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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2013

    OK - Jen - I'll modify it - YOU WENT THROUGH CHEMO!  Take it easy and be good to yourself!!  Cool

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited May 2013

    Real ice cream is either based on cream alone or has a custard base of eggs and cream (plus sugar and real flavorings).  So the quality of eggs is really important here.  Ideally, you want ones from hens that aren't caged and have a superior diet.  The yolks are bright orange.

    I had some similar eggs for breakfast yesterday, and just delish.

    The ice cream place is Snoqualmie Ice Cream.  They also do flavors such as lavender and honey.  So they are also raising lavender and keeping bees.  Berries too.

    All essential for fabulous ice cream.  I didn't find out where they get their chocolate from, but Seattle has no shortage of fabulous chocolate places.   Theo is the best known, but at least a dozen others.  Such as Chocolopolis!  My own fave is Fiori.

    Anyway, the ice cream was more than worth the calories. - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2013

    Rainy day today - ho hum - so no trail run and I'm missing it.  Agree that taking my dog on the trail really slows down the pace, but she is hard to resist sometimes with her pleading eyes to go for a walk.   

    pat   I had to think about the chickens and ice cream, but maybe it's for the eggs??  patoo  Congrats on your 10,000 steps!!  LB  Hope that you're enjoying the holiday off -

    Did pilates stretch, and 20 minutes of jump board.  

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited May 2013

    Joy, we are enjoying the day off as the three of us took in a gastro pub lunch at a lovely village named Wye and our starter shared was monk (fish) cheeks bruschetta and I had a terrific stuffed cheese burger.  Jen, you are doing good and Mowing Queen Mary offers excellent personal experience as does Patoo.  Yes Claire, ice cream does make life just a little bit more enjoyable..ok, a whole lot more enjoyable!Wink  Pat hope all goes well at the onc.

    Did 5k, listening to zom app (story is getting better), in the heath on jog rather than comfortable or pace.  Wouldn't you know it,  4 minutes slower than Saturday (so far my fastest time).  Too heavy (too much reallyInnocent) of a lunch but what the heck - it's a holiday and I'm in holiday mode.  Sunburned too...God, I'm turning English!Surprised

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited May 2013

    Have been doing pretty much the same for the past few weeks, 5 k walk, yoga daily but today I rode to yoga so add 10 k for that. It was hot too. Tomorrow I start rads (28 treatments) but from what I gather, I should not feel much in the way of effects for a couple of weeks. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    Hope you will sail through, Marian. Use your lotion religiously. I could actually feel my energy returning during rads...which was a good feeling, for sure.

    A beautiful day here. Walked and walked.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2013

    Badger, I enjoy chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, too-- er, I mean AFTER a healthy breakfast.  

    Back from a weekend in Portland.  Strangely enough it was sunny and in the 80's there but when we got home it was cloudy and rainy in So Cal.  I did not expect it would be cooler here (68 indoors).  Yesterday we did a 4 mile hike plus I got my 30 minutes hooping in the hotel room.  Today I did 30 minutes hooping at home.  It's so good to be back to my usual hoop and space.

  • Worrywart9390
    Worrywart9390 Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013

    I havent walked since before my surgery, so I started tonight. My kids and I walked around one of our town ponds.  Only 15 minutes, but it was a start.  (The kids were pushing for more, but I was tired)  I understand diet and activity are important to help get thru chemo which I start tomorrow and to  prevent recurrences so I plan on eating much healthier and walking the recommended time to do my share.  REading all of this really inspires me.  Keep up the good work.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2013

    Welcome Worrywart you've taken the first step and while you go through chemo listen to your body and just do what you can. Oh Heidi how was Provence, it's on my bucket list. Mary you'll now be known as Mary the Mower!! LB I'll know you're a Pomme when you start wearing socks with sandals and tie a hankie tround your head to block the sun while you're paddling on the rocky beach!

    Tonight did a fantabulous, amazing, incredible spin class, I love the crazy........

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    marianelizabeth, I hope you find rads a "non-event" after chemo.  

    lilacblue, Stuffed cheeseburger!  That's my new secret fantasy!

    Ran 45 minutes yesterday.  Today I am honoring my hips and resting a bit, maybe a gentle walk with dh tonight.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited May 2013

    Worrywart9390 - welcome and well done you on the walk and that is where we all started and you done good! Cheryl, I burst out laughing because I knew you would have a comeback - good one.Wink SAB, it was delicious and good on your running, Ruth, how is the start to the work week, Oh Badger, cookies for breakfast...can I have one? Ann I'd like to spend time in Portland, Marinelizabeth - someone was talking at the gym of a Pink Ribbon hike up Machu Picchu and you came straight to mind -- so happy to see you check in.

    Body Balance in the morning and just got in from a 5k run.  Going to make Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten) meatloaf recipe that I found online for dinner:  

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited May 2013

    rode on the stationary bike for a 1/2 hour yesterday and going to squeeze in an hour today.  Getting into a rythem!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2013

    Eggs in ice cream - who knew?

    Got some classical stretch in this morning (I needed it, felt like a truck hit me when I woke up) and a nice walk in at lunch, but a busy week so not envisioning much gym time til the weekend :(  Got a lot of shower errands to run tonight, and tomorrow night I'm going to my first ever Red Sox game at fenway! Thursday night dinner with a friend, and Friday night cards and birthday celbration with the girls.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    OH Pat, have a great time at Friendly Fenway! And don't forget to sing Sweet Caroline nice and loud!!

    5.5 mile run this morning, even though I'm still coughing and stuffy.

    Making raviolis tonight and I probably should go for a walk afterwards but . . .

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2013

    Pat - have fun at Fenway - practice your "Sweet Caroline" so you're ready to shout it out!  BTW, I saw Classical Stretch listed on the TV channel guide the other day - I may have to try that.

    Worrywart - walking 15 minutes so soon after surgery is fabulous - you rock!  Hope chemo went well today and you'll have few side effects. 

    Jenjen - sounds like you're getting into a good exercise habit!

    Ann - sunny in Portland and rainy in SD - go figure that one!

    Did a 30 minute yoga DVD yesterday, and will do some Paint N Sculpt tonight as we plan to do some more painting downstairs after work tonight. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2013

    LB I knew you'd get itWink  Mary I forgot to tell you. last sunday night the finale of the Amazing Race did one of their challenges in Nats stadium so got to see lots of it, before you know it July will be hereSurprised  Ann we got the rain too, on friday I got sunburned and on sunday morning the dog beach walk was freezing with big black clouds and then the sky just opened up ... and you know of course I had just put out all the patio furniture, now it's soaked, ah well!!!!!  Badger cookies for breakfast is perfectly acceptable. 

    Probably won't make it to the gym much the rest of the week, my friend leaves on friday so we are going to be doing touristy things for the next few evenings - you know meandering around shops and eatingKiss

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2013

    Cheryl, there were puddles when we got home, I was pretty shocked, I thought we were in no rain season already.  Enjoy your gym break, I'll bet it will feel really good when you get back to it.

    Worrywart, welcome, and kudos to your for walking during chemo.  It's great to be doing something for yourself every day.

    Did my 30 minutes hooping today and am now trying to motivate myself to add another 30 of walking or yoga.

    Hey I have a general question-- for those of you that had lumpectomy + radiation, did you notice your irradiated boob stopped sweating?  I noticed that lately and wonder if it's permanent.  One gets cool and clammy and the other stays hot and dry.  I don't much like it.  Never thought I'd be wishing my boob could sweat, but the hot/dry thing feels weird.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    Welcome Worry, smart to be walking during chemo. Anything at all you can do during it will help you bounce back faster once you are done.

    Ann, I had a lump & rads & my boob sweats. I don't remember if it ever quit for awhile or not. Maybe with someone with a better memory will chime in.

    We were supposed to start our extended school days today, but at 9pm got a robo call that the governor had 'forgiven' our days (can you imagine what a hard time he must have making REAL decisions Yell), but anyway, the kids were happy & felt somewhat like condemned prisoners on Death Row who get a reprieve at the last minute.

    Another beautiful day, walked for an hour and 30 minutes FIRM Sculpt-ates....pilates with a toning band.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2013

    Lilacblue, your afternoon sounded wonderful...

    Worrywart, congrats on the walk. Slow and steady! Wishing you an easy time with chemo.

    Been absent a few days as it was a busy weekend working in our backyard getaway. The hot tub was delivered today and will be heavenly once set up this weekend.. Have been maintaining my workout schedule, Couch25K Saturday, rest day Sunday, bike & Elliptical Monday and Couch25K again today. Arm exercises every day.

    Have a great evening everyone and count me in for cookies for breakfast.....

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited May 2013

    Welcome Worrywort! 

    I haven't posted lately but I've been staying active. Today I pushed mowed and other yard work for 2 hours. Then went to the park for my walk/run.

    Ruth: several years ago we had a lot of snow days to make up. The school system extended the school days for several weeks to get in the required hours. It was draining for everyone!

    (I'm trying to post a new picture without success. I'll keep trying.)

  • newyear13
    newyear13 Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2013

    Today a 4 mile fast walk/slow jog;  3 miles on Cinco de Mayo

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2013

    Aach - disappearing post, I hate that.

    Thanks for all the fenway good wishes - we have showers forecast Frown - but they won't dampen my spirit!

    Mary, dvr a few classical stretch shows and try it.  It is such a wonderful way to start your day, even if you can only squeeze in the first 10 minutes (I think it is a 20 or so minute show).  The instructor Miranda had breast cancer too.  I love her outlook on keeping our bodies strong and flexible as we age.

    Cheryl - I love the Amazing Race, one of my favorite shows, and thought of Mary too when they were at the Nats stadium.  I was pleased with the winners too, they deserved it.

    Ann - lumpectomy and radiation and my boob still sweats - maybe it is a function of where they irradiated?  In fact, the last several nights I've been plagued with night sweats - they had calmed down for a while, but are picking back up again with a vengeance, just in time for summer!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Walked on treadmill Monday - 60 mins.  Yesterday got home from work intending to walk outside but it was pouring rain and my hip and knee hurt so much so just put in some steps in place.  My minimum is 3600 steps per day no matter how I feel.  Was raining again but looks like it may have passed so will go out for a walk before church tonight.

    Later my sculpted friends.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    I had a nice brisk walk with a friend this morning for about an hour.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2013

    20 minutes on the bike and 15 on the Elliptical tonight plus the usual arm exercises. Really glad for the gym access as it has been rainy and blech here this week.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2013

    hi all and welcome worrywart.  Good luck with chemo!  Do what you can but try to walk a little every day even if up & down the hallway at home.  That really helped me.  Some days it was all I could do to go get the mail but I've walked nearly 3,500 miles in the three years since then.

    Have had a stretch of beautiful days so been walking at noon and also after work.  Logged 18.9 km = 11.75 miles since last post.

    Cheryl & Pat, I saw Sunday's Amazing Race and was so excited they were at Nats Park!

    Mary, I also like to mow.  It started when I was maybe 9 or 10 and stuck inside doing housework with my mom, while my brother was outside doing yardwork with my dad.  I asked why and was told, this is women's work and that is men's work.  Instant feminist - that's not fair!  So for me, mowing the lawn is a political statement.  DH and I used to take turns but I was afraid to after surgery but I did mow half the lawn and it felt good! Looked good!  Smelled good!!

    LB, I'm a big fan of Ina Garten.  Her recipe for rugelach is out of this world.  Would be a tasty breakfast.  Innocent

    We've reached page 499 and post 14,950.  Page 500 and post 15,000 soon!  ♥

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    Pat, I am watching you watching the game in the rain. What a wild one! Of course, I would like to be there with you since I am a Minnesota Twins fan and they are ahead 14-7.

    I had a long meeting after school and then went to a very nice social and supper for the retirees sponsered by the teacher's association. I am too full to do anything now but watch baseball. Tomorrow there is 'The Superintendent's Tea' honoring the retiring teachers (they have so many retirement events that people are REALLY happy to have you gone so they can quit going to parties and get some work done!).

    Oh,oh, the score is now 14-8.

  • newyear13
    newyear13 Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2013

    today a 3 mile fast walk

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    No exercise today - I'm off to the doctor's. Have been coughing going on 2 weeks. I figured it was allergies but now it seems to be getting worse and it's draining me. Supposed to do a long run this weekend and I have no energy.

    Stupid Red Sox Frown

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2013

    Well Ruth, your twins were awesome.  At times it looked like batting practice, hit after hit after hit.  Had a great time with my friends - then after a bit the guys disappeared, and went across the street to a bar to watch the Bruins game - eventually we joined them, and I must say the Hockey game overtime was a bit more exciting than watching the red sox lose!  A wonderful first time experience of Fenway for me, but I am dragging today, didn't get home until 1 am!