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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited April 2013

    woo hoo Mary congrats- so proud of you!  Great pix!  Enjoy your bling! Cool

    Walked from 8 until just after 9:30, maybe we "finished" around the same time?

    Read the newspaper, took a nice nap, finished a book (Family Man by Calvin Trillin), did yard work (pick up sticks-n-sculpt) and laundry, and made Escalloped Potatoes & Ham with fresh asparagus for supper.  Busy day!

    Logged 11.11 km = 6.9 miles for the day.  Have a great week ahead everyone!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2013

    Congrats Mary- very impressive! What a great accomplishment!

    I bet you could hear all the voices cheering you on...I had tears in my eyes as encouragement to you was literally coming from around the world!

    Awesome playlists; thanks for sharing.

    Walked this morning and then sat out in the sun and read a book. Last day of vacation so I need to get back in school mode...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Just got in from 'picking up sticks' and cleaning the garage while DH did the first lawn mowing of the season (to get rid of the 'snow mold'). Cough, cough....all covered with dust. Off to shower and do NOTHING!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2013

    Mary you did amazing, I am so proud of you and the photos are fantastic, I hope you've taken a couple of Aleve along with that champers, you'll certainly feel it tomorrow.

    Badger that is an impressive play list I did a lot of singing along while I was reading it.

    I did a beach walk with the dog this morning, then Body Step and oh my, that walking on the wet sand did a number on my knees so Step was hard hard hard today, then did yard work then mall walking so I am officially pooped, and welcome Newyear.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2013

    Congratulations Mary, you look great!  I want to see the necklace, too :-)  Badger, that's some playlist.  Tube steak boogie, ahem!

    Half hour walk followed by hooping.  Also did some yardwork.  It's time to get the %#$&@ irrigation system working for the summer.  It's 2/3 functional at this point.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Mary, you are incredible including a beaming 1000 watt smile while proudly wearing your pink sculpted sisters tee shirt -- you are beautiful!  It's been an honor to read of your training from the start and to see your amazing finish! Mahalo beautyKiss.   

    Monday, not my favorite day of the week yet when I get a boy to the village station to take the train to school, I'm off to the gym for body step, then a pilates class. 

    Have a good start to the week Everyone!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited April 2013

    Great pix, Mary!  Your smile shines brightly - congrats!!  

    Will get in some gardening today, it's a beautiful morning and we had a good rain yesterday to green things up even more.   Shop 'n sculpt this afternoon - DS is ravenous these days, can hardly keep food in the house!  LOL  

  • newyear13
    newyear13 Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2013

    today I did a 2.10 mile fast walk


  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    Great pics, Nats! You look beautiful!

    Just in from the gym. Did 20 min. HIIT on the treadmill, then shoulders. But I finished about 10 minutes early, I'm trying to figure if I forgot something?????

    Just another Manic Monday.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2013

    Good monday morning ladies~ Aw a weekend of walking outside!  No Snow this weekend.  MCA tests are done in my classroom! My class did excellent in Math, but we won't find out the reading scores until July. 

    Kept up with my weight routine too!  

    I am planning to walk tonight too~ another gorgeous day out there

    Enjoy ~ Balsie

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    Congrats Mary!  What an accomplishment.

    Been in an exercise slump the past week or so, not doing much except walking at lunch.  You are all so inspiring, so my gym bag will be in the car tomorrow so I can restart C25K - there, I said it, make me accountable.

    On another topic, did anyone read the breast cancer article in the NY Times magazine this weekend?  Can't get it out of my head.  The one statistic that stuck with me is that 14% of women that die of something else die with undiagnosed DCIS.  The entire article was kind of bleak, but it touched a lot of nerves in me.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    Sorry, I now realize there are many discussion threads on the NY Times article. Should have looked first before posting.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    Mary.....congrats on your half marathon!  Great stuff.

    I drove out to my ride yesterday in the pouring rain, fearing the worst.  I also noticed all the other cars with bicycles on them, and thought "only in the Northwest"!  Anyway, joined a group and did a new route, but shorter than I initially planned.  Pretty road that I will add to my routine there.  This was a "leisurely" group, and I was fitter than most of them.  So I did an extra six miles at the end to round out things.

    On the way back, I stopped at Target for running bottoms.  Ended up at REI next door, and with men's Triathlon shorts.  They will stay up, and were half off.  So that problem off my list.

    Newyear.....great on two miles.  That is where things start.  More to come.

    ALL.......I have a pair of old sneaks in my car, so always ready for a walk.  Suggestion for those times we are stuck waiting.

    On the NY Times article.....I thought it was TERRIBLE, and a sensationalist misrepresentation of all the progress we have made.  I shared it with my clinical nurse.  Her comments below. - Claire

    Cancer treatment around the world have the same success as SCCA with long term survival rates. I remember from childhood how miserable people were during treatment. Now, I see that the majority of them are treated with minimal side effects when compared to then. Cancer affects all medical arenas, in every one of them we have learned so much. The disease exists,  it exists! Let us know more about cancers and the drugs we can use. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Popping in to report 5k, 35 minutes. 

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    Excellent time SAB!Wink

    Pat, thanks for posting the article.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    I am thanking you from a seated position.  It's still slogging, but I'm under 12 now for the first time, and you have to start somewhere! I still couldn't catch up to the little old man who seems to run at the same time I do.  Sigh.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2013

    WOW, Pat the article is scary. I often wondered if I was being over-treated, esp. now when the article says DCIS is not cancer, it's a "risk factor"???  I still wonder if I should have done nothing.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited April 2013

    Mary: Your pictures speak volumes about you! You show confidence, beauty, determination, delight, happiness, a love of life. CONGRATULATIONS! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    I was going on a little walk when I ran into a friend out with her husky; tagged along with them & ended up on a long, very good walk out in the trees, up and down hills etc. Glad I got ourside today, because, according to the weatherman, the rest of the week is going to be 'disappointing'. Did a little toning when I got home.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2013

    Feel your pain Ruth as our week is expected to be disappointing too. Might see sunshine by the end of the week. Anyhoo, did my little circuit at the gym today. 20 mins on the bike, 15 mins on the Elliptical and 15 minutes of weights.

    Great start newyear! SAB, I start week 3 on Couch25K tomorrow and am hoping it isn't too

    Happy Monday ladies!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited April 2013

    Got in a run and saw the first ROSES of the season.  Plus lilacs in full bloom.  A few sprinkles too.

    Off to the supermarket as fresh halibut is on one, get one free.  Yes, I'm indulging. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited April 2013

    SAB, do you how I can find a old man to pace with to have a 35 min 5k run? Wink Newyear, you are doing great!

    Off to the gym for body balance and run later this afternoon -- after I bake a cherry almond b'cake for hubby.  Mantra to self: do not eat cake, do not eat cake, do not eat cake...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    SAB, maybe find a young, cute guy to follow....more incentive to pick up the pace Wink

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Thanks everyone for the kind words.  What a wonderful group you are.  I was explaining to someone the other day about this thread and how great it is. We all do different things, and we're all at different stages of fitness and where we are in treatment, but what we have in common is a determination to get out and do SOMETHING, whatever it is.  And we get out day in and day out, even on days when we're tired or sore or just don't want to be there.  Sometimes we falter, but then The Voices kick in and we pick ourselves up and get back out there again.  I think every single one of us deserves a Tiffany necklace!

    Speaking of, I'll grab the camera and get a pic of the necklace.  It hasn't come off except to shower and sleep! Cool  Got my results - I finished in 12,880th place with over 15,000 runners (they haven't posted the exact number yet).  In my age group, I finished 217th out of 333 in the 54-59 age group - right in the middle third which is where I usually place in races.  I didn't finish last and didn't even finish last in my age group, so I'll take it as a victory! 

    SAB - Under 12 minute miles is great - it's still a goal for me! Tongue Out Ruth - we're having "disappointing" weather too.  What a great word - I'm going to remember that one.   But tomorrow should be sunny. All the azaleas are in full bloom now, and just about everyone around here has at least one azalea bush in their yard, so it's a riot of color everywhere you look. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Mary, I seriously doubt that I could even make it through a half marathon at any pace!  You are a stud!

    Speaking of stud, Ruthbru, I will keep my eye out for a young handsome runner, but I am worried that it will feel like he is running away from me!  Boohoo.

    LilacBlue-That cake sounds awesome.  Test slivers don't have calories, do they?

    I don't know how the day is going to unwind...I have an interview so I will be doing energetic finger crossing as my first exercise. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited April 2013

    OK, got a long walk in at lunch yesterday, and crunches and arms last night, classical stretch this morning, and gym bag in the car for some treadmill running after work.  Thank you to all tyour voices in my head getting me back on track!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2013

    Here's a picture of my race loot - we got the necklace and shirt as we crossed the finish line.  I like the "pretty" side of the necklace more than the side with the words.  And of course Nike is a master of marketing, so they issued a very limited edition special running shoe in Tiffany blue with special touches marking the event, like a special label on the tongue.  Of course I HAD to have a pair of those as well - I felt like a 15 year old boy when the latest Air Jordans are released (or whatever the hot shoe is now) - I actually had to stand in line at the local running store to get them. Surprised  I definitely won't beat them up by running in them - they are going to be my "good" sneakers!  Fortunately, sneakers are perfectly acceptable work wear at my job so they'll get a lot of use.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2013

    Very neat, love the color!

    Cold and windy here. 45 minutes on the treadmill & some abs.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2013

    Very nice, Mary. And such an accomplishment. You will always have that pretty necklace to remind you..

    Gray and drizzling all day here. Hit the gym and did 20 minutes on the bike while waiting for a treadmill. Then did week 3 day 1 of my Couch25K program and arm exercises.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    Checked in just for inspiration.  Tired and took the day off after my interview.

    Mary I love the collage.  Pretty pendant especially.