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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    I got in a run in the rain before sliding off to a class at my church.  Back now and making dinner.  I passed the interview yesterday evening!!  Here's hoping it all works out.  If so, I will be one busy busy as last October.  I know I can do both a FT gig and PT consulting which would help in a lot of ways.  Lots to think about as I imagine my life 3 months hence.

    I am so relieved that they caught the guy in Boston.

    Still need to lift those weights.  Hoping that decent weather for the tulip ride tomorrow AM.  Am doing the 38 mile route which I noticed is flatter than last year's. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    Fingers crossed for luck, Claire, you deserve to be rewarded for all your hard work!

    Just noticed we are approaching page 500 on this wonderful supportive thread! Cool

    Shaping up to be a beautiful day so will get out for a lovely long walk in a little while.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Am down in the San Diego area and went for a beautiful walk yesterday along the shoreline in La Jolla, stopped in Laguna Beach on the drive down the coast for a walk (and accidentally walked into some stores for some shopping, I believe that counts as well).

    I agree Ruth absolute evil but so many good people step forward or rather run forward, the people of Boston have much to be proud of and my heart aches for those families who have been affected by the horror of that day.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    walked for an hour today and logged 5.44 km = 3.38 miles

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited April 2013

    New here and was inspired today.  Today I walked with my kids for about a 1/2 hour.  I know that's not much compared to you guys but I am still dragging after my final chemo on 4/2.  My thighs feel like weights.  I gained about 10 pounds on chemo - not getting crazy but trying to eat healthy and get out there and walk.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited April 2013

    jenjenl: Welcome! Congratulations on finishing chemo and good luck starting radiation! 1/2 hour of walking is awesome. I'm from NC also. Today was the PERFECT day to start walking.

    I attended a funeral today in my hometown of my band director. He was such a decent person and he made you want to do your best for him. He was 82. At the end of the funeral, a trombone player, trumpet player, clarinet player, and electric piano player (they were all about his age) played "When the Saints Come Marching In" New Orleans style. Loved it!

    I walked/ran at the park this evening. Dh and I are going out tonight to listen to live music.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited April 2013

    jenjenl ~ So nice to see you here!!! I love seeing some of our December chemo sisters making it over to this board.  You and I are in the same place with respect to chemo weight gain and chemo related fatigue.  I'll be cheering you on as we make it through spring towards summer wellness.

    Claire~ good luck with your changes.  I love reading the excitement in your posts.  :)

    I missed you guys last week.  Got completely hammered by exhaustion 2 weeks PFC and my husband's chest cold.  I really wish my MO had prescribed neulasta after my last chemo. I feel like the suffering I've had over the last week would have been much less.  Oh well.....

    Made it through a half hour neighborhood walk this afternoon without coughing spasms.  Getting used to moving through fatigue, and accepting that it will be at least a 4 - 6 week journey until I can leave it behind.  Glad to be back here! Cool

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Congrats to you Jenjen! 

    A run yesterday, about 3.5 slowwww miles then walk for another mile or so. 

    Today DH and I hit the trail for our first visit to Byrne Milleron Forest in Aptos CA. "Challenging" is an understatement.  Truly it kicked my butt. 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    I did the 40 mile course of the Tulip Pedal.  House now has tulips, and DOUBLE NARCISSUS.  The most heavenly scent.

    I had my doubts driving up to La Conner for the ride.  Pouring rain at the halfway point, but no more than a few sprinkles during the ride.  That was the rain part....18 mph winds of the Puget Sound, so you needed your wits about you to stay on your bicycle.

    Thanks for all the support everyone.  I think the right move to make now.

    All that exercise made me look 20 years younger.  Now THAT is a motivator.

    Cooking dinner.  Fresh Whidby Island halibut, potatoes, fresh asparagus, and some of the Jerusalem artichokes I made yesterday (yes, also local).  I got fresh eggs, and think I spotted the hens on my ride.  Rhubarb too, but think I will have a poached pear for dessert.  I can make the rhubarb tomorrow.  Costieres de Nimes (French white wine) to drink with....mmmmmmm!

    So much bounty and so much to celebrate.  Not the least of which is NOT landing in the ditch from the wind gusts. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Welcome, jenjen! Glad to have you on board.

    Nicole, the 'get that last Neulasta shot' advice is something we chemo gals should remember to pass on to onc. had said I didn't need one after the last treatment either, but after he left the room, his nurse wrote out the orders herself with the comment, "You don't want to feel rotten now" I lucked out!

    Worked all day, 45 minutes of toning, and went to the movie 42, which was very good.

    Your dinner sounds wonderful, Claire!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    welcome jenjenl and welcome back Nicole.  30 mins of walking is GREAT!

    Started today with yoga & meditation and will walk later.  Lots of cooking to do.

    Polenta tamale pie with asparagus for supper; strawberry-rhubarb pie for dessert.

    Will roast some beets while the oven is hot, for beet-pear-walnut salad tomorrow.

    Geez I am making myself hungry.  Better go cook the steel-cut oats for breakfast!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    My half-marathon next month is now taking on new meaning; it's Boston's Run to Remember for Massachusetts law enforcement.  We will stay strong!

    Run/walk today, 5.5 miles - lots of walk breaks because my training partner and I are dieting this week to take off a few pounds and neither of us had much energy. How stupid is that??? Then I did bench press / back / triceps at the gym.

    Usually my weight stays pretty steady but a few pounds crept up in the last few weeks (I WAS on vacation after all) so now I need to nip it in the bud!

    Have a wonderful day, everyone.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Jen - a half hour walk after chemo is fabulous!  By the end of chemo it was exhausting for me to walk from the kitchen to the living room, and I don't have a big house!  I'm impressed you could do that.  SAB - the trail sounds wonderful.  I love to hike but there have been more than a few times that I underestimated the effort needed on a trail.  But what a feeling of accomplishment when you finish.  Badger - yum!  Ruth - I want to see 42 - I've heard nothing but raves about it.  The Negro Leagues have always been a bit of a hobby for me - the Negro Leagues Museum in Kansas City is well worth seeing for anyone who gets a chance.  My feeling is that just about every major league baseball record set before 1947 should have an asterisk - after all some of the best players in the world weren't allowed in the league till then.

    Ran a 10K race this morning - lots of Boston pride and runner solidarity showing.  Anyone who had a Boston Marathon jersey or hat was of course wearing it, but there were plenty of Red Sox caps and shirts, and lots of home made ribbons in the Marathon colors, and people were wearing signs supporting Boston.  

    My half marathon is next Sunday in DC - we've already received tweets and emails from Nike reassuring participants that security measures were being reviewed and beefed up.  DC hosts so many protests, marches, and foreign dignitaries that the DC police and the federal enforcement agencies are used to working together and the lines of communication are great among all of them, so I feel pretty safe. 

    Off to mow the lawn for the first time this year - DH has horrible allergies so lawn mowing is out for him.  I used to have horrible allergies too - until chemo.  Ever since then I've been allergy free.  My onc says she's heard of that happening now and then.  Who knew chemo could actually have a good side effect?  Tongue Out

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited April 2013

    Did a 45 minute "slow and steady" walk this morning in the park. Glad I have a Sunday morning walking buddy ~probably would not have made it out there without her!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    You guys are amazing!  Riding through windstorms, getting ready for races, starting exercise programs!  

    Luvlulu, how do you know if you are gaining weight, or muscle?  Big question for me, as I worked hard to slim down, eat well but seem to be gaining weight.  I sure wish I had measured instead of weighed.

    Today was a lovely, long (8 mile) walk on the beach with DH.  Gorgeous.

    OK, all this dinner talk is motivating me to go rummage through the cupboards.  Have a good week everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    I want to hire Claire or Badger as my personal chef!!!!!

    Treadmill & pilates today....which is pretty good since what I really wanted to do was take a NAP!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    P.S. muscle DOES weigh more than fat. Go by how your clothes are fitting, not the scale.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Welcome Jenjenl. Body Step class this morning, fell off the step but managed to catch myself, then spent the afternoon walking around the swap meet, now I'm soaking my feet, ahhhhhh relief,

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2013

    Welcome jenjenl...Congratulations Claire on the tulip ride.

    Finished week one day three yesterday of my Couch25K. Then spent the day doing some exterior painting before running out of daylight. Today should have been my day of rest but I spent it lugging around 60lb bags of concrete and helping hubby pour our new concrete slab. Kept telling myself it will be so worth it once we put the hot tub there.

    Happy Sunday evening my sculpted friends.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    RAN most of the way back from the wine bar this evening.  This, after ~20 miles of easy cycling on a trail in the rain.  Major milestone, as I have NEVER done a run voluntarily back from anything.  Things are looking up.

    Agree on the hot tub.  Otherwise, there is wine.

    Suspect though that not mutually exclusive.

    Have a GREAT week everyone.  Lots going on, and that is a good thing. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2013

    Welcome, jenjen!  Nicole, yay for exercising in the weeks after chemo.  Your energy should start to return before you know it.  Mary, that's interesting about your allergies.  I am still waiting to notice any plus side of chemo :-)  Did you have your hoop class yet?

    I did a lot of clean-n-sculpt today (bathrooms, vacuuming) and a couple sessions of hooping-- indoors with the ultralight hoop and outdoors with the larger one.  

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    Ruth, I would happily cook for you if you invite me to be a member of your book club.

    Got out for a nice walk yesterday afternoon, just over an hour, 6.57 km = 4.08 miles.

    Wishing everyone a happy Earth Day and a wonderful week ahead!

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    Hi SAB - If you are just beginning a weight program, it's quite possible you will gain muscle weight. It's true, muscle weighs more than fat.  In my case, as someone who's been working out for 30+ years, I guess I know my body.  I do gain a few pounds on occasion and it's mainly because of my great appetite and I know that it's fat and bloat, not muscle Embarassed.  When that happens I know I have to cut back before it gets out of hand, and then I'm happy when I can see my muscles again. I work too hard to cover them up with a layer of fat! So mainly I go by how I look and how my clothes feel (and the freakin' numbers on the scale usually confirm my fears!)

    Off to the oncologist for a check up this morning. I think I will complain to her about a couple of mole-like bumps on my face - not sure if they're medication related or (GULP) just normal age!

    Did 20 min. HIIT on the treadmill this morning, followed by shoulders.

    Happy Monday! Gotta go, I'm gonna be late for my appointment!!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Jenjenlwelcome and congrats for finishing chemo, Mary great on the running and I know you will do well next weekend and Odie16 well done on your training and heavy bag lifting.

    Ran yesterday and today body step and pilates at the gym.  Have a good start to the week everyone! 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited April 2013

    Feet huritng from working so taking spin class today. Gotta keep the burn going.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Odie - hot tub - wonderful!  Be careful lugging around those heavy bags - you've had a node out and are at an increased risk for lymphedema, so if you experience any heaviness, aching, swelling, or other unusual feeling in the at-risk arm, stop what you're doing and elevate and rest the arm. 

    Ann - yes I started the hooping class last week and loved it!  It's quite a workout - I was exhausted by then end of the hour, but in a good way.  Thanks for the inspiration!

    I did a good stretching workout with a foam roller this morning with a lot of emphasis on the IT bands.  Plus I did a good session of Lebeds.  Still trying to work out the truncal LE flare from my cross country flights two weeks ago.  I may have to call my dr for a scrip to go back to my LE therapist if I can't get this under control soon.  Cry

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    Beat and sore from the weekend exercise....hurts to sit down.  Plus, both hands are feeling it from holding on for dear life, cycling in that wind on Saturday.  That said, I can FEEL progress in the midsection.  Best described as "less is more".

    Having trouble getting motivated today, but lots to do.  I snagged a donation for the nonprofit luncheon which is just 3 weeks away.  Wine gift plus tasting.  Got the wine bar to donate.....first time ever snagging something like this.  Benefit of holding a couple of working meetings there.

    We may also do a snowshoe on Rainier in a few weeks.  This is the time to go, but of course, only if the snow is stable.

    So nice to see the sun today.......  Happy Monday everyone! - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2013

    Back from a few days away.  The big project was finished this weekend and it's great to have it completed.  Haven't completely slacked on exercise, it will be nice to devote more time to activity.   Loving the blooms, budding trees and warmer temps - perfect for trail running.  

    Mary  No fun with an LE flare - hope it's under control soon.  

    Hope that everybody has a good week ~

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    I've worked out before, but never this consistently.  It may be muscle, but if I'm honest I guess it's more likely Chipotle's Embarassed.  Anyway, forging on, I took my pack of Zombies out for a run, and then added on 2.5 miles at the end.  I think I will name my zombies.  Guacamole and Rice.  

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2013

    Joy, congratulations on your project.  SAB, Chipotle's is hard to resist isn't it?   Even with getting the bowl (saving 300 calories from the tortillas) I gain weight when I eat there regularly.  They just give you so much, and it's so yummy.

    My car is in the shop so I walked to do some chores-- about 4 miles.  Boy I can tell I haven't been walking as much, I got pretty tired.  I was thirsty halfway, didn't want to buy an overpriced coffeeshop drink so I bought a lemonade from two little girls selling it on the street.  So cute!  They even had ice.