesterday instead of walking but I don't get any wet noodles or voices this week because I'm supposed to take it easy until Saturday. Innocent  Good excuse, eh?   Actually, when I'm not tired, I'm itching to be really active, but I'm being a good girl and complying with doc's orders.  I'll get out for a walk in the woods this afternoon, though.  Cheryl, I look forward to the day I have the energy and strength to exercise like you do!

    Happy Tuesday, everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Keeping up with my daily walking, but have not been able to do anything after work.  My FIL decided yesterday that he is ready for hospice (lung cancer), and dealing with my DH's siblings (one in particular) has been really trying!!  He (FIL) was admitted today into hospice and my DH and I will be going to see him as soon as DH is home from work and before I am to be at choir practice.  Say a prayer for him if you get a moment!  Thanks.