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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited June 2013

    Body balance and freestyle step at the gym this morning.  Joy, how is the LE flare up coming along?

    British number one Laura Robson just won and makes the third round of Wimbledon.  This 19 year old is doing great and has a terrific future; she is one to keep an eye on.Wink  Have a wonderful start to the weekend everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Did Body Makeover Mix, even though I did not feel like exercising at all,all the way through it. Now I'm off to a Book Club Brunch & tonight I'm going to Cats. It is the high school's summer musical. We have a great music & drama department & their productions are always very well done, so that should be fun. 

    Later this summer I am going to give a talk at the local county museum. I have the topic, tons of information, but do not at all how to bring it all together.  I have pages of false starts on the dining room table. So this afternoon and weekend, I have to get it together.

     Still wish I knew someone with a boat!!!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2013

    AnnieLane....wrote a post about Miriam Nelson whose work I first encountered about 15 years ago.  One of the reasons I have decided to run and exercise throughout active treatment.  She has recently done work on exercise and breast cancer survivorship. 

    I was just talking to a friend in Vermont.  3 years ago, she had a horse trip and fall on her leg. It broke just below the knee.

    Anyway, she couldn't be weight bearing on that leg for 12 weeks.  About that time she had her bone density done.  The broken leg had osteoporosis at the hip.  Her other leg had normal bone density.  That is how important walking is.  I am assuming both legs are fine now.  On top of walking, she rides and then spends a lot of effort caring for her horses.  She also has a huge garden.

    I am also convince that any bone loss I have had from Arimidex should reverse itself when I get off as long as I keep up all the exercise.  I am working from that theory.  I have just under 2 years left.  My bones were fine a year in.

    I need to get moving on working, and the start of warm weather here.  So 80s for the next week or so.

    Just lovely out this morning. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2013

    Ruth - what's your topic for your talk?  My first guess - Lincoln?  Claire - glad you were OK after the slip and fall.  I hate those silly water spray things in the grocery store too.  I too am thinking that I might rebuild some bone density once I come off of letrozole (3 more days to go!).  I had plus T values when I started it, and two years later I had osteopenia.  So I got serious about exercise, including weights.  I had a DEXA two years after that.  It still showed osteopenia, but not any significant deterioration since the last time.  So my theory is that I was at least able to stop further bone loss because of my exercise program.  I'll be very interested to see what my DEXA values are a year from now.  

    Nats game yesterday had a rain delay then went into extra innings.  So instead of being home at 8pm, we didn't get home till after 10, so I gave myself a break and slept in this morning.  Not a great game either - they lost. Frown  Heading up to the cabin this weekend.  We haven't been there for a while (for some reason I've been getting the house organized for some houseguests coming in July) so I know there'll be a lot of outdoor Chores N Sculpt workouts.   

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    So encouraging to hear about real, positive results from exercise.

    Got out for a run on my rural road this morning before the heat. Planning on swimming this afternoon in my effort t slowly increase upper body work.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    'Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands'....we count him as 'ours' because he said he would never have been president if not for the time he spent in North Dakota. Cool

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2013

    Ruth - Teddy is one of our Racing Presidents at Nats Park along with Washington, Jefferson, and yep - Lincoln.  We even added Taft this year. 

    image alt="" width="192" height="188" />

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Your picture didn't come through Frown....and what is a 'racing president'?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2013

    During the 5th inning at Nats Park, the Presidents have a race around the ballpark.  It's silly, but a lot of fun.  They keep score.  Poor Teddy never won till the Nats made the playoffs last year.

    Milwaukee has the Racing Sausages, and I think other parks have things like Racing Condiments (mustard v. ketchup v. relish).  I'll try the picture again.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    OK, I got it. Fun! I will be torn as to whom I should cheer for!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    Dropped off my car for an oil change this afternoon then walked home FAST, before a rain storm.  Also did a lot of walking at new place of employment.  Got an orientation today but not physically moving for another month or two.  Trying to think of creative carpool arrangements as I drive an hour for work.  I get great gas mileage and the price may be coming down but it's still expensive.

    With yesterday's quick morning walk, logged 8.57 km = 5.33 miles since last post.

    Happy Friday everyone!  ♥

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    Ruth come visit me - I know someone with a boatKiss  Claire glad you didn't hurt yourself.  Badger I'd love a little rain, it's hot hot hot here.

    Did Spin class yesterday and Zumba today, and I am so excited for tomorrow, the wonderful Eduardo is coming to our gym he is training new instructors and as gym members we are lucky enough to be allowed to take his Master Class, it's going to be packedWink

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    Badger, what new place of employment?

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited June 2013

    Reformer pilates yesterday, worked on back extension and abs.  This morning hiked with DH to a food market in another neighborhood, discovered a new hiking trail on a hill that I'll check out soon.   The LE is behaving so far, thanks for asking LilacBlue!  

    Hope you're feeling okay after the spill, Claire.  Another one of the good effects of exercise is that you know how to manage falls should they happen.  Tongue Out  ruth  I know somebody with a boat too, if you want to travel to Budapest!   Mary  I miss the racing Presidents, I hadn't seen the new addition of Taft.   cheryl  How fun to take Eduardo's master class!

    AnnieLane   Here's a resource for pilates exercises for osteoporosis, if you're interested.  This video isn't shown in real time, but can give you an idea of more that you can do.  Rebekah Rotstein is well known in the pilates industry for her work with osteo clients, and her program Pilates for Buff Bones.  I would take it easy with hand weights at first, work up to it.  Weight bearing is key to add bone, for those with nodes removed we need to work into this gradually with the upper body.  Hope this helps.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited June 2013

    Joyh, thanks for the link. I'll check it out. Oh, I am working slowly up to lifting hand weights. I'm still working out with my 1 lb bags of dried beans every other day. I did that this morning.

    I also did a few sets of stairs here at home in air conditioned comfort after coming in from an early morning one mile walk with the DH and the dogs. It's hitting 100 degrees here now, so we have to get out early while it's still bearable.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    Almost 100 here too, so dh and I got out early to do yardwork.  Mostly finished now, and planning on swimming some laps.  Surprised at how few calories you burn swimming.  But great for LE arms. And nice and cool.

    Dd was hit on her bike by a car yesterday.  She is OK, but a good reminder to be careful out there my cyclist friends. She is an experienced rider, but the car came out of nowhere.  Never stopped either, just left her laying there in the road. Bad sprain, crutches, road rash.  Thankfully nothing worse.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2013 glad nothing serious with DD.  Trust me, I am a renowned weenie when it comes to traffic.  I was super-careful during the ride I just finished.  I got out early enough to do the waterfront.  But a different story on the way back.  Just glorious weather.

    The big thing with cycling is to be super-visible.  I was wearing a bright red shirt.  My cycling jacket is super-nova yellow.  I wear the jacket I have on in my picture running, not cycling.  Even though it is reflective.  I would want to have flashing lights otherwise.

    A shower, and I am off camping.  Fortunately only overnight and we are doing pub food.  Much simpler, and works so much better if just one night.  Not that we have secured a campsite, so this could be REALLY interesting.  Fortunately, I am flexible.

    One thing I did figure out was that, even with pub eats.....BRING WINE!  Think that will really help.

    Pizza lunch and off to get wine prior to the crew arriving. - Claire

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited June 2013

    I'm getting some extra exercise this weekend doing housework in preparation for my oldest daughter and 3 granddaughters to come for a visit this week. It feels good to have some energy to do housework again and it also feels good to focus on something besides taking care of myself for a change.

    I cannot wait to see them all. We will be celebrating my 58th Bday, which is Monday, and my oldest granddaughter's 17th, which is later in July. I haven't seen her since Christmas and we've both had breast-related drama this year. She began doing self exams after my DX and found a lump, which we expected would be a harmless fibroadenoma. It turned out to be an extremely rare (for her age especially) and agressive Phyllodes tumor. So about two months after my lumpectomy, my 16 yr old granddaughter had one! It took 2 more surgeries before she had clear margins. She is such a trooper and I am so glad her ordeal is over. Her tumor was not malignant, but not harmless either and she'll have to be closely followed for the next few years, probably for life.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to a wonderful visit, even if we'll have to careful when hugging!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited June 2013

    And, SAB, I'm also super glad to hear that your DD is OK! That's so scary! My DH is a serious cyclist, and I do worry about the traffic. Like Claire, and all smart cyclists, he wears crazy neon colors when cycling too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2013

    SAB, glad your DD is OK. Very scary!

    Annie, what a fun, special birthday you will have with your family. Congratulations to you & your granddaughter too for having made it through such a tough year.

    Walked, Pilates Challenge, then spent the whole day dragging the hoses around watering the yard.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    SAB, glad your DD is OK!  Annie, hope you have a very Happy Birthday on Monday!

    Ruth, the company I work for eliminated my office but thankfully they transferred me to another branch so I still have a job.  I'm doing the same work, just for a new boss.  Will be moving paper files and electronic records for the next few weeks. 

    Gorgeous day once the rain came through, it cooled down nicely.  Walked for a little over an hour.  Logged 6.73 km = 4.18 miles.  Happy Saturday!  ♥

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited June 2013

    Happy Birthday Annie!

    Swam laps for about 45 minutes, but didnt get out of pool for hours. Super hot.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited June 2013

    11 km and an hour of serious gardening and really tired tonight!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited June 2013

    Yikes, we hit 108 degrees here today!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2013

    SAB, so glad to hear DD is ok. How awful an incident and to think someone could do that and drive away befuddles me.

    Enjoy the birthday AnnieLane. Wishing you many more!

    Did grocery shop and sculpt then came home and swam for several hours.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2013

    SAB so glad your DD is okay.  Annie what a year you and your GD have had so it will make monday all the more sweeter as you celebrate together.  Joy thank you for the link, I don't do pilates but do you know that we do just about every one of the poses shown in our cool downs so it's very interesting how everything is incorporated.

    Well this morning was absolutely magical, we got to do Body Combat with the wonderful Eduardo, it was just like old times, we were all a hot sweaty mess after the class but the energy in the room was amazing.

    So then after the gym I went and got a pedicure and while sitting in the chair I got a compliment an insult and a compliment all in one sentence, so the girl says to me "you hair very beautiful, you 70? you have very strong legs!!!!" what can I say I just said thank you, and yes my legs are very strong ... she kept squeezing my calves and going .. strong lady, very strong lady ahh well at least I know now that at 63 I look 70 but with beautiful hair and strong legsSurprised

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    LOL Cheryl, I absolutely love your snow-white hair.  I got my new ID badge Friday including a pic that looks just like me.  I did ask but unfortunately the guy wasn't willing to photoshop away 20 years and 10 pounds.  Building security has NO sense of humor! 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited June 2013

    As always, the voices are calling me back! Did 20 minutes on the elliptical and took a short walk.

    One Run for Boston came through our town today. It is a run from California to Boston with individuals/ groups running 8-15 mile legs. It was the idea of a few young adults from the UK and spread through social media. It was pretty inspirational seeing strangers running and raising money for strangers!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited June 2013

    Thankfully, we got some rain, which cooled it off outside, so the DH and I took the dogs out to walk a fast hilly mile. I'll do some sets of stairs later too.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited June 2013

    SAB, I'm so sorry to read what happened to your daughter.  I hope they can catch that creep, how can anyone do that and not stop? Joy, good to read LE is better and AnnieLane Happy Birthday!

    Ran 5k this morning before it got too warm.

    Did anyone else catch the Rolling Stones at Glastonbury last night? The sound was a bit thin and even though Mick Jagger is one month shy of his 70th birthday and was wondering if Charlie Watts had his teeth in (until he smiled), I thought it was great and sort of wished for a split second I had been there. Wink