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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749
    edited June 2013

    thanks nats that is great info

    i have been lifting weights for about 2 months now and my arm seems to be ok - i do the absolute lowest weight they have at the gym but thats still 5-10lbs (for both arms)  i would have to lift free weights and not use the machines to only do 1-2 lbs.

    funny - the PT said bands were better...shows how much they know about LE

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2013

    My arms are sculpted.  Just wasn't an issue, and my surgeon told me I could go ahead.  This was after the drain came out. 

    But if you haven't lifted in the past, I would suggest going slow.

    I don't want to imagine what my arms would look like if I didn't lift.  BTW....cycling and x-country skiing also do great things for the arms as well as the legs.

    Good luck, and happy sculpting. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Hi rozem. Start slow, slow. I wouldn't overdo the reps, even later. I didn't at first, but now do use bands on occasion. I know my body & limits pretty well so haven't had any problems with them.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2013

    Hello my sculpted friends. Been MIA for a few days as it was a really busy weekend and has been super crazy at work. Didn't get much exercise over the weekend but am back on track. Did the Elliptical and bike yesterday and ran three miles today. Trying to sculpt my arms too by doing weights daily.....

    So see jenjen, we all have our moments but get moving again.

    Would love more info on the DC get together if anyone wants to PM me details.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    hi ladies and welcome rozem.  You got great advice so I'll just say ditto.  ;-)

    Lovely morning walk to "get coffee" on the Square.  4.51 km = 2.8 mi.  Glad I got out early as summer is baaack.  

    LB, good article, thx for another encouraging Voice.  Jen, can you hear us now?  ♥

    odie, I'll PM you the dates but plans aren't firm yet, except for a baseball game.  Cool

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    Artsee my neighbor taught me a long time ago after a day of hard yard work take an Advil or Aleve before you go to bed that way you get the relief before you need it. lLB very interesting article. Hi Rozem you've been given lots of great advice, I will say I have never gone back to heavy lifting, I mostly use 5lb free weights for bicep curls, I also do Body Pump and they talk about the rep effect, you get the same result using lighter weight with more reps.

    Tonight another spin class but confession time, I then went to the store on the way home and bought myself an ice cream!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Lilac, good article. Consistancy more than intensity is the key, I believe.

    We have had terrible storms and rains here and more in the forecast. I better go out and walk now when there is a break in the action.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    HIIT at the gym, followed by legs.

    TGIF!!! Cool

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749
    edited June 2013

    thanks terrified i have a bit of swelling (the dreaded LE) on the affected arm - so no more weights until i get a sleeve - I havent used one yet but i guess i should

    hbcheryl - i love huntington beach !  my kids loved it aswell, cant wait to go back one day - you are so lucky to live on the ca coast!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2013

    Rozem - make sure that you are fitted for a gauntlet or glove along with that sleeve.  Never wear a sleeve without a gauntlet or glove, or the sleeve will tend to push lymphatic fluid into the hand, and hand LE is really tough to get under control.  Hopefully you're in the hands of a certified LE therapist who can fully evaluate your risk.  If you haven't been dx with LE, there's some controversy whether it's more helpful or harmful to wear compression when you're just at risk and not yet dx with LE.  If you do have LE, of course, then a compression sleeve and gauntlet or glove is definitely indicated.  But it needs to be fitted properly, or it can do more harm than good.

    Exercise ball core workout this morning in my beautiful new downstairs, plus 15 minutes of hooping.  I feel comfortable enough doing stationary waist hooping that I'm getting brave enough to attempt to try some moves.  My first move is to take some baby steps forward while hooping. I'm not very successful at it yet, but I'll keep at it!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited June 2013

    Welcome Rozem and Mary is wonderfully on top of current LE info. Badger and Ruth <Endurance also fades if you skip exercising for too many days in a row. The same is true, sadly, with motivation> we have the motivation right here, everyday of the week!Smile  Odie, good to see you posting, I was ah'wondering.

    Free stayle step and body balance release 22 this morning at the gym. 

    Have a terrific start to the weekend everyone!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749
    edited June 2013

    nats - i see my LE specialist next month - should i wait until i get a definitive diagnosis?  my hubby measured my arms but hes no exper LOL so not sure if i am self diagnosing nothing here...should i continue with weights until then or wait?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Nats will be the expert, but my thought would be to spend a few days elevating your arm as much as possible. If it seems OK at that point, maybe at first just do the movements without the weights. If that is OK, do the one pound free up very slowly....and it might never be to as high of a level as you were doing before.

    Ran into a friend who was walking her husky; so ended up with a nice, brisk walk (pant,, not the dog Tongue Out).

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    rozem, try to stay well-hydrated!  Good advice no matter what, but critical for people with LE. 

    Took a nice walk "for coffee" this morning and another this afternoon.  In between it rained so hard I couldn't see the building next door.  Ate lunch at my desk.  4.93 km = 3.06 mi for the day.

    TGIF and Happy Summer Solstice!  ♥

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    Day off work today so I did a midday zumba class where my left foot didn't know what my right hand was doingSurprised.

    Rozem I know how lucky I am to live by the ocean where even the dogs have their own beach (and it's one of my favourite places to walk) take care if you think you have a flare, Nats is our expert but I'd elevate and drink lots of water to flush your system.  Badger first day of summer here is absolutely glorious.  Ruth I saw on the news there was flooding in ND, yikes.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Yeah, some of that bad flooding was 30 miles away from me. Yikes!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    Yikes is right, stay safe.....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    I live on top of a hill, so am OK unless it rains so much that the water starts to come up from under the ground (which it did once about 20 years ago!).

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749
    edited June 2013

    i went to the gym and did very light weights and the bike -

    i had sushi for dinner so lots of water for me....

    have a great weekend ladies

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls- I have been totally MIA. New job, tryiong to get unpacked.........

    I have been going to 6:00 am Hour of Power hot yoga 6 days a week. My new job also provides a gym membership, so I have tried to get there to do cardio and lift some weights 2x a week.

    Wonderland, I am so sad to hear of your SIL's condition. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Looking so forward to DC!!! xo Missy

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    Misswim, I was just wondering about you!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2013

    Rosem - The ladies on the LE section are the real experts - I just parrot what I've learned from them and their Step Up Speak Out website.  Here's a link to a page on SUSO that tells you what to do if you suspect you might have LE but haven't seen a LE therapist yet:  Everyone's advice here has been spot on.  From SUSO:

    1) Get evaluated promptly by your doctor to rule out other causes for the swelling in your hand/arm, and get a referral to see a well-trained lymphedema therapist;

    2) Drink plenty of fluids -- staying well hydrated helps dilute lymph fluid and keep it moving freely;

    3) Elevate the swollen arm or hand as much as possible during the day and on pillows at night; support the arm well so that it doesn't tire;

    4) Several times a day pause and do some deep breathing -- this helps stimulate the largest lymph vessels in your body;

    5) Raise hands over head as high as is comfortable for you, three times a day, and pump fists 20 times;

    6) Call for medical help immediately if you have severe pain, redness, fever or feel ill;

    7) You can try mild compression gloves by either Patterson Medical, Edema Control Gloves, Imak,Dritz Crafters Comfort Gloves, or Isotoner® Fingerless Therapeutic Gloves if your hands and/or fingers are swollen until your appointment with your lymphedema therapist.  Be sure to bring them along to your appointment;

    8) Do NOT use ACE wraps or any other wraps without the advice of your lymphedema therapist after your evaluation and your treatment plan is scheduled. 

    It's a hot clear day here so I decided it was a good day to clean the deck.  I've done the railings already this morning and they're gleaming white.  On a break before I tackle the deck itself . . .

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    Well today ladiesI  did two, count em two Boot Camps ... it's me that's talking they were both modified but what a great morning.  Went to Body Combat but it was cancelled as both girls who teach are out of town so they subbed a girl who has martial arts training and she did a "made up" Boot Camp so there were lots of boxing moves but the move that "took the cake" was, you stood at the top of your mat, you had to squat then drop on your back roll back feet in the air and roll your legs back over your head then use your abs to roll back up then jump up and do it again, I got down and just rolled back and up to a sitting position boy did the abs get a good workout, then the second Boot Camp focused on strength I really like the young boy who teaches that he's one of the personal trainers and even though it's a group he gives individual help and then at the end we did a foam roller stretch of legs back and shoulders - ow ow ow.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    Rained like a sonofagun here last night then let up this morning.  Got out for a walk as soon as the lightning risk had passed but while it was still cloudy.  Came back home and saw all the weeds and figured I might as well Weed & Sculpt.  Get double duty from the bug spray and take advantage of the wet soil.  Worked for a while then the sun came out and it got HOT and HUMID.  Came inside to cool down & shower off - ahhhh - and take a nice nap.  Logged 6.9 km = 4.29 miles for the day. 

    Cheryl, for some reason, I picture you doing somersaults. SurprisedLaughing

    Happy Saturday, everyone!  ♥

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    Badger if I did, you'd be visiting me in the ERLaughing  Missy good to see you, sounds like you're crazy busy, looking forward to meeting you in DC

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Got up early, did some pilates, got in the car & drove two hours to my DHs annual family reunion picnic. The day turned out perfect. Sun, some clouds & a nice breeze. Spend the day strolling the park, playing croquet, ladder ball, bean bag toss, visiting, and eating, eating, eating.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2013

    Not much exercise today as I did a few errands and attended a neighborhood cookout. Tomorrow should be better as I intend to swim most the day....

    Happy weekend!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2013

    Haven't been posting daily but have been exercising daily, thanks to which I'm back on.

    Today did one hour water aerobics then walked an hour while waiting for DS who needed a ride. 

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,857
    edited June 2013

    Cheryl: that sounds intense!

    Misswim: Good to see you again! Moving is rewarding but so hard.

    Badger: Gotta love that humidity!

    Good evening all. I walked/ran earlier this afternoon. Dh and I had a good dinner of fresh vegetables from our garden and our local farmers market. Our garden is just coming in now and I hope it will be as productive as it appears it will.

    Visited my SIL in the Hospice House. The doctor said she has reached a plateau. Not getting better but not getting any worse. We all marvel that she is eating so much. Like going from .5 to 10 on the eating scale. Amazing!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2013

    Hour of pilates reformer.  I'm taking it easy with running because of a mild LE flare.  For the first time ever I had slight swelling in my hand and arm, and my wedding ring was tight.  Got better with a couple days of MLD, rest and hydration.   I've done no upper body work to aggravate LE in the past few days, just running in the heat.  Yell   Sigh ....... 2 steps forward, 3 steps back.  

    wonderland  Good to see that your SIL has an appetite!  

    Hope that everybody is having a good weekend ~