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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2013

    LB I didn't catch them last night but I bet it was great.  I saw the Stones live in the early 1980's.  Aside from their musical talent, I remarked at how small Mick Jagger is.  That was confirmed when I saw one of his stage outfits at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.  He's tiny!

    Got out for an hour-long walk this morning.  Went at a good clip: 6.5 km = 4.04 miles.

    Grilling out tonight - bratwurst - with potato salad, green salad, and fresh fruit for dessert.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2013

    Took a long walk with a friend. Still really nice here, unlike most of the rest of the country. Yikes!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2013

    SAB, so glad your DD is OK, how scary.  AnnieLane, happy birthday in advance.  I'm shocked by your granddaughter's story.  Don't think I've ever heard of a teenager having BC.  So not right!  Badger, your dinner sounds delicious.

    Last week I passed my first mammogram since dx.  I also had ultrasound due to lumpiness in the axilla, but it did not find any problems.  What a relief!  My MO said the lumpiness was probably scar tissue, but it felt disturbingly like the original tumor to me.

    I hooped the past couple days and walked on Friday.  I am really dizzy lately!  I assume it is due to discontinuing Effexor, which I was taking since chemo for for hot flashes.  I am on five meds and want to eliminate anything that's not entirely necessary.  I am on the smallest dose so my doc said to just stop it.  If the dizziness doesn't improve soon I think I'll break open the capsules and try to taper.  Dizziness and hooping aren't a good combo :-P

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2013

    Spent 6 hours doing serious weed and sculpt in preparation for laying gravel around the pool. Should get the gravel delivery tomorrow so will be moving wheelbarrows full over the next few days.....

    Ann, congrats on having the first post dx mammogram behind you. And dizziness really is awful. I have had intermittent bouts of it which I suspect is caused by the Tamoxifen. Hope your dizziness gets better....

    Happy Sunday everyone.....

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Ann, yay on the mammo be careful of the dizziness.

    I love white hair too. Mine is grizzly gray when I neglect it, yuck.

    odie sounds like heavy work, should be worth it.

    Lilac, odie, Ann, cheryl thank you for good thoughts about dd.drove up to school to see for myself and sure enough she did not share how banged up she was. Brought her home to care for her for a few days.

    Today was DH birthday. Ate a lot but only exercised a little in the pool.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2013

    SAB.....your DD is most likely more sore now than when it initially happened.  I know that when I have landed the wrong way.  She will feel better, but I would personally like to stomp on the face of that driver.

    Not much exercise today.  Camping trip was fun, but like herding cats on the trips both ways.  I was driving, and I thought I was coming back to work.  Anyway, just 2+ miles of walking, the first part was around the campground and along trails before anyone else got up.  Just stunning.  Then a walk to the store tonight for shrimp for salad as too hot to each much else.

    Sometimes getting someplace late is helpful.  In this case, we got there just as the downpours were departing.  We got a prime spot vacated by campers scared off by the flash flood warnings.  Hard building a campfire, but you didn't have to worry about having one.  It was chilly this morning.  We had dinner in town at a lovely German restaurant.  Then wine by firelight.

    I would have loved to go river rafting, but no one else was up to it.  So another for my list.

    Got lovely Rainier cherries for the trip back.  This, after having sour cherry strudel for breakfast!!!  Amazing, even if more like a turnover.  Local veggies (including salad too).

    I am now trying to get campfire grime out of my light yellow jeans (mistake here) and can't wait for my own bed for a good night's sleep, but scenery was amazing, and I will go back. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2013

    Sounds like a really fun trip & the sour cherry strudel sounds delicious!

    Congratulations on the mammo, Ann.

    SAB, glad you could bring DD home for some TLC.

    Badger, if you don't like your ID photo you should do what one of my aides did one year; which was to cut a picture of a sexy model out of a magazine and glue it over her picture!!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2013

    SAB  Sorry to hear of DD's accident - hope that creep is found that left the scene!  Unbelievable how uncaring some people can be.   Claire  You are making the best of summer, camping, wine and cherry strudel!  cheryl  I would take the best of what your manicurist said - you are "strong lady"!  Ann  Good news on the mammo - hope that dizziness goes away.  LB  I caught some of the Glastonbury concert and thought it was good too.  Happy Birthday, AnnieLane!  welcome back ginger48!

    Hour of mat pilates for the last 2 days - have tried some men's classes lately and liking the hip, hammie and mid-back stretches that are the focus.  It's warming up again, hoping to keep up with hike/runs despite the warmer temps.  

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited July 2013

    SAB, I'm so sorry for your DD. Hope she recovers quickly from any trauma.   Annie, hard to fathom that your DGD has BC!  I'm glad they got clear margins.   Claire, sounds like a lovely time in the wilderness.   LilacBlue, not the Rolling Stones but I got to see Rihanna on tour with DD. Lots of young people there who probably were not too familiar with the Rolling Stones.   Got some exercise dancing in my seat with Rihanna's music.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited July 2013

    Watching Wimbledon as I type.  Nerves are high as 19 year old Laura Robson has captured the hearts of the british isles and she is playing Kaia Kanepi at this moment.  Badger & Joy Mick the stick did at home three days of La Praiare cellular hydralift firming masks.  They really got into the detail over here in how he preped up .

    Body attack and pilates at the gym this morning. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2013

    SAB - so frightening about your daughter!  You wonder if it was someone texting or who had a revoked license and didn't want to face the consequences for their actions.  AnnieLane - congrats on 58 - you must be a 1955 baby like me - I hit 58 in December.  So glad your DGD is doing well.

    We're back after a weekend of Chores N Sculpt at the cabin - the invasive Japanese Stilt Grass gets into all of my little gardens and cleared areas, and removing it by hand is really the only way to do it.   Lots and lots of upper body work!  And we have a meadow that's usually full of purple cone flowers this time of year, but for some reason this year the deer decided to eat every single flower.  They didn't touch the day lilies which are their usual favorites, but for some reason decided that the purple coneflowers were more to their liking.  So the meadow is full of 3 foot high beheaded stalks!

    Yoga DVD this morning.  And hooray for me - it's my first Femara Free Day!  I finished up my 5 years yesterday.  I am so hoping that a lot of the issues I have now are s/e that will fade away in the coming months. 

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited July 2013

    Watching Wimbledon too and then plan to watch some of the Tour. Canada Day here and taking easy after a busy weekend thus far. Cycled 25 k near Squamish yesterday with friends and then a few more as I got a flat at the end and got dropped at my bike store to get it fixed then biked home. Saturday I walked 10 k. Today I will go to yoga for a 1045 as our studio moved on the weekend and is now 5 minutes away by bike.

    But I have to admit that I get way tired towards the end of every day and never quite catch up with my house and yard not that it is really bothering me! Sleep was great during rads but now not quite so good. Hot sweats more and more too.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2013

    Worked out with my 3.3 lb free weights today, working up slowly from 1 lb bags of beans. Also did a few sets of stairs and will walk the dogs with the DH this evening - planning on the usual mile.

    Only four more radiation treatments to go. WoooHoooo!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2013

    Glad you are on the countdown Annie.

    Walked and did a 50 minute Pilates with a toning band DVD.

    Still super nice here....looks like you should all be visiting me!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2013

    Congrats on finishing Femara Mary. Hope any side effects fade away.

    Annie, congrats on the rads countdown. You're almost there...

    Really sore today but still made myself hit the gym. 20 minutes on the bike plus weights and sit ups.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2013

    I did my normal weekday routine PLUS a three mile run around Green Lake in early evening.  This followed by a swim, so nice and cool.  Surprise swimming is how stiff my side mid back muscles are (sleeping in tent? driving?) so loosened them up.  Watched a group of teens diving off the high board while treading water and generally enjoying the scenery.

    Back to my somewhat cooler apartment with trout with buerre blanc on the menu for dinner.  Will nuke the tiny potatoes and finish in the sauce.  Nectarines for dessert.  Plus salad, and chard from last week.

    Gorgeous sunset and will be somewhat cooler tomorrow.  But the perfect swim.  Everyone was in Green Lake, and a lot of the "swimmers" had four legs and a tail.  And not just at the swimming beaches either. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2013

    Badger thos security people have no sense of humor, me I'd have asker for 30lbs offTongue Out  Claire I love seeing those 4 legged swimmers.  Mary I will be interested to see how your Femara withdrawal goes, I have 97 days left.  Marianelizabeth no need to worry about the house if you are out and about having funWink  LB don't you just love those English tabs they sure know how to dig deep, I can just see someone going through the trash to find the La Prairie boxesSurprised  Ann congrats on the clear mammo, about the dizziness, it could be your AI back when I first started that happened to me when I was laying on the bench doing Body Pump and I would turn my head to look at the instructor I mentioned it to my doctor he said it was a side effect of the Femara.

    This morning I did a Sh'bam class and tonight did spin.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited July 2013

    Femara-free, what a beautiful way to be! It's gonna be a great summer for you, Mary!!

    Counting down with you, Annie.

    BodyJam last night. Maybe I'll try men's Pilates from youtube for today. Thanks for the tip, Joy.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for all the Happy Femara Free Day wishes - you all get how big a step that is.  Cheryl - I had to chuckle that you know the exact number of days you have left! I had a coundown going on my Outlook calendar. Tongue Out

    Just back from a 30 minute run.  75 degrees and 90% humidity already at 6am - yuk!  I did see 5 bunnies and evaded a zombie mob (using my zombie running app), so all in all a good morning.  A cool shower and off to work, where the AC is iffy at best.  It's gonna be a sticky day.

    Badger - sorry about my Nats beating up on your Brewers last night, but the pitcher last night is from Wisconsin and attended UW-Stephens Point, so you had to be rooting for him, just a little? Wink The Nats have an 11am game with the Brewers on the 4th, so we'll be there.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2013

    Did some classical stretch this morning, and my gym bag is in the car - starting C25K again in prep for two races this fall.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited July 2013

    Go Pat!  I'm happy for you Mary and Joy, I'll check out the pilates link and Cheryl, when I travel international, I slater on La Prairie in duty free so thick I could slide on my face in the isle - Mick is no slouch when it comes to face creams.Wink 

    Big fat pilates class this morning and grey dull (do to no sun) usual run this afternoon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2013

    Mary, get that humidity under control!

    45 minute walk in the lovely North Dakota weather & 30 Rock Solid Abs.

    Off to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in ages, then I have to finish grocery shopping for our 4th of July picnic.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited July 2013

    hbcheryl and ann, I think that Anastrozole does cause dizziness for me. I am careful when I get up from some yoga poses and gardening up and downs. Today I biked to yoga and then did another short bike ride and 5 k walk. Now that my yoga studio is so close I think that I may go to a restorative class tonight at 8 PM too.!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2013

    Hi ladies!  Mary, a big woo-hoo for finishing your AI.  

    Thanks for all the thoughts about dizziness.  I really think it is Effexor withdrawal.  It peaked on days 4 and 5 after I stopped and it is now fading by the day.  I am not on AI yet-- my MO's plan is to keep me on tamoxifen for 2-3 years then put me on AI.

    I have been hooping every day and am doing some paint scraping on the windowsills and the fence.  I really feel it (in a good way) in my shoulders and back muscles.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2013

    Will do a run later.  Meanwhile, thought this was REALLY interesting.  Because, I really believe the part of the body that most benefits from regular exercise is the BRAIN!

    Otherwise, the work I do exercises it on a daily basis. - Claire

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2013

    Walked with the DH and doggies tonight and did some housework and stair climbing.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited July 2013

    Hi Girls!!

    Yoga, yoga, yoga 6 days a week. Also started training for a half marathon in October with two girlfriends, and one who is a runner put together a training plan. So right now, 35 mins run/walk five days a week.

    Life is SO busy. But hope all are well.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2013

    Got to the gym yesterday - yay!  First time in a long time, but it felt good.  Now to keep it up.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2013

    30 minutes weigh workout this morning.  Getting a hair cut tonight and do I need it!!  My post-chemo hair came in curly and in humid weather it goes awry.  I think I'm going really short for summer.

    Badger - so your Brewers returned the favor and beat my Nats last night.  Let's see what tonight brings!  Tongue Out

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited July 2013

    Nothing like that good, soaking sweat you get this time of year!  Close to 90 here the past few days.  Yesterday morning, 8 mile run at 5 AM, nice drip.  Yesterday afternoon, hot yoga felt great.  This morning, weights (shoulders and bis) and tonight will be my riding lesson.

    I find once I start really dripping my body feels so much better.  It's your natural air conditioning, I guess.

    Claire, good article.  I totally agree.  My mind feels so clear after a good workout.

    Stay cool, everyone!!!