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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2013

    Wow Mary great bling and I love the color of those shoes.  Lilac don't you know birthday cake calories don't countWink

    Tonight did Body Step class and then I completely undid the good by going out to eat Mexican foodCry

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2013

    Mary I love the white ribbon laces-- nice touch!  

    Worked on vertical plane hooping today-- lots of arm and shoulder stuff.  I feel a bit under-exercised though, didn't really break a sweat, except for the hot flashes.  I actually had a hot flash while eating ice cream.  Doesn't that seem wrong?

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited May 2013

    Mary -- Ooooh, white satin shoelaces like the Tiffany box, those are something and the necklace very cool -- perhaps the most classy marketed half marathon I've known about.   SAB, good luck on the interview and Ann, I found out from my physio where hoop classes are in my area.  I relate Cheryl in undoing the good in that I did eat a (somewhat small, not like hubby's huge slice) slice of that almond cherry cake with fresh whipped cream.  It was rather good and now out of sight in the cake tin.

    Off to the gym for freestyle step.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    Nice gear Mary!

    Did a 5.5 mile run this morning. Supposed to do 8 but I'm feeling lousy the last couple of days. Sore, scratchy throat, cough w/chest congestion, sneezing. I'm thinking allergies since Spring is finally here. But I slogged thru the miles this morning - walked the big hill.

    Riding lesson tonight.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    Everyone is sneezing around here too. How can it be allergy season when it is still 32 degrees at night???? You shouldn't have to be freezing AND have allergies both!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2013

    Nice Mary, love the sneaker color!

    Yes, I went to the gym last night, officially out of my slump. Restarted C25K.  The usual crunches and classical stretch, and hopefully a walk at lunch!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2013

    Ann I forgot to say last night that yesterday morning on GMA they had a whole segment on hooping, it's getting a lot of press cause they're saying it's how Kelly Osborn dropped 70lbs!!! I tend to think she dropped her weight when she did DWTS and then kept it off while hooping, but that's me, the cynic...

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited May 2013

    Good Job Pat01!!!!  The thing about falling off the exercise wagon is that you can always get back on.  Looks like a lot of women fall off, if you read the article just posted on BCO.  Sad.  I did question the conclusions though.....I think more that we live in a society where relatively few people get sufficient exercise.

    I am laughing too at the news headlines about our First Lady's arms.....that is, that women are getting plastic surgery to replicate.  Last time I looked free weights were a lot cheaper.  Plus you get sculpted shoulders and pectorals.

    I just did a bit of work to help a client figure out how to present some skincare findings.  Again, I was reminded that exercise does more for me than all the moisturizers I use.

    I got in about three miles of walking yesterday prior to my meeting.

    Congrats again Mary.....and yes, the right bling makes an occasion memorable.

    We have a week of SUNNY SPRING WEATHER ahead.  Roses are already blooming.  I think I will go up and do the Centennial Trail this weekend....60 miles total up and back.  I need this to kick up my cycling up to where I need to be for the summer events.  Won't get to Portland otherwise.

    Run later today in the sunshine! - Claire

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2013

    Cool swag, Mary!  Love those shoes!

    Uh oh - it's in the 80's today and humid. How will I continue trail running in this heat?  Got in an hour of booty barre inside with the fan going Tongue Out   I'll see about running first thing in the morning tomorrow - hopefully cooler then.  

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2013

    Hi Girls: Have been such a bad poster. Moving, just lost two friends in one week to cancer and my exercise sucks. :(

    I'll try again next week!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited May 2013

    misswim: So sorry about your losses. Alot is going on in your life right now. Take it easy.

    Mary: Love your shoes and your necklace!

    Just returned from walking/running. Instead of looking like I just finished exercising, I look like I just got out of the shower. Cloud coverage and high humidity creates lots of sweat!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2013

    ((misswim)) so sorry for your losses and moving to boot.  You'll get back into it when it's time. 

    Just checking in quick as I want to get out and walk while it's nice.  It's 40 degrees warmer here than Minneapolis which is slated for a foot of snow.  

    Logged 10.95 km = 6.81 miles since last post.  Intend to do 2.5 mile route tonight.

    Great bling, Mary!  Later ladies ♥ to all.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    Missswim, how sad and upsetting.  I'm sorry for your losses.

    Joyh, I've been moving my weekend hiking/running to the early hours.  Once the heat comes up I'm a goner.

    Kept pushing off my morning run until it became an hot afternoon run/walk on the treadmill.  Managed 4.5 miles, but the first 5k of slogging took 39 agonizing minutes.  Crawling off to shower now. I guess some days are better than others! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    Oh misswim, I am so sorry. When my two friends died last summer, it just knocked the wind out of me. Sending a big hug to you.

    Treadmill & 45 minutes of toning.

    Claire, it sounds like you are having the only nice weather!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2013

    Missswim, so sorry for your losses. Be gentle to yourself...

    I did 20 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the Elliptical as well as arm exercises tonight. Looking forward to a week of warmer weather..

    Happy Thursday all....

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2013

    Glad I got out when I did, the wind really picked up and temp dropped 10 degrees.

    4.54 km = 2.82 miles in 42 mins which is around 4 mph, a respectable pace.  Cool

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Hi all.   Weather here has been quite nice with beautiful flowering bushes and trees but the downside is that I've been absolutely miserable with allergies.  Today is the first day I actually felt almost back to normal so perhaps I can get back to movement soon. 

    Nats/ruth, yes, I did finally make the ortho appt - not until May 22nd but that gives me time to see if the glucosamine/chondroitin/vit d3 cocktail will kick in again.  It did a couple years ago then I stopped taking it steadily.  Time to have it looked at again anyhow.

    Hugs misswim!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited May 2013

    Just glorious here.  Did a run in the sunshine, and then cleaned my patio door windows.  Still need to do weights.

    Misswim....I am so very sorry.  Losing friends is just so awful.  I remember my friend Dorcas who I always thought would be there for me.  She was killed in a car crash a bit over 10 years ago.  I still miss her.

    Class the next two days.  Will walk the almost 2 miles each way.  I should be smarter at the end Innocent  Perhaps even better at business communications.  There is always hope.

    Have both halibut and locally-made bratwurst in the fridge.  Think the brats win.  All good with unruly asparagus.

    Speaking of unruly, I need a haircut.....again.  Someone dumped hair fertilizer on me, I swear!  I am not complaining, but very funny.

    Clematis are coming out along with the roses.

    Lots of cycling on the agenda for this weekend.  Sunshine as opposed to rain and wind.  I need time to think and work out work questions and also plan my move and new life.  So lots of thinking.  Plus, smell the apple blossoms, lilacs, and roses.

    On to pumping some iron. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2013

    Misswim, I'm so sorry for your losses :-(

    Started a 30/30 hooping challenge today.  Thirty minutes per day for thirty days straight.  One down, 29 to go.  Also did some yoga.  I'm working on backbends.  Kelly Osbourne... somehow I think she'll be selling a DVD or a line of hoop clothing soon.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2013

    Miss Swim I'm so sorry for your loss, take the time to grieve they will always be in your heart, like Claire I still miss my friend Kay who lost her battle with ovarian cancer 8 years ago. Claire I'm 3 weeks past due for a hair cut and it's unruly but tonight two people commented on how lovely my hair looks, go figure! Ann I'll bet you're right. Okay I don't want to brag but our temps are going up to the 90s, only bad thing is there are fires already.

    Tonight I did Body Combat class it was a great workout.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited May 2013

    Got out for an hour trail run before the temps went up - lots of people out enjoying the morning, this will be my new routine hopefully for awhile.  The mosquitoes are becoming fierce though - at one point I stopped to tie my shoe and was swarmed - yowza!!  

    Tried to use a running app today to record mileage and time, but the GPS isn't kicking in.  I don't want to switch my wooded trail, as I love it so much.  Was looking forward to the cool technology - I'll try again but I may to have to do without a running app which I guess is fine too.  

    Ann  Saw the 30 day hoop challenge on-line - wow!   patoo  Hope those allergies settle down -  Misswim ((hugs)) sorry to hear of your losses.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2013

    misswim - so sorry about your friends...  looking forward to getting together with you when you get settled.

    Claire - felt so good to get back on the exercise wagon - plus our weather has been delightful so I'm starting to drag out the summer clothes.

    A nice walk yesterday and classical stretch for me this morning.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2013

    Misswim - I'm so sorry for everything that is hitting you right now.  Please take care of yourself. 

    Patoo - good you have your appointment.  The timing might work out as this will give you a chance to test the effectiveness of your current regimen, and you and the doctor can assess where you're at by the time of your appointment.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    Good afternoon!  A run and then Zumba.  Running is going a bit better, but still dance-challenged.  Had fun though.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    I had a meeting that went really late and another early meeting tomorrow morning (the TIRED part of reTIRED will definitely fit by the time I'm through!). The weather was so bad this winter that we ran out of storm days. Unless the governor changes his mind and 'forgives' them, we will have two weeks of extended school days to make up the time, starting Tuesday....doesn't that sound like fun? We kind of feel like condemned prisoners waiting for the pardon....or not. 

    Oh yeah, I did a little treadmill when I got home.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2013

    Extended school days?  Yuck!  Let's hope the governor is feeling forgiving.

    Thirty minutes hooping, forty minute walk, 25 jumping jacks.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    I have a pretty low opinion of the governor and am not counting my fingers.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2013

    Ruth, I'm not a fan of many gov's right now except maybe Chris Christie. 

    Busy day at work and rainy cold so only logged 3.3 km = 2.05 mi today.

    Started reading "Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure" and love it so far!

    Looked up and it's nearly ten p.m.  Good night and sweet dreams. ♥

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2013

    Misswim- so sorry to hear about your friends; sending hugs your way.

    I guess that CT must be getting everyone's nice weather. We have had a string of beautiful days ranging from 60-70+ degrees. I am loving it despite the allergies. I have been able to get out and walk more.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2013

    I could write a long rant about the whole North Dakota political system (or lack thereof), but then I would probably be led away by the authorities.....I have never been so mad at so many officials before in my life...including several for whom I voted!! GRRRR!