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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise, prayers and hugs.  I've been through that myself with a close friend and with my mother (just this past winter) and I know how hard all the various pieces are -- especially the sibling part!  A warm hug to your FIL, too, for having the grace and courage to move onto this next step.  Not everyone is self-aware enough to make that decision willingly and gracefully.  Difficult times.  What helped me most, especially as my friend faded from the strong, vibrant woman I knew (my mom was already frail by the time we got her in hospice), was advice to look into her eyes -- the person you know and love is still there and his spirit will shine through.  I hope love surrounds you all.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Thank you...  he actually seemed at peace with his decision and actually looked better than he has been lately probably due to no pain. He was a little glassy eyed, but at least he was able to enjoy our visit without pain.  It is a beautiful place where they really encourage you to make yourself at home.  My MIL is staying in his room on a pull-out couch tonight to make sure he stays comfortable. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Nature, I love that advice - 'look into their eyes'.  That is really profound (to me anyway). 

    I've been only peeking in quickly each day.  Busy at work and busy evenings, while still fighting this runny nose and itchy eyes.  Can't wait for allergy season to pass.  My pedometer logged 1.4 miles today but I don't want to make a habit of just racking up steps from day-to-day walking at work, home, etc.  Tomorrow evening is a free one so plan to get to the gym.  There's an elliptical torture machine with my name on it!

    Night Sculpted ladies.

    (Mary Louise - praying for your FIL's comfort and your family's strength)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    Hi Ladies, a special thought & prayer for you and your family, Mary Louise. I have a brother who has not been on the same page as we've faced health issues with my parents (my mom has passed away & dad is in declining health), so I know how that adds to the difficulty of the situation. I got a 45 minute walk in and some quality toning time with Richard. I also baked a batch of cookies. The other day at noon, the talk somehow turned to chocolate chips cookies, and we (9 ladies & 1 man) decided to each bring 2 dozen of our favorite recipe & taste & share cookies. Sounds like a nutritious lunch, huh? Tongue out I'll give a report tomorrow if I am not in a sugar induced coma, or too hyperactive to type!!! Night All! Ruth
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise - I too am so sorry for what your family is going through now.  Good for your FIL to have to courage to say this is the time.  My thoughts are with him.

    I did my mile walk back and forth to yoga class yesterday after work, plus an hour of class.  Usually I enjoy yoga classes, but last night all I could think was, "Isn't the hour over yet?"  The emphasis last night was on back and shoulder poses, and when I got home, I realized that those areas were much looser and relaxed. So I guess the fact that I was having a hard time with it shows that I really needed to work on those areas.  This morning I did my 40 minute walk through the neighborhood.

    Ruth - your cookiefest sounds yummy!!!!  Cheryl - did you get a chance to watch Biggest Loser last night?  When O'Neal was breaking down sobbing because of his brother's death, I looked over and my dh had tears running down his face. He said that watching O'Neal's despair really hit home to him, because he said, "That's exactly how I felt when you were first diagnosed." It was a good reminder of how this terrible disease affects not only us as patients, but affects those who love us as well.    

    Have a great day everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise your family are in my prayers and I hope you are all at peace, take care of yourself and keep up the walking as stress is hard on your body.  My friend chose pallative care as he doesn't want to let go he wants to be able to go back to the hospital if needs be, but all of the paperwork says end stage cardio pulmonary fibrosis.

    Oh Nats how wonderful your DH was able to express his feelings that way to you, I truly love O'Neal what a great heart he has, and yes my tears were flowing as well.  Sorry to see V go but that group are hard core together (I had to DVR it and watched late).  You are sure putting some miles on your sneakers and I know what you mean about your mind wandering, sometimes I look at the clock and go geeze another half hour, can I make it?

    Last night I did my Body Step class and then only half of the dance class as I was invited out to dinner and let me tell you when I don't have to cook my answer is always "yes".

    Before class last night we were discussing how hard the new combat class is and we were showing some of the new moves and one girl pipes up "I don't have endurance I couldn't do that, I'm having a hard time here in step, I'm going to be 25 next week and I've been doing this for 2 years" well yes she has been coming for 2 years but she took a year off and gained a bunch of weight, I burst out laughing and told her I was 60 and just come to the class and start building the endurance (I mean I though my guts were going to come out of my mouth on Monday night but I did it), then she's like oh well I look funny doing the moves - excuses, excuses, then she goes when I'm 60 I want to just sit in my recliner, oh to be young!!!

    Ruth, I'd buy a ticket to cookiefest as long as tea is being served.  Patoo you'll jump back in when the time is right, but don't forget the "voices" will get you if you leave it too long. Well girls have a wonderful day.


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    I somehow wrenched my knee over the weekend, so took Mon off from my walk.  Yesterday,  I did it, but it was hard going.  Today, I had 90 mins of dog training my dogs, and will do 3 hrs of teaching this afternoon, so I'm heading to the basement to the total gym for some work before the first student comes.

    Oh, the excuses, Cheryl.  People are people, no matter the sport.  I was watching a gal this past weekend working her dog, which fails certain exercises consistently.  We were in a training environment, yet she did not address the problems.  It will come back to bite her.  I know my endurance stinks, but I need to build as much back as I can, in increments.  Once I get rads done, I want to get back to showing my dogs, and that means brisk movement.

    I'm thinking of you, Mary Louise.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2010

    My bone scan show I have Arthritis in both feet,both knees,both hands and my right shoulder.I only knew about my feet and hands.Guess i will have to be careful when i do the gym classes and not overdo it.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Mum, just take it easy.  This is not a race and the goal is better health so whatever you feel comfortable doing, go ahead, but don't try and keep up with these ladies (they will kill you!).  Whatever you can do is bound to help you, maybe even easing the pain somewhat.

    Came home and almost got lazy but those voices are real and they made me exercise my fingers by popping a DVD in and doing a 2 mile power walk with upper body exercises.

    Night my Sculpted sisters.  Good work.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    Hi Everybody, a cold has gotten me Frown, so I am going to check in here and then go to bed (just had a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a glass of orange juice). Even though I felt rotten, it was just too nice not to walk; about 70, no wind, no bugs, just perfect; so I did 45 minutes & then forced myself to do 15 minutes of abs (because Richards says, "If you eat the munchies, you gotta do the crunchies."). You would have all enjoyed the cookiefest (yes, Cheryl, we would have found some tea for you). After careful, 'scientific' sampling, we concluded that there is no such thing as a bad chocolate chip cookie!!! Cheryl, I will be praying for your friend too. Pulmanary fibrosis is what my mom died from, and it is tough stuff. Mums, should you see a trainer who specializes in working with people with arthritis, or mainly do water exercise as that is easier on the joints? You want to keep moving, but also don't want to make things worse. Keep up the good work ladies!! Night all! Ruth
  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2010

    Sorry, Ruth, take care of that cold.  I agree - there is no such thing as a bad chocolate chip cookie.  I've played tennis everyday this week and had a private lesson with one of the pros today as well.  he had me sweating so much the sharpie marks the rad techs drew on my breast for my boosts next week are all gone. I hope I'm not in trouble.  GOOD NIGHT LADIES.  


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

    Hi everyone. I see we are all moving along the best that we can. Well workout on Tuesday. My working buddy is back from her trip. So that is great and encouraging. Workout tonight and Jim did me in but good. It was great though he pushes me and I need that. I do not push myself like that at all. Do what I can and just move forward. Jim gets those last few in...and some :-).

    Patoo, Jim says it is best to have a different set of shoes, cause the shape ups I have cause you to rock and not keep yourself balance in some of the things he has me do. I ordered some online and well wear my shape ups most of the time. I do have a  pedometer. Just forgot about it. LOL Thanks for the reminder. Now I just have to remember to put it on. :-)

    hbcheryl, Thanks my animals already had their names and we just left them. They seem to fit. AZ right now is so beautiful. We have had a lot of rain which is unusal this time of the year. So all the desert is green and in blossom. It is something to see. I am a native and have never seen it like this.

    mary louise sorry to hear about your family. I pray that you may get the peace that is needed.

    ruthbru I hope you feel better.

    mumayan take it easy but keep up the exercise it is important to do something. Everyone has some good advice. That must be discouraging to get that news.

    retrivermom good for you for moving forward with your foot. I think that is great that you are able to push yourself. I know me to well to know I  wouldn't of. That is awesome.

    NatsFan I know how it is when you are sitting there going through the motions and can't wait till it ends and the clock is moving so slow. But good for you you did it!

    fmkj sorry to hear about your fil, but he is wise  to know when it is time. Never easy to see a love one go. I wish your family the best.

    Good night everyone....blessings your way!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Did my Body Combat class tonight and I feel like I was the one who was beaten up, my shins are on fire and I'm exhausted.  Retrievermom hope your knee is doing better, be careful working the dogs so that you don't do further damage to yourself.  Ruth, I myself prefer oatmeal raisin cookies but chocolate chips will do in a pinchSealed, drink lots of fluids and get rid of that cold.  Mum you need to take it easy and no pounding - water workouts are good for your joints or just do some easy walking Patoo is right we do what we are capable of.  I don't have any family so I don't have to get dinner ready for anyone but me so I go to the gym each night as it's my passion, my dear Patoo those voices came through loud and clear eh.  Aren't we a fine bunch - all of our aches and pains but we are all doing what we can and that is what counts.  Goodnight my friends.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Did not work out after work, but instead I dug out an entire bed of iris that was totally overgrown - I was digging out pretty much a solid mat of bulbs! My garden has really gotten out of hand since I wasn't doing much in it the last 2 years for some reason (Undecided) so it feels good to get in there and tackle stuff.  It was a pretty good 45 minute upper body workout. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning, but since we have a 4pm Nats game today, I will only be doing my 30 minute "Nats Workout" as we power walk from the parking lot and up the ramps to our upper deck seats and back.  Fun treat to slide out of work early to go to a game!

    Retriever - laughed about the training - years ago a neighbor brought in a trainer to help her train her toy poodle.  Every time the trainer took the dog, the dog heeled perfectly and obeyed all the other commands beautifully.  Then the owner would take the leash and that little dog did whatever it wanted and completely disregarded the hapless owner.  It was really funny to watch.  What kind of shows do you do with your dogs?  

    Ruth - sorry about the cold - it's obvious you need more chocolate chip cookies!  Mum - so sorry about the arthritis. It's hard enough to deal with b/c without having other health issues crop up. I LOVE your avatar, BTW.  Kathy - sounds like the tennis pro really got you moving - great!  Elizabeth - great that your workout buddy is back - a good push is like gold sometimes. 

    Have a great day everyone!


  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2010

    Remember those cartoons when we were kids where a good angel and a bad devil floated above a character's shoulders to battle it out for influence? Yesterday my devil worked overtime. I didn't walk in my 2 plus miles to work, though I had done so Mon-Tues. Plus I screwed up royally at dinner. But setting that aside, what interested me about yesterday is my body really missed the walk. I have no experience of the body itching to have a particular exercise since I have never done any exercise on a regular repeating basis before in my entire life. It really is an odd feeling! This morning I did walk in again and felt better in both my mind and muscles.

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2010

    I know what you mean.  Every evening I think that this will be the night I take a break from my 45 mins. on the eliptical.  Then I somehow find myself on it and I feel great.  I am now able to do it on a high resistance.  I also enjoy lifting weights.  What's with that!  I read that it takes 28 days to change a bad habit or add a new one.  It has been 6 weeks now and I have only missed 1 day.  This is a new me!


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    I practically fell asleep at my desk this afternoon; the fatigue really set in.  But when I got home, I checked in here and went outside for my walk.  I had to stop and catch my breath a couple of times, but I don't want to get out of the routine. 

    There was snow on the ground this morning, but it melted off and turned into a beautiful spring day.  

    Nats:  I used to teach pet obedience classes, but lost patience.  Could usually tell how well the dog was going to behave by how well the owner's children listened.  I show in competitive obedience events. Lots of precision work, with animation and happy attitude (hopefully from both handler and dog).

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited April 2010

    Hi everybody!  I'm checking in again after a long, long break!  I haven't taken a break in working out, I just had computer issues and internet issues so posting is a pain.  It's gotten better recently, but still acts up occasionally.

    I am now doing a kickboxing class 3 days a week and then do some other workouts like the Firm.  I did the WiiFit today.  It was sooooo much fun!

    I'm going to start checking in more often and hopefully catch up with everyone!

    See ya!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Hi Lorrie, welcome back! Since you are the one who started this thread in the first place, it is especially good to hear from you! Cool Still have the cold and feel 'blah'; but after reading how everyone is persevering, I dragged myself out for a slow 30 minute walked and muttled through a 30 minute FIRM toning DVD. I think it is true, the times when you really don't want to exercise are when it's most important to do it anyway!!! Mary, you are making me want to check out the Twins schedule and get to a ballgame or two this summer!! Retriever, I laughed about your kid/dog comparison; although my kid was a lot better behaved than my cats (they are all rescue so I blame it on their misspent youth!).  Great Night All! Ruth

    "Invisible threads are the strongest ties." Friedrich Nietzsche
    Diagnosis: 2/2007, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/11 nodes, ER+/PR-, HER2-

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

    Well I made to exercise last night. Did the Zumba class again with my friend Tracy. I go in and get weighed this afternoon. Very curious what has happened to my body. I feel like changes are happening. Just afraid of the results. Though we will find out soon. Sounds like everyone is doing great!

    Ruthbru feel better and good for you in getting out..same to you retrievermom...

    I'll check in later and let you know the  results...Have a awesome day!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Did my 40 minute neighborhood walk before work this morning.  It was a good morning for wildlife - I saw some Canada geese flying overhead, two bunnies, two male cardinals chasing a female, and most shockingly, two robins who were enthusiastically busy, shall we say, making more robins. Wink

    Retriever - I hear you about kids and dogs and obedience.  We used to see the same thing at the animal shelter - people giving up perfectly good puppies and young adults, "Because he's too much trouble and just won't obey!"  Meanwhile the kids are running rampant around the lobby.  Morgan - like your avatar!  Ruth - if you go see the Twins you'll have to tell me all about the new ballpark. I saw some games at the old Metrodome and learned very quickly why so many outfielders lost the ball in the ceiling.

    And about not wanting to exercise, then feeling good when you do it - someone once said to me, "I've never regretted working out, but I've often regretted not working out."  I always try to think of that line when I'm tempted to skip exercise because it's so true.

    Off to the internet-free cabin this weekend - have a good one everyone!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited April 2010

    Did the Eliptical this morning for 45min. That was all I could handle.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited April 2010

    Hi everyone!  

    Mum--Great job doing an ellipitcal for 45 minutes.  That's great!

    Natsfan--I love that quote.  It's sooo true.  I'm going to use it on my kids, especially my older son.  He always complains that he needs to workout but then find tons of excuses not to.  Now I'll remind of this quote next time he starts to make up reasons not to workout!  Also...I've never seen two robins in a lovin mood.  Must be very interesting!

    Ruth--I hope you feel better.  Walking is excellent to clear the head.

    I went to kickboxing this morning and then walked the dogs for a mile.  Now I'm pooped!

    Have a great day everyone!


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    So, you exercise gurus, recommend an exercise dvd that is low-impact.  I can't do certain things, due to replaced hip, like jumping.  I like my total gym, but it is in the basement with nothing to watch while I do the exercises.

    I'm using walking poles I got at Target, and they really help me keep upright and stable.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Richard Simmons DVD's are all very fun and low impact. 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2010

    Hi Everyone!!  Have not been on lately... Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.  My FIL passed away this morning (He was in Hospice for only 3 days).  Very sad to see him go, but very grateful that he did not have prolonged suffering.  I am hoping to get back on the excercise wagon - after I catch up on sleep and finish some of the funeral arrangements.  Thank you all again for your thoughts..... this time I didn't hear the voices so much, I instead felt your love and compassion - Thanks!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise--I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL.  Don't worry too much about the exercise wagon.  It will be waiting for you when you rest and recuperate.  

    Retriever--I recommend the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs.  They are really quite good and adaptable for your recovery.  


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise:  My condolences.  Even when you feel grateful for the end to suffering, it's a big loss.

    I went for my walk after work and felt stronger.  The wind was at my back on the way home.  Passed a couple of young teen boys with lacrosse sticks who were trying to hitch a ride.  I was close to telling them if I could hoof it, they could, but resisted.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise, so sorry about your loss.  Prayers going up for the family to get through these trying times.

    I second the Leslie Sansone DVD.  She combines 1, 2 or 3 mile walks so you can start at 1 mile and work your way up.  The 3 miles only take 45 mins.  The moves are easy and it goes quickly.

    Didn't do anything yesterday as went out to dinner after work and didn't get home until late.  Almost sat out tonight but the voices started and it was such a nice evening.  So logged 4.5 miles - 1 mile during the day at work and then did 3.5 after work.  That's my highest yet.

    You all have been doing so well.  Great work everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Mary Louise, so sorry about your FIL. It is hard no matter what the circumstances, and a passing of the torch when your loved one has lived a long, full life.

    Elizabeth, what happened at the big weigh in? Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so even if the scales don't change, that doesn't mean you haven't made progress!

    Mary (non-baseball lovers may skip this paragraph), my dad loved baseball. When I was growing up we would listen to Twins games on the transister radio in the evenings & once a year go to a Twins game at their old outdoor stadium on our way to visit relatives in Wisconsin. When we grew up, my brother moved to the Twin Cities area, so our whole family would try to get together once a summer and go to a game at the metrodome. It was a GREAT place to play if you were a Twins fan; very noisy and tricky to play the ceiling. I think they have given up a big homefield advantage by moving back outdoors (plus the fact that is often is snowing in Minnesota in April and October!!).Anyway, a couple years ago we brought my dad, whose health was already pretty shaky, to my niece's graduation and decided that we would get him to one last Twins game; we made special arrangements to get him in and out etc. etc. (which was a real chore) and we all felt so proud of ourselves for having this great idea and moved until he crankily commented that he sure got a better view of the game fro his TV set at home and was ready to leave in the 8th inning of a close game!!!! ARGH!!!

    Did an old 60 minute FIRM tape called "Complete Aerobics and Weight Training". Still feel rotten, but should be able to rest up a little this weekend. I think they say a cold last 7 days if you treat it, and 7 days if you don't. So either way, I should be turning the corner soon. Smile

    I am going to have to watch those birds more carefully when I am out walking!!! Good Night All! Ruth