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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2013

    wonderland  So sorry for your SIL, prayers to you and your family.  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2013

    Wonder - I am so sorry for your SIL.  Life is so not fair - just one of those things would be too much for most people and yet she perseveres.  She must be a remarkable woman.  Love to you, her and all the family.

    Did a local race called the Run for the Roses 5K this morning - it's a women only run, and all finishers get a rose.  It's the target run for a local running group's couch to 5K program so there were a lot of newbies running their very first 5K.  They were so excited and it made for a lot of great energy.  I got a beautiful yellow rose from a very nice man at the finish line.  I was teasing DH that at least there's one man out there who will give me roses!  Tongue Out 

    Outdoor Chores N Sculpt on the agenda for the rest of the day, then it's Breast Cancer night at the Low-A baseball team for the Nats in Hagerstown.  All the players wear pink jerseys, which are auctioned off after the game to benefit the local breast cancer group that provides screening mammos for low income women, and support for b/c patients through all phases of treatment. A few years ago they raffled off a pink jersey that the entire team had signed and I won that raffle, so I'll be wearing that.  Some of the players who signed that jersey are now major league players, so it's fun to have their autographs from way back when.   

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    Nats, what a wonderful day and what a fun night to look forward to! Wear that jersey proudly!

    Did 8 mile run in gorgeous weather this morning, then chest and tris at the gym.

    Off to a birthday party for my 3 year old great niece.

    Enjoy the weekend, all . . .

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited June 2013

    Wonderland thanks for taking the time to tell us about your SIL and to express your thoughts about her. We are off today to stay with a friend near Seattle (Bainbridge Is.) and he lost his wife to IBC (Inflammatory breast cancer) several years ago so I know we will probably talk about it as Chris knows so much about BC as a result. 

    I am staying active but mainly still with my daily 5 k walks and yoga. But I have been adding 2 k for my walks to and from parking for radiation. I had my last of 28 rads yesterday so now on to no treatments or surgery until my exchange in late fall. Recovery mode coming up though I have to admit fatigue is there especially by early evening.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2013

    Hi Marianeelizabeth!  Congrats on this milestone.

    It's just glorious here in Seattle today, and should also be a gorgeous trip down.  Are you taking the Amtrak Cascades?  I can see Bainbridge Island from my apartment, and have cycled it many times.

    You will get through the fatigue....I think worst for about 3 weeks, and then suddenly everything got a lot easier.  I still think it was the chocolate-lavender macaroons that made the difference.

    I am off to the countryside for a training ride.  But need to stop by REI as time to stock up on anti-bonk potions.  Plus get moving in general as slept in this AM.

    Enjoy your trip to Seattle!  What a time to visit....really at its best today.  Hope you get to Pike Place Market as well.  On the way to the ferry from Amtrak if you take a bit of a detour. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    Wonderland I am so sorry about you SIL may she be at peace in hospice. 

    Marianneelizabeth congratulations at meeting this milestone.  Mary we saw the aftermath of the storms on the news and your town was even mentioned, you run today sounds like you had fun.  Ruth you'll be able to rent yourself out as a clutter clearerSmile

    I took wednesday off to rest and then thursday I did spin, friday Body Pump and today I did my Combat class and then they started a Boot Camp so I gave that a try, it was different and fun, of course I did it low impact but my heart really got a great workout and I got to use those ropes that you beat along the ground and that was great funTongue Out

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Congratulations, Marian! A huge thing to be done with.....having kept active during treatment will help you bounce back quicker, that is for sure. (And I think that you should try some of Claire's chocolate-lavender macaroons for their medicinal properties Wink!)

    Cheryl, my declutter project is having a snowball effect. I started with the storage shed (two carloads of donations to the Salvation Army and a huge garbage can full of junk), moved to the catch-all room in the basement (another large garbage bag, and new stuff in the storage shed), and now in the guest bedroom closet (smaller garbage bag, and lots of stuff dragged to the shed or catch-all room. It is going to involve every room in the house before I'm finished (and all I want to do is sit around and eat bon bons!!!! Cry).

    Did FIRM Rock Solid Buns and walked to and from the nursing home where I had coffee with some of my dad's old cronies. Dinner & a movie tonight, so more calories going in than coming off....oh well, it IS Saturday, right?!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2013

    I was hungry so had two slices of so-so pizza towards the end of my ride.  Did 36 miles though.  I wanted sooooo much to bag things, but realized that I would be DEAD MEAT a week from now unless I trained.

    Got the GU gel and Accelerade for the Seattle-to-Portland which is 4 weeks from today.

    Ruth....I would use bon-bons, but as a treat for finishing up certain milestones.  A glass of champagne might be a nice touch too.

    Marianelizabeth....can tell by looking across the Sound that it's just GLORIOUS on Bainbridge.  Some tasting rooms there too in case you run out of things to do.

    I am making a small ham for dinner.  They were on fave and delish.  So easy, as just cook and serve up with honey mustard.  I already have veggies to go.

    But also doing some work on a project that arrived earlier today.  My client got behind on and a computer keyboard aren't a good mix (yep, doofusitis, so not the only one).  But an interesting study, and I need to work on visuals and flow.  Right now, it doesn't flow, and visuals are no more than OK if there at all.

    Plus, a bit of nonprofit work which is the next phase of a major grant/exposure opportunity.  I am writing the response.  Promised for Monday. 

    Amazing to be at this point in my life.  Rewarding work post treatment, and in one arena I would never have been exposed to otherwise.  Anyway Ruth, I always smile at the "buns" work.  Those of us who cycle and ski don't need these tapes.  Trust me on this.....glutes are talking to me big time right now.

    Hoping everyone is having a fantabulous evening! - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited June 2013

    Mary the race, rose, and game sound terrific!  Marian, congraulations on finishing rads.  You should be getting your energy back soon.  Ruth, you're really inspiring with the decluttering.  Claire, yeah life is good isn't it?

    I went to three back-to-back hooping workshops today.  I had only planned to attend the first one, but I got caught up in the fun and stayed through all three.  I have loads of new tricks to work on now.

  • newyear13
    newyear13 Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2013

    2 miles run/walk

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    hi everyone, been MIA from the boards for a few days but for good reason.  Better to live life than blog about it, eh?  Walked Fri morning and also at lunchtime but was pooped Fri night and chose self-care (sleep).  Ran into friends while walking Sat morning and was invited up to their cabin on a pretty little lake for BBQ and beer.  This morning, I’ve been out for my daily constitutional.  Logged 22.9 km = 14.23 miles since last post. 

    ((Wonderland)) so sorry about your SIL.  My thoughts & prayers are with your family.

    Marian, congrats on finishing rads.

    Ruth, nice new avatar pic!

    Claire, thought of you yesterday when I got some organic Rainier cherries.  What a treat!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Well, I figured how to get on here by myself, which is pretty impressive for me! Just taking a break from the "Great Closet Shuffle'....why do things always look alot worse before they look better? Undecided

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited June 2013

    All went well at the Race For Life 5k today.  Was a little nervous and excited when DH and I set off this morning to Folkestone, me wearing a tee shirt that says: Cancer, we're coming to get you.  It was so fun to be running with 2,500 other woman and girls all wearing pink.  I have to admit there was a point after the 3k marker that the thought of walking a bit crossed my mind.  I then heard encouragement that a friend had said the day before," run like hell " and then my own schoolmarmish voice kicked in and said, "cancer never stops so why would you?" I kept on running as fast as I could to the finish line, clocking a time of 36:38.  I'm so humbled to have been able to raise £420. for Cancer Research UK. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Congrats LilacBlue. 

    Well, finally signed on to again because it worked for me before, somewhat (more than not being on it) to hold myself accountable.  It does help when you watch what goes into your mouth.  Drinking lots of water.  Water jogged today for 1 hour. 

    Nice new avatar ruthbru.  

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,856
    edited June 2013

    LilacBlue: Congratulations! I bet that was a sight seeing 2500 women running!

    Ruth: Nice picture. I've tried changing mine but had no success. Finally gave up. I'll try another time. Good luck on the decluttering. I posted the following link on the decluttering thread. The "rules" will give you guidelines. If they don't give you inspiration, just watch an episode of "Hoarders." Tongue Out

    Thank-you everyone for your kind words about my dear SIL. She is amazing. She has gone from barely eating (only a few bites at each meal and refusing anymore food) to eating her entire meal plus snacking between meals. She wants to "bust out of this place." We're just happy that she's eating!

    Walked/ran at the park this morning then walked the neighborhood after visiting my SIL.

    Hoping everyone has a great week!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Glad your SIL is doing better, Wonderland. Eating is good.

    Congratulations Lilac! Sounds like a wonderful experience.

    Patoo, loseit really helps me when I use it religiously (I didn't want to yesterday because I ate so much....but I did & now today I have been good (so far).

    Decluttered all day & am actually seeing a little progress. Much more to do but I told I'd edit a project that my brother is working on, so I have to find a red pen so I can start crossing things out. It will be a many hour job.

    Did go for a walk & 30 minutes Sculp-itates (pilates with a band). Tomorrow I am taking a break & using a gift certificate I was given for a 'Spa Facial'.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    Lilac, wonderful accomplishment.

    Patoo and Ruth I do use a log, and it is shocking, and helpful.  I agree it is hard to stay on top of it, but sometimes the very thought that I have to log will persuade me not to eat!  More lazy than hungry.

    Almost 4 hours of steady kayaking on Elkhorn Slough today with my husband and kids.  A blast, but I can hardly move now!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    LB congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment.  Wonderland I'm so happy to hear that you SIL has had such a good day, may she be blessed with many many more.  Ruth yesterday I wasted hours watching "Hoarders" so I know there is hope for youTongue Out I can't believe every saturday I get sucked in by some marathon on Investigation Discovery or A&E and in between I flick around the duster, mop and vacuumSurprised  SAB your day on the water sounds wonderful.

    Well this morning I did my Body Step class but I was really feeling my legs from the Boot Camp yesterday, my Boot Camp partner was in the class this morning and he was saying his legs were on fire so I guess we did something rightSmile

  • newyear13
    newyear13 Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2013

    tonight 3 miles walk/run

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2013

    I am making dinner after doing 24 miles of cycling plus SOME of the work I have on my plate.  Waiting now for my salmon burger dinner to cook.

    Lilacblue.....congrats on the run.  These things count big time.

    Still early evening here.  These long June days are the greatest ever.

    One month to the Seattle-to-Portland! - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited June 2013

    LilacBlue that sounds like a wonderful experience.  Congratulations on running the whole way.

    Thirty minutes hooping and some yardwork-n-sculpt.  I am adding some new moves to my hoop dance that were inspired by the workshops.  I'm glad I went.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    OH sweeeeet, LilacBlue - what a wonderful experience. How great did you feel after pushing through those little doubts in your head????

    20 minutes treadmill HIIT this morning, plus back.  Will do a nice gentle yoga tonight to ease back into the workweek.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2013

    Lilac - that's wonderful - what a great run!  Cheryl - glad you're back at class - taking a few days off seems to have helped you.  Ruth - decluttering is hard work, but it's such a good feeling when all that stuff is gone. 

    Speaking of decluttering, sometimes you come across a forgotten treasure. I was going through an old trunk yesterday that used to belong to my dad.  Among other things I found some wonderful old pictures, including a family picture taken before the turn of the century which includes my paternal grandfather as a young man, along with his siblings and his parents - my great-grandparents.  I'd never seen a picture of them before.  They were posed in that formal way that was typical of photos were taken back then, and wow - do they look dour and formidible!!

    Yesterday I mowed the lawn, and just for fun I set my Nike+ Running app to go while I was mowing.  Now I know that I walk .37 miles mowing the front lawn!  Cool  Finished touching up the trim downstairs, and got stuff cleared out pending the installation of the new rug today - hooray!!!  Of course when I went to get my yoga DVD this morning I realized it was one of the things we'd stashed away in a box to get it out of the way of the install, so instead I took an old-fashioned walk - two miles through the neighborhood.  Saw tons of squirrels (it's been a good spring for squirrels!) and a blue jay fledgling being fed by a parent - even baby jays are loud!  It was also a 6 bunny day - ties my record of the most bunnies seen on a walk. 

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited June 2013

    Well, little exercise for me - the wedding crowd arrived this weekend, so from here on out it will be company, eating, drinking, and dishes!  The kids are so excited and happy, still trying to work out last minute details.  I am working today and tomorrow, then taking the rest of the week off.  Yesterday was my 2 year cancerversary - my way to celebrate is to have a nice meal outside at a restaurant - and since it was fathers day, I let hubby pick.  We wound up at a lobster shack and had a wonderful meal.  I feel grateful and blessed to be checking off the 2 yr milestone and that I get to celebrate with my wonderful family.

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited June 2013

    I have a question - i have cut out processed food and eating more healthy these days.  I have now lost 13 pounds since finishing chemo.  I had been biking a few days a week. 

    Now I am at the point where I really don't want to lose too much more weight - I am 5'2", 119 lbs and BMI 21.5 (normal). 

    I don't want to lose more wieght for 2 reasons 1) I look sick/unhealthy when I get that skinny (around 115) and 2) I love my clothes now and the way I look. 

    The problem is I will continue to lose wieght if I exercise.  So do I just eat more so I can get the health benefits from exercising even though I don't want to eat more? 

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    Hi JenJenl

    My feeling is our bodies all react differently to diet and exercise.  It is NEVER a bad idea to eat healthy and continue to exercise.  You will have to experiment to see what works best for your body.  Do you workout with weights at all?  Depending on what kind of routine you do, the weights can add very attractive muscle so you won't get that "skinny" look that you don't want.  You might possibly cut back a little on the cardio and add weights to your routine.  Yoga might also be an option to add beautiful, healthy muscle.

    And you might have to add some additional healthy, high quality calories to your diet. Maybe you can consult a nutritionist?  Hmmm, I never seem to have a problem eating more, but that's me!! Laughing

    You also might just get to a point where your body maintains the weight that's right for you.

    But again, bottom line is just eat right and exercise and see how your body reacts, then tweak it from there!!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    jenjen if you think you are eating healthily and would like to maintain your weight use one of the electronic logs for a few weeks to get a good feel for your maintenance, at your average exercise levels.  I am at goal and have maintained for a while by doing that...I still automatically log food and exercise, knowing that I have 1495 net calories to stay right where I am. Of course a nutritionist is always a wonderful idea!

    Today I hopped on the treadmill for an hour to make sure my lower half hurts as much as my upper half does from my weekend adventures.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    You can use even if you don't want to 'lose it'. You can track your diet & exercise to make sure you get ENOUGH calories to maintain. Another thought is that muscles weigh more than fat, so if you haven't been doing anything with weights, you could start & add some beautiful, toned weight that way. Add you can always get bigger portions of healthy food and/or sneak in a little cheesecake now and then Smile.

    Just came back from my 'spa facial'. OMG was that ever wonderful. Darkened room, soft music, gentle massage along with the facial part of it....almost fell asleep in the car driving home because I was so relaxed. Have to perk up before I can exercise!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited June 2013

    Jenjen, I had this "problem" last year. I started tracking calories and making sure that I got an extra 2-300 calories a day. It was not so hard once I got the hang of it, and it doesn't take that much - a little nut butter on apple slices, an extra spoon of olive oil on your salad etc.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2013

    SAB.....under 1800 calories per day is DEPRIVATION in my book.  So suspect I am stuck doing endurance cycling for the foreseeable future.  Plus I will get in a 5k run this evening.

    I don't have the patience to log when I could be doing something (almost anything other than cleaning) more fun.

    Yes, something normally hurts.  Such as those lazy-ass glutes.... - Claire