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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Badger, yes of course you can join my Book Club (the main requirement is that you make a good dessert Wink).

    Mary, hope you get that stupid LE under control. GRRRR!

    45 minutes on the treadmill & Arms & Abs of Steel. May still do the Buns portion after Dancing With the Stars is over....or maybe not.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2013

    Plenty of walking this weekend.  Tonight did mile and a half on treadmill.  Would like to get back to C25K but right hip and knee not cooperating.  Have to break down and see orthopedist before long.

    Night my sculpted friends.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2013

    Mary, I sure hope your LE settles down soon. I know I probably shouldn't be lifting such heavy bags but couldn't leave DH to do all that heavy work alone.

    SAB, love the Zombie names!!Too funny!

    Did arm exercises and another 10 miles on the bike tonight..

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday and an even sunnier Tuesday.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Mary I can't believe your half marathon is almost upon you, I'm sure it's going to be very emotional for a lot of the runners. Haha SAB, but I agree Chipotle is hard to resist. Carol my feet feel like barking dogs too and I'm afraid my neuroma is forming again grrrrrr.

    Tonight was spin, we had a new instructor who apparently used to work at the gym years ago, oh my my, she was amazing I got one of those workouts where I was dripping in sweat and my heart felt like it was coming out of my throat but boy did it feel great, we got ourselves a winner.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Ruth - I like the initiation fee for your book club!  Wink  Ann - an old fashioned kid lemonade stand - how cute!  I'd have bought some too, even if I wasn't thirsty.  Sounds like a couple of entrepreneurial young ladies!  Cheryl - grrr on the possible neuroma - again.  Yell  SAB - I really gotta get that zombies app - love the names. 

    Still fighting the LE here. I'll make you a deal, Patoo.  You break down and call the orthopedist for an appointment and I'll break down and call the LE therapist.  We both know it's a call we need to make!  Undecided

    30 minutes elliptical today.  Getting excited/nervous about Sunday's half marathon.  I'm going to need all of your good thoughts and support Sunday morning -- and of course I'll be wearing my Sculpted Sisters shirt that day in honor of all of you!  Every single one of you is an inspiration and you keep me going every day.   Thank you all.  

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited April 2013

    Hiya Girls-

    There is no way a non posting deliquent can make up for not posting since Jan. 8, so I am hoping everyone is doing well...except it looks like Mary needs to go see LE therapist and Patoo needs to see orthopedist and Cheryl is dealing with a neuroma...Frown.  I will quickly add that I have been dealing with non stop body twitches for the past six months.  After many appointments, and all kinds of fear inciting thoughts, I have come to the conclusion that it is something I did unwittingly.  It's embarrasing to admit, because I feel like I should have known better.  I blindly kept taking my benzo (restoril) for sleep for the past three years, became tolerant to it, and BOOM, when I quit, my body has been spasming out trying to fix itself.  It's a long and boring story, but I will say this to anyone who is using sleep meds REGULARLY and over a long period of time, you can PM me if you are going to quit.  I didn't realize (or care to realize) what the long term effect would be, but suffice it to say, TWITCHES that have been everywhere.   I started with them in my abdomen primarily, then they moved on to everywhere-calves, feet, biceps, toes, fingers, fingers, fingers, butt, jaw.  Being the super anxious hyper type to begin with, I didn't realize that part of my calm, great attitude in years one and two after dx, surgery and treatment was due to this little pill I was taking every night.  While it isn't the fault of my onc-she did express concern over them, but kept refilling the rx anyway-I really just relied on them too much.  

    Anyway, the anxiety and dealing with BC fears along with fears of every disease known to mankind have been hitting me.  I'm a full month out from not taking them at all, but I had a ton of starts and stops, which actually made this withdrawal even worse.  So those of you reading who use these, don't fear...I don't think everyone responds like I am, but I have to say, I should have done more research on this.  

    I started taking these right when I was dx'd and I think what is happening now is that I am dealing with some things I probably would have dealt with then, but couldn't.  God this disease is wicked on the brain!  I don't know that anyone doesn't have anxiety over it, but when you are an anxious person to begin with, it certainly ain't easy.

    I'm leaving tomorrow on a three week trip of a lifetime to France and Spain.  I plan on using that time to heal.  My husband got a new job, and we have FF air miles to use plus hotel points, so we are lucky.

    Since this thread is about fitness, let's just say I haven't been nearly as fit as I was a year or so ago, but I'm slowly merging back.  I guess my brain decided it needed to get fit first Embarassed.  In the entire scheme of things, I am very, very blessed and lucky.

    I miss all of you, and don't think for a minute I haven't thought about you while I haven't been on here.  I was too embarrased to post this earlier, plus it's too me me me centered, but I had to share it.  I sat down with a woman who has had a hell of a time with her BC a week ago and I couldn't stop singing the praises of this particular thread.  It's so important to stay positive, and this place is where the positivity reigns supreme.  

    OK, the Kim confession time is over.  I will try, even on vacation, to stay on here.



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    Wow!  I don't quite know what to say.  First, you will do just great, Mary.  Nothing like doing well in an endurance event to feel great about oneself! sorry you have had such a terrible winter.  Yes, things have a way of catching up with us.  I use exercise to keep my brain on straight.  I do miles on my bicycle or skis.  The big thing about your trip is that you get to see new things and a fresh perspective.  So rejoining your life which is a key step in moving forward.  Suspect you will be doing a ton of walking.

    I attended a cycling club board meeting last night so got lots of B plus fish and chips.  Wonderful IPA.  I am unloading the Membership role in six months time!!!  Time to disengage, as my life is going in a different direction.  They are too fast for me, and also like urban routes.  BLECH!!!  I want relaxing and more fun, not dodging pedestrians and buses.

    Will do a run later today.  Find that I sleep like a log when I do this.

    Did I mention that Redmond is just a few miles down the road from the Wineries???  I may finally be able to attend concerts at the Chateau (St Michelle).  Will be able to cycle in and skip the parking hassle.  So something else to look forward to. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Body balance and three mile run this afternoon with the zoms. 

    Today is World Book Night.  I was inspired to sign up online last January and was lucky to be one of the 23,000 chosen.Today I handed out 20 books (A Little History of The World by E.H. Gombrich) to the unsuspecting in my small rural village in Kent.  It's been a great experience and people were chuffed to be given a free book.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited April 2013

    Kim: So sorry for the problems you have been having. May your wonderful vacation give you the peace and healing you need.

    Mary: Hope you can get your LE under control!

    LilacBlue: How fortunate for you to be selected and what fun you had!

    Walked/ran this evening at the park.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2013

    Claire, being able to bike to the wineries sounds wonderful.

    Mary, you will do great at the marathon. If you listen carefully, you'll hear me cheering you on.

    Did week 2 day 1 C25K today. Won't be able to work out tomorrow night as I am going to see Jillian Michaels speak. Hoping to glean some useful tips.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Good evening.  Well, I took my Zombies Guacamole and Rice out for a run (I couldn't leave them home, they were clinging to my hips) and then went to Zumba Gold, which is Zumba slowed down and made much easier.  It was fun to dance in the morning, and gave me a cheerful start to the day. I'm looking forward to the rest of the week, since the 5k app seems to be ramping up.

    Luvlulu, I took your suggestions to heart and had a lovely salad for lunch. Lemon juice and spices instead of dressing.  Pretty yummy.

    I'm sorry to hear that LE is rearing its head Mary.  I hope that it is mild and controllable.  Lilac, what a treat for you.  Kim, I am new here but sending you a bc sister hug. Claire, it sounds like you are heading for a lovely life. Good for you for making it happen.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    Got out and did a run tonight, and then headed to the supermarket to redeem my cinnamon bread coupon.  Suspect beyond dangerous, but I can't turn down FREE amazing food.

    Came home with duck legs which I am braising in wine and fresh herbs.  So a feast to look forward to.

    It's glorious and sunny here, so got to see Mount Rainier in all its glory when doing my run.  More snow than at any time of the year, and actually quite low on the foothills.  Hoping to do a snowshoeing adventure there with my wine bar buddies in a couple of weeks or so.

    As for making it happen....well, it took a few "memorable experiences" for me to get the point.  You get one shot at this.  I think one of my close guy friends summed it up....."I was not about to become an old man".  This after he had bypass surgery.

    Need to go catch the sunshine on the Puget Sound and do my weights.  None of this is a dress rehearsal, and I feel beyond blessed to have adventures to look forward to versus remembering the "good times" in my life.

    And then dinner.....braised duck legs, Emmer farro, Jerusalem artichokes, and either peas or asparagus.  Still need to cook the rhubarb. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Kim, don't be too hard on yourself. I think when you are going through treatment, you have to do whatever you need to do simply to make it to the other you can work on getting everything else back in balance. A trip far away from everything, with lots of new and interesting experiences sounds like a perfect healing 'prescription' to me!!

    Claire, 'more relaxing and fun'.....sign me up for that too!

    Mary & Patoo, make those appointments!

    Cheryl, what does one do about a neuroma? ('Neuroma' sounds like a good zombie name to me Tongue Out). Speaking of which, I swear I am going to try that zombie app. once school is done (although I will have to find some slow moving ones to chase me).

    Yikes Odie, I hope Jillian doesn't yell at you. I have a couple of her DVDs and she scares me!

    Mary, you know we will all be running with you in spirit (OK, some will be running, the rest of us will be cheering from the sidelines), and I am excited to be a little part of the race. Very cool....

    An hour of spot toning with Denise Austin tonight. My Book Club meets tomorrow, and I will bring you back a detailed dessert report!!

    Much love to All!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Mary what time is your race? I will wear my Sculpted Sisterhood shirt on sunday and you'll hear me cheering you on all the way across the country. Kim it"s good to see you back I'm sorry you now have this to deal with but it sounds like you have a good handle on the situation, your trip sounds wonderful, take the time and smell the roses and don't beat yourself up. Ruth I too want to join your book club, I'm looking forward to a full report. I"m in need of new workout shoes I think I just have to get new shoes every two months and I did so much walking this past weekend, you know that meander walking and I had good Ecco shoes on but I think it was just way too much. Claire your move sounds perfect, right time, right place. Lilac how nice to be a part of such a fun day.

    Tonight my Step class was cancelled, the instructor hurt her foot to the point she couldn't walk so they substituted it with a Boot Camp, holy @$/-, one of the things was 5 minutes of jump rope, you know it's been 50 years since I did that, yikes my feet got all tangled up in the rope but I hung in and finished the class.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2013

    Go Cheryl, yipes I don't think I could jump rope for 5 minutes.  Killer!  Kim, congratulations for getting off the benzos.  Mary, I'll be part of the cheering squad for you, too.  Claire, thanks for the inspiration, again.  I wonder why it's so hard to stay focused and keep in mind that this is not a dress rehearsal?

    Did a couple hooping sessions, some arm-hand stuff and later several songs worth of dancing/spinning.  Still wiped out from yesterday's walk.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited April 2013

    People, you scare me whenever you post about zumba. Seriously though, I read "dancing" then I think that there would be people there and I break out in a cold sweat ;).

    I walked a lot the last two days, heading to the gym later today.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited April 2013

    Momine, you prefer Zumba with Zombies? There must be an app for that. If you ask me, jumping rope like in Cheryl's bootcamp sounds scary. I don't want to frighten you but last week I had the choice of joining a bootcamp workout vs. a ballet class at a day spa. I chose the ballet class. I was the only one not in a tutu. My calves really hurt after.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Kim - so good to see you!!!  I'm so glad you posted.  It's not fair that stuff that we take to combat the s/e of our treatment ends up with nasty s/e of its own.  Yell  Good for you for finally figuring out what was going on.  Sounds like your trip will be fabulous and the perfect way to rest, recover, and "re-boot". 

    Claire - your meals always sound so fabulous, and you seem to be able to match wines well.  I'm very un-educated when it comes to wine - I never know what stuff like "oakey with hints of plum" means in those wine reviews.  Embarassed

    Cheryl, you asked when my race starts - 7am eastern time Sunday morning.  They have different "corrals" grouped by anticipated speed - needless to say I'll be back in one of the slower corrals.  They send the faster runner groups off first, so I probably won't be crossing the start line till 15-20 minutes later.  I'll probably finish in just over 3 hours or so.  So from 7-10:30 or so eastern time Sunday, I'll take all the cheers, good energy and good wishes I can get!

    Playing hookey today - the Nats have a day game so dh and I are skipping out to spend a day at the ballpark.  Now if the Nats would only cooperate - they're not doing well lately!  Cry  But hey, even a bad day at the ballpark is better than a good day at work!

    Pilates CD today, plus of course a 2-mile "Nats Walk" to and from the parking lot.  Hooping is tomorrow - maybe there's a Hooping with Zombies app? Cool

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Mary, I'm getting excited for you and know you will do great this weekend.  Thank you to all who commented on my participation with World Book Night. By the way, the US had it yesterday as well so if you feel inspired -- you can sign up for next year.

    Freestyle step at the gym this morning. I told a friend at the gym who has recently started to run of the zombie app and she really likes it too. 

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2013

    Mary  I'll wear my Sculpted Sisterhood shirt too on Sunday, and be cheering for you from across the pond.  Smile   Kim  welcome back, safe travels - what a great trip you will have!  Hope those shakes go away soon.  LB  Your book night sounds fantastic - what a nice opportunity!  

    Had a great hour trail hike - the trees are bursting with green, flowers are blooming.  Not much spring here, it feels almost like summer.  

    Happy Hump Day ~

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited April 2013

    Have not posted for awhile as I have just been doing my usual 5 k walk almost every day, nothing new but I have got back to yoga and have gone the past 7 days in a row. Rads start next week some time and it has been slow going post op as I had to have my incision redone due to necrosis which held up the rads with saline coming out and going back in. Also have been off the Anastrozole for a month but will likely go back on soon if MO thinks time. I see her next week too.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    hey Kim!  Good to see you back.  Guess it's hi and bye, enjoy a fabulous vacation.  The very thing you need for R&R.  OMG that sounded rough.  Congrats to your DH for landing a job.

    Mary, I'll wear my Sculpted Sisterhood t-shirt Sunday morning, too.  Supposed to be gorgeous here so I'll walk in solidarity with you, at least the first hour.  7 am EST is 8 am CST so cu then!

    Claire, Chateau St. Michelle, yum!  I have a lovely white in my cellar. Riesling or Chardonnay, or both.  Wink

    Cheryl, youch on neuroma but you GO girl!

    Ruth, I'm in!  Recipes to follow.....

    SAB, LOL at Guacamole and Rice.

    Wore jeans to work for Denim Day and attended an event at the Capitol at noon.  [On Denim Day, people are encouraged to jeans (denim) in order to raise awareness of rape and sexual assault.  It started in 1999 in protest of an Italian High Court ruling that overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight jeans. Enraged by the verdict, women of the Italian Legislature protested the decision by wearing jeans to work. As news of the decision spread, so did the protest.]  

    As for exercise, logged 10.67 km = 6.63 mi since here last.  Take care ladies!  ((hugs))

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Exercise: Speed house cleaning.  If there is not such a thing there should be.  Also, ran my mouth off.  Will do better tomorrow!

    badger, hard to believe so many misconceptions sstill out there about rape.

    Heidihill-I took ballet as a college student.  Lost an inch around the bottom. It's great exercise plus I always enjoyed going to the ballet more after that.

    marianelizabeth, yoga for 7 days is challenging! How do you feel?

    Mary I am new to this race stuff but want to wish you well.  Feels wrong to say "break a leg" so do you just say "good luck?" Whatever you are supposed to say have a blast.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited April 2013

    Classes were all different and I am having to modify some things with ROM still not all back since mx etc. But I am feeling good.

  • nicole503
    nicole503 Member Posts: 99
    edited April 2013

    marianelizabeth ~ Nice job with the walking and now the yoga too!

    Squeezed in a walk between dinner and picking up my daughter from cheer tryouts. I find that during the work week, it's all about the squeeze.  I'm happy to have energy returning (3 weeks PFC) ~ helps a lot with squeeze motivation!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Creme Brulee....

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited April 2013

    Heidi, lol, I avoid all classes. I am hopelessly uncoordinated and can't tell left from right. I don't mind regular barre work in ballet though. I had to do it as a kid/teen because of my bad back and it is very good exercise. It is also nice for klutzes like me, because it is very specific and disciplined.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Momine - I'm glad I'm the only one who doesn't know right from left.  For some reason during chemo I vowed that I'd take a tap dance class once I got my strength back.  OK, a weird goal, but hey - I had chemobrain.  Anyway, about a year after chemo I finally signed up for the class - it was great fun.  Except that on a random basis, I'd use the wrong foot or twirl the wrong way or do something else backwards, just cuz I couldn't tell right from left.  Not a good thing in a tap class!  Oh well - at least I gave it a try! Cool 

    Nicole - "all about the squeeze" - I like that.  Like parking in a spot far from the entrance or taking the steps instead of the elevator - just squeezing in a bit more exercise whenever you can.

    Foam roller work to stretch out legs this morning, and hooping class tonight. Thanks for all the good wishes and support - definitely getting nervous about Sunday, but also excited - and very bouyed by all the energey and solidarity coming my way!  Kiss 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013 will be just GREAT on Sunday!

    My exercise yesterday was walking to the wine bar and back to line up the "awesome experience" for the forthcoming luncheon and auction.  Last night's meeting went well, but of course I am doing the action items.  But the best way of getting it all done.

    I can feel that I need a run today.....should be sunny too.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Joy, I asked my physio about Melt and she did go take a look.  They keep thier cards a bit close to the chest in offering what and how, but between 1 -10 she offered a 7.  Marianelizabeth, good to see you posting and Cocobean, are you out there?  SAB, great blog!  Badger, you rock!

    Today, pink ribbon pilates, physio in the morning and 3 mile run in the afternoon.  The Soroptimists have contacted us  and want a presentation and offering a £ contribution to PRP.  Cool! If we could just get more women to come join us - and keep plugging away.Wink