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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Body Combat for me tonight (and yes Bobcat with the delightful Eduardo - drool, drool).  Nats only saw the last ten minutes of BL last night, I actually stayed at work and did my taxes yeah all done and saved myself the $600 the CPA charges, quite frankly don't have it this year then on the way home - I am dog sitting for my friend who is in the hospital, the dogs can't stay with me as they are cat chasers but I pick them up every morning and they come to work with me and then I take them home at night anyway after I dropped them off one of my tires blew out luckily I wasn't on the freeway or going really fast and I was able to pull over and change it and now I have to get 4 new tires, oh well, that's life.  Ruth I'll join E-LAV with you I do love my cookies with my tea.  How are you feeling patoo?  Cary you only have to count one flight and then multiply by six, sounds like your walk is very pretty one day I'm going to have to get myself to the DC area.  Hope you are feeling a bit better Retrievermom get yourself a big puppy kiss.  Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    Maybe we will have to have a Washington, DC (first) reunion!?! Cool
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010
    Retrivermom; so glad to know that you had your last round of chemo. Yea! Patoo sorry to hear that you are not doing well. Everyone is doing great. I tried a new class today. I did the Zumba. Wow! talk about moves I could not even do. I felt awkward. Ever been there? I did it though. Not sure I will do it again. ((Maybe)) So far I have worked out 3 days. 2 more to go! I can do this! Cool Tomorrow the plan is to work on legs w/ weights, then treadmill for 30. Weigh in day is April 23rd! Praying all my work has paid off. "baby steps" Have a blessed evening!
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

    Ruthbru; got my automatic kitty litter box at Target. It was $100 and well worth the money. We have had ours for 3 years now. The cats will be curious at first. After they go it will take less than 10 min for the automatic box to clean up. Scoops it all up in a container. Then after your week or less you just take the container and throw it out. Or we just reuse ours. Though with many cats it might be different. Good Luck! If you get it tell me how much you like it?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Retriever - Happy Chemo Graduation Day!!!  Cool   Ruth - love the idea of the DC reunion - it's a very walkable city so we could get all the exercise we wanted.   Cheryl - scary about the blown tire.  And sorry about needing 4 new ones - ouch!  Cary -nice to have another DC area person on board. Elizabeth - I've heard Zumba gives you quite a workout - maybe I'll enroll in a class this fall.

    Did my 30 minute walk this morning.  I have a hair cut appointment tonight after work and the place is a mile from home, so I'll walk there and back to put in another 2 miles today.  I've noticed that after being chemo bald, now that my hair is growing back, I'm keeping it much shorter than I used to - I think after the ease of being bald, it's too much trouble to have all that hair around again. I've heard the same thing from lots of other chemo people that they now have much shorter hairstyles.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Just got an email from a friend that said:

    With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, Good grief, look how smart I am!  

    I must be a freakin' genius!  Laughing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    lol! Makes perfect sense to me! Have a great day everyone! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010
    OMG Nats put me into the genius categoryLaughing, yes Ruth it would be fun to do a reunion in DC, my goddaughter has been there and said it was amazing.  Elizabeth I've done a zumba beginners class and it was a lot of fun but it was on a saturday and I'm a combat girl on a saturday, well I'm off early this morning to stimulate the economy at the tire store, have a great day everyone.
  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    I did my 2 mile plus walk in this morning a bit early because I had an oncologist appointment at 8:30, but had to be there at 8 for the bloodwork. Gorgeous cool morning. Only trouble was I left the *&^% walkman thing at work yesterday so I had nothing to listen to except (sigh) traffic. Though there were birds during the first few minutes of the walk just after 7. My onc is not far from my office, so it was no trouble still getting the walk in before the appt.

    Not a momentous visit with him. He just wanted to know how the Tamoxifen is doing after my first few months on it. I told him the hot flashes were the main issue, but there is nothing I can do apparently.I wonder if being very overweight makes them worse. One thing that really distressed me was that the scale at the cancer center made me 10lbs more than the one at home. So I guess I have 50-60 lbs to lose instead of 40-50. But I also overdid things a lot yesterday.After a very virtuous start with some amazing salads, I succumbed to mass quantities of Chinese food that showed up for those of us working late.

    Anyone have the Ipod Nano? Apparently it has a radio built in and a pedometer!. I have an ancient ancient diskman sort of thing, but may upgrade, but I haven't decided if I want to spend the bucks.

    ruthbru, thanks for the tip on the ELAB thread. I don't eat like a vulture, I eat like a bear going into hibernation for 3 months....make that 6.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010
    Usual walk again this morning, but my dh wanted to go for a hike after work, so we went hiking in the woods together!  What a surprise as he doesn't even walk with me on the roads.  We were looking for spots for his to go fishing on opening day here (24th).  Hey I ended up getting quite a workout in the process!  We did pick up chinese food on the way home though! Embarassed
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Just peeking in here for a moment to make sure the voices kept you all working.  My voices kept me wiped out this week.  All I could do was go to work and come home and crash.  Did keep my pedometer on at work and so I actually walked over a mile each day.

    Today felt a little better so went for a 30 min walk before choir practice (surprised they haven't kicked me off with my congested voice!).  Hoping to get back on board soon.

    You all are doing great.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    Got in my short walk after work.  I'm getting farther each day.  Aiming to increase time soon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Had a long day at work and a hair appointment (it takes a lot of time and work to achieve my 'natural' color, style, bounce etc.Wink), then homework, visited my dad.....wanted to crash, but listened to the voices & did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 of 'Rock Solid Buns". Patoo, they will be putting you in the bass section of the choir pretty soon!!! Cary, at least bears eat healthy things like nuts and berries. Vultures eat anything that has stopped moving Surprised! Great Night All! Ruth

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited April 2010

    Good Morning All - new and old.  Well it is Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend and lots of bike riding and walking at the beach.  I still hear your voices even though I'm not getting out there or to the Y like I want to.  SO and I came up with a plan for the coming weeks - get to courthouse super early and try to finish and be home by 4.  Then jump on my bike for an hour before working through the evening...that will keep me sane!  Have a lovely weekend scuptresses.  Patoo - looks like we're in for a cooler time - maybe it will help the allergies.  They are brutal this year.  Nats - been following your beloved team :o)  Cheryl - say hello to Eduardo for me!!  Ruth - as always, you are the best!   Bye....

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    Ruth~ I saw some of those DVD's too but haven't tried them.   Hey ... I would think that Kate G. will be coming out with one soon Yell PLEASE!   I too am in the E-LAV (love it Ruth)  You are a hoot!  I know if we taught together we would be lounge buddies or maybe walking on our lunch buddies! 

    I did a big walk last I stated on another post .. it was my 1 year Ann from BC yesterday!



  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    Lessons learned today: leave earlier and bring a different shirt. Got a very late start on my 2 plus mile walk to work. While it wasn't yet hot exactly, the air had no cool edge to it and I could feel the sun building to what is going to be a day in the low-80s. Did I say how much I don't like hot weather? It wasn't as pleasant walking in, especially on the bridge where there is no shade. Plus I was sluggish from having eaten dinner last night after 10 pm. Another very stupid move. I had gone straight from staying late at work to the movies and so didn't eat until I got home.

    But I'm still glad I walked. I am beginning to really look forward to the trek. Tomorrow will be cooler again, yay! Today's high in DC is supposed to be 82, tomorrow's high is supposed to be 64. Nuts.

  • Everett78
    Everett78 Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2010

    blackbelt:  We are a TKD family too.  After years of driving my family to TKD I started classes.  I'm a lowly green belt LOL.   I love it and have been really bummed that the drs want me to limit the upper body movement while I have the expanders.  I can't wait to get rid of expanders!

    I've been going to the beginner classes through chemo.  After Rads that I hope to get back to my own classes. 

    At home I've been riding the exercise bike to keep moving.


  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    Any tips from anyone on how to best use 3 sessions with a personal trainer? This is my first time ever and I haven't joined a health club, just doing a heavily discounted special deal that has the 3 sessions and membership for 2 weeks via Groupon. I have zero gym experience. But if anyone has advice on how to get the most out of 3 sessions, what questions to ask, I would appreciate knowing. I haven't activated the thing yet. The deadline to activate is May 1, but I wanted to prime myself with all the walking I've been doing. I will likely wait until the end of the month.

    One thing I'm nervous about is the "hard sell" to join the place. I plan to say that I don't want to hear a sales pitch until the end of my two weeks, so I can see how it is using the club, doing the classes etc. But I've heard these guys are as bad as car salesmen.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2010

    I know I am going to drag myself today. But i will go and use the machines.Did housecleaning this morning that counts as extra exercise.Yell

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Patoo - glad to hear you're up and about, at least a bit.  Here's hoping you get a lot of rain to alleviate those allergies!  Fmakj - I love to hike - nothing like getting out in the woods with nature. Retriever - take it easy, but it's good to see you're getting a bit stronger each day. Bobcat - as for the Nats, last year at this time they were 1-9, so this 4-5 start feels like a championship team to us!  Surprised  Everett - I hear you on the expanders - nothing like trying to exercise with box turtle shells in your chest!  Cary - I'd love to hear how the personal trainer experience goes - I've been thinking of splurging for a few sessions myself just to get a pro to look over what I'm doing.  Mum - housecleaning counts as double-exercise!

    Did my 30 minute neighborhood power walk this morning.  The elliptical repair guy came today, so the elliptical at home is fixed now, so I can start alternating the walks with that.  That's a good thing as my joints are barking from all the walking on hard surfaces this week - I figured out that I've done 14 miles since Monday!  Off to the Frederick Keys game (Orioles Single-A) tonight - I will try to be good and stay away from my favorite mini corn dogs and seasoned fries!  Tongue out

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Retrievermom - you are doing great by slowly increasing the distance.   You will be amazed how much better you feel after doing this awhile.  I started walking last October regularly and when I went hiking up the hillsides yesterday, wasn't really winded!!!  I was quite proud of myself!! 

    Ruth - I don't think that even the "voices" could have gotten me to do 60 MINUTES of excercising when I feel like crashing!!  Good for you!!

    Balsie - Happy Cancerversary!  May you have many many more!!

    Patoo - I hope you start feeling more like yourself!  I have never had allergies, so really don't know what you are really dealing with, but know how annoying a head cold with a runny nose is!! 

    I am handing out Gold Stars to everyone this week!  Keep up the great work (outs)!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Home from work and stuffy still.  May try treadmill or a DVD tonight - or may just wait until tomorrow.  Need to get back on track so waiting for those voices to start screaming.

    Cary, you are correct they will try the hard sell and I like your idea to tell them you don't want to hear it until the end of the 2 weeks.  Leave your checkbook and credit cards home, not even in the car, but home.  When they try to get you to sign a contract, maybe tell them you have a pre-nuptial agreement that says you cannot sign a contract individually.  Just kidding.  My gym actually had a 3-day recission (sp) to cancel without penalty.  But you really do need that 2 weeks to think about whether you really will use the gym.  For the personal trainer, take a notepad and write down the type of equipment as you use it, the weight it's set at, how many reps.  That way if you don't continue the training but join the gym you will have a record of which machines you were on.  Don't forget to check the class schedules so you can go in and watch to see if any will be of interest to you.  Good luck and let us know how you make out.

    All my other Sculpted friends, I'm still watching you.  You've been pretty good!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    Did my walk this morning and got a bit farther.  Did my total gym beginner routine this afternoon.  And some dog training in-between!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

    Balsie; I just had my cancerversary too! 1 year! I hear 5 is the magic number. Hell a month free is good to me. You know what I mean. Congradulations. Worth a celebration!

    No workout for me today. Well be working out tomorrow though. Then I have Sunday, Monday off and back to the gym I go. Smile

    Cary1: I have a personal trainer and my experience has been good. I just need to make sure that I was ready and was really going to commit to it. Knowing I have appts waiting and he is really going to push me is a plus. I personally need that push. I would let your trainer know you are interested in finding out what you can do for me first! When we are done with these 3 sessions then we can discuss the possiblities of becoming a member. Otherwise I am not interested. I agree do not take anything with you in the means of money, check book, credit card, or cash. KEEP THEM HOME! You will know if this is something you can actually do. With my trainer we went through diet, supplements, weights and cardio. If he does not write the information down you are doing then be sure you take your own paper and pen to get your information. I bought a book at Barnes and Nobles called: Personal Training and workout diary. It is great! You put in your weights you use how many reps and what equipment was used for cardio. You also write down what you eat. How well you slept that week, what was your mood, appetite, stress level and energy level was like. I am very pleased with it. Then each month you put in your lose and your gain. I hope you find this to be helpful. Also do not feel embarassed if you are not able to do something or you feel silly doing it. You are just starting out and take your time. Everyone has to start some where. Might as well be now! Now for what I said I just have to believe it myself and continue to apply it.

    Have a blessed day everyone! Keep on moving!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Hi Ladies. Congratulations to balsie and ebann on your anniversaries and even more so on exercising and reclaiming your lives and health!!!! Bobbi, great plan to put an exercise break into your day; not only will the voices be happy but you will be happier and therefore more productive!! balsie, yes, we would have lots of fun if we worked together and might even get some walking in too!! Mary Louise, I am kind of nutso about getting some exercise in whether I feel like it or not, because I could almost always have an excuse, and I'm afraid once I'd start using them, I would never exercise again (at least not until summer). Speaking of exercise; did 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 of various toning 'stuff' while watching the news. Now I am going to go polish my virtual gold star. Night All! Ruth

  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    Patoo and Elizabeth, Thank you for all the specific advice, especially the part about writing things down. Color me dense, but that hadn't occurred to me. What I really wanted from these 3 sessions was guidance and a jump start. I am cautious about money things, so I think I will be ok. One other thing, my office building has a few machines in an exercise room in the basement. It's only a few and I am not sure how to use them, but maybe after work with the trainer I will know. I had also avoided that room, well, because running into a co-worker, even if I picked odd times, kind of freaks me out. But I shouldn't be so self-conscious. Getting healthier is more important. I am also going to try to get back into yoga, something I took classes in years ago, Iyengar style, but stopped. 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010
    Did my walk this morning and am now going twice the distance as when I started, but not significantly more time, so at a pretty good clip.  Bless Brigham Young for making all our streets grids with easily-identified distances Smile
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Went out to run errands.  On the way back stopped at one park and walked.  Then decided to go to a second park and walked there as well.  Nice.  Did abut 2.5 miles.  But came home and ate a slice of pizza and some wings so intend to go back out in a little and walk some more.  I know I should be trying to get more weight training in but I just love to walk.  Haven't even been back to the pool for awhile. 

    Back later.

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2010

    Hello ladies,

    I haven't posted in a while because other than 2 games of tennis a week, I've been so lazy.  Not sure why, I'm in the middle of radiation but I can't say it's made me too tired to exercise.  I just keep putting it off until "later."   Anyway, I hope I'm back on board now - just did 35 min. on the elliptical, 10 on the threadmill and 15 min. of abs and stretching.  

    Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.  I'm so happy to have 2 days off off radiation.  20 down and 13 to go.  My skin is holding up well, so far.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Yay, Kathy, almost there - only 13 to go.  Don't underestimate the rads.  They can make you tired in a strange way.  When I did mine a year ago I can remember not feeling tired but being tired - if that makes any sense.  I think putting it off is a result of that, so I'm glad that you are back on board and we will tell the 'voices' to keep it low, at least for the next 3 weeks!  After that tney will start yelling as you build up your endurance.  Laughing

    Didn't get back out yet.  A TV movie came on so when that goes off I will go out for a quick spin.  Hope all of you are enjoying the weekend.  A little windy here but great for walking.